Tuesday, 10 September 2024

বাংলাদেশ বন্ধনা ?


                   বাংলাদেশ বন্ধনা 

বাংলাদেশ বাংলাদেশ, আমার প্রাণের বাংলাদেশ 
বাংলাদেশ বাংলাদেশ, আমার ভালোবাসার বাংলাদেশ। 
জনগোষ্ঠীর চির অসীম কৃতজ্ঞতা 
সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির 
হে মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা 
কি যে ভালোবাসার দয়ার মায়ার সাগরে ভাসিয়েছো আমাদের 
হে মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা 
কত যে ভালোবাসি তোমায়, হে বাংলাদেশ 
এগিয়ে চল দেশ মাগো তুমি বিশ্ববাসীর সেবায় 
বিশ্ববাসীর চির স্নেহ পরম ভালোবাসায়, দেশ মাগো তুমি 
 সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির।  

 ''এই জনগোষ্ঠীর এখন থেকে ৫ হাজার বছরের সংগ্রাম, উৎপাদন, জলবায়ু পরিবেশ মোকাবেলা, সঠিক উপাসনা,  স্বাধীনতা, যুদ্ধ, বিদ্রোহ, আন্দোলন, বিপ্লব, বিশ্ব শান্তি মিশন ও অর্থনৈতিক সমবায় ক্ষুদ্র ঋণ, সুশাসন, গৌরবময় বিশ্ব গ্রহণযোগ্যতা ও সমর্থন মাথা উঁচু ইতিহাস স্মরণ ও মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ  এবং সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির অথাৎ মাথা উঁচু গৌরব অব্যাহত রাখার প্রত্যাশা বন্ধনা প্রার্থনা যা জাতীয় ঐক্য''। 

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Advise on learning languages like English for School and College's students for scoring higher in higher education.


      Advise on learning languages like English for School and College's students for scoring higher in higher education.  

Learning more languages express people's dynamic skill where English is vital one as most of the people's sects understand it exchanging views as a communication method. Therefore, students must try to practice learning at least international language English from one to twelve class complying IELTS methodology such as application of language like Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. If students practice English IELTS standard within 10 years during academic school, college background that will fulfill the lacking during university academic life as well as scoring higher easier on English language tests like IELTS, TOEFL, Pearson test with saving time and even most of the books of higher education are English across the world including online research contents, books. Languages are always express people's views, understanding, thinking where arts is also try to express similar thing.  
ART : paragraph 
Art is a creative work of human being. A person can express his caliber being an artist, and creating valuable on different subjects for society which will reflect positive messages in whole 
World indicates prosperity for human being .There are various types of art such as drawing, painting, photography, performance of art, dance ,music, poetry and theatre. 

On the other hand, the type of art are divided various ways such as plastics arts, performing arts, pure arts, and practical arts and so on .The plastics arts is a art , where something beautiful is 
made or appealing to the emotions by visual means i.e. drawing , painting ,printmaking, sculpture and etc. Besides, literature is a significant plastics art such as poetry and creative 

In addition, where something is done by humans action, it is defined as performance of arts i.e. drama, dance, acting, singing, music etc. Furthermore, practical arts are recognized as done for a practical purpose such as cooking, video games, fashion, filming, photography, architecture etc. However, history of art is very vibrant and dynamic. Since long era, Art is recognized in world. The Upper Paleolithic era is recognized as cave painting, sculpture, and rocking. All of the great civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome or Arabia had works and different styles of art .In the Middle Ages, most of the art in Europe showed people from Bible in painting, stained glass windows, and mosaic tile floors and walls. Gradually changing civilization, Artists have been creating arts on different matters such as religious, culture, war and etc. Therefore, there is both negative and positive impact of art in the world. 

One of the positive side is economic that reflects the society nowadays because people are now 
taking art is as profession. For example, Leonardo Vinci created Mona Lisa; still it is having excellent business market all over the World. 

On the other hand, strong message for world is the another positive side .For example, Shilpacharjo Gounul Abedin , a prominent Artist of Bangladesh , created few arts on famine of 
Bangladesh and massacre and genocide of Bangladesh liberation war ,which reflected all over the world , and the International society got opportunity to know  about these issues. 

However, there are also some negative impacts of creating art). For example, recently in France, a artist had created a art on prophet Mohammad (PBUH) picture which is totally 
prohibited according to Islam. For this reasons the whole Muslims world protested this art and against artist, where artist created it to humiliate intentionally Islam and Prophet. 

Finally , it can say a art always express a person’s caliber but  if it is created with good intention to do better for society , it will make the world beautiful .So we should create art to make  the 
world beautiful . 

                  ''Students, Write even everyday on any issue' as Bangladeshi manpower will work in international markets competing with international standard meeting up the challenges for 2050 migrating abroad including citizenship with trillion remittance like 15 million for India, 15 million for China, 15 million for Europe-USA, 10 million for Middle East-Korea-Malaysia Singapore-Thailand,  7 million for Russia,  5 million for Africa, 5 million for Afghanistan-Iran-Turkistan-Turkmenistan -Krisgijtasn-Uzbekistan, 1million for North Korea, 10 million Canada-Australia-New Zealand, 60 million for Myanmar on numerous skills areas medical doctors, nursing, agricultures, Vocational areas like Gingira like electrical -mobile AC Fans Cars mechanicals, constructions, garments, consultancy, teaching(unlimited areas like President to swiper post trainers), business, lawyer, beauty parlors with also Laser & marriage event-contact Gatak managements, restaurants Chef, climate&environment, managerial HR, Religious trainers, Media & Artists cultural like Drama, Security, and so on as well as Bangladesh has to build numerous universities, Colleges, Vocational Diploma Grammar Schools as Iran has built 2200 universities for half of population of Bangladesh where Bangladesh has only 170 universities with few Degree colleges. '' 
As world challenges, migrants and receiver countries must be prepared opening door for world population management. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

ধর্মীয় ব্যাখ্যানুসারে ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে মানুষের জন্য আল্লাহর পক্ষ থেকে সতর্কবার্তা?


 ধর্মীয় ব্যাখ্যানুসারে  ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে মানুষের জন্য আল্লাহর পক্ষ থেকে সতর্কবার্তা। মানুষ যেন নিজের অপরাধের জন্য তাওবা করে মহান আল্লাহর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করে। নিজের অনৈতিক আচার-আচরণ ঠিক করে নেয়। সবার সার্বিক নিরাপত্তার জন্য দোয়া করে। আল্লাহকে অনেক বেশি স্মরণ করে এবং তার কাছে ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করে।

মানুষকে সতর্ক করে পবিত্র কোরআনে আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেছেন, ‘জনপদের অধিবাসীরা কি এতই নির্ভয় হয়ে গেছে যে, আমার আজাব (নিঝুম) রাতে তাদের কাছে আসবে না, যখন তারা (গভীর) ঘুমে (বিভোর হয়ে) থাকবে!’ (সুরা আরাফ: ৯৭)

 আল্লাহর দেয়া প্রকৃতি যেন ঘন ঘন বৈরী হয়ে উঠছে। আসলে এসবের জন্য মানুষের অনাচার দায়ী। পবিত্র কোরআনে আল্লাহ বলেন : মানুষের কৃতকর্মের দরুন স্থলে ও সমুদ্রে ফাসাদ প্রকাশ পায়। যার ফলে আল্লাহ তাদের কতিপয় কৃতকর্মের স্বাদ তাদের আস্বাদন করান, যাতে তারা ফিরে আসে। (সূরা রুম : আয়াত ৪১)। অতিরিক্ত কার্বন নিঃসরণ, পরিবেশ দূষণ ও পাপাচারের ফলে মানুষই প্রকৃতিকে বৈরী করেছে। প্রকৃতি নিজে কোনো বুদ্ধিমান চিন্তাশীল সত্তা নয়। এর স্রষ্টা ও বিধাতা আল্লাহ রাব্বুল আলামীন এর নিয়মে ও হুকুমে প্রকৃতি পরিচালিত হয়। পবিত্র কোরআনে বলা হয়েছে, আসমান ও জমিনে যা কিছু আছে সবকিছুর মালিক সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহ। তিনিই স্রষ্টা ও বিধাতা। তার গজবের বহিঃপ্রকাশ হয় প্রকৃতির বৈরিতায়। আল্লাহ প্রদত্ত সম্পদ ব্যবহার সত্ত্বেও সঠিকভাবে কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করা হচ্ছে না, বান্দার অপরাধ ক্ষমা প্রসঙ্গে আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেছেন, ‘যে বিপদ-আপদই তোমাদের ওপর আসুক না কেন, তা হচ্ছে তোমাদের নিজেদের হাতের কামাই। আর আল্লাহ তোমাদের অনেক অপরাধ-গুনাহ ক্ষমা করে দেন।’ (সুরা শুরা: ৩০)

পবিত্র কোরআনে ভূমিকম্প বিষয়ে ‘যিলযাল’ এবং ‘দাক্কা’ শব্দ দুটি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। ‘যিলযাল’ অর্থ হচ্ছে একটি বস্তুর নড়াচড়ায় আরেকটি বস্তু নড়ে ওঠা। ‘দাক্কা’ অর্থ হচ্ছে প্রচণ্ড কোনো শব্দ বা আওয়াজের কারণে কোনো কিছু নড়ে ওঠা বা ঝাঁকুনি খাওয়া।

ভূমিকম্প সম্পর্কে রাসুলুল্লাহ (স.) বলেছেন, ‘এ উম্মত ভূমিকম্প, বিকৃতি এবং পাথর বর্ষণের মুখোমুখি হবে। একজন সাহাবি জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন, কখন সেটা হবে হে আল্লাহর রাসুল? তিনি বলেন, যখন গায়িকা(নগ্ন মেয়ে) এবং বাদ্যযন্ত্রের(উচ্চশব্দে বিকৃত) প্রকাশ ঘটবে এবং মদপানের সয়লাব হবে।’ (তিরমিজি: ২২১২); অথাৎ ইবাদাতের সময় সংগীত অনুষ্ঠান অব্যাহত রাখা যাবে না কারণ নগ্নতা ও উচ্চ বাদ্যযন্ত্র আসক্তি ইবাদতের সময় ভুলিয়ে সংগীত আসক্তিতে ডুবিয়ে রাখবে তবে ইবাদাত করে বা সময়জ্ঞান বুঝে শালীনভাবে উচ্চ বাদ্যযন্ত্রের সংগীত বা কনসার্টও  করা যাবে কারণ এটা মদের মত হারাম নয় কিন্তু সতর্কবার্তা যেমন বাসী খাবার খেলে রোগ পারে, যেকোন বা ছোট পোশাক নারীদের কাছে যাওয়া হারাম নয় কিন্তু সতর্ক থাকা যেন ব্যভিচার পতিত হওয়ার সুযোগ না হয় । অথাৎ গুনাহ থেকে  থাকতে আল্লাহ অনেক সতর্কবার্তা দিয়েছেন মাত্র যা হারাম নয়। 

অন্যত্র বলা হয়েছে, ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে কিয়ামতের একটি অন্যতম আলামত। কিয়ামত যতই নিকটবর্তী হবে, ভূমিকম্পের পরিমাণ ততই বাড়তে থাকবে।

ভূমিকম্পের বিভীষিকা সম্পর্কে আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেছেন, ‘হে মানব জাতি, তোমরা ভয় করো তোমাদের রবকে। নিশ্চয়ই কেয়ামত দিবসের ভূকম্পন হবে মারাত্মক ব্যাপার। যেদিন তোমরা তা প্রত্যক্ষ করবে, স্তন্যপায়ী মা তার দুগ্ধপোষ্য সন্তানের কথা ভুলে যাবে আর সব গর্ভবতীর গর্ভপাত হয়ে যাবে। মানুষকে মাতালের মতো দেখাবে, আসলে তারা নেশাগ্রস্ত নয়। বস্তুত আল্লাহর শাস্তি হবে অত্যন্ত ভয়াবহ।’ (সুরা হজ: ১-২)
ভূতত্ত্ববিজ্ঞান বলে, ভূ-অভ্যন্তরে শিলায় পীড়নের জন্য যে শক্তির সঞ্চয় ঘটে, সেই শক্তির হঠাৎ মুক্তি ঘটলে ভূপৃষ্ঠ ক্ষণিকের জন্য কেঁপে ওঠে এবং ভূত্বকের কিছু অংশ আন্দোলিত হয়। এমন আকস্মিক ও ক্ষণস্থায়ী কম্পনকে ভূমিকম্প (Earthquake) বলে। সাধারণত তিনটি কারণে ভূমিকম্পের উত্পত্তি হয়ে থাকে—ভূপৃষ্ঠজনিত, আগ্নেয়গিরিজনিত ও শিলাচ্যুতিজনিত কারণে ভূমিকম্প হয়।

মহান আল্লাহ বলেন, ‘আমি ভয় দেখানোর জন্যই (তাদের কাছে আজাবের) নিদর্শনগুলো পাঠাই। ’ (সুরা বনি ইসরাইল, আয়াত নং : ৫৯)। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আরও বলেন, “বলে দাও, ‘আল্লাহ তোমাদের ওপর থেকে অথবা তোমাদের পায়ের নিচ থেকে আজাব পাঠাতে সক্ষম। ’ (সুরা আনআম, আয়াত নং : ৬৫)

বুখারি শরিফে আছে, জাবির ইবনে আবদুল্লাহ (রা.) থেকে বর্ণিত, তিনি বলেন, ‘যখন তোমাদের পায়ের নিচ থেকে আজাব পাঠাতে সক্ষম’ আয়াতটি নাজিল হলো, তখন রাসুল (সা.) বললেন, ‘হে আল্লাহ! আমি আপনার কাছে আশ্রয় প্রার্থনা করছি। ’ ”(বুখারি)

ভূমিকম্পের কতগুলো কারণ সম্পর্কে জানা যায় হাদিসের মাধ্যমে। প্রিয়নবি হজরত মুহাম্মদ (সা.) বলেন, ‘যখন অবৈধ উপায়ে সম্পদ অর্জিত হবে, ব্যভিচার বাড়বে, সৃষ্টিকর্তাদ্রোহীতা হবে(কুরআন সুন্নাহ আধ্যাতিক ইবাদত অবহেলা)। কাউকে বিশ্বাস করে সম্পদ গচ্ছিত রাখলে তা আত্মসাৎ করা হবে। জাকাতকে মনে করা হবে জরিমানা হিসেবে। ধর্মীয় শিক্ষা ছাড়া বিদ্যা অর্জন করা হবে। পুরুষ তার স্ত্রীর বাধ্যগত হয়ে মায়ের সঙ্গে বিরূপ আচরণ করবে। বন্ধুকে কাছে টেনে নিয়ে বাবাকে দূরে সরিয়ে দেবে। মসজিদে শোরগোল (মনোযোগহীন লোকদেখানো এবাদত, আড্ডাবাজি) হবে। সবচেয়ে দুর্বল(দায়িত্বহীন) ব্যক্তি সমাজের শাসক হবে। সে সময় তোমরা অপেক্ষা করো—রক্তিম বর্ণের ঝড়ের, ভূকম্পনের, ভূমিধসের, লিঙ্গ পরিবর্তন, পাথর বৃষ্টির এবং সুতো ছেঁড়া (তাসবিহ) দানার ন্যায় একটির পর একটি নিদর্শনগুলোর জন্য।’ (তিরমিজি: ১৪৪৭)

ভূমিকম্পের বিভীষিকা সম্পর্কে আল্লাহ তাআলা বলেছেন, ‘হে মানব জাতি, তোমরা ভয় করো তোমাদের রবকে। নিশ্চয়ই কেয়ামত দিবসের ভূকম্পন হবে মারাত্মক ব্যাপার। যেদিন তোমরা তা প্রত্যক্ষ করবে, স্তন্যপায়ী মা তার দুগ্ধপোষ্য সন্তানের কথা ভুলে যাবে আর সব গর্ভবতীর গর্ভপাত হয়ে যাবে। মানুষকে মাতালের মতো দেখাবে, আসলে তারা নেশাগ্রস্ত নয়। বস্তুত আল্লাহর শাস্তি হবে অত্যন্ত ভয়াবহ।’ (সুরা হজ: ১-২)

 ভূমিকম্প কেয়ামতের একটি আলামত আর কেয়ামতের ছোট ছোট আলামতগুলো বার বার ঘটতে থাকবে যা আল্লাহমুখী হতে অধিক সতর্কবার্তার অংশ হিসেবে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই ঘন ঘন ভূমিকম্প হবে, রাসুল (সা.) বলেছেন, যে পর্যন্ত না ইলম উঠিয়ে নেওয়া হবে, অধিক পরিমাণে ভূমিকম্প হবে, সময় সংকুচিত হয়ে আসবে, ফিতনা প্রকাশ পাবে এবং খুনখারাবি বাড়বে, তোমাদের সম্পদ এতো বাড়বে যে, উপচে পড়বে। (বোখারি, হাদিস নং : ৯৭৯) প্রত্যেক মুসলমানের খুবই আন্তরিকভাবে মহান আল্লাহর কাছে তাওবা করা উচিত। মহান আল্লাহ বলেন, ‘যদি জনপদের মানুষগুলো ঈমান আনতো এবং (আল্লাহকে) ভয় করতো, তাহলে আমি তাদের ওপর আসমান-জমিনের যাবতীয় বরকতের দুয়ার খুলে দিতাম, কিন্তু তারা (আমার নবীকেই) মিথ্যা প্রতিপন্ন করেছে। সুতরাং তাদের কৃতকর্মের জন্য আমি তাদের পাকড়াও করলাম। ’ (সুরা আরাফ : ৯৬)

তাই বলা যায়, বর্তমানে যেসব ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে, তা মহান আল্লাহর পাঠানো সতর্কবার্তার নিদর্শনগুলোর একটি। এগুলো দিয়ে তিনি বান্দাদের সাবধান করেন। মূলত এগুলো মানুষের পাপ ও অপরাধের ফল। কেননা আল্লাহ অধিকাংশ জাতিকে ভূমিকম্পের গজব দিয়ে ধ্বংস করেছেন।

ভূমিকম্প এমনই এক দুর্যোগ; যা নিবারণ, প্রতিকার বা প্রতিরোধ করা বা পূর্বাভাষ পাওয়ার মতো কোনো প্রযুক্তি মানুষ এখনো আবিষ্কার করতে পারেনি। সুতরাং ভূমিকম্পের ভয়াবহতা থেকে বাঁচতে আল্লাহর কাছে ক্ষমা ও আশ্রয় প্রার্থনা ছাড়া আর কোনো উপায় নেই।

বাংলাদেশে চার মাসে তিন বার ভূমিকম্প যে কারণে ? 

ভূমিকম্প বিশেষজ্ঞরা বলছেন, বার্মিজ প্লেট ও ইন্ডিয়ান প্লেটের পরস্পরমুখী গতির কারণেই এ ধরণের ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে। এই দুটি প্লেটের সংযোগস্থলে প্রচুর পরিমাণে শক্তি জমে রয়েছে যেগুলো বের হয়ে আসার পথ খুঁজছে। আর সে কারণেই ঘন ঘন এমন ভূমিকম্প অনুভূত হচ্ছে। আর চলতি বছরের মে মাসের পাঁচ তারিখে আরেকটি ভূমিকম্প হয়েছে ঢাকা ও এর আশেপাশের এলাকায়। ভূতত্ত্ববিদদের মতে, বাংলাদেশের পার্বত্য এলাকায় ইন্ডিয়ান প্লেট ও বার্মা প্লেট নামে দুটি টেকটনিক প্লেটের অবস্থান রয়েছে। এরমধ্যে ইন্ডিয়ান প্লেটটি উত্তর-পূর্ব দিকে এবং বার্মিজ প্লেটটি পশ্চিম দিকে যাচ্ছে।

 উল্লেখ্য,  এসব হলো বিজ্ঞানভিত্তিক উপমা মাত্র যা আল্লাহর ভূখণ্ডগত সৃষ্টির ব্যবস্থাপনা অথাৎ জনবসতিকে আগাম সাবধান সতর্কতা দিয়ে রাখা এবং প্রয়োজন হলে হলে এই প্লেট ব্যবহার করে আল্লাহর নির্দেশে ফেরেশতাকুল ভূমিকম্প পরিচালনা করবে। আর মানুষ সাবধান হয়ে সংশোধন হলে এসব ঘটবে না। আর যেখানে এমন আগাম সাবধানবাণী দেওয়া প্রয়োজন সেখানেই নতুন প্লেটের সৃষ্টি হয়ে থাকে। 

বেঙ্গল এলাকায় বাংলাদেশ, প্রতিবেশী পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, আসাম, ত্রিপুরা, বিহার, ৭ সিস্টার,নেপাল-ভুটান, থাইল্যান্ড, মায়ানমার এই অঞ্চল ঘিরে একটি  বড় বিপদ বা পাপশক্তি(কুরআন সুন্নাহ আধ্যাতিক ইবাদত অবহেলা) জমা হয়েছে, হচ্ছে যার প্রতিফলন শিক্ষক মুসলিমদের উপরও ঘটবে। এমনকী এই অঞ্চলের দায়িত্ব বাংলাদেশের মুসলিমদের(আধ্যাত্মিক ইসলামী শিক্ষক ) ওপর বর্তিত হয়েছে অথাৎ জনগোষ্ঠীর অ-ইসলামিক কাজের প্রতিফলন  ঈমানদার  মুসলিমসহ অমুসলিমদের( আধ্যাত্মিক ছাত্র) উপর গজবটি পতিত হবে যা হাদিসে উল্লেখ হয়েছে অমুসলিমদের পাপের দায়িত্ব ঈমানদার মুসলিমদের ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ করবে তবে ঈমানদার মৃত্যুবরণ করলে জান্নাতে যাবে। এই অঞ্চলে মাওলানারা ওয়াজ মাহফিল করে ইসলাম প্রচার করছে তবে তা তেমন কাজে আসছে না যা সরকারিভাবে রাষ্ট্রীয়ভাবেও ব্যাপক উদ্যোগ গ্রহণ করতে হবে যেমন ইসলামিক জ্ঞান অর্জন স্কুল-কলেজে মুসলিম ও অমুসলিম উভয়ের জন্য ফরজ-বাধ্যতামূলক করতে হবে, দক্ষিণ ভারতের মতো মূর্তিবিহীন এক সৃষ্টিকর্তার উপাসনার ব্যবস্থা করতে হবে। কারণ উপরোক্ত পাপগুলো যেমন  ব্যাভিচার অমুসলিম পর্যন্ত করছে না তাই যেসব দেশে ও সমাজে নারীর অধিকার ও চরিত্র সম্মান রক্ষা করে সুনিয়ন্ত্রিতভাবে সম্ভব হলে ব্যাভিচার এটাকে সংশোধন করে মুতাহ বিবাহ দিতে হবে যা আহলি কিতাবদের জন্যতো জায়েজই,  প্রয়োজন হলে মুসলিমদের জন্যও সম্ভব(ইমাম হান্বালী) অথাৎ  তাঁদের ২৭/২৮ কোটি অমুসলিমের সঠিক ধর্ম জ্ঞানটি  থাকলে তাঁরা ইসলামে ফিরে আসবে আর তা প্রশিক্ষণের দায়িত্ব পড়েছে ২৩/২৪ কোটি মুসলিমের ওপর বিশেষ করে সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ মুসলিম নিয়ন্ত্রিত রাষ্ট্র বাংলাদেশ ।  আর ইসলামিক এবাদতসমুহ  করাতে বা  ইসলামে অন্তর্ভুক্তিকরণ করতে আমার লেখা বইটি স্কুল-কলেজে পাঠ্য করতে হবে যা ধর্মীয় সাম্প্রদায়িক আদর্শ সম্প্রীতি । কারণ এই অঞ্চলে অমুসলিম ইবাদতগতভাবে খুবই ত্রুটিপূর্ণ অবস্থায় আছে আর মুসলিমদের নিজেদেরও ত্রুটি ও পাপাচার থেকে সংশোধন হতেতো  হবেই, বিভিন্ন ইবাদতে বেশি  বেশি দোয়া দরূদ পড়ায় অভ্যস্থ হওয়া । প্রতিবেশী ও বন্ধুপ্রতিম মানদণ্ড বিবেচনায় ইসলামী ইবাদতসমূহ প্রতিষ্ঠার জন্য কাজাকিস্তান, তুর্কিমিস্তান, আফগানিস্তান, ইরান, ইন্দোনেশিয়া, মালয়েশিয়া, পাকিস্তানের ওপর দায়িত্ব পড়েছে রাশিয়া, চীন, কোরিয়া, ভারত, আসিয়ান অঞ্চলের আর আরব রাষ্ট্রগুলোর উপর দায়িত্ব পড়েছে ইউরোপ, আমেরিকা, অস্ট্রেলিয়া, কানাডা, আফ্রিকার মত অঞ্চলগুলির আর দায়িত্ব পালন অবহেলার প্রতিক্রিয়াও(অমুসলিমদের ইসলামী ইবাদতহীনতার বোঝা) স্বাভাবিকভাবেই অনিচ্ছা সত্ত্বেও মুসলিমদের বহনও  করতে হবে যা মহাবিশ্বের সৃষ্টিজগতের বাস্তুসংস্থানগত প্রাকৃতিক ভারসাম্য নিয়ম তবে মুসলিমগণের তীব্র প্রচেষ্টা থাকলে দায়িত্ব পালন ঘাটতি না থাকায়  আল্লাহ প্রদত্ত আসমানী প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগে ক্ষয়ক্ষতি কম হবে অথাৎ ৫৭টি মুসলিম দেশের উপর ২০০ টি দেশের দায়িত্ব পড়েছে, ২৫০ কোটি মুসলিমের ওপর ৬৫০ কোটি অমুসলিমের আধ্যাত্বিক ইবাদত দ্বীন প্রচার প্রশিক্ষণের দায়িত্ব পড়েছে যেমন ওয়াজ মাহফিল, বইপত্র বিতরণ, বিতর্ক সভা ও অনলাইনে প্রচার, ইত্যাদি যেমন পরিপূর্ণ মুসলিম বিশ্বাসে ঈমান এনে শুধু সুনির্দিষ্ট কুরআন সুন্নাহ চর্চ করে মুসলিম হওয়া অথবা ৬৫০ কোটি অমুসলিম ৬৩২ খ্রিস্টাব্দের পর থেকে যোগোপযোগী পবিত্রকরণ বিশুদ্ধ আহলে কিতাব মুসলিম হয়ে যাওয়া যা কুরআন সুন্নাহ ইবাদতসমূহ তাঁদের আদি কিতাব তাওরাত ও ইঞ্জিলের সাথে প্রতিস্থাপন করে চর্চা করা অথাৎ সুনির্দিষ্ট  কুরআন সুন্নাহ ইবাদতসমূহের সাথে অতীতের এই দুটি কিতাবের মান্দন্ডেও কিছু ইবাদত চর্চা করতে পারবে যা প্রথম শ্রেণীর জান্নাত অর্জন না হলেও যথেষ্ট নেয়ামতপূর্ণ জান্নাত অর্জন হবে আর তাঁরা ত্রুটিপূর্ণ অমুসলিম(পরিপূর্ণ কাফের) বিবেচিত হবে না বরং ছোট মুসলিম বিবেচিত হবে যা নওমুসলিম প্রক্রিয়ায় অবস্থান করছে আর জাবুর কিতাব কুরআন-সুন্নাহ ও ইঞ্জিলের মধ্যেই বিদ্যমান তবে একটি লানতপ্রাপ্ত পাপাচার পরিপূর্ণ মুসলমানদের অনুমতি ছাড়া তাঁদের ইবাদতঘর ও পবিত্র স্থান দখল(Trespass) করা যাবে না । পৃথিবীকে যখন তার প্রচন্ড কম্পনে কাঁপিয়ে দেয়া হবে, এবং পৃথিবী যখন তার ভারসমূহ বের করে দেবে, সেদিন মানুষ ভিন্ন ভিন্ন দলে বের হবে, যাতে তাদেরকে তাদের কৃতকর্ম দেখানো হয়। [সূরা আয-যিলযাল ১-৮] প্রতিবেশী কারা? কতদূর এর সীমা? এ প্রশ্নের জবাবে হজরত হাসান (রা.) বলেছেন, 'নিজের ঘর থেকে সামনে ৪০ ঘর, পেছনে ৪০ ঘর, ডানে ৪০ ঘর এবং বাঁয়ে ৪০ ঘরের অধিবাসী হচ্ছে প্রতিবেশী। ' অথাৎ রাষ্ট্র হিসেবে আশেপাশের ৪০ শহরের যা আশেপাশের কয়েক দেশ 

আল্লামা ইবনু কাইয়িম (রহ.) বলেন, মহান আল্লাহ মাঝে মাঝে পৃথিবীকে জীবন্ত হয়ে ওঠার অনুমতি দেন। ফলে বড় ধরনের ভূমিকম্প অনুভূত হয়। তখন এই ভূমিকম্প মানুষকে ভীত করে। তারা মহান আল্লাহর নিকট তাওবা করে, পাপ কর্ম ছেড়ে দেয়, আল্লাহর প্রতি ধাবিত হয় এবং তাদের কৃত পাপ কর্মের জন্য অনুতপ্ত হয়ে মোনাজাত করে। আগেকার যুগে যখন ভূমিকম্প হতো, তখন সঠিক পথে পরিচালিত সৎকর্মশীল লোকেরা বলতো, ‘মহান আল্লাহ আমাদেরকে সতর্ক করেছেন। ’

 অথাৎ এসবে সংশোধন হতে পারলে ভূমিকম্প প্লেট থাকলে ভূমিকম্পটি কখনো ঘটবে না যা প্লেট আকারেই থাকবে চিরকাল মাত্র কারণ গবেষণায় দেখা যায় ভূমিকম্পটি কখনো প্রাকৃতিকভাবে ঘটবে না। এটি একমাত্র আল্লাহর সতর্কবার্তা না মেনে জনগোষ্ঠী সংশোধন না হলে তখনই একামাত্র আযাব-শাস্তি হিসেবে আসে। আর বর্তমান বিশ্ব পরিস্থিতি পর্যবেক্ষণে জানা যায়, এই অঞ্চলটি এজন্য ব্যাপক ঝুঁকিতে আছে এবং মুসলিমদের প্রচেষ্টাও বিদ্যমান থাকায় আপাতত বাংলাদেশে ভূমিকম্পের সম্ভাবনা নেই তবে বর্তমান প্রচেষ্টার আরো ব্যাপক প্রসার না করলে দ্রুতই অপ্রত্যাশিত বিষয়টি ঘটবে কারণ প্রচেষ্টার তুলনায় পাপশক্তি উৎপাদন আনুপাতিক হারে বেশি হলেই বিপদ আসন্ন,  এজন্য ছোট ছোট  বার বার ভূমিকম্প সতর্কবার্তা দেওয়া হচ্ছে, অতীতের ৬ জাতির ধ্বংসের মূর্তিপূজা ও পাপাচার থেকে তাই জানা যায়  । বিশ্বে বিভিন্ন দেশে ভূমিকম্প হচ্ছে তাদের সকলের দায়িত্ব ইসলাম প্রতিষ্ঠা করা যা দায়িত্ব অবহেলার কারণে , গোটা মানবজাতিকে প্রকাশ্যে স্পষ্ট ভাষায় আল্লাহর স্বীকৃতি দিতে হবে।

ইসলামী জীবন যেভাবে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করব

কারো উপকার স্বীকার করা, তার প্রশংসা করা এবং কাজে-কর্মে প্রতিদান দেওয়ার নামই কৃতজ্ঞতা। বান্দার পক্ষে আল্লাহর ক্ষুদ্রতম কোনো অনুগ্রহেরও প্রতিদান দেওয়া সম্ভব নয়। তবে সে মহান আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহ ও দান স্বীকার করে, তাঁর প্রশংসা করে ও তাঁর আনুগত্য করে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করতে পারে। আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করা মুমিনের অপরিহার্য দায়িত্ব,  গোটা মানবজাতিকে প্রকাশ্যে স্পষ্ট ভাষায় আল্লাহর স্বীকৃতি দিতে হবে

কৃতজ্ঞতা অপরিহার্য কেন

মুমিনের জীবনে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ করা অপরিহার্য। কারণ হলো :

১. আল্লাহর নির্দেশ : মহান আল্লাহ বান্দাদের তাঁর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায়ের নির্দেশ দিয়েছেন। ইরশাদ হয়েছে, ‘সুতরাং তোমরা আমাকে স্মরণ কোরো এবং আমিও তোমাদের স্মরণ করব। তোমরা আমার প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ হও এবং তোমরা কৃতঘ্ন হইয়ো না।

’ (সুরা বাকারা, আয়াত : ১৫২)

২. নেয়ামত বৃদ্ধি পায় : কোনো বান্দা যদি আল্লাহর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ থাকে আল্লাহ তার প্রতি স্বীয় অনুগ্রহ বাড়িয়ে দেন। আল্লাহ বলেন, ‘যদি তোমরা কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করো, আমি অবশ্যই (আমার অনুগ্রহ) তোমাদের বাড়িয়ে দেব। আর যদি কৃতঘ্ন হও তবে নিশ্চয়ই আমার শাস্তি অত্যন্ত কঠোর।’ (সুরা ইবরাহিম, আয়াত : ৭)

৩. নবী-রাসুলদের বৈশিষ্ট্য : কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করা নবী-রাসুলদের বৈশিষ্ট্য।

পবিত্র কোরআনে নবীদের কৃতজ্ঞ বলে প্রশংসা করা হয়েছে। ইরশাদ হয়েছে, ‘ইবরাহিম ছিল এক উম্মত, আল্লাহর অনুগত, একনিষ্ঠ এবং সে শিরককারীদের অন্তর্ভুক্ত ছিল না। সে ছিল আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহের জন্য কৃতজ্ঞ। আল্লাহ তাঁকে মনোনীত করেছিলেন এবং তাকে পরিচালিত করেছিলেন সরল পথে।’ (সুরা নাহল, আয়াত : ১২১)

অন্য আয়াতে নুহ (আ.) সম্পর্কে ইরশাদ হয়েছে, ‘হে তাদের বংশধর, যাদের আমি নুহের সঙ্গে আরোহণ করিয়েছিলাম, সে ছিল পরম কৃতজ্ঞ বান্দা।

’ (সুরা বনি ইসরাঈল, আয়াত : ৩)

৪. আদর্শ বান্দার বৈশিষ্ট্য : আল্লাহর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করা ছাড়া কোনো পরিপূর্ণ মুমিন হতে পারে না। আল্লাহ বলেন, ‘হে মুমিনরা, তোমাদের আমি যেসব পবিত্র বস্তু দিয়েছি তা থেকে আহার কোরো এবং আল্লাহর কাছে কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ কোরো, যদি তোমরা শুধু তাঁরই ইবাদত করো।’ (সুরা বাকারা, আয়াত : ১৭২)

৫. মানবপ্রকৃতির দাবি : আল্লাহ মানুষের সেবায় তাঁর অসংখ্য সৃষ্টিকে নিয়োজিত করেছেন। সুস্থ মানবপ্রকৃতির দাবি হলো মানুষ এই বিপুল অনুগ্রহের কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করবে। ইরশাদ হয়েছে, ‘তাঁর নিদর্শনাবলির একটি যে তিনি বায়ু প্রেরণ করেন সুসংবাদ দেওয়ার জন্য ও তোমাদের তাঁর অনুগ্রহ আস্বাদন করানোর জন্য; এবং তাঁর নির্দেশে নৌযানগুলো বিচরণ করে, যাতে তোমরা তাঁর অনুগ্রহ সন্ধান করতে পারো ও তাঁর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ হও।’ (সুরা রোম, আয়াত : ৪৬)

যেভাবে কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করব

কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায়ের যত পদ্ধতি আছে মুমিন সব পদ্ধতিতে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করবে। আল্লামা ইবনুল কায়্যিম (রহ.) বলেন, বান্দা অন্তর তথা অভ্যন্তরীণ বিনয় ও বিনম্রতার মাধ্যমে, জবান তথা প্রশংসা ও স্বীকারোক্তির মাধ্যমে এবং অঙ্গ-প্রত্যঙ্গ তথা আনুগত্য ও ইবাদতের মাধ্যমে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করবে। (মাদারিজুস সালিকিন : ২/২৪৬)

১. অন্তরের কৃতজ্ঞতা : বান্দা তাঁর হৃদয় ও মন দিয়ে মহান আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করবে। মুমিন হৃদয়ের বিশ্বাস যেন নিম্নোক্ত আয়াতে ব্যক্ত করা হয়েছে, ‘তোমাদের কাছে যেসব নিয়ামত রয়েছে তা আল্লাহর কাছ থেকে; আবার যখন দুঃখ-দৈন্য তোমাদের স্পর্শ করে তখন তোমরা তাঁকেই ব্যাকুলভাবে আহ্বান করো।’ (সুরা নাহল, আয়াত : ৫৩)

২. মৌখিক স্বীকৃতি : বান্দা অন্তরে যেমন আল্লাহর প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ থাকে, তেমন মুখে আল্লাহর অনুগ্রহের স্বীকৃতি দেয়। রাসুলুল্লাহ (সা.) বলেন, ‘নিশ্চয়ই আল্লাহ তাঁর সে বান্দার প্রতি সন্তুষ্ট হন যে খাবার খায় এবং এ জন্য আল্লাহর প্রশংসা করে অথবা যে পান করে এবং সে জন্য আল্লাহর প্রশংসা করে।’ (সহিহ মুসলিম, হাদিস : ২৭৩৪)

৩. কাজে-কর্মে কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ : মুমিন তাঁর কর্মকাণ্ড তথা আল্লাহর প্রতি তার আনুগত্যের মাধ্যমে আল্লাহর কৃতজ্ঞতা আদায় করবে। পবিত্র কোরআনে ইরশাদ হয়েছে, ‘আমি বলেছিলাম, হে দাউদ পরিবার, কৃতজ্ঞতার সঙ্গে তোমরা কাজ করতে থাকো। আমার বান্দাদের মধ্যে অল্পই কৃতজ্ঞ।’ (সুরা সাবা, আয়াত : ১৩)

৪. কৃতজ্ঞ বান্দা হওয়ার প্রার্থনা : মহানবী (সা.) উম্মতকে তাঁর কৃতজ্ঞ বান্দা হওয়ার শিক্ষা দিয়েছেন। তিনি বলেন, ‘হে মুয়াজ, আমি তোমাকে অসিয়ত করছি, তুমি প্রত্যেক নামাজের পর এই দোয়াটি কখনো পরিহার করবে না : হে আল্লাহ, আপনার স্মরণে, আপনার কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশে এবং আপনার উত্তম ইবাদতে আমাকে সাহায্য করুন।’ (সুনানে আবি দাউদ, হাদিস : ১৫২২)
রাসুল (সা.) বলেছেন, যে ব্যক্তি এ দোয়া তিনবার পড়বে সে ভূমি ও আকাশের দুর্যোগ থেকে হেফাজতে থাকবে। এছাড়া যে কোনো দুর্যোগ থেকে রক্ষা পেতে পড়তে পারেন-লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহু মুহাম্মাদুর রাসূলুল্লাহ. (আল্লাহ ছাড়া ইবাদতের উপযুক্ত কেউ নেই, মুহাম্মদ সা. তাঁর রাসুল),
লা ইলাহা ইল্লা আনতা সুবহানাকা ইন্নি কুনতু মিনাজ জোয়ালিমিন। আর বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম বা বিসমিল্লাহ বলে খাবার খাওয়া বা ভালো কাজ শুরু করা ।

৫. পৃথিবীয়ান জাগতিক আধুনিক প্রযুক্তিক জ্ঞান ও বিজ্ঞানসম্মত ব্যাবস্থাপনা গ্রহণ করতে হবে যেমন ভবনের ছাদে গাছপালা ও ফাঁকাস্তানে ফলমূল বাগান গাছপালা রোপন, বনাঞ্চল বৃদ্ধি, সোলারপ্ল্যান্ট, সবুজকরন, কার্বোনরোধী প্রযুক্তি, এবং মাসে অন্তত দুদিন কৃত্রিম বৃষ্টিপাত ক্লাউড সিডিং করা, পুকুরের মত  নদনদীর কৃত্রিম ব্যবস্থাপনা বাঁধ-কংক্রিটের রাস্তা ,সৃষ্টির সেবা পরিবেশ ও প্রাণিকুল রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ করা, বসুন্ধরা মার্কেট সিটির মতো উঁচু মার্কেট উঁচু ৫০-১৫০ তলা আবাসিক ভবন হবে মাঝখানে খোলা যা প্রতি ফ্লোরে সকলের হাঁটাহাটির জায়গা যা রাশিয়ার মত শীতের দেশে যান্ত্রিক গরম ব্যাবস্থাপনা যুক্ত, আবাসিক এলাকায় মানুষের বাস আর খোলা স্তনে কৃষিকাজ ও শিল্প কারখানা হবে, ইত্যাদি কারণ যাবতীয় কল্যাণকর জ্ঞান বিজ্ঞান আল্লাহর দান। 
আল্লাহ সবাইকে তাঁর কৃতজ্ঞ বান্দা হওয়ার তাওফিক দিন। আমিন

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Are There only two worshipping routes for mankind ie. Full Muslim(Quran-Sunnah) or pure sacred Ahle Kitab Muslim(Equivalent-Qasr-Sufi Muslim/pure-sacred nonMuslims)(Quran-Sunnah, Injil, Tawrat) in the earth for heavens?



 THE RIGHT THINKING 24                 


                                                                                        ''Bismillahir                                                                                               Rahmanir Raheem                                                                                                                 or                                                                                                                               Bismillah (Arabic: 

                                                               'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ)'' 


         Guide Book For Entire Mankind

  Mohammad  Shariful Islam Ali Sheikh Ibn Abdul Jabber Ali Sheikh Ibn Mohammad-Ejan-Mir Ali Sheikh Ibn Mohammad(pbuh)-Ali bin Abdul Muttalib Ibn Abrahami Ibn Nuh Ibn Adam, Interpreter, Reformist.


AbstractAre there only two appropriate worshipping routes for mankind ie. Full Muslim(Quran-Sunnah) or pure sacred Ahle Kitab Muslim(Sufi-Qasr-Equivalent Muslim/Sunni Christian/pure-sacred nonMuslims)(Quran-Sunnah with Injil-Tawrat( Zabur, Bibles, Tripitak, Talmud, Gita, Vedas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Guru Nanak Granth Hymn, Shinto texts, ''Analects' -Lunyu in Chinese'',  Justice Gavind Ranade monotheist  'Philosophy of Indian Theism', Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin -A Gift to Monotheism of Brahmo Samaj, The Book of Common Prayer of Anglican and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the English Church, The Common Worship Main Volume Book of Anglicans England, Ginja Rabba, Druze, Part of the Quran-Hadith, etc) under COMMON WORD-concept consistency practice ie. Ahle Sunnah al Jamayat for longtime nonMuslims(pure group/Sect) -Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims-Sunni NonMuslims called Sunni Christian) since 610 AD in the earth for heavens? 


Yes: Universal Religious and Comparative theological Faith for mankind & Jinn nations awarding heavens into hereafter called Islamic philosophy.


It is noted that contents of these books are more appropriate what is similar and consistency  Injil-Tawrat with Quran Hadith rules, stories, doctrines, etc like Injil-Tawrat( Zabur, Bibles, Tripitak, Talmud, Gita, Vedas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Guru Nanak Granth Hymn, Shinto texts, ''Analects' -Lunyu in Chinese'',  Justice Gavind Ranade monotheist  'Philosophy of Indian Theism', Tuhfat-ul-Muwahhidin -A Gift to Monotheism of Brahmo Samaj, The Book of Common Prayer of Anglican and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the English Church, The Common Worship Main Volume Book of Anglicans England, Part of the Quran-Hadith, etc).


Creator&worshipping being based on his guidances(called wordily Islam forever i.e. Prophets&Books):

Quran mentions, there is no supreme being except an almighty Allah and it is forever but he has different different names(99). [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - [Surah Fatiha-2, Surah Al-Mujadila - 7, Hadid 4, Toha 46, Nahl 128, Anfal 46]

Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west,  whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire.[Sura An-Nur-35]It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge.[Surah 65:12][Sura Mumeen-7]The Most Merciful [who is] above the Throne established.[Sura Taha-5]It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "Therefore, Allah, the Most High, the Most Glorious, He is the True Owner, there is no god but Him." He is the lord of the honorable throne.' (Surah Muminun: 116).And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers. And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. [Surah Adh-Dhariyat 55-56]


O people! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you. So that you adopt piety. - Surah Baqarah: 21. O people! A proof has come to you from your Lord and We have sent down to you a clear light. - Surah Nisa: 174. O people! There has come to you from your Lord advice and healing for what is in the hearts, and guidance and mercy for the believers. - Surah Yunus: 57. Say, O people! The truth has come to you from your Lord. So whoever accepts guidance, he will accept guidance for himself. And whoever goes astray will go astray to his own loss. And I am not your guardian. - Surah Yunus: 108. O people! You are waiting for Allah and Allah is waiting and praised. - Surah Fatir: 15. O people! You must work hard till (reach) your Lord. Then you will meet him. - Surah Inshiqaq: 6

Then, to Allah belongs [all] praise - Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth, Lord of the worlds.  And to Him belongs [all] grandeur within the heavens and the earth, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Surah Al-Jathiya 36-37]


[Surah Ali Imran 3:19] True Religion, in God’s(Supreme being Creator Allah) eyes, is islam: [devotion to Him alone]. Those who were given the Scripture disagreed out of rivalry, only after they had been given knowledge- if anyone denies God’s revelations, God is swift to take account-— M.A.S. Abdel Haleem 

Surah Nahal(16:51) Allah has commanded: "Do not take two gods; for He is but One God. So fear Me alone." (16:52) His is whatever is in the heavens and the earth, and obedience to Him inevitably pervades the whole universe. Will you, then, hold in awe any other than Allah? [Surah Al Ambia 25] Allah says, Say, This is my way, I and my followers call to Allah with awakened knowledge. Allah is holy and I am not of the polytheists(partnering objects or idols engagement worship). (Surah Yusuf, verse 108)


 [Surah Ali Imran 3:85] And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers(fail to award Heavens). Almighty supreme being of Arosh of worshipper called Creator Allah always provided guidances to mankind sending prophets with holy books ie. Prophets(human being&Angels):124,000 and Holy Books:104 called Islam where Quran is the last, latest and final book for entire mankind since 610AD when approximately last and President of Prophets Hazrat Mohammad(PBUH) got official responsibility as a Prophet through Chief of Angel Hazrat Jibrael (A).


[Surah Nahl 16:36] And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship Allah and avoid Taghut." And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed through the earth and observe how was the end of the deniers. 


Allah is unique. He has no partners. Allah is All-Knowing. Allah is Eternal, Eternal. He always is and always will be. His existence is inevitable. He gives life and death to all. He listens to what people talk and discuss. Even sitting at the bottom of the deep sea, if someone speaks, he can hear it. Heaven and earth, throne and chair, iron and pen, animals and plants are all created by Allah. He is the creator of all things visible and invisible. He needs no model in creation,  saying KUN-be, it is created. He is capable of re-creating the entire universe by destroying it. "Everything in the heavens and the earth declares the glory and majesty of Allah. He is the Mighty, the Wise.' (Surah Hadid)


Creator's Order:

Allah Ta'ala says, And I have created the jinn and humans only so that they may worship Me. I do not want any sustenance from them; And I don't want them to feed me. Surely Allah is the Sustainer, He is the Mighty, the Mighty. (Surah Az-Zariat, verses 56-58) Allah Ta'ala says, He is Allah, Who created the seven heavens and similar earths; Among these His instructions were revealed, so that you may know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah's knowledge encompasses everything. (Surah At-Talak, Verse 12) that means Creator provided instructions, orders for mankind time period to time period as well as specific nation to nations through prophets with new holy books or same books with short rules for specific sects. 

Allah Ta'ala says, 'Invite yourselves to the way of your Lord, with wisdom and good advice.' (Sura-16 Nahl, verse: 125). 


You enjoin good deeds(worships& honest pious acts of life) and forbid evil deeds(avoid sinful acts), and believe in Allah. (Surah Al Imran, verse 110)


Allah says, O children of Adam(entire mankind), have I not commanded you? Do not worship Shaytan(devil), surely he is your open enemy and worship Me(Creator /Allah), that is the straight path. Surah Yasin verses 60-61. "Your God-Allah is the only God-Allah. So follow His path and seek His forgiveness. And woe to the polytheists.'' Surah Ha-Meem As Sajdah 41:6. Allah says, O believers! Become fully part of Islam and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely he is your open enemy. (Surat al-Baqarah, verse 208); In the Farewell Hajj speech, the Prophet (PBUH) was very particular about the perfection of Islam as a religion. In this regard, Allah Ta'ala says, 'Today I have perfected your religion for you and completed My blessings upon you; And I chose Islam as a religion for you(Surat al-Maida, verse 3). These means Creator instructs to practice Quran and its instructor prophet Mohammad(pbuh)'s guidances awarding heavens as Allah always sends messengers-prophets within mankind when prescribed ongoing guidances weren't working accordingly. Allah says, We(Allah, Angels, Prophets, Pen, etc) do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent? [Surah Baqarah-2][Surah Araf-50,51, 179]


And Abraham instructed his sons [to do the same] and [so did] Jacob, [saying], "O my sons, indeed Allah has chosen for you this religion, so do not die except while you are Muslims(Surrendering towards Allah accordingly what he orders ie. ''Standard' called two routes Muslim and appropriate Ahle Kitab Muslim with latest holy guidances by Quran & Mohammad with companions)." [Surah Baqarah 2:132]; "Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian. He was a truthful and submissive Muslim, and he was never a polytheist." Who has a better religion than the one who bows his head before Allah and engages in righteous deeds and follows the religion of Abraham, who was sincere? Allah accepted Ibrahim as a friend (3:67, 68), (Surah Nisa verse 125)]. "Who will deviate from the religion of Abraham except a fool or a fool! Surely I have chosen him in the world and he will be among the righteous in the Hereafter." (2:130) "O Lord! Send them a Messenger from among them, who will recite to them Your verses, teach them the Book and wisdom, and purify them. Surely You are the Mighty, the Wise." (2:129) 


Current entire mankind is the children of Abraham(Ibrahim A) ie. well acknowledged across the world and he is also called the father of Muslim though prophet Nuh(A) is 2nd father of mankind and Adam(A) is the father of mankind. It is noted when prophet Mohammad(pbuh) got prophet responsibility since 610AD, all informed people are bound to follow him and his teaching of spiritual worship as well as governance righteousness teaching leaving earlier practices with earlier holy books despite earlier holy books' practicing even properly and it is Creator's empire's constitutional rule[Quran:Verses-Hadith]. But prophet Mohammad(pbuh) completed his teaching and holy book Quran on 632AD where he has ordered entire mankind, I am giving Quran&Sunnah and it is now completed, so practice complete Din(rules of teaching) and establish it within entire mankind. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And We have sent you (O Muhammad SAW) not but as a mercy for the Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)” [al-Anbiya’ 21:107]


While prophet started establishing Quran of Din-rules, all informed people in the world didn't accept his guidance to follow him leaving ongoing practice based on hereditary habitual pervertness and incorrect holy Verses of Books, then prophet Hazrat Mohammad(phuh) suggested disobedient people(less faithful) to follow at least less standard of his preaching Din-rules called Arabic word Shariyat(specific rules of spiritual worship) that will also meet the minimum threshold of Muslim of his time period comparing full standard as all people will never practice one with standard in era soon where even obedient newly Muslims also got many exemptions e.g. only one time Salah with avoiding lies&wine despite others were running 5 times Salah ie. ''mostly practical training methodology of prophet Mohammad(pbuh)'' as there are no force practicing religion[Surah Baqarah-256]. Though often 1400 years have passed, more than 70-75%(6 billion NonMuslims) world population aren't listed bringing faith accordingly being Muslim yet, so less standard faith and practice both preaching training methodology must run until entire mankind being full Muslim(being piousness for earning heavens on any routes) as Quran and Sunnah is common knowledge and prescription for entire mankind though many groups within mankind fight among them earthly but right to worship can't be suspended by any group over others anyway. When an infidel started attacking on prophet through sword, it was automatically fall down from infidel's hands but prophet didn't kill him through his standing sword awarding mercy, then infidel reverted into Muslim due to kindness of prophet. During preaching Quran, infidel threw stones on prophet and gone senseless with wounded badly on land often a day, then Angel Jibrael came and saved him calling order to strike on infidels for encounter but prophet forgave infidels refusing Angel Jibrail(A)'s request over strike. Even Creator Allah also wanted to destroy all infidels like mass world wide strike like Nuh(A) massive storm during that time experiencing Kiyamat over prophet's extreme injury but prophet Mohammad also refused to accept it urging time for their correction. He served the sick old woman even though she used to put a fork in the road for prophet. He always cries towards Allah calling forgive of mankind, award them light guidance(Hedayat). Even during 85 wars, prophet provided infidels(attacking parties) to practice Quran Sunnah willingly under your own sects' leadership despite prophets' absolute dominance strength ability on them, it was training methodology instead of any weakness from prophet side where prophet clearly declared that there is no dominance for Arab on nonArab, nonArab over Arab, Black on white and White over Black people but Muslim with QuranSunnah knowledge has superior honor called best nation or sect. Even prophet didn't run all Arab sects provinces under his absolute guidance rather he ordered sending governor to run individual descendants Eid Fast, governance based on their necessity and own culture as well as even sending sects Imam-leader after training them to lead own sect that means one descendants sect won't dominate others rather every sect will be trained to achieve leadership within them ie. Islamic philosophy. Even beyond Angel Jibrail(A), hadith mentions prophet and his accompanies(Sahaba) had the military capability with absolute strength to destroy fully(kill) all infidels(often 15-30Crore/300millions) during that time but both prophet and Allah didn't want to do this as preaching must run with softness and convincing ways like doctor-teacher to curing patients where infidels attacked on prophet to stop preaching & establishing it within people despite people's willingness towards Quran-Sunnah, then wars were occurred with prophet's mandatory involvement under self defense. He didn't only use the cure punishment opportunity of prophets(special appeal) in the earth that he will use it for sinful mankind to reach them into heavens under mercy petition. But we Muslims aren't holding like prophet pious & humanitarian characters, so nonMuslims shouldn't expect mass from Muslims as a guardian of book and mankind, none is competent to lead mankind like guardian where both Muslims&nonMuslims(even being minimum Muslim) must run mankind unitedly together now a days where ''Quran-Sunnah knowledge'' is now the supreme guardian for mankind. If nonMuslims hurt Muslims, Muslims will suspend book guiding,  this is our phenomena of human being where Muslims & nonMuslims tolerances are mostly now same, equal. For this reason, don't rely on only Muslims guidances, be self aware of your own heavens achievement method.  Therefore, one group declares others nonMuslims or Khariji(beyond Ummah), this isn't fair process of preaching but more appropriate groups will preach correct rules to them for their amendment.  

Here you(Muslims) are loving them(nonMuslims) but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe." But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts." [Surah Imran 119, 120]


Question raise, if one will get heavens despite less standard faith and practice Muslim under exemption, so why full Muslims will work hard awarding heavens? Allah says, O believers! Become fully part of Islam(absolute Standard) and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely he is your open enemy. (Surat al-Baqarah, verse 208) Creator Allah has also declared highest standard heavens for them as it earns more virtue from highest standard practice of worship. But 100% people must be rescued from hellfire first earning minimum virtue, then they have to compete for standard classes heavens having more virtue earning route full faith of Islam of specific Shariyat of Mohammad(pbuh).


Say, "O People of the Scripture(current entire nonMuslims called Ahle Kitab), you are [standing] on nothing until you uphold [the law of-rules of worship with good governance] the Torah, the Injil, and what has been revealed(Quran) to you from your Lord." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in transgression and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people. [Surah Al Maida- 68, Hajj 67 ]


And if only they upheld [the law of-rules of worship with good governance] the Torah, the Gospel Injil, and what has been revealed(Quran with inherently included Prophet Mohammad's Sunnah guidances) to them from their Lord, they would have consumed [provision] from above them and from beneath their feet. Among them are a moderate community, but many of them - evil is that which they do.   [Surah Maida-66] And if only the People of the Scripture(current entire nonMuslims called Ahle Kitab) had believed and feared Allah, We would have removed from them their misdeeds and admitted them to Gardens of Pleasure of heaven. [Surah Maida-65]    


It is noted current entire nonMuslims(Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, etc) are recognised as different different books come from Tawrat, Jabur, Injil and even for prophets e.g. Bramma-Ibrahim(A)-Abraham with Angel Hazrat Azrail (A) four heads with Torah Jabur Injil Quran four heads, Ayyub(A)&his wife  Rahima(A) sacred with beauty bath Gangassan swimming bath Indra(Siddhi water river)-Sindhistan-Hindustan India, Lut(A) period Shiv-Angel Hazrat Jibrael(A) Shivlinga, Gautam Boudha-Julkifal(A), Ram-Daud(A), Krishna-Musa(A), Saresati(Ibrahim A's wife), Suvadra Durga-Mariyam(A), Kali-Emperor Namrud's Iman faithful daughter sheltered on Hill with bright face from Black, Saleh(A) &his milk cow Camel Kedarnath Nath-hymn, Jesus-Jagannath Dev, Baloram Prophet Harun A & Jesus' companion Sipan, Sarashati-Abraham's wife Sarah-Hagar Hazerah, etc But it is running under as obeying holy book, obeying prophets and obeying these(all earlier replaced by Quran-Sunnah) means obeying an almighty Creator Allah[Sura Nisa-80]. Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness(Islamic pious acts) - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve; assisting people to establish Islam like King HM Negus. [Surah Baqarah 2:62] [Surah Maida-69, 55, 56, 59]

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. [Surah Ali Imran-103, 110] that means entire mankind must follow unitedly Quran&its detail guidances Sunnah-Hadith but they can make different different named groups or sects based on necessity like Muslim, Salafi, Hanafi, Shia, Ahmedia, Jews, Christian, Hindu, Buddha, Sikh, etc but all are Muslim faith Iman definition. 


Or have We given them a book before the Qur'an to which they are adhering? [Surah Az-Zukhruf- 21]

However, I gave enjoyment to these [people of Makkah] and their fathers until there came to them the truth and a clear Messenger. [Surah Az-Zukhruf 22-24, 29, ] (43)So adhere to that which is revealed to you. Indeed, you are on a straight path. (44)And indeed, it is a remembrance for you and your people, and you [all] are going to be questioned.  [Surah Az-Zukhruf- 43-44, 61]And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. [(61, 69)] (64) Isa Jesus says Indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. This is a straight path."  This means Allah orders to mankind to follow Quran as a more appropriate holy book than all earliest holy books suspended and Isa(A) also calls endorsing Allah where similar contents of earlier scriptures with Quran are only valid.[Surah Imran 113, 114, 115, 199]


Therefore, they(nonMuslims ) have to replace the worship norm, standard, style, quality&quantity of rules according to latest holy book Quran&Sunnah that will only award them also resources heavens. Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable(COMMON WORD ) between us and you - that we will not worship except Allah and not associate anything with Him and not take one another as lords instead of Allah." But if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]." [Surah Ali Imran-64] [Surah Buruj 21-22][Surah Hijar 9]. COMMON WORD means common subject matter concepts practice with consistency within QuranSunnah with Tawrat&Injil e.g. Creator ie. one unique and almighty Allah, prayer = 3, 2 times that is now 5 times mandatory-fard, Eid= earlier similar holy festival ie. now called holy Eid as well as Kurbani sacrifices and so on.

e.g. nonMuslims treated Ahle Kitab are praying Salah with loud reciting verses of earlier holy books with bow down like Gazal-choir Naat Sharif where now maintaining at least 99% appropriate translation, they as a beginner under defense of groups-Sect more liberalism, more freedom liberty, learning with understanding chronologically, avoid chaos riot Fetna fasat Islamophobia, large world population management within dire capitalism competition Musafir(working time/busy) life, etc will recite Quranic verses(Surah Fatiha with one Surah like Surah Ikhlas, An Nas, Sura An Nur 35, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 255- Ayatul Kursi, Surah Hasar 22-24, Surah Asr, Surah As-Saffat 180-182, Sura Yasin, Surah Yunus 80-82, Sura Falak, Sura Mulk, Sura Maida, Sura Waqiah, Sura al Kafirun, Sura Baniisrael, Surah Kaf, Surah Fill, Surah Quraysh, Sura Jumar, Sura Qadar, Azan-Ekamat, Baqarah, Ali Imran, Mariyam, Surah Al Ala, Dowa Khatme Yunus Surah Al-Anbiya 87, ''Thana' or Sana'' means the praise of Allah Almighty who is beneficent and merciful to his mankind, Tawbah mercy O Allah! Our Lord! I declare Your holiness and glory with Your praise. O Allah! you forgive me, Ruku the tasbeeh which is recited is ''subhaana rabbiyal azeem'' which means “Glory be to my Lord Almighty”. Sejda prostration Tasbeeh ''Subhaana rabbiyal a'alaa' '' means Glory be to Allah My Lord, the Most High. Ending Salam towards Angels ''Assalamualikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuhu'' is an Arabic Islamic greeting that means "Peace be upon you, and the mercy and blessings of Allah.", Dowa Masura, Durood, You Lord Allah are completely blameless, highly holy and glorious, Glory be to Him who is the Lord of chief Angel Jirail and the angels, Dowa Sana, Tasahud, “Sami Allahu liman hamidah” , which means “Allah hears those who praise Him” , we should respond by saying “Rabbana wa lakal-hamd” which means “O our Lord, to You is the praise.'', etc) on it even with own language with understanding with bow down with deepest inner soul prostration RukuSejda by gesture as one of the parts of Hymn Zikir of Namaz- prayer like Bitar /funeral-Janazah/Rain Salāt al-Istisqa prayer  that is often equivalent of full Salah prayer under Qasar rule(Short Salah with together under Traveller Musafir rule as Bidat al Hasana-acceptable style for them) with non available space into current churches as well as floor ground RukuSejda prostration prayer Salah(full virtue standard) where full standard Muslims will pray 5 times(Owakt) floor ground RukuSejda prostration Salah prayer as nonMuslims also can adopt it if they like it gradually boosting faith for floor prostration RukuSejda Salah prayer during homes, mosques, open places as standing RukuSejda requires generally grounds like flood water on floor with dust, silly or others obstacles. But if they replace 5 times(Day-Night) Salah prayer, then it will more beneficial for them as once it was only different style e.g. one Sejda on soil ie. now 2 times in every Rakat Salah style based on 124000 prophets' teaching as soil touching prostration(Ruku-Sejda) is more virtue though prophet provided Quran teaching tribal people on 5-8 tribal languages where Salah prayer was always in Arabic language where all people understood it and some others just follow them with later understanding from others.[Surah Az-Zukhruf 2-4] [Sura Kalam 42-43][Sura Mumeen-2][Sura Bayinah-5][Surah An Nur 1, 5, 10(Tawba repentance giving time period][Sura Al-Muzzammil 2, 3, 4, 8,9 deepest understanding verses]. Though I have written a detail book over this(Academia Online: Kitab al Ejmaye Ummat 2023/Creator's guidance for mankind 2023), people can adopt it with expert teams. [Surah Baqarah: 239] And if you fear [an enemy, then pray] on foot or riding. But when you are secure, then remember Allah [in prayer], as He has taught you that which you did not [previously] know (Bukhari- 631). Salah prayer mostly can be standing with floor prostration RukuSejda with Khushu and Khudhu but if you are sick or unable(traveling vehicles or busy walking, physical disability, etc) then you can pray also sitting, bedding . Under Common Word consistency practice, current ongoing Hymn-Choir-Naat Tawbah-repentance prayer of Christians including Anglicans, others like ''God-Allah mercy on us'' that is also similar translation content of verse of Quran that is also one of the translation forms of Tawbah as well as others Duwa prayer application similar with verses of Quran like praising creator God-Allah give us prosperity, happiness, help, grant heaven, light-Hedayh, safe us mankind, Hassen Rasool Azan, etc; after Salah performance, they can also run these prayers as Salah performance are Fard-mandatory, Muslims are also doing these prayers Dowa-Munajat with own languages after Salah prayers. Salah prayer with Fard, Owajib, Sunnah rules with Ahkam Arakan: O believers! Bow down, prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord, and do ˹what is˺ good so that you may be successful.[Surah Hajj, verse 77][But] who are heedless of their prayer .Those who make show [of their deeds [Surah  Maun 5-6] Pray Salah with standing clear and quit recitation as well as bow down , prostration where religious scholars like Imam, Aleem, Priests, Moongs, Father, etc will pray full Rakahs congregational Salah-prayer what Jews Christian Europe American's Imam have been going on treated also Quranic standard as well as Musafir Salah prayer Mass people  [Surah Al-Muzzammil 2-4, 20], As part of the learning worshipping styles, rules, following teaching of Prophet Mohammad is mandatory [Surah An Noor: 56, An Nisar 80, Surah Ale Imran: 31-32]Follow him as he has taught you what you didn't know earlier. And perform worships how he has taught you.[Surah An-Nisa-113, Surah Shura-52, Kasas-86, Surah Fatir-18, Quran-Hadith]Indeed, those who are near your Lord are not prevented by arrogance from His worship, and they exalt Him, and to Him they prostrate.[Surah Al Araf, verse 206]And they fall upon their faces weeping, and the Qur'an increases them in humble submission.[Surah Al Isra-Bani Israel, verse 109, Surah As Sajdah-32, Bukhari: 812, Sahih Muslim, Hadith 133, Musnad Ahmad, thief Hadith: 22695, Mishkat, Hadith: 887].


 Acknowledging the Quranic Surah and verses and recitation with Kaaba Cabla centre believing with deepest humble understanding melody is the fundamental principle of Salah prayer treated surrendering towards Allah Zikir Tasbi Salah prayer and Kusar Musafir one of the Sufism Salah having inner soul all other rules regulations Fard Sunnah, Ahkam Arkan, Takbir Tahrima. So Quran recitation with different styles can't far away one praying Salah performance. It is noted Ahle Kitab bowing down in Church is going to in front of Father Imam by  Hello Salam, handshake, now they will bowing down like Ruku believing Kaba Kebla(Centre point) in front of  Imam Father before Quranic Surah recitation and several times express physical bow down Ruku-Sejda like Knee Ruku before Salam-Hello(PBUH) hug towards two neck Angels behind Imam Father instead of idols, Church temple Pagoda is not designed Kaaba Qibla center point architecturally, then just believe Kaba Mecca is the centre point Kebla. As Ahle Kitab norms, this standard Salah prayer is permissible for them especially ongoing Hinduism, Buddhism norm but Anglican style is good for them having ''righteousness Sect Jamaat congregation' for collective virtue share with 'common text'' like Sunni Muslim Jamaat for Muslims where Christians can just Kaba Kebla believe with recitation but following directly Prophet Mohammad standard Salah is highly virtue with highest standard for them also despite Ahle Kitab Mahzab-sects. Under Islamic philosophy, Gazal, Ayyubi Ozel, Choir Zikir can be made like songs, poem , Hymns, lyrics with soft music as Dab(Drum Piano similar instruments) is allowed in Islam for pleasure like religious Eid, Marriage program & Ali(R) 's poem Gazal songs standard praising creator Allah, Prophets under Hadith what nonMuslims have been already doing by numerous choir Zikir songs but 5 times Salah must be also included with Quranic Surah Salah prayers with understanding without music, after Quran recitation Salah prayer, choir Gazal Zikir can be run with music but you must do nose forehead touching prostration during Hajj pilgrim. In general time, Sejda like knee Ruku standard bowing down and nose forehead touching full prostration Sejda both will pray Salah similar line-Katar in mosque under Imam like different different Mazhab different customs like Rafaladin Takbeer, hand binding or nonbinding, loud Ameen, etc norms under numerous Takbeer Tahrema rules where Anglican Hymns Choirs are designed by Islamic norms Surah verses, Dowa, ZikirTasbi, Tafsir Hedayah-lightened guidances,  Tawbah, etc. Hazrat Ali(RA) with praise permission of Prophet enacted and sang Zikir choir songs, poem lyrics to teach Sufism norm as many perverted singers practiced wrong poem , Zikir songs of creator or idols Fakir Baul SAINT with perverted music what Prophet Mohammad warned this perverted(Shirk Kufr sentences) music songs what now many AleemUlams declare music songs now a days as fully haram under concern with as part of the caution. Recitation requires Ruku-Sejda.  Prophet Mohammad trained 4 types of Salah prayer what 4 Imam have designed it under Kiyaz-Ejma within their Muslims routes of Mahzab in order to engage all sects of people under Quran Sunnah worships as Ahle Kitab nonMuslims can be added easily on Salah prayers, even Juma prayer has been newly designed by Imams under Kiyaz as Badal, Keblal Juma, new Azan norm but Ahle kitab Muslims will perform nose forehead floor touching prayer behind Imam into Muslims Salah congregation Jamayt in mosques together,  after performing Fard prayers,  you can also non nose forehead floor touching bow down Nafal prayer including Jews body moving prayer recitation in same line Qatar in mosques with Nafal prayers people under unit treated Muslims under Islamic philosophical norm where Muslims will pray his styles of Nafl Salah, even you can perform extra more Nafal salah of other Prophets as mosques are also opened for nonMuslims except prayers obstacles infidels, bow down recitation congregation  church can also perform Fard prayers where orthodox Christian, Jews will just use Quranic Surah, verses in their nose forehead floor touching prostration Salah prayer . Finally, numerous styles of prayers under Musafir norm have been shown, people will practice based on their necessity with Tamum Oju by wood-brick-land piece. [Muslim, Hadith: 796] [Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 1312, (Surah: Anfal, verse: 35), (Surah: Muhammad, verse: 34), (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shayba 8576), Surah Tawba 18, (Surah Ahzab, verse: 21) (Surah Araf, verse: 158)] 'O Muhammad, declare, O mankind, I am the Messenger of God Almighty to you all that means he and his guidances are for both Muslims and Ahle Kitab Muslims-non Muslims though Prophet hazrat Mohamad prescribes full standard Salah for all entire mankind .e.g. A same tree contains gourd( general) and gourd leaf (Sufism) both can be eaten from Sunnah life of prophet Mohammad like sole Mango and its Juice.[(Surah Araf, verse: 158), Surah Saba-28. Surah Ambia -107, (An Nisa -131, 101-102),Sura At Taubah 6, Surah al Baqarah (150)]. Salah can be also Zikir Tasbi prayer(remembering Allah always) after Fard timing Salah prayer, [(Surah Bani Israel 17:78) (Surah Nisa 4:103) (Surah Jumu'ah 62: 9) (Surah Baqarah 2:238, 45) (Surah Anayam 5:162)] [(Surah Ibrahim, Verse: 40) [Surah al-'Alaq, verse: 19] (Surah Tawaha, verse: 14) (Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse: 28) (Surah al-A'la, verses: 14-15) (Surah al-' Ankabut, verse: 45) (Surat at-Tawbah, verse: 108) Surah As Sajdah-18]. Christians and Jews have been praying 10-20 minutes long recitation congregation under Imam without escaping option for people to leave the Nafl Salah like 12/15 Raqahs of 5 times Fard Salah under good training strategy. On a regular weekday, morning prayers take from forty minutes to an hour (depending on the congregation), afternoon and evening prayers maybe fifteen or twenty minutes each. On Shabbos or holidays( Like Jumma), make it around two hours for morning prayers like deposited prayer performance at a time, and twenty or thirty minutes for each of the other like Prophet Mohammad and Moses-Dawood-Jesus-Julkifal's huge Nafl Salah prayers. Now Surah of Quran must be read within the prayers for more virtue. Shabbat like remembrance day prayer from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday, Now it can be also celebrated after Juma prayer but Jews has deposited Juma prayer till Magrib Esha Fazr prayer with theoretical-academic Surah recitation with prostration together performance own style equivalency norm by Shabbat prayer congregation with dinner candles lighting of vocational practical brotherhood unity including Khutbah speech for rest holyday remembrance under Kiyaz norm where Quran Surah uses is required also.  Though I also suggest Ahle Kitab for more virtue to perform three Owakt times Fard Salah like Muslim's nose forehead floor touching prostration under full Quran-Sunnah norm and 2 times(Juhar-Asar Qasar-deposit together for working class) Quran recitation, Dowa, Quran-Hadith-Bibles narrations, Hymns Zikir Salah Musafir prayer if it is possible in Churches, at homes in available time. Nafl Salah for long time make up Kaza the earlier non performed mandatory Salah obligation where Nabi orders to pray more Nafl Salah erasing sins.(Sahih Hadith)(Surah Hajj 67, 75, 78; Jihad here is dire efforts to perform full worships sincerely)


Christian Hymns-Psalm/verse: (1)Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! / O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!  All ye who hear, now to His temple(worshipping places) draw near / Sing now in glad adoration! . (2) Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul / Worship His holy name / Sing like never before, O my soul / I’ll worship Your holy name(99 names of almighty creator Allah). 

Almighty God, we come to make confession 

PENITENTIAL ACT(Tawbah by Psalm)

I confess to almighty God(Allah),

and to you, my brothers and sisters,

that I have greatly sinned

through my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done, and in what I have

failed to do;

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault;

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,

all the Angels and Saints,

and you, my brothers and sister,

to pray for me to the Lord our God.


THE GLORIA(Durood of Jesus Isa A by Psalm)

Glory to God(Allah) in the highest,

and on earth peace to men of good will.

We praise You.

we bless You.

we adore you.

we glorify You.

we give You thanks for Your great glory.

Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father(Guardian-Allah).

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son(Servant/Created messenger by Order-Ruh).

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father(messenger of Allah)

you Who take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us.

You Who take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer.

You are seated at the right hand of

the Father(direct grasping righteousness sides), have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One.

You alone are the Lord.

You alone are the Most High Jesus Christ(Guide/Mashiah/Murshid: Torah-Injil&Quran/reform)

with the Holy Spirit(Angel Jibrael)

in the glory of God the Father(Allah). Amen. [(Surah: Talaq, verse: 11, Tawbah 128, (Surah Anfal: 8)- This is own style Quranic, Torah-Injil Sufism Tafsir narration poem, song Ghazal Hymns Zikir)]


After each prayer you will recite Quranic Zikir Tasbeeh (Subhanallah-glorious is Allah), Tahmid (Alhamdulillah-praise be to Allah) and Takbeer (Allahu Akbar-Allah is greater than everything in our hearts), (La Ilaha Illallah-“there's no creator/God-Allah but God-Allah”), Astaghfirullah Tawbah means "I seek forgiveness from Allah" , “Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim” is an Arabic phrase that translates to "Glory be to Allah and His is the praise, (and) Allah, the Greatest is free from imperfection", "La ilaha illa Allah Wahdahu la sharika lahu Lahu al-mulk wa lahu al-hamdu" means "There is no one worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner" 3,5,7 or 33,100 times for more virtue.' (Bukhari: 843, Hadith, Quranic verses)

Then I responded to his call and freed him from anxiety. This is how I release the people of the world.' (Surah Ambiya: Verse 87) Muslims and moderate Muslims scholars AleemUlamas will pray Salah prayers appropriate fixed times properly at congregation in mosque where working people will pray Salah like mathematic Sum basis like Qasr(fraction/Cardinal) with Tawbah like Christian Jews 1 hour prayer with Quran recitation deposit at a time 5 Fard and 3 Nafl Salah prayers as doing something is best instead doing nothing as Prophet also directs pray earlier Qaza(non performance) prayers regular basis with mercy-Tawbah for meeting up sins but all including working classes including industries Garments-busy Security duty forces, workers also will pray Salah fixed proper time if they get free time but Imam can recite Quran for 1 hour with Jumah Kutbah for Muslims meeting up earlier sins like Caliph Omar(R) Tarabi salah congregation e.g. Imam can pray Salah reciting Quran at Garment or similar busy working rooms where workers will stay own seats for 10 minutes as many offices are so busy across world, even don't have break in Salah time e.g. hospital, security forces or military, emergency service, industries workers, busy offices, etc but high rise buildings should have mosque room. Ahle Kitab Muslims or Muslims Imam AleemUlamas will pray 5 times Salah prayer with Azan with free people congregation at mosque but some working classes can even 5 times-Owakt 17 Raqah Fard Salah pray Qasr prayer at a time with Fajr by half or one hours under Qasr, Qaza, Deposit norm as well as reasonable necessity grounds with Tawbah e.g. working people of Ahle Kitab Muslims treated newly Muslims despite less busyness, very busy day-night workers used to work hard work with over time as shipments has to be made within proper time like industries like battle field situation without prayer breaking times where they can join work after Salah prayer congregation at office mosque or individually especially China, Vietnam, India, Korea, etc. Due to being surrounded by enemy forces in the Battle of Khandak, the prayers of the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions were interrupted several times. They perform that prayer running at night. (Sahih Bukhari: 1/83; Sahih Muslim: 1/226). Though Muslims pray Dowa, Tawbah after Salah prayer to meet up sins but Qaza(overdue) Salah must be performed with Tawbah for recovery. But timely Salah congregation is Fard order from Allah as well as Iman-faith increasing efforts gradually towards full worships. (Baqarah 25, 153,195,124, Tawbah 108, Tahrim 8, Nahl 128, Al Imran 76, 146, 159,200, Maidah 42, Ankabut 7, Kahf 30, Anam82, Jumar 10, Najm 28, As Shams 9-10, Qasr rules, Maidah 3) . When Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) came in Mecca as Prophet, often 150-200 million/15-20 Crore population in the world where it is now 9 billions. It is noted when Qasr(halal shorter) prayer is justified for one or group of people under grounds, they will get full virtue for full form of worships where once entire mankind will be just only ''Muslim'' identity despite full or Qasr people worships practice under grounds e.g. difficulties, free time or busy time as 99% world people are working class though some are regular basis busy.


What does ''ضر (durun)'' mean in Arabic? · harm · hurt · injure · disadvantage · mar · impair Noun · verbal noun of ''ضَرَّ ''(ḍarra) (form I) · gift "possessor" or "sovereign", calamity, damage, loss, harm, hurt · bodily affliction, leanness, vulnerabilities, etc [Surah Nisa 101 contains grounds of  difficulties of people for Qasr worships treated a most liberal-minded unorthodox Muslim-moderate Muslim/most moderate Muslim or Especial Blessed Muslim based on circumstances]

Mankind's any Musafir(vulnerable) like Refugees(Muslims or other identities) are vulnerable(Musafir) due to traveler, vulnerable, mentally, physically directly affected and possibility of helpless tension or harm treated securityless like finance, homes, friends, family, relatives, jobs, management, travels, disabilities, difficulties, busyness either devotee of Allah or others, etc where even many housewife are also working hard in busy life alongside others where more than 500 million are Musafir within 2 billion Muslims and they can be expressly perform Musafir Qasr Salah including congregation into Mosque including under Musafir Imam or Mukim-full Imam(resident treated non vulnerableness/capable/suitable with circumstances including mental preparation) for workers mosque where entire nonMuslims will be added under this congregation being treated Abrahamic Muslims having brotherhood and sameness, Qasr ideologies that will build unity within entire mankind with worshipping cultural management and connection as entire nonMuslims are bound to adapt new worships after 1400 years(where Muslims have been practicing 1400 years including studying basic QuranSunnah in schools, families) under Quran Sunnahs treated mental pressure being vulnerableness(Musafir by circumstances including mental non-preparation) but business icon Elon Musk has been Musafir due to fallen down his car in long travel in a day where people will give him lift of their car or repairing his car instead of directly providing money that means Musafir needs assistance, someone needs money, donation especially for religious scholars. Those who are drivers or employees of launches, steamers, planes, buses, trucks, etc will also experience hardships on the way if they travel similar distances. It is mustahab for a traveler to return the salam and say to the Muqtadi(worshippers), "Perform your prayers, I am a traveler." But all Musafir aren't treated like one time Salah as less Musafir will perform Salah Juhr-Asr together and Magrib-Esha together Salah prayers. But ongoing Sunni-Shia-Ahmedia Muslims don't need to pray Qasr Salah with only recitation where they do soil nose touching Ruku Sejda Salah prayer at mosque congregation where they are in vehicles, generally they used to recite Surah Qasr recitation Salah prayers. Salah prayers or worships must be performed despite different cultural habits as much as possible. [(Pure-Sahih Hadith-rules, Muslim, Hadith: 687, Surah An Nisa 101, Surah Quraysh-Habituality- Saif (سيف) is an Arabic name that means "sword" or "scimitar". It can also mean "protector of something like paradise Jannah & earthly mankind"); [Surah Nisa 100-103, Baqarah 238-239, Surah Araf 157]]


Abu Hurairah(R) also used to say, “I concentrate on the prayer and wish to lengthen it. But when I hear a child crying, I shorten it. Because I know that if a child cries (while engaged in prayer), its mother’s heart will be deeply saddened.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat No. 1130) Sometimes, due to travel, coughing, illness, or hearing a child cry, he would recite short and short Surahs. For example, Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “Once, the Prophet (ﷺ) recited the two shortest Surahs of the Quran in the Fajr prayer. The people asked, ‘Why did you shorten it so much?’ He said, “I heard a child crying. I thought that his mother was praying with us. So I wanted to give his mother a chance to do so.” (Ahmad, Musnad, Ibn Abi Dawud, Masahif, Sifatu Salatin Nabi (ﷺ), Albani, pp. 102-103)


It was narrated from Hakam bin Hazn Al-Kulafi that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “O people! You will never be able to do everything you are commanded to do. So adopt a middle course (saddad wa qaribu) and receive good news.” Ahmad 17856, Abu Dawud 1098, Sahihul Jaami’ 7871


Fasting on the day of Ashura

2527 Yahya Ibn Yahya (RA) ... Narrated by Ibn Abbas (RA). He said, The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Madinah and he found the Jews fasting on the day of Ashura (Ashura/Asura/Asura). Then when they were asked about it, they said, "This is the day when Allah made Musa (Alaihis Salam) and Bani Israel victorious over Pharaoh." So in honor of this we observe Sawm (fasting/fasting/fasting/fasting). Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "We are closer to Moses (peace be upon him) than you." Then he ordered to observe fast on this day. It is noted Muslims will celebrate entire nonMuslims Christmas, Diwali, Prophets birthday opening ceremony entire into Muslim route worships with wishing, joy, Dowa, foods party including Shabbat-Jumah diner, lightening, brotherhood. The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy. [Surah Al Asr 1-3, Al Hujurat 10, As Saffat  180-182]. Similarly, 30-40% with AleemUlamas scholars will try to pray full Salah including other worships with rest of them are Qasr Musafir population within 9 billions of entire mankind. Even people can give money to some people for Umrah Hajj like 7 joint parties of Qurbani sacrifice including death people's proxy Hajj or others where Fast can be exempted by donations, assisting fasting people, Eid by at least one  member from family to congregation, Dowa prayer for death relatives by alive, many more like Funeral & governance by someone, and so on. Islam must be established within earth unitedly engaging entire mankind.[Quran-hadith, predecessors' life] 


On this day of the month of Muharram 10, Prophet Moses was saved from the clutches of the tyrannical ruler Pharaoh treated Ashura marks the parting of the Red Sea by Moses and the salvation of the Israelites and his talking on Tur hill getting also Torah book. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) went to Madina in same day as asylum seeker. Also on this day, Noah disembarked from the Ark, Allah's creation of wind, hill, heavens, hells, Sky, Soul, God forgave Adam and his creation, and Joseph was released from prison, commemorate the death of prophet's grandson Husayn ibn Ali, Esrafil blowing the trumpet same day for Kiyamat, Yunus free from fish belly, Abraham's born and free from Namrud's fire,  and various other auspicious events having occurred on Ashura according to Sunni tradition. 


"Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah" translates to "People of the Sunnah and the Community" in Arabic and refers to the mainstream Sunni Muslim belief system, essentially signifying the followers of the Prophet Muhammad's practices and the broader Islamic community; it is considered the standard interpretation of Islam within Sunni Islam.


Allah Ta'ala says, 'If Satan's evil incites you, seek refuge in Allah, He is All-Hearing and All-Knowing.' (Surah: Araf, Verse: 200)

In the Holy Qur'an, Satan's pledge to Allah to lead people astray is stated as follows, 'He (Satan) said, "O my Lord, as you have led me astray, I will attract them all to the earth with various beauties and lead them all astray." The exceptions are your sincere servants among them.' (Surah: Hijr, verses: 39-40). It is noted scholars must take into account one of the standard way from full appropriateness jurisdiction as much as possible with caution with deep concentration research thinking about Qasr norms as Eblish Satan will try to misguide with various beauties from one of the appropriateness ways though scholars will act but devil Eblish Satan Azazil will attack them by many way where Satan follower Jinn attacked Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) in mosque during even praying Salah including others like Jesus Ibn Mariam, Abraham Ibn Noah Ibn Adam (A). 


 Salah, the Islamic prayerhas many benefits, including:

Spiritual connection: Salah allows people to connect with Allah and seek his guidance and blessings. 

Mental health: Salah can help relieve stress and bring a sense of peace and tranquility. A study found that repeating a phrase, like in salah, activates the part of the brain that regulates emotional responses. 

Ethical and moral development: Salah teaches the importance of ethics and morality, and keeps people away from evil deeds. 

Purification of the soul: Salah cleanses sins and protects from harm. 

Mindfulness and concentration: Salah encourages mindfulness and the integration of spirituality and bodily care. 

Cleanliness: Salah involves making wudu (ablution), which cleanses parts of the body that get grimy daily. 

Strengthens faith: Salah strengthens faith and influences people to do more good deeds. 

Unity: Salah creates strong bonds of unity among Muslims, especially when performed as a congregation. 

Discipline: Salah teaches virtues like remembrance of Allah, punctuality, patience, concentration, cleanliness, and hygiene. 

Manners: Salah teaches the manners of a congregation and respect for others. 


Listening to the Quran can have many benefits, including:

Emotional healing: The Quran can help people feel comfort by addressing a wide range of emotions, from joy to despair. 

Inner peace: Listening to the Quran can help people feel calm and assured. 

Stress relief: Listening to the Quran can help relieve stress, anxiety, and anger. 

Improved mood: The Quran can help people feel relaxed and remove negative emotions. 

Language proficiency: Listening to the Quran can help people improve their language skills and phonetic awareness. 

Moral values: The Quran can help people establish moral values and avoid misdeeds. 

Higher quality of life: Muslims who memorize the Quran may have a higher quality of life and lower anxiety and stress. 

Cognitive skills: Memorizing the Quran can help people exercise their memory, attention, and learning abilities. 

Sense of purpose: The Quran can remind Muslims that they have a life after death.


  Mother of Surah Al-Fatihah Translation:

1. In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  

2. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).  

3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.  

4. The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)  

5. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything).  

6. Guide us to the Straight Way 

7. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews, polytheistic), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).

 In fact, Allah expresses his anger in Quran on Bani Israel(nonMuslims) as they aren't establishing Islam though they are now slowly trying to amend themselves by Abrahamism what can be named Assistant of Allah(Reformed Muslim e.g. Catholic Muslim, Protestant Muslim, Anglican Ummah-community, orthodoxia Muslim, etc) and Jews by Repentant Muslim or Tawbah Muslim treated one of the moderate Muslim (Surah Hajj-3,17,14,24,25,27 30, 31, 34,36, 40,41,56-57,6-63,78)(Surah Baqarah-177,62). It is noted that Quran mentioned Jews-Christians aren't current worshipping people of them including Hinduism Buddhism as they have developed more under Qasr norms treated one of the Musafir Muslims.  


The Arabic word qasr (قصر) translates to "palace," "castle," or "fortress". Qasr (Arabic: قصر) refers to the practice of shortening the prayer or worships for people when travelling over long distances or facing difficulties treated halal legitimacy under necessity grounds.  One of the Salah prayers having Fard rules with Qasr norm:  Takbeer should be given at the beginning with Cabla Kaaba pointing or believing Kaaba Cabla centre point of Salah. It is in the Holy Qur'an, "Declare the excellence of your Lord." (Surah Muddassir, verse: 3)

Takbeer (Arabic word : ''Allahu Akbar''-Allah is greater than everything in our hearts with Surah Fatiha is it's complete narration by 7 verses to be connected with almighty creator Allah.)


After reciting this sentence, Surah Fatiha 7 verses must recited with other Surah one or more, Ruku-Sejda tashbih recitation 3 or 5 times, then Durood e Ibrahim or all Prophets Durood Salam reaching  with Mohammad's truthness acknowledgment by (Surah Saffat 180-182, 37) then finishing the Salah by calling single word or this sentence ''Salam('PBUH-peace be upon him') towards Angels''.

Verses should be recited beautifully. In the Holy Qur'an, "Recite as much as it is easy for you to recite from the Qur'an." (Surah Muzzammil, verse 20). Recite one or more Surah with standing or sitting after Surah Fatiha where recitation can be loudly together or one will recite favour of all or and others can silently listen recitation reading text. Before this, Calling Azan and Iqamah is Sunnah norm should be required. Text of Salam Durood e Ibrahim with all Prophets: “O Allah, send Your peace and blessings upon all prophets including Muhammad and the family of them, as You have sent peace and blessings upon Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, and award them glorious places what you have promised to them. Indeed, You are the highest praiseworthy and glorious. Durood, or Salaat 'Alan Nabee, is not mandatory. It is sunnah. Your prayer will still be valid inshaaAllah even if you don't recite it though Durood is virtuous and connection with prophets, Angels, Allah. But it is unity for entire mankind Ummah, peace, preaching worships, establishing Islam, that is Fard mandatory for Muslim.  


Tashahhud dua English translation:

The meaning of the tashahhud in english is “All the compliments are for Allah and all the prayers and all the good things (are for Allah)/(All verbal, physical, and financial worship treated simile ''Aqimus Salat and Zakat''  is for Allah Almighty, [Surah Nisa 162-163]). Peace be on you, O Prophet, and Allah’s mercy and blessings (are on you). And peace be on us and on the good (pious) worshipers of Allah. I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Apostle.” It is noted is Tashahhud Fard mandatory to Salah as it endorses testimony Mohammad as messenger and Allah is our Lord supreme being of worships. Once people didn't believe ''Mohammad as a messenger and Allah is our Lord supreme being of worships' where entire mankind has belief over this including Quran is divine holy book from Allah''.  In short term Reaching Salutation(Salam) and prayer(Salaat/Durood) to all prophets is also fulfilled this. But 10 times are given Durood(Salaam ,Salaat) virtue on one if one recite confession one time Durood to Prophet Mohammad(pbuh), (Sahih Hadith) as he and his accompanies had to face numerous struggles, hurdles to be even recognised as he is the time period trainer responsibility messenger with holy book Quran and one Allah with almighty supreme worshipping being with unimaginable power. Even people can reach Salaam and Durood wishing 'peace be on us(entire mankind) and on the good (pious) worshipers of Allah( including Marry Marium-Merry, Sahabas, Angels, monarch, Head of the State and so on). Even Anglicans including entire nonMuslims/moderate Muslims sects now will perform Salah worships like this way including one of the Qasr Muslims sects Jamat.


"Surely Allah and His angels sent blessings upon the Prophet( Mohammad). O believers! Send blessings and peace on him too''. (Surah Ahzab: 56)(Surah Saffat 180-182); The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, "Whoever sends blessings on me once, Allah will send mercy on him ten times as his reward." It means reaching Salam and Salaat Durood to Prophet Mohammad led all Prophets complying time period norm. Most of the fundamental rules are complied above Qasr norm where ''Surah Kahf, Surah Mariam, Surah Al Imran, Surah Nisa, Surah Maidah, Surah Hajj, Surah As Saff verse 6, Surah Zukhruf: 61, Surah Saffat 180-182'' should be read for unity of entire mankind and directly Isa Jesus(A) arrival as Mashiah remembrance during his leadership as a King under Quran Sunnah of Mohammad(pbuh). He used to recite Surah Qaf in his sermons so much that Umm Hisham (RA) memorized it almost every Friday after hearing the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) recite it on the pulpit. (Ahmad, Musnad, Muslim, Sahih 872-873, Abu Dawud, Sunan, Nasa'i, Sunan)It is said to recite Surah Al Kahf in Jumaba. Hazrat Abu Saeed Khudri(RA) narrated on the authority of Rasulullah (SAW), 'Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday, light will be showered on him from one Friday to the next. In this surah the events of Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Khizir and Zul Qarnain are also narrated. The main topic of the discussion of this surah is the case of Ashab Kahf or some cave dweller believers(disciples of Jesus). In essence, Surah Maryam benefits encapsulate profound spiritual advantages, fostering faith, Jesus miracle born and prophecy, solace, and a strengthened connection with Allah, May the enduring guidance within these sacred verses continue to enrich and deepen our spiritual journey. The most amazing aspect is the story of Maryam, the mother of Jesus, peace be upon them, and her faith, struggle and patience at the time of advertisity. The text of the surah refers to many well-known prophetic figures, including Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Ishmael, Idris, Adam, Zakaria, and Noah.


Ongoing Tashahhud and Durood dua of Christians: In the Gospel of John, which is currently available, Jesus (peace be upon him) prayed to God Almighty and said, “This is true life, that they might know you, the only true God(Rab Allah), and Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), whom you have sent.” (John 17:3); Jesus answered: “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” ~ (Matthew 22:37-40), (Mark 11:24-25); "But seek first his(Allah) kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Matthew 6:33; Jesus looked at them and said, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”- Matthew 19:26; “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened. ~ Matthew 7:7-8; For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matthew 12: 50, Peace be Upon Jesus Ibn Merry Mariyam including Mohammad, Merry Mariyam, Abraham and mankind. Moses says that God told him to raise up a prophet(Ahmed/Mohammad) like Moses from among the Israelites' brothers. The prophet would speak God's words and God would hold those who did not listen to account, [(Bible Deuteronomy 18:18-19)(Genesis17:20) (Matthew 21:43)]. It is also treated Christian Tashahhud dua with different style of verses with almost same meaning.


During Jumah, after recitation these with Khutbah speech, Dowa, if people do study or research class, group study or listen class from mosque or other teachers, trainers including online classes from international experts including video projector as part of the Khutbah(guidances speech for both earthly&hereafter) treated Salat-Zikir and harmony with lunch or diner party treated Khutbah. Even officials or students can work for companies or teachers take classes in classrooms with male and female students as part of the Khutbah after recitation Qasr Salah recitation part treated Jumah Khutbah with 2 raqah Salah prayer by teacher or anyone including tea coffee parties as they are the community of society treated Salah with community brotherhood as male and female both are welcomed into mosque salah prayers since Prophet. Even sometimes judges, economist, lawyer, doctor, experts, scientists, job trainers, activists, monarch or Head of the State, politician, General, any notable one treated Imam also can make topics expertise speeches Khutbah during mosque Jumah Salah prayer where regular spiritual Imam will perform Salah worshipping 2 raqah prayer based on necessaries, demand of society, development, nations. These will attract young generation to prayers where prayers are necessary  for people earthly benefits physical and mental like teeth brush alongside hereafter blessings heavens. Even Sect of Judaism can perform Salah Jumah prayer Qasr standard anywhere homes or offices including 3 persons at Zuhr time where they can also arrange Khutbah class and Diner party at night including extending to Saturday further prayer program. After Jumah they can recite also Hymns Zikir, Dowa, songs with music. Vocational practical training is always welcomed at Khutbah Salah parts. [Al Mafsut 1/36, Sharhe Zarkani 1/389, Aini Umdatul Qadir 6/162]

The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) said, “---And the whole world has been made for me a mosque (place of prayer) and an instrument of purity. So whoever among my ummah comes to any place where the time of prayer comes, let him pray there.” (Bukhari 438, Muslim etc.)

Mosques (places of prayer and prostration) all over the world (all places) except cemeteries and baths. (Abu Dawud, Sunan, Tirmidhi, Sunan, Daremi, Sunan, Mishkat no. 737) The purpose of building a mosque is to offer Salah prayers, Zikir remembrance of Allah, discussion of religion, etc. The Prophet (ﷺ) said about the mosque:

"These are only for the Zikir remembrance of Allah, the prayer Salah and the recitation of the Qur'an." [Muslim, As-Sahih 1/236].


In response to such words and doubts of the people, Maryam herself pointed to her newly born child. That is, she will answer this. Because he is a miraculous child given by Allah, which the people do not know. Allah says, ‘Then Maryam pointed to Jesus. Then they said, ‘How shall we speak to one who is in the womb?’ (Maryam 29). Jesus then said, ‘I am a servant of Allah. He has given me the Book (the Gospel) and made me a prophet’ (30). ‘He has blessed me wherever I am. He has enjoined on me prayer and charity as long as I live’ (31). ‘And to be dutiful to my mother. Allah has not made me arrogant or wretched’ (32). "Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive." (Maryam 19:29-33) It is simile meaning that working classes worships are designed with Qasr(shorter legitimacy halal equivalency of full worships obligatory duties) under reform with grounds using appropriate analytical knowledge of holy book Quran Sunnah with Sufism norm(more reliance towards Allah with fearness piety Taqwa called Marifat like Kiyaz norm) where working classes are like machine of economy for mankind livelihood where holy book Injil is mostly designed with reform of ''appropriate liberal interpretation'' from Torah showing ''middle way approach'' what has subsequently extended in Quran Sunnah also what will continue till Kiyamat due to mass population rising with working classes difficulties e.g. curing patients is a noble worship for religious Imam as serving creature and assisting vulnerable even in holyday at Saturday for formalities full worshipping day in worshipping places where leaders, politicians, scholars,  their sons, daughters, etc show solidarity and inspiration towards working classes(manpower) over drinking wine, coffee, music, concerts, working restaurants, bar, games, Cooking & driving car by Monarch-Presidents-PM-Professors, etc by treated Quran Sunnah guidances manner. President, Monarch led cabinet, Mps salah congregation prayer in Church including Bible touching oath and Presidents' cemetery Ziyarat prayer media coverage treated prayer establishment Iqamat Salat norm despite school, churches' training students. Even Muslims doctors' Fard norm is to serve patients in hospitals escaping Friday Jumah Salah congregation prayer where he later will recite surah or perform 2 raqah Salah prayer at home treated full or more virtue for him counting double count of virtue serving patient Khutbah as well as 2 raqah Salah performance including even sacred(clean) soil replaced by clean brick, limestone, tiles, marble, Crystal stone Oju Tayammum(Intending Oju-sacredness) avoiding Bacteria virus.[Surah An Nisa 43].  Soil viruses play a pervious   unrecognized role in soil ecology. Several recent studies have shown that soil viruses are influenced by changes in their environment. For example, vOTUs were higher in native prairie compared with conventionally tilled soils (Cornell et al., 2021). It suggests that soil aren't clean now a day including all kind of water to be cleaned sacred for Oju, bath, etc as soils, sand were in pure during prophet's time due to clean environment. Even Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) advised not to bath inside the confined pound, well without taking water from them using bucket awaring need manner and clean as entire pound can be unclean by even after wife sexual intercourse but bathing is swimming pools regular changed with purification are different matter like entertainable bathing but flowing water rivers are clean though 10 kg water pond isn't uncleaned by bathing scholar another definition though currently all rivers aren’t need & clean due to industrial chemicals, bathroom toilet lines, etc where these rivers water aren’t sacred era’s consistency practices.(Sahih Hadith)


Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered me to announce that “There is no prayer except Surah Al-Fatihah and some additional Surahs.” (Ibid., no. 820) Sometimes he would recite a Surah in two rak’ahs (divided into halves). Sometimes he would recite a Surah in both rak’ahs (in full). (Qira’at in the Fajr prayer) Sometimes he would recite two or more Surahs together in one rak’ah. In the Masjid of Quba, a man used to lead the Ansar. (After Surah Al-Fatihah) he would recite whatever other Surahs were recited. But before that, he would recite Surah Al-Ikhlas in every rak’ah.(Bukhari, with a separate chain of transmission, no. 774, Sahih, Tirmidhi, Sunan no. 2323)Prophet recited the 136th verse of Surah Al-Baqarah in the first rak'ah and the 64th verse of Surah Al-Imran in the second rak'ah, in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). [(Muslim, Mishkat, no. 843) (Quran 73/20) Bukhari 1098, Sahih Muslim no. 700)].  It is noted Quranic verses must be recited after Surah Fatiha anyway where mixed verses called poem or Hymn or especial Khutbah speech can be recited as part the verses or Surah(poem/chapter/content)but Jumah Khutbah speech is different where Imam can provide Quranic Surah or verses including own content guidances like Molecule Atom experimental divination diversities(degree/jurisdictions) application of worships with practical life. 


A man used to lead the Ansar in the mosque of Quba. (After Surah Fatiha) he would recite whatever other Surahs were recited. But before that, everyone would also recite Surah Ikhlas in one rak’ah. His followers would say to him, ‘You are reciting this Surah. Then, not thinking that it is enough, you are reciting another Surah!’ (Bukhari with various chains of transmission, no. 774, Sahih, Tirmidhi, Sunan no. 2323). It guides that people of the worshippers can recite especial Surah or verses or mixed verses or both after Surah Fatiha like Jesus Isa, Mariam, Moses, Dawood-Suleiman, Mohammad, Sahaba(A) or waliAwliya leaders righteous persons words narrated remembrance Surah regular basis in prayers in order to especial direction or remembrance. 


Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) used to order the Quran to be recited in a sweet tone; he used to say: “Beautify the Quran with your (sweet) words. For sweet words increase the beauty of the Quran.” (Bukhari, Ta’leeq, Abu Dawud, Sunan 1468, Darimi, Sunan, Hakim, Mustadrak) While reciting the Quran, he used to stop at the end of each verse. (Abu Dawud, Sunan, Hakim, Mustadrak, Irwa’ul Galil, Albani No. 343)


The Holy Prophet (ﷺ) used to recite the Quran slowly, clearly and beautifully, as per the command of Allah; not in a hurry or quickly. Rather, he would recite each letter clearly and distinctly. (Ibn al-Mubarak, Zuhd, Abu Dawud, Sunan, Ahmad, Musnad Sifatu Salatin Nabi (ﷺ), Albani p. 124)


The Prophet (ﷺ) would sometimes recite two Surahs with the same or similar meanings in the same rak'ah. (Bukhari 775, Muslim, Sahih 722) Surah Ar-Rahman (55th Surah / 78 verses) and An-Najm (53/62) in one rak'ah, Surah Ikhtarabat (54/55) and An-Najm (69/52) in one rak'ah, Surah At-Tur (52/49) and An-Dhariyat (51/60) in one rak'ah, Surah Wa-Qi'ah (56/96) and An-Nun (68/52) in one rak'ah, Surah Ma'rij (70/44) and An-Nazi'at (79/46) in one rak'ah, Surah Al-Muttaffifin (83/36) and An-Abasa (80/42) in one rak'ah, Surah Al-Muddaththir (74/56) and Al-Muzzammil (73/20) in one rak'ah, Surah Dahhr (76/31) and Qiyamah (75/40) in one rak'ah, Surah An-Naba (78/40) and Mursalat (77/50) in one rak'ah, and Surah Dukhan (44/59) and Takbir (Takweer) (81/29) in one rak'ah. (Abu Dawud, Sunan No. 1396)


Sometimes he would also recite big Surahs like Surah Al-Baqarah, Aal Imran and An-Nisa in the same rak'ah. (Muslim, Sahih No. 772)


When the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) recited the Quran in the (Tahajjud) prayer, he would recite it slowly. When he recited a verse of praise, he would recite it, when he recited a verse of supplication, he would supplicate, and when he recited a verse of seeking refuge, he would seek refuge with Allah. (Muslim, Sahih No. 772). People can seek mercy or seek blessings during Sejda-prostration talking with Allah expressing his problems that is most way to get blessing faster. For this reason, Christmas unity Khutbah speech Hymn can be also narrated during Salah prayer after Surah Fatiha as part of the few verses and guidances seeking with mercy. 


The Prophet (ﷺ) used to recite the Quran slowly, clearly and beautifully, as commanded by Allah; He used to say, “The reciter of the Quran will be told in the Hereafter, ‘Keep reciting and be elevated in rank. And recite (the Quran slowly, accurately) as you used to recite in this world. For your place will be near the last verse of whatever you recite.” (Abu Dawud, Sunan, Nasa’i, Sunan, Tirmidhi, Sunan, Jami’ No. 8122)


Surah Fatiha's narration: First three verses of the Surah Fatiha express praising creator Rab Allah stating his sovereign supremacy on earthly and hereafter reign. Second, fourth verse expresses we pray to almighty Lord Allah confessing worshipping being stating non polytheists(Shirk-Kufr). Later, fifth, sixth and seventh verses state that we seek light(Hidayah-guidance/good deeds) supplicating like blessed righteous predecessor path and salvation from purse like cursefull people's ways(Saytan evils deeds/violation of creator's prescriptions). ''Tawhid'' confession is a central belief in Islam that states that there is only one God, Allah, who is indivisible and unique("La ilaha illallah" is an Islamic phrase that means "there is no god but God").  The word "tawhid" means "the oneness of Allah" or "making one". It is a fundamental belief that forms the basis of Islamic faith and worship. All messengers Prophets preach the same creator's recognition Surah(chapter) across the world in every time during their time period Shariyat(Risalat "treatise', or message") with their own lessons Surah verses contents based on circumstances for ancient descendants, culture, difficulties, incidents, suggestions, etc. Peace be upon on Jesus, Mariam, Mohammad, Moses, Dawood-Suleiman(A), Angels, etc is the praising and connection norm with mentor prophecy. After Surah Fatiha, That is, ---Therefore, recite whatever part of the Quran is easy for you to recite. (Quran 73/20). [In fact, people did evil deeds since Adam prophecy, later many people didn't confess creator's supremacy sovereign reign, they also didn't obey creator is the only worshipping being avoiding polytheism].


It is also used for curing patients for divine blessings of Virtues of Surah Fatiha. According to some accounts, they recited Surah Fatiha seven times. Then they took a little spit and applied it to the wound occurred from snake bite. The hadith is narrated from Abu Sa'id Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him). The hadith is in Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah. But entire mankind will pray small Surah like surah Ekhlas-Kausar Nas or chosen verses after Surah Fatiha during individually prayer as part of the easiness instead of Jamat congregations. 


On the other hands, currently Jews Christians including other nonMuslims sects have designed Hymns, Psalms, Songs Ghazal, with narrating half of the Surah Fatiha like Zikir and others verse with own guidances Khutba speeches stating earlier Prophets didn't get full Surah during their earlier time period duties treated also virtuous where all Prophets are included Prophet Mohammad leading lessons(Shariyat) since 610AD since Baitul Mukaddas mosque coronation Meraj by Chief of Angel Staff Jibrael(A) by almighty supreme being Allah's order where people must earn virtue complying time period norm, standard. Therefore, leaving Kufr(disbelief) with full faithful surrender towards Allah treated 'Muslim ideology', entire People of the earlier books must adapt full or Qasr worships norm despite having different different prophets, OliAwliyas, Merry Mariam Sahabas Imam, piety persons' especial followers with chosen visible various characteristics having time period consistency manner. (Quran, Hadith, 103 earlier Holy Books)


The Prophet (ﷺ) used to recite this Surah at length sometimes. He used to say, “The best prayer is the one whose standing is long.” (Muslim, Hakim, Mustadrak, Mishkat No. 800)

Even Quran, Torah-Injil route norm doesn't consistent half Surah Fatiha with few verses Khutbah Tafsir treated Zikir 'equivalencing' the Qasr Salah prayers(5 times Full Fard Salah prayers' equivalency) but Zikir has another virtue where Qasr Salah prayers will erase the burden of 5 times Salah prayers sins over ''Faith and performance'' rule being ''full faithful'' as Jesus Isa(A)'s lessons-(Shariyat) have been developed with extension by Quran Sunnah by Prophet Mohammad(pbuh)'s training of worships. If we hold someone we will only practice Adam or Moses or Nuh(A) lessons directly with literal meaning what was enacted and enforced before 7 or 5 thousand years ago, why creator has given 124,000 prophets in later period with trainings with holy books? But people can adapt individual prophets' guidance, lessons, training e.g. As part of the Prophet Jesus Isa(A), people can follow reform and equivalent norm of full worships treated also Jesus' Sunnah or Fard training of worships like Mahzab or Sects or Pir- trainers, Wali Awliya norm from full Quran-Sunnah norm where Pope follow Yahia-Mariam family leaving devotion and Etekaf confinement for Moses, melody Hymns Ghazal Zikir songs for Dawood-Suleiman(A) treated appropriate Abrahamism or Sufism recognised by also time period universal Prophet Mohammad(pbuh). 


In Injil(one of the reformed guide book holy Bible), While the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) about God(Rab Allah) Almighty are not available in a continuous source, it is clear that he taught his followers the doctrine of Tawhid, or monotheism. In the Gospel of John, which is currently available, Jesus (peace be upon him) prayed to God Almighty and said, “This is true life, that they might know you, the only true God(Rab Allah), and Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), whom you have sent.” (John 17:3), A leader said to Jesus (peace be upon him), “Teacher! You are a good man.” Jesus (peace be upon him) said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God(Rab Allah) alone.” (Luke 18:18, 19) It is mentioned  almost full meaning of the Surah Fatiha's contents supremacy of God and worships only towards him as worshipping being. In the Bible, Jesus commands us to pray to God by good deeds and to avoid bad deeds. The Gospel says in the words of Saint Paul: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10: NIV)(Mark 3/28: Md.-06)(Matthew Chapter 25, especially 25/45-46), Despite complete faith, devotion and love for Jesus, there is no salvation except by obeying   God's(Allah) all commands: "Not everyone who says to me(Jesus), 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will(orders/guidances) of my Father(Allah) who is in heaven..."[(Matthew 7/21-23: Holy Bible-2000)(Matthew 7/15-23)]. 


Other Bible Surah Verses: Matthew writes: “And as Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” (Matthew 9:9, 13)Elsewhere in the Bible, Jesus commanded the people to preach to all nations. According to Matthew, after his resurrection from the dead, Jesus told his disciples in his last appearance: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things, and teaching them to observe all things, that they may know the truth and the knowledge of the truth.” (Matthew 28:19, NIV), In Mark's account, Jesus says at this time: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15, 13/10), Luke’s account is as follows: “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. And he said to them, ‘Thus it is written, and thus it behooved the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations...” (Luke 24:45-47, NIV), This book also mentions that the wife of John the Baptist's father, Zechariah, was a descendant of Aaron (Luke 1:5). Mary was the cousin of Zechariah's wife (Luke 1:36). The Bible says about Noah's (A.S.) Ark: "This is how you shall make the Ark: its length shall be three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. From the roof of the Ark to the bottom one cubit shall be an open space all around, and its door shall be in one side of the Ark. There shall be a first, a second, and a third deck in the Ark." (Genesis 6/15-16, Md.-06).“Hares don't chew a cud. Hares are lagomorphs, not ruminants (members of the cattle family). Only ruminants chew cud, lagomorphs do not.”Regarding halal and haram animals, the Bible says: “The hare, though it chews the cud, does not divide the hoof; it is unclean for you.” (Leviticus, 11/6, 13), Regarding halal and haram birds, Leviticus 11:13-19: “And these shall be an abomination to you among the birds: these shall not be eaten, these shall be an abomination... and the bat.” If you lend money to any of my people, even to the poor among you, you shall not be his creditor; you shall not charge him interest. You shall not take interest or increase it. But fear your God. Your brother may live with you. According to Leviticus 25:37, “You shall not lend [your brother] your money on interest.” The Bible says that if a man marries his brother's sister while he is alive, he will not have children, and if he has sexual relations with his aunt, he will not have children(adultery haram without halal marriage)( Leviticus 20:20-21). The Holy Scriptures encourage us to be willing to help others. However, we should do so with joy and with the right motive. In this way, both the one receiving and the one giving are happy. (Proverbs 11:25; Luke 6:38) Jesus said: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”​—Acts 20:35. The Bible says that God himself will reward them.—Luke 14:12-14. Numbers 1/44-47 (Moses-13): “Moses and Aaron numbered all the people of Baniisrael descendants like often 600 thousands who capable to got with them with alt least age of 20-50. The Israelites stayed in Egypt for a maximum of 215 years. Starting 80 years before leaving Egypt, all their male children were killed and their female children were kept alive. (Exodus 1/15-22), When the Israelites left Egypt, they were accompanied by a large army of domestic animals. All the people and animals crossed the sea in one night. They traveled every day and the direct instructions of Moses' own mouth were sufficient for their journey. After crossing the sea, they took up their positions by the twelve springs on the side of Mount Sinai. (Exodus 12:38-42);   At the time of the Exodus from Egypt, there were only two midwives among the Israelites: Shiphrah and Puah. Pharaoh instructed these two midwives that when you give birth to Hebrew (Israelite) women, you must kill every male child, and if it is a female child, you must keep it alive. (Exodus 1:15-22) If the Israelites had been so numerous, there would have been no way that just two midwives could have provided midwifery services for all of them. Rather, there would have been hundreds of them. In Luke's genealogy, the names Adam and Arni are added between David's eighth ancestor, 'Ram', and his ninth ancestor, 'Hezron' (Luke 3:33).The angel of God told Mary about Jesus: “The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:32-33, NIV).The book of Acts states: “Brothers, concerning the patriarch David... God swore to him with an oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne; David, seeing this, spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah( forecasting future prophets)…” (Acts 2:29-31, Mt. 13), Nebuchadnezzar, or BakhteNasar, killed Jehoiakim in Jerusalem.(Chapter History: Jehoiakim/ Jehoikim and Flavius Josephus 10)), Ezekiel writes that God said to Egypt: “Therefore, behold, I am against you, saith the Lord GOD, and will bring war upon you, and will cut off your people and your beasts. And Egypt shall be a desolate waste. Then shall your people know that I am the LORD. Because you have said, The Nile is yours, and you have made it: therefore I am against you, and against all the waters of your rivers. I will make the land of Egypt a desolation and a waste, from Migdol even to Aswan, the border of Ethiopia. Neither man nor beast shall pass through it; neither shall any man dwell in it for forty years. And I will make the land of Egypt desolate among all the countries that are desolate; and her cities shall be desolate among the cities that are desolate forty years. And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and among the countries: and at the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians that are scattered abroad. I will give the land of Egypt to Baasha-nez'ar king of Babylon, and he will take its wealth and plunder it for the wages of his army. (Ezekiel 29/8-19), Matthew writes about the birth of Jesus: “All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel( meaning ‘God with us or save us from sins’/Jesus Christ means ‘the anointed savior’ though Jesus Christ, Spirit and Allah have same aim unity through book Injil lessons for people)(The name "Jesus" comes from the Hebrew name "Yeshua", which is a combination of "Ya", an abbreviation for Yahweh, and the verb "yasha", meaning "rescue", "deliver", or "save" by Shariyat lessons worshipping)..’ This name, being interpreted, means ‘God with us.’” (Matthew 1:22-23: NIV), Matthew says: “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the captivity in Babylon until the Messiah are fourteen/fourthy  generations.” (Matthew 1/17, Rev. 6)After Jesus was sanctified after his birth, his parents took him to the temple in Jerusalem and offered sacrifices there. And the Holy Spirit appeared to her, and she described the virtues of Jesus there. Similarly, Anna, an old prophetess, “came up at the gate and gave thanks to God and spoke about him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:22-38)Matthew writes that Jesus' family went to Egypt to protect themselves from Herod. After Herod's death, they returned from Egypt. Thus, the Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah was fulfilled: "He remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: 'Out of Egypt I called my son'" (Matthew 2:15, NIV). “When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. The more I called them the more they went from me(violated the order). They kept sacrificing to the Ba’als and burning incense to idols.”(Hosea 11/1-2, Bible-2000)Jesus said: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do...” (John 14:12, 13)At the beginning of Matthew chapter 24,29-35 after the above prophecy about the destruction of the Temple of Solomon (Baitul Moqaddas?!) Jesus sat down with his disciples on the Mount of Olives. Then Jesus described the destruction of the Temple (Baitul Moqaddas?!) and said: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days (Immediately after) the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then the sign of the Son of Man (Keri: Son of Man) will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory[where Quran mentions 389 verses about Kiyamat]. Even these verses are now also narrated by Hymn Psalm songs Zikir in Prayer for the mystical system of the Sufis where holy divine book Zabur is recited as Hymn Psalm Zikir norm and often 50-5000 books with 17-30th edition Bible guide books have been already published assisting original Bible Injil like Hadith books with Era's interpretations. The Hebrew Bible has three sections: Torah(the Law, or Commandments; also called the Pentateuch), Nevi'im (the Prophets), and Ketuvim (the Writings). These books are known to Christians as the Old Testament. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament. Due to era's development, literal Biblical laws are suspended like Quran now a days by era's necessary enforceable laws, orders, regulations made by parliaments and judiciary but these can be recited for virtue purposes. There even are over 80,000 versions of the Bible worldwide, with full Bibles in more than 530 languages and portions of the Bible Kitab in about 2,900 languages.


It is mentioned that holy Injil(Bible) has developed these verses subsequently in Quran and hadith purely with reform within full Surah with well-organized chronological way that is required to recite in Salah prayers or recitation including research for more and full virtue like scientific method for producing positive energy of worships encountering evils negative energy by sufficient ingredients that is even called ''Common Word Consistency Practice''  between Quran and earlier books. [Surah Al Imran 64]


"There will be 120 rows of the people of Paradise, of which 80 rows will be from the Ummah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)(fixing Shariyat period of 124,000 prophets with several prophets arrival for one Shariyat )" (Tirmidhi: 2546). As entire mankind now Ummate Muhammadi automatically in the time period due to Ummate Muslim(Mohammad led all prophets' follower community) faith and worshipping performances with Tawbah for shortcomings where entire mankind will go heavens since 610 AD though earlier rest of the mankind since Adam to Jesus had very few population like 200 million. Even Attorney General or Chief Prophet/messenger/ witness/lawyer Hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) through Quran-Sunnah training will use his preserved prophecy power for Ummat(People of the follower of Quran Sunnah including inherent other books/good deeds) reaching them heavens by single Sejda prostration recommendation under Arash praying Allah like 70,000 people simile or more trillions including Ginn nations. Even if people follow earlier holy books treated few percentages of Quran Sunnah automatically will be engaged within messenger Mohammad’s training and lessons called Shariyat with amout of virtue where they won’t never be treated earlier prophets’ Ummat anyway after 610 AD.


Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) will also recommend who follow Quran Sunnah guidances despite also following other prophets and Imam scholars, later other prophets, Angels, Imam, leaders, Holy books like full powerful Quran, family members, Mumin piety Muslim also recommend other people including having automatic recommendation(witness/Shahada/Shafayet/testimony) from Prophet Mohammad ordered by Allah as Allah will allow all people to get at least a defense awarding heavens with mercy as part of the righteousness persons or being blessed or teaching virtue anyway e.g. people reach pray Dowa to Angels, Quran recitation, donate others treated defense for mercy being recommendatory. E.g. Pope follows especially Mariam, Yahia, Jesus family leaving devotion Taqwa where he will get their recommendation despite prophet Mohammad's recommendation including others Quran, good deeds, etc. (Quran, Hadith)  (Surah Baqarah 255) (Surah Yunus 3 ) (Surah Al An Am 70)


And follow that which is revealed to you from your Lord. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted. It is treated prophet's fixed lessons and another route others good deeds like Mariyam alongside Quran Sunnah (Surah Ahzab 2)


What does  places sacred mean?

It is believed and recited the verses disconnecting evils from the places for sacredness. Inni Wajjahat wazhiya lillaahji fataras samawati wal ard hanifaw wama anaminal musriqeen. Meaning: I have turned my face from all directions to the One Who owns the heavens and the earth, and I am not of the polytheists. This verse is recited while standing in the place or Carpet before prayer. It is called the secreting the places supplication for prayer though entire world places are sacred for prayers even Dowa recitation during toilet, batching sacredness by wanting to enter the toilet to say: A'udhu Billahi min al-khubthi wa'l-khabaith (I seek refuge Allah from the male and female devils), so that no khubth (evil) or khabaith (evil spirits) will affect him.


In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says, ‘Those who strive for Me, I will guide them to My path. And Allah is with the doers of good.’ (Surah Ankabut, verse: 69)

Those who strive for Allah’s pleasure, Allah Almighty does not abandon them to their circumstances. Rather, He guides them and opens the way to Him for them. He informs them step by step how they can gain His pleasure. Fudayl ibn Ayad, in his commentary on this verse, says, ‘Those who strive for knowledge, We make their deeds easy for them.’ (Tafsir al-Baghwi)


Bid'ah(ultra vires) If anyone invents something new in this religion of ours, it will be rejected because every new thing introduced is a bid'ah and every bid'ah is a corruption. -Bukhari, Muslim-Mishkatul Masabih. Ultra vires is a Latin phrase, meaning "beyond the powers." Ultra vires plainly means an action by a company or its agent that exceeds the legal scope of its authority(Quran-Sunnah, expert opinions ie. prophet's style, process and ideology). Bidʿah, in Islam, any innovation that has no roots(comply/consistency) in the traditional practice (Sunnah: rules of procedure and ideology) of the Muslim community.

Two Main Scholarly Opinions on Bidah: The first group says: There are 2 types of bidah – bidah hasanah (good innovation) and bidah sayyiah (bad innovation). This is the opinion of Ibn Hajar, As-Souyouti, and as-Sakhawi among others.  It is noted Tarabi Salah is good innovation(bidah hasanah) norm of worships where Qasr congregation Salah and worships by express Jamat for 6 billion is treated good innovation Sect Jamat establishing Islam within entire mankind gradually for full adaption under Quran Sunnah guidances(Quran Sunnah, Torah-Injil route norm). 

“Therefore, let those who oppose the command of his Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) beware that fitna (calamity) will overtake them or a painful punishment will attack them. (Surah Noor: 63) Allah Ta'ala also says: "Accept what Allah's Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, has brought for you. And refrain from what He forbids you.” (Surah Hashar: 7) 


The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

Meaning: Every action depends on intention(bona fide or not). People will get what they intend. [[Bukhari: 1 and Muslim: 1907]

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said:

Meaning: The person who calls (people) to guidance, will get the reward equal to the one who follows the path of guidance. No one's reward will be less. And the one who invites (people) to go astray will be as guilty as the follower of the astray. It will not reduce anyone's sin. [Muslim : 2674]


On the authority of Jarir Ibn Abdullah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said: Meaning: The person who practices a good deed in Islam has a reward for that deed, and he will receive a reward from those who act on that good deed later, and no one's reward will be reduced. In such a way, the person who commits an evil deed will have the sin of that evil deed in his record, and the sins of those involved in that sin will also be written later. It will not reduce anyone's sin. [Muslim : 1017]

On the authority of Zayd bin Arqam (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said: Meaning: O people! Surely I am a man, whenever the Messenger of Death comes from my Lord I will respond to his call. And I leave you with two things. One of them is the Book of Allah Quran (the other is my Sunnah), which contains guidance and light. It is the strong rope of Allah. Those who follow this book will be guided. And those who leave it will go astray. Hold fast to the Book of Allah.[Sahih Muslim 2408]. It is noted if people even do small wrong understanding Quran Sunnah knowledge 100% appropriately, glorious Allah will award mercy on small shortcoming Insha Allah. Even Prophet orders to take your own decision from Quran Sunnah when your feel there are no appropriate sect or experts in numerous disputed sects in societies, you can make your own judgment as well as even follow what you have understood from Quran Sunnah simile stating taking shelter even in hill or hole. [Surah Nur 21] "Know, He is the Mighty, the Most Forgiving (Sura-39 Jumar, verse 5). "O Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)! Tell My servants, I am indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Sura-15 Hijr, Verse: 49).'

Allah says, 'If you can avoid the major sins(e.g. Shirk, Fard norms violation) of which you have been forbidden, I will forgive you the minor sins(e.g. ignoring some Sunnah, Wajib norms within worships) and admit you to honorable places. (Surah: Nisa, verse: 31, An Najm 32, Surah Hud 114)

"Surely good deeds cancel out evil deeds', (Surah Hud 114). 

Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the ignorant. Even Europe, USA Jews-Christians are praying full Salah under Sunni Imam at mosque with having full faithful though working classes will follow Qasr norm. [Surah Al Araf 199]


Dowa Hymn prayers by many notable Prophets mentioned in Quran: Prayer is very important in Islam. Prayer is called the brain of worship. According to the Hadith, Allah is pleased with the person who prays, and He is displeased with the one who does not. Various prayers of the prophets have been quoted in the Holy Quran. These prayers, on the one hand, make us aware of prayer, and on the other hand, they teach us the etiquette of prayer.

1. Adam (peace be upon him): He said, “Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers.” (Surah A’raf, verse 23)


2. Noah (AS): Several supplications of Noah (AS) are mentioned in the Quran. For example—

a. He said, ‘My Lord! Help me in that of which they deny me.’ (Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse: 26)

b. He said, ‘My Lord! I seek refuge in You from asking You for that of which I have no knowledge. If You forgive me and have not mercy on me, I will be among the losers.’ (Surah Hud, verse: 47)


3. Yunus (AS): The Quran mentions the supplication of Yunus (AS), saying, “There is no god but You (Allah), You are the Exalted, the Great, and I am indeed a transgressor.” (Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse: 87)


4. Shuaib (AS): He said, “My Lord! Decide between us and our people with justice, and You are the Best of Deciders.” (Surah A’raf, Verse: 90)


5. Lut (AS): His two supplications as mentioned in the Quran are:

A. He said, “My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do.” (Surah Ash-Shu’ara, Verse: 169)

B. He said, ‘My Lord! Help me against the people who are causing mischief.’ (Surah Ankabut, verse: 30)


6. Jacob (peace be upon him): He said, ‘I only resort to Allah for my unbearable pain and my grief.’ (Surah Yusuf, verse: 86)


7. Ibrahim (AS): Several supplications of Ibrahim (AS) are mentioned in the Quran. For example—

a. He said, ‘O my Lord! Make this city safe and protect me and my children from idolatry.’ (Surah Ibrahim, verse: 35)

b. He said, ‘O my Lord! Grant me a righteous offspring.’ (Surah As-Saffat, verse: 10)


8. David (peace be upon him): He said, “Our Lord! Grant us patience, make our feet firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 250)


9. Moses (peace be upon him): Several supplications of Moses (peace be upon him) have been narrated in the Holy Quran. For example—

a. He said, ‘My Lord! I have wronged myself, so forgive me.’ (Surah Al-Qasas, verse: 16)

b. He said, ‘My Lord! Deliver me from the wrongdoing people.’ (Surah Al-Qasas, verse: 21)


10. Solomon (peace be upon him): The two supplications of Solomon (peace be upon him) as narrated in the Quran are—

a. He said, ‘My Lord! Grant me the ability to express gratitude to You for Your favors upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous deeds that please You, and admit me by Your grace among Your righteous servants.’ (Surah An-Naml, verse: 19)

b. He said, ‘My Lord! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom that no one will possess except me. You are the Bestower.’ (Surah Saad, verse: 35)


11. Zakariya (peace be upon him): He said, ‘My Lord! Do not leave me alone. You are the Best Possessor.’ (Surah Al-Anbiya, verse: 89)


12. Joseph Yusuf (peace be upon him): He said, “My Lord! You have given me the kingdom and taught me the interpretation of dreams. O Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Guardian in this world and the Hereafter. Make me among the righteous.” (Surah Yusuf, verse: 101)


13. Jesus (peace be upon him): His two supplications as mentioned in the Quran are:

A. He said, “O Allah! Our Lord! Send down for us from the sky a table of food. It will be a joy for us and for those before us and those after us, and a sign from You. And provide for us; You are the Best of Providers.” (Surah Al-Ma’idah, verse 114)

B."If You punish them, they are Your servants, and if You forgive them, then You are the Mighty, the Wise." (Surah Maidah: 118)


14. Muhammad (PBUH): Numerous supplications of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) have been recorded in the Quran. Some of them are—

a. He said, ‘O our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the Hereafter. And save us from the punishment of Hell.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 201)

b. He said, ‘O my Lord! Make me enter with good and make me exit with good. Grant me from Yourself a helping hand.’ (Surah Bani Isra’il, verse: 80)

c. He said, ‘O my Lord! Do not include me among the wrongdoing people.’ (Surah Al-Mu’minun, verse: 94)


Hadith Dowa: The love that Prophet Muhammad  had for his Ummah is a testament to his unparalleled compassion and mercy.  

What is the dua for all ummat?

O Allah, unite the entire Ummat. O my beloved Allah, guide the enemies of Islam. Bless them with Imaan and Islam. O Allah, bless them like how You blessed the Sahabah-e-Kiraam and others with Imaan and Islam. He then lifted his hands and weeping, he invoked, “O Allah! My ummah, my ummah!” Thus, Allah – Exalted and Majestic is He – said: “O Jibrīl, go to Muḥammad. Even though your Lord has full knowledge, ask him: What is making you weep?” So Jibrīl came to him and asked him.


What was the Prophet's favorite supplication?

He said: 'The supplication he often said was: "O Changer of hearts, make my heart firm upon Your religion. Ya muqallibal-qulub, thabit qaalbi ala deenik."


What is the dua for Ashura Muharram?

Dua for the Beginning of Muharram: “Allahumma adkhilhu 'alayna bil-amni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, wa ridwanin min ar-Rahman, wa jiwazim min ash-Shaytan.” (O Allah, bring this month upon us with security and faith, safety and Islam, and Your pleasure and protection from Satan.)


What did Prophet Muhammad pray for his ummah?

'O Allah, particularly bless the morning journeys of my ummah. ' The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) cared for his ummah so much that he prayed 'O Allah, whosoever is the chief and ruler of my ummah and is harsh or transgresses against them, You Yourself take revenge and treat him likewise.


What is the Umma of Muhammad?

The Islamic society, eventually called “Ummah”, is formed exclusively by those who believe in Allah as the only God, Creator of all that exists. Members of the Ummah also accept Muhammad as His messenger(guide/trainer/Quran Sunnah/Quran-Torah-Injil-Zabur consistency truth).  


How can I make my Dua powerful?

8 Tips for Making Dua, from Shukr

1.Say your duas out loud. ...

2.Begin by praising Allah (SWT). ...

3.Send prayers upon the Prophet (SAW). ...

4.Mention the attributes of Allah (SWT) using the ninety-nine names in a way that relates to your duas. ...

5.Ask for forgiveness. ...

6.Mention good deeds you have done for the sake of Allah (SWT).


Intention is essential for any action. No act of worship or action is valid without intention. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Actions depend on intentions(bona fide/piety).” (Bukhari, Muslim, Mishkat No. 1)


Further, Mosque standard sacred Churches( Church of Christianity Judaism, Church of Hinduism, Church of Buddhism, Church of Sikhism, etc) will set up Salah prayer time appropriately maintaining Quran & Prophet's Sunnah guidance standard(Sun shine)  as much as possible consistency where after Fajr(5:8-6:26 AM),  Asar(3:00-4:52 PM) prayer will be started after 15-20 minutes breaking of Zahr(2:40-2:52 PM) prayer and  Esha(6:45-9:30 PM) prayer will be started after 15-20 minutes breaking of Magrib(6:20-6:30 PM) prayer going Church for three times Salah prayer performing 5 times Salah congregation prayers with 5 times of Azan. Church will serve these holy foods during break of prayers from Church restaurant during prayers or Jumma Salah but people will never allow for gossiping fun, they can learn religious rules, society problems solution, situation during breaking period silently, even Imam can lunch recording speech waz, Special note of Khutba during breaking time. [Bukhari-1055, Muslim-703; Working people are very busy like traveller-Musafir, even they can perform these together half Rakat(4 Rakat Jahor-Asar together) without breaking period in office due to unavailable of shrines at nearer place under Qasr-mercy ground Rules but full Rakat if one has time & opportunity; when you will wake up, you will pray Fajr salah as Kaza-mercy ground for late prayer and it is allowed for all prayers. ][Ad-Durrul Mukhtar wa Hashiyyah Ibn Abedin, 1/381][Surah Al-Hajj  40]

Fast Rules: People will do fast during Ramadan month as much as possible(at least 5Rahmat-peace, 5Barkat-Blessing, 5Magfirat-mercy), then they will replace rest of the fast by damages donating money fasted others or Church, Mosque. Any earlier Fast(Nafal) can be going on alongside mandatory-Fard Ramadan fast. It is noted practice makes perfect where 40 days fast were given in scripture Torah . [(Surah Baqarah-215 ,Surah Baqarah-184,185)]; At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. (Matthew 4:1-11). Moses fasted 40 days, Nehemiah fasted 120 days, and large numbers of Jews in Esther's time fasted for 70 days in their time of need like Zulkifal's whole day Fast. Quran, Torah, Zabur and Bible Injil were revealed in holy Ramadan month by different different days that orders to do fast in more holy Ramadan month with huge virtue. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) did Nafl fast on Monday & Thursday in week, Sauwal Saban month witness fast, Hajj fast, 13, 14 , 15 date in Lunar-moon month or any month except Friday, Nafl fast, Ashura Mahrum fast.(Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1162) 

Safe to enter(follow with Quran Sunnah): Time zone can be also taken into account from Saudi Arabia. Whoever enters this holy city will find safety. Allah says, 'And whoever enters it (Umm al-Qura or Um al-Qura Makkah-mother of city) is safe.' (Surah Al-Imran: 97) It has guided people will follow the norms, rules, examples, weather, etc from Mecca city, Kaaba holy areas with Quran Sunnah including Fast time jurisdiction treated connected holy Ummah-group of Muslims for Allah devotee. During Ramadan, Muslims in Saudi Arabia typically fast for 13–15 hours per day. The exact hours vary by location and change slightly each day based on sunrise and sunset times where  Finland sometimes experienced 22 hours fasting due to time line zone different countries differently in the earth but Finland can now follow Mecca time zone breaking fast or at least highest lower period areas time zone like New Zealand-Australia 12 hours for breaking fast treated legitimacy where average is 17-18 hours. And some areas doesn't sunset or sunrise like Svalbard Norway, Russian Dikson , Siberia(harsh winters, with a January average of −25 °C (−13 °F)), half part of Russia, Island, South Pole station, etc where they will follow any areas or Mecca time zone where time watch is now available. [Surah Baqarah 286, 184,125, 183, 126,187, Ali Imran 190,] Full of signs of Allah: The city of Makkah is full of signs of Allah. It is said, "There are many clear signs in it (Makkah). (Like) Maqam Ibrahim.' (Surah Ale Imran: 97)(Surah Ash-Shura: 7)It has been said, "Surely the first house established for mankind was in Baqqa (Makkah), the blessed and the guide of the worlds." (Surah Al-Imran: 96)It is stated, 'By the Twin, Zaitoon, Mount Sinai and this safe city(Sam areas Baitul Muqaddas Jerusalem included).' (Surah Twin: 1-3); Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA). He said, Rasulullah (PBUH) said that whoever fasts the month of Ramadan with full faith and review, his previous and subsequent sins will be forgiven( 1 year sins eradication by fasting). (Sahih Bukhari: 38, Sahih Muslim: 760). Even Jews Christians Hinduism Buddhism fast sometimes few hours like 7-9 hours for working class under Qasr Musafir norm with donations(1Taka to more or good deeds by social works including unshipping a piece of bananas shell from road) with Tawbah grounds relying and presenting to Allah where fasting sickness is persecution-Zulm for him ie. sinful as fasting is haram during sickness with awarded later Qaza recovery opportunity but some working classes are always busy Musafir treated half Qasr performance legitimacy halal with full virtue. Even construction hard working labour can do fast since going home since evening to breakfast with Fasting Niyat(intention) with Tawbah during sleep at holy Ramadan month under Qasr norm under Kiyaz knowledge norm.[Surah Maida 89, Baqarah 196,184]; Hazrat Sahl Ibn Saad RA. Narrated from, he said, Allah's Messenger Rasulullah SAW said, 'As long as people break their fast as soon as it is time(appropriate time including reform Era with areas), they will be on welfare(e.g. minority rights like working classes Musafir & full Muslims treatment/opportunity). (Sahih Bukhari) (Bukhari, Muslim Vol. 1-321 p. Mishkat p. 175); Allah Rabbul Alamin says, 'The most beloved to me is the servant who breaks the fast at the right time. (Tirmidhi Vol. 1, p. 88, Meshkat p. 175). Fast definitely will be applied for hard working class(e.g. mental or physical both cases), sickness with resolving their difficulties with pure application of guidances of worships. Allah calms the hearts of the believers (Muslims including Qasr Muslims). And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers(zaalim-Ẓulm) except in loss.[Surah Tawbar 14, Yunus 57, Nahl 69, Isra 82, As Shefa 80, Hamim 44, Surah Maryam: 36, Fatiha 1, As Shura 52, Nisa 68]. Though Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement, and is a day (usually upward of 24 hours) for fasting, with no food or drink. Christian fasting can involve fasting for different amounts of time, depending on the individual's circumstances and devotion. The most common length is 24 hours, from sunrise to sundown, and involves abstaining from food but not water. However, some Christians may fast until at least 3 PM, which is the biblical 9th hour of the day, the fast from 6 am to 3 pm or 6 am to 6 pm. And Sunni-Shia scholars suggest to do fast another day recovery for Musafir fast leaving the day fast. (Bukhari 1946, Muslim 1115); Once a Sahabi fallen down senseless due to fast affect over difficulties, Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) ordered to break fast with his breaking fast drinking milk sitting on Camel showing and teaching all Sahabas during travel(Musafir norm).(Sahih Hadith) (Bukhari 1147, Muslim 738)

If the sun does not set for several consecutive days, divide the time into 24 hours and spend the first 12 hours as night, finish eating Suhoor one and a half hours before the start of the second 12 hours, make the intention to fast, and begin fasting. When the second 12 hours are over, break your fast and pray all of the Maghrib, Isha, and Tarawih prayers. [-Raddul Muhtar: 1/339, Fatawa-e-Faridiya: 4/98];   -[Imdadul Fatawa: 1/173, Takmilatu Fathil Mulhim: 6/376-378]; [(Bukhari 1959, Abu Dawud 2359, Ibn Majah 1674) (Ash-Sharh al-Mumta’ 6/402-403, 410-411)];The main purpose of fasting is to attain piety. To remember Allah and keep oneself away from wrongdoing. Allah says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous.” (2:183)The main purpose of fasting is to attain piety. To remember Allah and keep oneself away from wrongdoing. Allah says: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become righteous.” (2:183)Allah Almighty says about Maryam: “And Maryam said, ‘I have taken a vow to the Most Gracious that I will not speak to the people.’” (Surah Maryam 19:26). It teaches us people will patience, hunger brotherhood, pietyness, avoiding sinfulness, naughty, Noise, entertainment, etc instead of prioritizing hunger for long time where people perform others if they break fast early due to difficulties. However, world people have diversities over timing of fast where even family members are fasting full 30 days, 20 days, 5 days fast freely without force, chaos, similar things are in society of express Muslim's sects where Muslims & currently named nonMuslims will do same diverse practice 12 hours fast and 17-18 hours fast as well as together Eid congregation despite few differences based on logic, defense, culture, strong - weaken faith-Iman commitment pietyness with dire effort or less effort within Ummah for one to eight classes of heavens but both groups will preach counselling more appropriateness like family members.

Accept what the Messenger brought to you and refrain from what he forbade(Hashar: 7). O believers! Obey Allah and the Messenger and obey your leaders. Then if there is a difference of opinion between you, then return to Allah and the Messenger if you believe in Allah and the Hereafter. That is the best and the best.(Nisa: 59) Indeed, in the life of the Messenger of Allah there is a good example for the person who hopes for the pleasure of Allah and (liberation) on the Day of Resurrection. And remembers Allah more(reliance, fearness and surrendering to Allah with Tawbah for weak fast). (Ahazab: 21)Meaning: O People of the Book! Do not transgress in religion.[Nisa 171] O Messenger! Say, Allah is powerful enough to send punishment from above or below you and to divide you into different groups. Entire mankind must bring faith on Ramadan and do fast as much as possible including Eid where Qasr-Musafir people aren't disrespected in Islam rather similar piety with equal honoured. Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me. When people bring faith on fast, his sin will will be erased over non faith towards Ramadan fast duty despite less performance with Tawbah over faith & performance two count of burden.  [Anam: 159, Rum 31-32, An-Nur: 63 Anam: 65 Hud: 112, 118-119, Nazm: 23, Surah Ash Shura (42): 13-15, (Al Ambia 92, Baqarah 213)] 

The Prophet (PBUH) prophesied about jurisdiction, "Those of you who will be alive after me, will soon see great dissension." So in that situation you will cling to my Sunnah(knowledge, guidances, reasonable-justice Insaf) and the Sunnah of my next Khulafay Rasheda.[That, 1/33 p.; Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmu' Fatawa 10/254]. 'So be firm as you have been commanded, and those who repent with you (from polytheism and disbelief). And do not transgress. Surely He sees all your activities' (Hud 11/112). Narrated by Ibn Abbas (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, وَإِيَّاكُمْ وَالْغُلُوَّ فِى الدِّيْنِ فَإِنَّمَا أَهْلَكَ مَنْ كَانَ قَبْلَكُمُ الْغُلُوُّ فِى الدِّيْينِ ‘Avoid excesses in religion. stay Because those before you were destroyed because of their transgressions in religion'. "It (Qur'an) is a collection of true knowledge for all people and a means and a mercy for those who believe." - Surah Jasiya (45): 16-20

Dictionary(Definitions from Oxford Languages): The word ''Religion'' means ''the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God(Allah) or gods(In a spiritual respectful sense simile: Allah, Angels, messengers, books)'' that directs fully supreme being of Arsh almighty creator Allah as 'only worshipping being' where prophets with holy book are related within texts like Durood on prophets with trainings Sunnah, confession, praising of holy books like Surah verses upholds Quran's wisdom, light-Nur, knowledge, Furqan(truth). In shortly, ''A particular system of faith and worship''. A pursuit or interest followed with great devotion treated seeking Tawbah mercy and blessings towards Allah for earthly blessing & hereafter rewards. 

Religion is a range of social-cultural systems, including designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements  although in fact, there was no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion but 21st century all religious scholars are common consensus on religion having worship ''a pursuit or interest followed with great devotion treated seeking Tawbah mercy and blessings towards Allah for earthly blessing & hereafter rewards/heavens''.  

The origin of religious belief is an open question, with possible explanations including awareness of individual death, a sense of community, and dreams. Religions have sacred histories, narratives, and mythologies, preserved in oral traditions, sacred texts, symbols, and holy places, that may attempt to explain the origin of life, the universe, and other phenomena.

Religious(code of conduct of life) practices may include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration (of deities-messengers or saints), sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trances, initiations, matrimonial and funerary services, meditation, prayer, music, art, study, reign, family, society, dance, sports, creatures or public service, etc. Islam termed religion as code of conduct of life where last and final Islam(Quran-Sunnah with having eras' consistency reforms by Ejma-Kiyaz) means 'a complete code of conduct of life'. “Then We have placed you upon a special religion. So follow it and do not follow the whims of the ignorant.” [Surah Al Jasiya 18, Al Imran 19, Al Maida 3].

The word ''convert-revert'' into Islam is an appropriate preaching(Da'wah)of religion what has to be free, fair, credible, evidence of books treated not exaggerated or prejudice rather hold appropriate faith with benefits. On the other hand, the word ''Proselytism'' The World Council of Churches has indicated that, when used pejoratively, proselytism refers to attempts at conversion by "unjust means that violate the conscience of the human person", such as by coercion or bribery. The right to change religion and to manifest religion is protected under Article 18 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Limitations and regulations on proselytism are considered by some as infringements on freedom of religion and freedom of speech. In Islam, inviting people to the religion is meritorious. The Quran states, There is no compulsion in the religion. The truth stands clear from error. Whoever rejects falsehood and believes in Allah has grasped a firm hand-hold that will never break, for Allah hears and knows (all things); [Surah Al-Baqara 256,]. Allah  orders, Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided, [Surah An Nahl 125]. There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.[Surah Al Baqarah 256]. Allah says, “The truth is from your Lord, so do not be among those who doubt.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 147). Allah says, “You cannot guide whomever you love, even if you wish(conversion success won't come without Allah's blessings but getting appropriate guidances is blessings). But Allah guides whomever He wills, and He knows best the rightly guided.” (Surah Al-Qasas, verse 56)(Surah Bani Israel, verse: 89).The Quran also says, “O you who believe! Fear Allah and be with the truthful.” Surah At-Tawbah: 119. The Quran also says, “O you who believe! Fear Allah and speak the truth.” (Surah Ahzab: 70)

The Church of England in 2024 reform is reportedly dropping the word "church" in favor of more "modern" descriptions like "community-Ummah". The Church of England is also considering the new name "New Things". The Church of England's rebranding is said to be an effort to prepare the public for a diverse range of operations. Community directs society of humans with common interest, goal, thinking over religion[(establishing Islam: spiritual worships(( "Full and Qasr worships" or ''Muslims/worshipper & Qasr Muslims/worshipper'', Muslims Imam with guidances, Qasr Muslims Imam with guidances treated (Ordinary, Extraordinary)/Musafir-Mukim population having numerous Qasr norm jurisdiction opportunity for entire united mankind e.g. lower fasting hours 7 or 9 or 12 hours by scholars own expert opinions) and political good governance, righteousness, justice-Insaf))]. O you who have believed, take your precaution and [either] go forth in companies or go forth all together [Surah Nisa 71]. Even Islam allowed newly Muslims to adapt gradually worships and governance laws Halal-haram including practicing earlier bad habits drinking wine from Zakat donation fund for newly Muslims from Muslims, so Islam is very liberal to express confession faith wording Muslim for entire mankind preserving liberalism simultaneously though entire mankind are currently Muslim(Qasr or full), [Sahih Hadith]. Eating Gui Snake Gossap is halal like milk equivalent but Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) didn't like to eat it as part of the cultural habits despite similar nation of Arab due to diversity where many Sahabas used to eat easily it like The Meitei Pangals Bangladeshi Manipuri Muslims KhaiBangal tribal sect , Bangaldeshi Muslim LGBTQ Hizra sect and both are full Muslim. Even some will eat snake, pig as part of the defense grounds treated full Muslim. Reading scientific verses of Quran and hadith, later every group of students(worships, law, business, math, history, etc) like science students will read numerous scientific books with deepest research in life treated reading Quran awarding virtue equivalency with manner like curing patients instead of reading Torah or praying Salah at holyday treated ''Isa Jesus(A) norm sign'' before Kiyamat uniting mankind treating 'Muslim' for 'earning virtue' despite diversities as part of the various cultures. Marry Christmas like Millat Mahfil Dow prayer with sweets won't perform every person despite halal legitimate worship due to habitual norm. And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. Close friends, that Day, will be enemies to each other, except for the righteous [Surah Zukhruf 61-67] . The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Jesus, the son of Mary, will not come to the world as a prophet bringing a new law; rather, he will come as a follower of our Prophet and will judge and decide according to our law. He would lead the prayer behind the Imam(ongoing Imam Mahdi-righteousness leaders including spiritual worships & governances, and United Nations) of the time where earth would further continue till 1000-1500 years. In a hadith, Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “By Allah, in Whose Hand is my soul, Jesus (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) will soon come among you as a just judge and ruler. He will break the sign of the cross[(+)Plus sign symbol added with Muslim Ummah], kill the pig(haram with exceptions of halal) and refuse the jizyah(Zakat by entire mankind due to Muslims). Wealth will be abundant and no one will be found to take it. Even a prostration to a person will be better than the world and everything in it. Even a lion will graze with a camel, a tiger with a cow and a cheetah with a sheep. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: If you wish, recite this verse of Allah: “Every one of the People of the Book will believe in Him before his death( revised by reform), and He will bear witness against them on the Akhirat Day of Resurrection(Quran Sunnah -heavens awarding jurisdiction).”There will be no jealousy or hatred between each other. Imam Qartubi said: There is a difference of opinion about where his grave will be. Some say in Bayt al-Maqdis, while others say: He will be buried with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Medina(Prophet Mohammad led Meraj and Madinah Constitution norm = Quran Sunnah practice unitedly earning virtue for Heavens  despite numerous Sects including Sahaba and other prophets, 4 main Angels including chief Angel Jibrael(A), righteousness persons like Saint Marry Mariam treated as Sahaba-companion)."Muslims will continue to prepare to fight Dajjal( social ongoing deceits including Yajuj-Majuj-wrong done ) and continue to be Qatar(line/unitedly preparing for prayers/worships) in Syrian Damascus the Umayyad mosque at morning(Qasr-Deposit-Overdue Salah prayer like Fajr) like Quranic appropriate interpretational term ''Ennah-WE ie. single honorable ALLAH'' loudly In Urdu or Persian word 'Naraye Takbeer(almighty Allah)' [Sanskrit word: Joy Sri Ram=Praise Ram's Allah like Praise Abraham's Allah]. Jesus will return(full sacred norm of Quran Sunnah with peace and unity guidances) when the Iqamah prayer(slightly changed from Azan equivalency including wording  'Zakat by Tithe, Budget, Salah-Namaz-prayer, Siyam-Roza-Fast, governance, etc') is already in the prayer. During the time of Jesus, great happiness will prevail, peace, security and blessing will prevail. Sadka(Zakat lawful rights instead of Begging ) will be refused to accept. That is, there will be no needy people. Everyone will become rich in the sake of Allah. So no people can be found to take Sadka(Begging). The earth will become as pure as pure silver(lighten sacred). All kinds of fruits and crops will be produced, starting from the time of Adam (peace be upon him) until then. Camels, goats, or any other four-legged animal will not be cared for(foods production scientific mechanism like meats from Grass). Everyone will speak the same language. No one will be worshipped on earth except Allah. The reason why the price of cattle(The Cow Baqarah Surah Knowledge of religions: Defense forces ensure securities like finance, foods, industries Robot, developments, unity, peace keeping, climate by science and technologies) will increase and the price of horses will decrease is because all the land will become suitable for cultivation. Therefore, there will be more need for cattle. On the other hand, there will be no war, so horses(Mass arms weapons) will have no value. Do not accept anything other than Islam or killing(Transformation/ Reform solutions by Quran Sunnah). In short, he will come to earth to reform this Sharia in a new way and implement the ideals of the last Prophet. Will kill the Dajjal(deceits, shortcomings, wrong done): As previously discussed, the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) will arrive just when the Muslims are preparing to fight the Dajjal. Then the Iqamah for the Fajr prayer will be called(2 raqahs Qasr Fard burden performance norm-shorter/equivalency halal norm). When you go there, you will see that the Dajjal(deceits wrong done) has besieged a group of Muslims(entire mankind's standard is Muslim routes). The Messenger of Allah  said that these things would happen. After they happen, the believer has no other responsibility than to believe. When all the prophecies about Jesus (ﷺ) are revealed, the believers of that era will say, Al-Hamdu Lillah, the prophecies of Muhammad (pbuh/SW) have been proven true(people will just follow the guidances for performance).[Bukhari, As-Sahih 2/774, 3/1272; Muslim, As-Sahih 1/135 (Faith, Nuzul Isa) Tafsir by Qurtubi, Tabari and Ibn Kathir, Muslim, chapters: Kitabul Fitan, Kitabul Ahadithul Anbiyyah, Kitabul Iman] . 

Faith Confession: Our Lord(Allah), we have believed in what You revealed(Quran, Hadith & guidances) and have followed the messenger Isa Jesus, so register us among the witnesses [to truth]." Reforms with eras including mankind's comfort eradicating difficulties(Zulm) by scientific technologies(AL) engagement(ie. treated defense grounds termed as Qasr/Reform/solutions called also Ijtihad/Kiyaz/Expert opinions) will be going on till Kiyamat with victory treated Jesus Isa(A) norm including Mohammad(pbuh) norm treated Muslims of Assistant of Allah moving forward Allah's prescription Islam. [Surah Al Imran 52,53, 55, 160, 30-34; Baqarah 136]; And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is 'Ahmad(Prophet Mohammad)." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."[Surah As Saff 6, 14]. Allah Almighty has declared that He will be with the pious and merciful people. He says, “Indeed, Allah is with those who fear Him and are merciful.” [(Surah An-Nahl, verse 128)(Surah: Muhammad, verse: 7) (Surah: Rum, verse: 47)]. Allah helps the believers through the believers. It is said, "If they intend to deceive you, then Allah is sufficient for you. He has strengthened you with His help and with the believers. And He has put love between their hearts."(Surah: Anfal, Verses: 62-63). Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance.(Surah: 110 An-Nasr, verses: 1-5), Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, says, "If We establish them on the earth, they will establish prayer, give zakat, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And the outcome of all actions is with Allah." (Surah-22 Al-Hajj, verse: 41) . Lessons on politeness , teachings of self-purification and decency: “Adopt a moderate(Arabic word mutadil-liberalism: the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one's behavior or political opinions including spiritual worships) course in your walk and restrain your voice. Indeed, the worst of voices is the voice of donkeys.” (Surah Luqman, verse: 19,18)

It is noted that nonMuslims word or term must be abolished officially soon as entire mankind is now Muslim(Full and Qasr worshippers with grounds). Allah Almighty says, “Successful are the believers who are humble in their prayers, and who refrain from idle talk(Fast sober norm), and who give zakat.” [(Surah Al-Mu’minun, verses 1-4)(Surah: Hajj, verses: 40-41)]

It is noted that  And establish prayer at the two ends of the day and at the approach of the night(fixing Day and Night). Indeed, good deeds do away with misdeeds. That is a reminder for those who remember.[Surah Hud 114]It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming. [Surah Yasin 38-40]“He created the heavens and the earth in truth. He covers the night with the day and covers the day with the night. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a term appointed. Know that He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.” [Surah Az-Zumar, verse: 5][Surah Ash-Shams, verses: 1-2]“And He it is Who created the day and the night, and the moon and the sun, each running in its orbit.” [Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse: 33]“He covers the night with the day, and the day follows the night in haste.” [Surah Al-A’raf, verse 54]Our planet takes about 365 days to orbit the Sun. One complete rotation is 360°. This means that the Earth moves about 1° in its orbit every day. Therefore, the Sun appears to move in the sky by the same amount relative to other stars every day. All cosmic conditions change over time. This change can occur periodically or over a period of time. Due to the axial tilt of the Earth's orbit, the intensity of the Sun's rays is greatest at 23.3° north latitude (Tropic of Cancer) at the northern solstice and 23.3° south latitude (Tropic of Capricorn) at the southern solstice. The radius of the Earth's halochorium (the region of gravitational influence) is about 1,500,000 kilometres (0.01 astronomical units), which is about four times the distance to the Moon.[10][nb 2] In this region, the Earth's gravitational influence is stronger than that of the Sun and distant planets. As a result of the change in the distance between the Earth and the Sun, about 6.9% more solar energy reaches the Earth at the aphelion point than at the aphelion point. The Earth revolves around the Sun once a year in its own orbit. This period of revolution is called the solar year. The period of revolution is about 365 days, 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes, 47 seconds. Which is equal to about 6 hours. Because of the tilt of the Earth's axis (known as axial tilt), the path of the Sun in the Earth's sky changes at different times of the year. When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun, the length of the day in the Northern Hemisphere is longer and an observer there sees the Sun higher in the sky. According to astronomy, the change of seasons depends on the relative position of the Earth around the Sun. These include the two solstices (the two points in the Earth's orbit at which the Earth's poles (Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere) are tilted the most towards or away from the Sun, Solstice) and the two equinoxes (the two points in the Earth's orbit at which both poles of the Earth are equally far from the Sun, Equinox). The solstices and equinoxes divide a year into four approximately equal parts. In the Southern Hemisphere, the effect of the Earth's axial tilt is opposite to that in the Northern Hemisphere, so at the solstices and equinoxes the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere will be opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere (for example, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere at the Northern Solstice, but winter in the Southern Hemisphere).“So ask the scholars if you do not know.” (Surah An-Nahl: 43)[Surah Qaf: 6-8, Baqarah 164]   And there are others who are stubborn without any guidance or illuminating book. [Surah Hajj, 08]In praise of the wise, Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, declares, “And We set forth parables for mankind, that they may be admonished. But none understands parables except those endowed with knowledge.” (Surah Al-Ankabut, Verse 43) (Surah Hamim Sejda Fussilat 10), Allah, the Exalted, further says, “Say, are those who have knowledge and those who have no knowledge equal?” (Surah Az-Zumar, Verse 9). It is noted people can bring faith imagination they are staying any suitable area like mother city Mecca-Madinah Saudi Arabia or New Zealand to decide global time zone line fixing day and night hours for Salah and fast or other worships with scientific advantages in modern era's blessings as time zone is changed due to hill areas of earth, earth's rotation, Sun-Moon rotation scales that isn't required for living areas of people where Prophet also suggested to follow own areas' time with your own nation for Fast and Eid if vehicles like horse can't reach the information to large areas though now watch, communication media, technologies can reach news, information within second for same date Fast and Eid for entire mankind including hours fixing day-night by like Clock for Salah Azan instead of Sun reflection literally where people can follow both scientific blessings or literal ways for one world society under Ejma-Kiyaz Bidat al Hasana norm. But Hanafi school of thought provides opinion that entire mankind globally must start fasting when moon is sighted anywhere in the world. [Surah Al Imran 3:104] [Such believers are] the repentant, the worshippers, the praisers [of Allah], the travelers [for His cause], those who bow and prostrate [in prayer], those who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong, and those who observe the limits [set by] Allah. And give good tidings to the believers.(Surah Tawbah 112)

Prophet Hazrat Isa(A) Jesus and his mother Mariam(A) met up their livelihood eating fruits, honey from natural gardens, forest. Trees are the best resource of nature. Allah Almighty has created every thing on earth for the benefit of mankind. Plants are one of them. Regarding plants, Allah Almighty also says in the Holy Quran, “Trees and shrubs prostrate to Allah Almighty.” They recite His Tasbeeh and describe His holiness. We survive by consuming oxygen from trees. According to researchers, a tree consumes about 13 kg of carbon dioxide per year. Plants and trees maintain the balance of the environment. In a hadith narrated by Anas (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, “If a Muslim plants a tree or sows crops in the field, And if an insect or a human or a quadruped eats from it, then it will be considered as charity for him.’ Another hadith states, ‘Whoever plants a tree, Allah will give him in return the equivalent of its fruit.’ [(Musnad Ahmad 23567)]

[(Bukhari, Hadith: 2320; Muslim, Hadith: 4055)Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 16702; Shu’abul Iman, Hadith: 3223) (Surah Hajj, Verse: 18) (Surah Kaf, Verses: 7-9) (Surah Kahf 7-10)]

In another verse, Allah says, ‘It is He who created the vines and the gardens of trees and the date palms and the various kinds of food and the olive groves. They are similar to each other, different. When these trees bear fruit, eat from their fruit, and fulfill the right of Allah on the day of its harvest, and do not waste. (Remember) He does not like the wasteful.’ (Surah An’am 141). ‘Do they not look at the earth? We have produced in it every kind of goodly vegetation. Indeed, in that are signs. But most of them do not believe.’ (Surah Ash-Shu’ara 7-8).

Trees play an essential role in keeping the environment calm, cool and attractive. Therefore, the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) strictly forbade cutting down trees unnecessarily.

In another hadith, it is said, ‘Whoever cuts down a tree [a tree that was beneficial to people] without need, Allah will throw his head into the Fire.’ (Bayhaqi, Hadith: 6/140) (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 5241)

There is no problem in cutting down trees if they are harmful to the environment and place. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, “I saw a man in Paradise walking under the shade of a tree that he had cut down from a road – a tree that was causing trouble to people.” (Muslim, Hadith: 5837). It is noted USA, Europe have many public fruits gardens where people can eat and collect fruits freely from it without any cost. Mankind must produce enough nutritional foods like fruits, agricultural goods across the world alongside meats and fishes. [(Surah An Nahl 66, 14)(Surah Al-Ma'idah - 3,96)(Surah Al-Fatir: 12)]

Recreational and luxurious products are also allowed in Islam alongside basic mass foods commodities production. Along with beauty, fragrance brings joy to the mind. That is why the use of perfume is permissible for both men and women in Islamic law. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used perfume and he loved it very much. He said, “Women and perfume have been made dear to me in this world. And prayer has been made the coolness of my eyes.” [Ahmad, An-Nasai, Hakim, Sahihul Ja’meh Ha/3124]; The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “It is obligatory for every adult to take a bath on Friday, Wearing good clothes, use the Miswak(brushing teeth) and use as much perfume as he can afford.” [Muslim Al-Maktabatush-Shamila Ha/846][(Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, Sahih Targhib 720),(Nasa'i, Hadith No. 3939) (Bukhari, Hadith No. 5585)]

Zakat is only for the destitute, the needy and those engaged in the work of Zakat, for whom the purpose of entertainment is for them, for the liberation of slaves, for the debtors, for those who strive in the way of Allah and for the traveler/vulnerable(Musafir). This is God's law. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. (Surah Tawbah: 60,6) It is noted wealthy Qasr Muslims must pay Zakat(holy Fard donation) despite he/she is Musafir. Zakat in 8 categories (1) Fakir: destitute beggar (2) poor (3) Zakat collector and protector (4) Zakat paid to a non-Muslim to attract him to Islam newly Muslims or piousness (5) To free a slave (6) A person in debt (7) In the way of Allah (8) Passengers-Musafir. [Surah Baqarah 265][Surah Nisa 36= another 9 sectors for donation or equivalent sectors e.g. state funds budget(Zakat) also were used riches markets, judiciary, prison, bureaucrats, security, etc management during Prophet and Caliph where Zakat is wider sectors under current economic sector management. ] Worship Allah and associate nothing with Him, and to parents do good, and to relatives, orphans, the needy, the near neighbor, the neighbor farther away, the companion at your side, the traveler, and those whom your right hands possess. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are self-deluding and boastful. Zakat religious donation and taxation of government are now mixed designed as people generally donate at least 2.5% religious donation as much as possible for good deeds of divine charity where they provide state's taxation for other business or assets income annually where religious scholars can take portion Zakat amount from state funds or individuals by donation. Nisab value: The minimum amount of wealth you must have before you are liable to pay Zakat. The nisab is equal to 85 grams of 24k gold, but this number may change daily depending on the gold exchange rate. Wealth: Zakat is liable on gold, silver, cash, savings, investments, rent income, business merchandise and profits, shares, securities, and bonds. They are required to donate 2.5% of their total wealth to those in need. Nisab was set by Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) at 20 Mithqaal (مثقال) of gold or 200 dirhams of silver. This is the equivalent of 87.48 grams (7.5 tola) of gold and 612.36 grams (52.5 tola) of silver, respectively and others wealth, goods,  Mineral natural resources like Mines(20%), etc where 200 million world populations hold entire world landmass with nutritional natural fruits, sea foods, animals, agricultural goods largely during that time in 600 AD. Mineral Zakat: If mineral resources are privately owned, zakat must be calculated and paid after the resources are extracted instead of annually measurement like money, assets, bonds, ornamental golds, silvers, etc. The zakat rate for mineral resources is 20 percent per extracted balancing labour costs. And state must have welfare activities for vulnerable people of state from state budget funds including balance of taxation budget distribution higher class and lower class developments and benefits. The Christian equivalent of Zakat is the tithe, which is 10-23% of a congregation's sustenance. The tithe(inspirational donation) is collected and distributed by the church for any purpose but not obligatory fully under Bible but at least 2.5% are mandatory Fard donation of Zakat under Quran Sunnah norm where highest taxation zakat is now like 50-60% in Europe, USA for Muslims-Christians-Jews-Hinduism-Buddhism-others treated Bible, Quran Sunnah norm. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messengers(Prophet Mohammad led all prophets on Quran-Sunnah:124,000) - that you may receive mercy. (Surah An Nur 56)(Maryam 31- Isa A Jesus Zakat). The Holy Quran is truly a collection of wonders. From letters to words, from words to sentences, it is an open encyclopedia of all unknown knowledge and science. Similarly, the Quran also contains a large repository of information about the planet we live on, that is, the earth. Allah the Almighty says, “In the earth are signs for the believers.”[(Surah: Al-Jariyat, verse: 23)(Surah: As Saffat 180-182)]

Virtue:- charity erases sins. It is an expiation for sins. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will say: ‘Read your account; today you are sufficient for your account.’ (Al-Quran, Surah-17 [50] Al-Isra-Bani Israel (Makki), Ruku: 2/2, Verse: 14)(Surah: Al-Baqarah, verse: 274, 271)(Surah Ibrahim, 31), The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Charity extinguishes people’s sins just as water extinguishes fire.” -(Sunan Tirmidhi). The Holy Bible-Injil Scriptures encourage us to be willing to help others. However, we should do so with joy and with the right motive. In this way, both the one receiving and the one giving are happy. (Proverbs 11:25; Luke 6:38) Jesus said: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”​—Acts 20:35.

UN bodies favour of governances like World health organization and world food programmes, world bank, human rights bodies including ICC judiciary have taken responsibility to ensure world people's livelihood, rights, right to life, liberty, freedom from slavery, fundamental rights, foods from hunger and discriminations, creatures & environment, peace, disability rights, disputes solution, etc as earth citizen within human civilization inclusively what creator Allah has ordered to establish in earth mentioned in Quran-Sunnah and earlier scriptures by Zakat, donations, economic management and earth management Funds despite religious Zakat funds but it must be proportionate degrees Insaf what has been experiencing deficiencies across the earth remaining discriminations, inequality, poverty, injustice treated as one of the usury Riba sins. It is noted war must be eradication after establishing peace where budge will allocate justified proportionate management based on era's necessities and circumstances taking into account knowledge of Quran Sunnah with Ejma Kiyaz norm where Zakat rate can be increased or decreased like in Arabic, al-aam and al-khaas are terms that mean general and specific, respectively including Nasikh and Mansukh. Islamic Caliphate ensured to equal citizen even including more exemptions on warfare ignorance with fee for nonMuslims within entire territory having one earth country taking entire mankind's responsibilities. Even Cooperative Societies' financial institutions with expertise team, manpower to work and produce growth for entire mankind favour of weakened classes like Grameen Bank where world people will be riches and middle incomer and cities' living making planed accommodations being trained service holders once under 'united well planned city housing, garden plantation, education, industrial investments with sophisticated scientific technologies with AI projects for UN' with proper allocation of world wealth. UN will ensure poor classes development process like climate development requirements for every government, (Surah Hashr 59/6-7, Al Anfal 41, Hadiths). All verbal, physical, and financial worship treated simile ''Aqeemus Salat and Zakat'' is for Allah Almighty, [Surah Nisa 162-163]

It is noted that currently states allocate Vat-tax on goods were even beggars also buy clothes, foods with Vat-tax giving money to govt funds that is distributed to business classes for growth treated also beggars' implied investment where governments and businessman must pay Zakat of donation and taxation(Zakat) as well as government budget must be also allocated considering these developing poor classes welfare, jobs, employment, rights like livelihood, home, medical, allowances, etc as Zakat allowances were given the poor classes from budget funds what was collected from richer where state didn't provide them such loan, state facilities like roads, Gas -Electricity, ports, security, foreign affairs, etc assistances likewise though it wasn't possible during that time where now state structures, financial institutions and privatization have been arisen including taxation risen also but budge allocation is deprived poor classes proportionately with justice Insaf that has been already controversial under GDP, GDP PPP measuring jurisdiction stating the method doesn't identify actual measure of growth and consumption according to economists views due to Data gaps, corruptions, discriminating allocation, etc as even most of the young citizens aren't taking collective areas like medical, infrastructure development, educational, other sectors benefits per fiscal year where nutrition foods allowance will develop citizens' working capacity, mental and physical health, growth, lifespan, developed nation though world total Gross domestic product GDP: 105.4 trillion USD (2023), World Bank. Richer were bound to provide Zakat with rate to lower classes as part of religious  pietyness duties like Salah despite not getting large assistances in their gardens, agriculture, farms wealth business during that time except market management and security with justice with religious teaching under good governance though gradually state of Caliphate Rashidun increased facilities for also riches with privatization where non Muslims also provide Jizya taxation that was less rate nominal Zakat with exemptions for state fund. Economic mismanagement treated Riba(ie. Zulm) produces negative energy of sins that also provide consequences like like Covid 19 pandemic that imposed implied labour strike against industrial sectors including govt management treated simile caution for thinkers as two times in every year are provided creator's divine caution. If you avoid the major sins which you are forbidden, We will remove from you your lesser sins and admit you to a noble entrance [into Paradise].Allah Almighty also says, “Let not those among you who are endowed with wealth and abundance swear that they will not give to relatives, the needy, and those who have emigrated in the way of Allah. Let them pardon them and turn away from their faults. Do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.” It indicates vulnerable classes get defenses for justice, equity as they are not well trained to earn money competing skilled one. He also says, "You take Zakat from their wealth, thereby purifying and purifying them." Allah Almighty says, "The chaos that has appeared in the sea and on land is the result of human actions." For examples, riches and government are bound to assist poor classes during natural disasters remembering duties towards them though disasters death are treated martyrs awarded heavens. Robots will work near future but welfare Zakat, donations must be awarded simultaneously worldwide.[ (Surah At-Tawbah: 103)(Surah: An-Nur, verse: 22)(Surah: Taghabun, verse: 14)] [Surah Nisa 31, (Surah: An-Nisa, verse: 149, 58, 105), (Surah Shura: 30) (Surah Rum: Verse 41) (Surah Bani Israel, Verse No.: 59)(Surah: Al-Ma'idah, verse: 5) (Surah 102: Al-Takasur, verse: 8)(Surah Al-Mu'minun: 115)(Surah: Al-A'raf: 85);(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 190; Surah Al-A'raf, verse: 55) (Surah Al-Imran, verses: 57 and 140; Surah Shura, verse: 40)(Surah Ibrahim, verses: 42-44) (Surah Ankabut, verses: 39-40, 43)(Surah Hud, verse: 113)(Surah: Rum, verse: 41)]. For example, India-China set up lowest salary US$63.97 and US$370 respectively  where they will provide further US$20-30 from state budget awarding general allowances Zakat for lower classes despite remained less utility bills that won't increase labour cost for private industrial sectors as well as productions costs preserving stable price of goods excluding inflation, poverty and discriminations under ongoing development plan. Even all classes  people will live in high rise building in planned well designed city across the world where other lands will be used for industrial, agricultural production purposes with Hybrid scientific technologies fruits garden like half feet size Apple in Gourd trees and forest through government budget including people's sufficient assistances. A Pumpkin weighing 2,749 pounds wins California contest, sets world record for biggest gourd where even it can be produced in every floor of 30-50 stored building vertically saving horizontal landmass.

Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages the word ''slave'' is defined: 1, a person who is forced to work for and obey another and is considered to be their property; an enslaved person. 2, a device, or part of one, directly controlled by another. 3, work excessively hard.

Ragusa in Italy was the first country in Europe to ban slavery in 1416. In modern times, Norway and Denmark were the first to ban the slave trade in 1802. In 1808, the previous year, the British Parliament passed a law banning the slave trade(persecuted unhumanitarian employments without rights). On September 22, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln issued an executive order called the 'Emancipation Proclamation', which was declared effective on January 1, 1863 where Prophet hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) implemented many rules declaring free from slavery(non independent persecuted persons) what was run from long ancient era and later Caliph hazrat Omar(R) fully implemented freedom from slavery concept even named slave prisoners(non independent persons with good behaviors for corrections) making prison for them what Prophet ordered his disciples to take initiatives to prohibit fully any kind of slavery concepts. On November 19, 1863, Lincoln stood on the battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and said in a moving speech, "Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people." The slave labor system seemed incompatible with the new human values ​​that emerged from industrialization and the Industrial Revolution. Free labor was certainly more productive than slave labor. The increasing use of free labor, gradual progress in industrialization, and humanist movements from the second half of the 19th century gradually made slavery unpopular and socially unacceptable. By the early 20th century, Bengal was freed from slavery. Slavery was prevalent in almost all regimes of ancient and medieval times. Like cattle, people were also bought and sold. The documents found on the system of slavery provide evidence that this system was directly related to the forest socio-political structure and rural production system. Since it was difficult to find free laborers in the market, the powerful classes of society converted people from the socially and economically weaker classes into slaves to continue their production and dominance. Those who were made insignificant by famine, war and the class system were mainly the victims of the system of slavery. The slave market was the final destination of many of the needy, destitute and widows. Legally and traditionally, slaves and their children were considered the property of their owners. Slaves and slaves were transferable goods. Therefore, many owners sold their surplus or unnecessary slaves and slaves in the market. The import and export of slaves was an important sector of the country's foreign trade. The state needed a large labor force for public works, such as the construction and maintenance of government buildings, dams, bridges, roads and main roads. Labor was also needed to move the troops and supply them with supplies. Their price was determined by considering their age, physical build, gender, tribe, caste, and above all the current economic situation of the country. The Sultans of Bengal are known to have imported slaves from Africa, Turkey, Persia and China. Some of these slaves were promoted to the positions of ministers, administrators and even commanders after being freed. Megasthenes mentions that the king of Pataliputra was entrusted with the security of the slaves. All religious books advise good treatment of slaves. Hindu owners used to discriminate between castes while accepting slaves. In that view, slaves from castes like Kayastha, Gowala, Chasha, Vaidya etc. were considered pure (pure) and Shudra, Tanti, Teli, Dom, Bagdi, Kaivarta, Jola, Chandal etc. were considered impure (impure). It was forbidden in religion to make a Brahmin a slave.  In the Middle Ages, farmers in England revolted for higher wages and better working conditions. One of the leaders of the revolt, John Ball, famously said in a speech, "All men are created equal. Were Adam and Eve gentlemen when they came into the world?" Workers often appealed for their ancestral rights. For example, when English farmers began their revolts, most of their agitation was over traditionally held communal lands. In 1833, England passed a law that said that no child under the age of 9 could work, that children between the ages of 9 and 13 could work for only 8 hours a day, and those between the ages of 14 and 18 could work for only 12 hours a day. In 1919, the International Labour Organization was formed as part of the United Nations to protect workers' rights. It is noted in 2021 reform suggests to develop budget management ensuring proper allocations to protect fundamental rights, equable distributions with Insaf justice, righteousness ways.[(Surah Al-Qasas: 5, Surah Hud: 6, Surah An-Nur: 55) e.g. slavery free now even being President]

 Beyond primary school educational system, Vocational training courses' schools for shorter time 6 moths, 2-3 years within 15-18 years old within A level in especial educational system where regular skilled workers will join into the industrial sector as grassroot workers for a regular career of profession where others will join after completing graduation after long time for a career of profession. By talking to the concerned, the students(manpower/workers) will mostly take vocational training in technical education ready-made garments, textiles, buying houses, multinational organizations, power generation plants, mobile phone companies, information technology, leather industry, medical services, Gym fitness, cargo services, Business, experts, technicians, players, sports organizers, investors, private employees, medical health, international NGOs, advertising agencies, oil and gas companies, audit firms, hotels and restaurants, engineering, fashion design, food production and marketing, poultry food production, and international contracting organizations and mega projects, etc. If it possible to train vocationally 1 billion people for infrastructure developments where entire world would be like Europe often within 20 years on homes, roads with planned cities. Similarly, electricity, agricultures, educational institutions, health sectors alongside others for other sectors. For example, The government owns close to 60% of China's equities, while private Chinese owners own 30%, and foreigners own 10%. State-owned enterprises accounted for over 60% of China's market capitalization in 2019 and generated 40% of China's GDP of US$15.98 trillion dollars (101.36 trillion yuan) in 2020, with domestic and foreign private businesses and investment accounting for the remaining 60%. It indicates Chinese's govt. strength is mature and enough strong to make any decision favour of general people instead of 10% wealthy taxation people or especial groups largely where profits object mostly control, influences policies as businessmans success depend on his capital’s increasing profits instead of large social charitable activities. In 2011, the federal government's current assets were 1.62% of the public account totals. In 2011, state and local governments' current assets were 5.25% of the public account totals. At least 30-40% budget earned from state-owned enterprises is good despite capitalism free market economy for boosting govt. policies favour of general people largely.  

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)and World Bank  issue loan mostly 2-2.5% rate of interest. The World Bank measures extreme poverty as living on less than $2.15 per day, using 2017 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). This is the goal of the International Poverty Line of $2.15 per day – shown in red in the chart – which is set by the World Bank and used by the guardian UN to monitor extreme poverty around the world. The majority of countries, including the World Bank, set their national poverty line at 50% of the median income for a given year. The World Bank projects that 622 million people, or 7.3% of the global population, will live in extreme poverty in 2030. This is a projected decrease from 2013 to 2019, when about 150 million people escaped extreme poverty. In 2022, an estimated 333 million children were living in extreme poverty, and 829 million were living below $3.65. Children are more than twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has helped reduce poverty in some countries through policy advice, social safety nets, and macroeconomic stability: In seven countries supported by IMF adjustment programs, poverty rates declined by an average of 20%. In Africa, poverty rates declined by 6.3% each year in Ghana and Tanzania. In Asia, poverty rates declined significantly in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The World Bank Group is committed to fighting poverty in all its dimensions. We use the latest data, evidence and analysis to help countries develop policies to improve the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable people. Notably, India saw a remarkable reduction in poverty, with 415 million people exiting poverty within a span of just 15 years (2005/6–19/21). Large numbers of people were lifted out of poverty in China (2010–14, 69 million) and Indonesia (2012–17, 8 million).  At Concern, Global poverty is one of the most pressing problems that the world faces today. We use the latest data, evidence and analysis to help countries develop policies to improve the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable people. The world's poorest countries suffer from civil wars, ethnic and sectarian strife. Soaring inflation has made their situations worse. We see that, in global terms, this is an extremely low threshold indeed – set to reflect the poverty lines adopted nationally in the world’s poorest countries. It marks an incredibly low standard of living – a level of income much lower than just the cost of a healthy diet. The World Bank uses a different poverty line for each country, based on its gross national income (GNI). The World Bank's poverty line for global use is $1.90 per day, which is slightly lower than China's national benchmark. In 2020, around 13% of China's population fell below this poverty line. These consequences, Rohingya and Uyghur vulnerabilities are arisen from poverty and religious misunderstanding conflicts within mankind even in 21st century's modern scientific social civilization. China has mostly developed them using vocational training process through skilled manpower for productions alongside higher education what Bangladesh is running manufacture at Zinzira in Dhaka. Religious discriminations also affect poverty rate across the world where religious understanding will adjust all classes of people in global society over 'common understanding & interest goal unity'(Union/Alliance). Even due to lack of religious appropriate sufficient knowledge in developed countries, converted Muslim girl left France to London leaving higher job due to protect her Muslim ideology forced to leave face cover Hijab under govt. laws reform as she thinks her heavens awarding process by Muslim faith is fully threatened where even people have to treat each other full worshipper or Qasr worshipper, atheist by weaken and sick heart Naf-mind divine patients like doctor's counseling manner e.g. Hindu minister claims felling insult defamatory due to wording Kafir-infidel due to non understanding of the word as well as literal Sharia laws application objection with hearted, Islamophobia stating 5 pillars of Muslims worships endorsement due to era's consistency as general education has been developed based on western standard but Islamic teaching still aren't developed compatible with this that has created misunderstanding within society where religious scholar as part of the development have to preach stating these are spiritual worships and these are social shortcoming, downfalls what have to be corrected from Quran Sunnah knowledge complying era's demand and standard including own advisory opinions instead of literal advise for every subject rather claiming experts can decide over governance or laws or science as stating I ain't scientist but Imam or scholar of worships but literal verses can be informed as part of the literal knowledge stating literal knowledge as Islam is effective in every era based on few consistency reform e.g. mental patients must send to psychiatrist doctor instead of Jhar Fu(tush) Kaviraj(ancient emotional faith diseases doctor) treatment. Even in developed rules regulations lawful country UK, religious scholars like Mr Anjim Chowdhury suggested mistakenly world Muslims to go joining Syrian ISISL groups to armors fight(Jihad of Kital- battle) to establish Islam due to lack of appropriate knowledge of Islam especially 'governance and laws' as he is only spiritual worships' expert where he mostly means to establish literal strict sharia laws implementation under  rebels government without era's consistency practice norm of prophet Hazrat Mohammad's guidances that consequences Muslims in Europe, America, nonMuslims majority countries are affected including discrimination in job sectors where Syrian people will decide what types of government they need and their lawful peaceful revolution, procession, freedom speech, freedom of movement rights are lies on them under their leadership instead of world Muslims' armors battle fighting for them though Syrian Assad dynasty regime was highly controversial comparing reasonable governance norm making happy of their citizens but morally peacefully supporting demonstration, revolution party or group or political ideologies that is different matter avoiding chaos, anarchy, Fetna Fasad. Allah Almighty says: “And consult with them(mankind) in all matters.” (Surah Al-Imran: 195), “Their affairs are based on mutual consultation through them(mankind)” (Surah Ash-Shura: 38).And We carried him (Noah) in a ship made of wood and nails.” (Surah Al-Qamar: 9-13), Mankind must be protected moving forward earthly and hereafter taking into account defense, grounds.

Allah orders, And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance(ancient practices instead of era's consistency development norms, grounds). And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification. [(Surah Al Ahzab 33),(Surah An-Nur, verse 22)] .

Sirat researcher Allama Shafiur Rahman Mubarakpuri (may Allah have mercy on him) wrote, "To sum up the social condition of Arab society during the Jahili era, it is enough to say that stagnation and stagnation were the main characteristics of social life. The entire society was covered in ignorance, vulgarity, arbitrariness and superstition. Truth and justice were completely defeated by untruth and injustice. The common people had to live like animals." Tribalism, nepotism, sectarian mentality and nationalism are the characteristic features of the people of the Jahili era. The widespread spread of obscenity in society, the insecurity of women's lives, wealth and honor, and the deprivation of rights are the daily features of the Jahili society. Oppressive social structures and fabricated state laws, governance and provisions contrary to the law of Allah, and economic discriminatory rules and regulations are some of the features of the Jahili era. Women were bought and sold like market commodities and in some cases they were treated like clay and stone. Whether it was called a tribe or a state, the basic basis of administration was power. Administration was conducted in the interest of the powerful. The welfare of the weaker classes of the common people was not even considered in the early days. The treasury was filled with the money taken from the subjects and it was reserved for the purpose of training the army and waging war against the rivals. The absence of pure faith, bad ideas about the Creator, weakening of the bond with Allah, aversion to truth, etc. are some of the characteristics of the Jahili era. The all-consuming darkness that prevailed in the Arabian Peninsula was also visible in other contemporary societies, although civilizations such as India, Persia, and Rome had advanced in terms of worldly progress and advancement. According to Arab historians, the period from the death of Jesus (peace be upon him) until the advent of Islam is called the Jahili Age. PK Hittri has referred to the period of one century preceding the advent of Islam as the Jahili Age. The word Jahili or Jahiliyyah comes from the Arabic ‘Jahloon’. It means foolish. And the Ayam Me Jahiliyyah or Jahiliyyah era means the dark time. Before the advent of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the entire world was immersed in darkness and foolishness.[(Ar-Raheequl Maktum)(Surah: Aal Imran, verse: 103, 154)(Surah: Al-Ma'idah, verse: 50)(Surah: Al-Fath, verse: 26)]

 How can poverty be reduced?

5 ways to end poverty

These include:

1. Quality education: Poverty is the number one reason why millions of children are out of school(e.g. Some will be trained as drivers, road cleaners, farmers, etc with basic educational knowledge governance, civilization, languages, religions, ethics, driving with car engine, viruses with protections, equipments, agriculture, etc, within O Level as competent professional in the sector like other Professions treated honour with non discriminations where someone will be driver, road cleaner after taking similar education within general curriculum O Level with same tough subjects like university graduates that isn't justice; so Vocational education must be taken into priority alongside general curriculum educations for new developed era).  

2.  Water, nutritional foods & sanitation, clothes, Electricity, accommodations. Water and sanitation are essential for every child's survival. 

3. Access to Health care. Access to health care is essential.

4. Economic security.  

5. Child participation.(e.g. many PhD degree persons are driving car in Europe , USA for even livelihood manner due to unemployment as employment aren't vacated in every year for number of graduates in the world. So new social, economic, management order must develop soon keeping educational skills encourage and competition like even diving manpower by 6 months active and reserve forces though countries have already setup highest ages in govt. many professions like 65 years including even monarch hands over head of the state duty to de facto persons like another princes, Princess after certain period or many programs favour of De jure-active monarch as pat of the even training manpower where they can train also state manpowers for general people's expected services. Even Govts. officials serve 30 years where half of the officials will serve 15 years with retirement with sufficient allowances, pension including state loans opportunity for children education-medical grounds with keeping more competent half manpowers by highest 20-25 years employment tenure where US Supreme Court judges can run highest 70 years old age tenure where it will simultaneously be practiced within also private sectors allocating wealth to more people as well as vacancy of employments for new comers with talent growth where PM or President by 2 term is already practiced including likewise Generals by 4 years or 2 term, Ministers, MPs, Bank GM, Chairman, etc highest 10 years consecutively or life time by 2 terms gradually era to era comparing ratio of numerous sectors' manpowers based on necessity. Even experience manpowers can work as an advisor for active manpowers with lower salary allowances at both Govt & private sectors. Even physically disabled and old will get allowances or suitable jobs for disabled like Mr Stephen Hawking where salary will be verities on school teacher or defense force military, fire services based on labour efforts as well as one member will be engaged in service where his blood family will get state mass allowance livelihood with wife-children education including costs automatically when mass population will rise under laws despite children don’t want to share his/her salary with family. Children will get opportunity to be trained as doctor, engineer including more allowances if family children are more than 3 or 4 where population is needed more as more population must be sent into heavens having large growth with religious worshipping performances.) 

The Industrial Revolution (also known as the First Industrial Revolution) was a period of global transformation of human economies towards more efficient and sustainable production processes. It occurred between 1760 and 1840, following the Agricultural Revolution, in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States. These transformations included the replacement of manual production methods with machines; the emergence of new chemical industries and iron production processes; the increasing use of water power and steam power; the development of machine tools, and the rise of mechanized factories. Production increased dramatically during this period, leading to both an increase in population and population growth. The textile industry was the first to use modern production methods. The textile sector became a dominant industry due to its employment, production value, and invested capital. The term Fourth Industrial Revolution was first coined by a group of scientists who were developing a high-tech strategy for the German government. Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, introduced the term in a 2015 article published in Foreign Affairs. "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution" was the theme of the World Economic Forum's annual meeting held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, in 2016. Schwab expects this era to be marked by a breakthrough era of emerging technologies in robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing, biotechnology, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things, decentralized consensus, fifth-generation wireless technology, 3D printing, and fully autonomous vehicles. Now AI technologies will serve the further development in fifth Industrial Revolution with developed socialist(Mutualism or cooperatives/social justice- Insaf) democratic state in dire united common era vision. Manpowers will come from volunteers like military service where all are soldiers with equal rank and designation comparing artillery soldier and commando soldier duties, responsibilities, labour, training where commando soldier is higher risky training and duties compare than artillery soldier where similarly mine worker and mine worker team leader or researcher are both same rank, honour, comrade, fellow member, sir designated. Therefore, some child will be trained as mine general-front labour/worker, some will be trained as mine worker management or researchers despite same rank, dignity as part of the zakat/duties, responsibilities with similar wages, facilities, allowance despite both child have to be trained both groups' jobs skill qualities that upholds same dignity, rank, honour to society where senior teacher will maintain upper rank within soldiers/workers where mental workers(8hour in day) will work more time than physical effort manpowers(5 hour in day) where manpowers will be trained double, one group will work 6 months and reserve another group will make tour in York ship in sea. The English phrase "The pen(training) is mightier than the sword(force)" was first written by novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in his historical play Cardinal Richelieu in 1839. So manpowers will come from volunteer students educational training in working field instead of slavery/force/warfare/sword norms e.g. Generals' sons are also died in war in voluntary employment where labour to managers manpowers mostly now used to adopted from monetary demand with basic needs(foods, cloth, treatment, home, social justice & dignity). Even 99% people will be similar rights where wealthy (10 or 1)% will be trustee having welfare & economic partner with state in reform though both will get same apartment, foods, household facilities except differences e.g. higher luxury flats, car for 1% trustees/supper riches including their children hereditary succession rights. In Oxford Dictionary ''Work'' means : activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. be engaged in physical or mental activity in order to achieve a result; do work. work denoting things or parts made of a specified material or with specified tools.

In fact, After becoming caliph, Umar(R) deposed General Khalid(R) from chief commander degrading in lower post as part of the good reshuffle management avoiding difficulties(e.g. faithful like Shirk-Kufr norm what is now unemployment problems grounds excluding religious, race discriminations) and appointed Abu Ubaydah(R) as chief commander. Khalid declared his ongoing loyalty to the caliph happily and served under Abu Ubaydah as instructed. He gave Khalid command of the cavalry and appointed him as his military advisor. Moreover, Ali(R) wasn't appointed as chief General in many time despite his superiors competency than others as Prophet replied that he wants to make more competent manpower in his absence or others' absence as part of the keeping reserved manpower.[Hadith-Sunnah knowledge]

e.g. Below, we delve deeper into the ten countries with the highest poverty rates, exploring the heart-wrenching realities their citizens face(situations).  South Sudan – 82.3%, Somalia – 76.8%, Nigeria – 70.7% .Pakistan – 68.8% . India – 64.9% . Madagascar – 63.9% . Burundi – 58.5% . Central African Republic – 56.8% . Equatorial Guinea – 54.4% . Sierra Leone – 53.2%. [https://sapa-usa.org/countries-with-highest-poverty-rate/; https://ourworldindata.org/poverty] [It is noted that Qasr worships are highly suggested openly for them under defense grounds on official declaration]. The Persian Gulf region—which includes Iran, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Iraq—contains an estimated 50 percent of the world's oil reserves and thus plays a strategic geopolitical role where population are highest 18 crore/200 million where 90% world express namely Muslims within 2 billion have only 1% wealth within 5% Muslims' wealth. It suggests 99% Muslims are having Qasr worships norm under grounds across the world having higher liberalism norm but they also get more virtue performing for some full worships like Salah, Fast despite have defense grounds Qasr norms excluding Fard liability.

Narrated 'Ubaydullah ibn 'Adi ibn Khiyar (may Allah have mercy on him): During Hajj pilgrime two people went get Zakat from prophet and later confessed stating Two people said: The Messenger of Allah(pbuh: peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)   looked at us from head to toe (seeing our eagerness to receive Zakat). When he saw us healthy and strong, he said: If you want to receive Zakat, I can give it to you. (But remember,) the rich have no share in the wealth of Sadaqah (charity) and Zakat. And Sadaqah and Zakat are not for the healthy, strong and able-bodied. [Sahih: Abu Dawud 1633, Ahmad 23063,Sunan al-Kubra al-Nasai 2390, Daraqutni 1994, Sharhus Sunnah 1598, Irwa 876, Sahih al-Jami' as-Sahih 1419, (Abu Dawud, An-Nasa’i)]. It indicates that employment assistances are highly encouraged for healthy people where vulnerable also get proper justice, equitable, prioritise considerations getting donations but donation is also legitimate for certain period for healthy people like allowances, unemployment, lower income, social workers, religious workers, employees, relatives, govt officials, etc. Zakat must be given from earned wealth to purify and increase blessing of wealth where addictional business money or wine business is permissible(lawful) business taking license from state authority treated one of the degrees of Jaiz & Halal (legitimacy) norms though always religiously not fully halal or Jaiz. Even if someone receive money from misappropriation or deceitful acts from state or general people who must also pay Zakat to provide zakat rights preserved within the occupied wealth where one count of sin offence will be dismissed though possession of others' wealth will be sinful another count of offence of sin e.g. sometimes govts allow taxation of Zakat awarding exemption over black money under repentant arbitrational negotiation but doesn't mean that govts will allow always encouraging corruptions rather encourage of entrepreneurship, earning and donation, taxation. In another verse, Allah says, “And establish prayer, give zakat, and obey the Messenger, that you may receive mercy.” The words of Allah the Almighty: “If they repent and establish prayer and pay zakat, then they are your brothers in religion.” Kind speech and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Free of need and Forbearing.[(Surah: At-Tawbah, verse: 103, 18,71)(Surah: An-Nur, verse: 56,37, Al Muminun 4, Luqman 4)(Al ‘Imran: 180)(At-Tawbah: 11), (Surah al Baqarah: 263) ]

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, “Allah is with the help of his servant as long as he is with the help of his brother(mankind).” (Muslim, Hadith: 2314). [They will be asked], "What is [wrong] with you? Why do you not help each other?" [Surah As Saffat 25, 180-182]. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said, ‘Feed the hungry, visit the sick, clothe the naked, and free the captive.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 2417). The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also said, ‘Allah will continue to help the servant as long as he helps his brother.’ (Muslim, Hadith: 2148). Therefore, holy books orders, it is essential to show sincere love and compassion towards the poor, helpless, and distressed. The moral and fundamental demand of brotherhood is to help and cooperate with each other and stand by each other in times of trouble. To extend a hand of help and compassion. The Holy Quran states, "The needy and the deprived have a right to their wealth." (Surah Al-Dhariyat, verse 19); Allah, the Almighty, says elsewhere in the Holy Quran, "They feed the poor, the orphans, and the captives, seeking Allah's pleasure." (Surah Adh-Dah, verse 8, 5-11)

'It is noted that ''Abrahamism''  here is that there are only difference between Muslims/full Muslims and Sunni nonMuslims(Ahle Kitab Muslims)/Half Muslims that Muslims sometimes will practice these short form of styles of worships when they have reasonable grounds where Sunni nonMuslims called Ahle Kitab Muslims will practice these regular basis as they like to adopt short worships like under Sufism phenomena faith standard, more reliance towards Allah instead of strong theoretical rules of worships where both will practice similar worships taught from President of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) from Quran-Sunnah & practices of Prophet's life where Sufis can aslo follow other prophets' life of sunnah like Zakariya- Eyahita, Isa-Morium, Dawood-Suleman, Zulkifal, Al Yasah-Eliyas.'' E.g. if full Muslims bring faith on Salah with touching the forehead on ground floor prostration for regular basis without sickness grounds, their Iman-faith will be damaged. But late performance fard prayers within time as well as new one beginning time that is different count of Salah or 2 count of Salah separately instead of two preserve salah performance together. For this reason, both full Muslim & Ahle Kitab Muslims can perform Salah fixing time like these ways with sun shine based on geography. Full Muslims also can adopt sufism with full worship for soon virtue growth with strong efforts doing hugely Nafl worship like prophet Dawood&Mohammad, huge Nafl Salah prayers. Whom are Muslims faith-Iman and sect identity Muslim can't  leave it by other identities  like  Christian as it will destroy his Iman-faith as Allah's blessings will not be again restored on one if one leaves  Muslims Sunni sects including Jafri-Zaidi shia(same 5 Pillars of worships with different state laws' views) Akiddah Manhaz worships[Quran].Even others can practice Ahle kitab books with other prophets' Sunnah that Muslims never can perform it with Iman-faith e.g. Muslims can't perform saint family avoiding non-marrital sufism faith like Pope but others can do it where Muslims can be sufi with marriage faith with full worship of Quran-Sunnah[Bidaht Rules]. Full  appropriate Muslims are only confined within Quran&Sunnah( Ahle Sunnah al Jamayat Of  Muslims) under Bidaht rules where only Quran&Sunnah practice grows more virtue comparing Quran&Sunnah with Tawrat-Injil consistency practice ie. less virtue growth route based on Din-Shariayat(Duty of prophet Mohammad with guidance towards mankind), Akidah(Faith), Manhaj(system of worships), Bidaht(Ultra virus of confined worships of Quran-Sunnah), Sunni(appropriateness) rules. Even it can be recognised Quran-Sunnah is the Shariyat of Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) with Abrahamic Muslim phenomena where Quran-Sunnah with Tawrat&Injil is the Shariyat of Prophet Ibrahim(A) to be held Muslims phenomena with different different hereafter rewards though Shariyat(lessons) of Tawrat&Injil's last Prophet hazrat Isa(A) where its extension Quran-Sunnah adoption treated as Shariyat of Isa(A) Jesus also. Muslim phenomena(lessons, norms, guidances, rules, etc) is the fundamental principles that must be preserved.

People aren't doing worship regular basis like 5 times of Salah, so both large number of Muslims or Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims will stay into Araf(Safe Zone from hellfire) nearer heavens where once these groups will go heavens as their virtue will be middle stage like neither for hellfire conviction nor heavens. Only people will go to heavens directly who perform worships regular basis with sincerely. [Surah al Araf-46, 47, 48, 49]

Muslim's male can halal marry now all girls as all are now Ahle Kitab Muslims including Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Santo, etc like Jews-Christian but giving marry Muslim girls with Ahle Kitab Muslims male still have some restrictions where girls' children must be full Muslim under marriage condition to be full halal marriage, full sacred Iman-faithful person.[Surah Maidah-5, Sura Bakara 221, Surah al Mumtahina 10]

All girls must try to marry Muslims to go to heavens as well as doing worship at least Salah, fast, Hajj, donation and running household activities of husband ie. enough for women going heavens. But women can also run all jobs if they have ability for this where women must also counsel the nonMuslim males towards creator Allah for marriage for halal marriage, if nonMuslim males aren't performing Islam, then women must run worships under also nonMuslims' husband where she should preach Islam on children as Muslims and Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims' religion's name is only ''Islam'' though Sect-group's names-identities are just different like Christian, Jews, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainoism, Confuciusm, Shia, Sunni, Salafi, Ahmadiyah, Ahle Hadith, Wahabi, Hanafi, etc as it is mostly keeping pressure on husband to practice more piety worships form women side though women are now also working like male alongside household work like equal efforts, higher piety of Quran-Sunnah will guide lesser piety now. People must try to marry for longer time family life but short time marriage( Mutah, Misyar, etc) if it is necessary due to financial or other difficulties grounds with small Mahar as Talaq-divorce is dislike-able halal-legitimate act to Allah as it is only legitimate for resolving male and female's misunderstanding problems to provide them good peaceful family life for longer time till death. 

It is noted that prayer always to almighty Allah and he is the media(Osila), middleman but it has also some supplementary phenomena within both Quran and Hadith guidances like Olly Wise Kurni(R), Abdul Kader Zilani(R) where hadith mentions Prophet directed Hazrat Ali(R) to provide his dress to Mr Wise Kurni(R) who contacted with alive Prophet through spiritual  miracle power and request him to prayer for Ummats' mercy, blessing towards Allah. Even Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) like other Prophets always pray for mankind for their Hedayh-Light and blessing towards Allah. Now if people pray quoting as we have done good acts donating  one Dollar to Olly, Pir-Imam or someone or mosque, orphan, poor, holy places or learned good advices from them for creator's blessings, mercy using them as media, lobby or middleman(Osila) granting the application of prayers to supreme being almighty Allah that has appropriate validity effects under QuranSunnah as they(applicants) have done good acts that is their grounds. Like ways, if Christians including nonMuslims pray using media-lobby as we have done Salah prayers under QuranSunnah and performed also Prophet Jesus-Isa(A)'s guidances who also suggested to do these instead of only Prophet Mohammad like Muslims that is also one of the proper Medias(Arabic word ''Osila'').Olly-Mumin pious people including Elham receivers are Angel standard sacred under Islamic philosophy. Therefore, Sunni Ahle KItab Muslims have exempted opportunities using also own most loved, liked other Prophets during their prayers as part of the media is concerned like Durood prayers(Ibrahim A family means all Prophets with entire mankind engagement) but Salah prayers with other Frad-mandatory worships must be performed under QuranSunnah instead of earlier holly books' verses Surah Dua for full virtue. [Al-Qur'an, Surah Jumar: 3, Surah: Bakbarah: 45, Surah Nasr 64, Surah al-Maida 35, Surah Isra or Bani Israel: 57, Surah Ma-Idah: 35; Bukhari, Prophet; (Kitab al-Isteska, Cover: Calling the Imam to Du'a for Rain by the People when it is not raining), 1/2/75; At-Tirmidhi, Pragukta, 4/569; Abdur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, Preface, 4/281-282; Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Imran: 53, Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 3524, (Miqat Sharif, 439, Khairul Fatawa 1; 193, Abu Dawood Sharif, 439)] [https://www.hadithbd.com/books/detail/?book=151&section=2213]

Prayer of Durood e Ibrahim with Prophet Muhammad translation: Ya Allah kindly, reach Salam(peace call/a salutation), prayer, blessings-Rahmat to Prophet Mohammad&his family like Prophet Ibrahim&his family; award him(Prophet Mohammad) heavens' highest honoured place, You(Allah) stays highest and perpetual kind place. Ahle Kitab Muslims just can use other Prophets' names instead of Prophet Mohammad what they are already going on within their prayers being treated as part of the Nafl prayer but President of Prophets Mohammad's Durood(Durood e Ibrahim) also must be performed for more virtue in Salah under Fard for complying current period since 610 AD-till Kiyamat. [Surah Al-Asr-1, Surah As-Saffat 180-182, Surah Sad-1]

Who are only performing Salah prayer with Kaaba Qibla believing Allah and Eid-Qurbani celebration, one is Muslim(pious person on surrendering Creator ) [Sahih Hadith]


General worships are prescribed called 5 pillars of rules of spiritual worships of Shariyat like Iman-faith, Salah-prayer, Fast-Siyam, Zakat-donation, Hajj, Halal Haram, good deeds, Khutnah(circumcision), Jumma, Eid, Qurbani, Beard-Haircut, Funeral Janaza, Quran preaching & learning(research & recitation, Hebz), Ahle Kitab research, serving all creatures, donation, Zikir-Tasbi, Gazal-Choir Naat Sharif, good governance, educational institutions, mosque building, Maharam Fast of Musa-Moses's victory day celebration against tyrant Emperor Firaun by Prophet Mohammad(pbuh), preaching norm(Ejtema-Chillah travel pilgrimage, Darse, etc), Nafls, etc. Generally Muslim will try to pray Salah beginning period of Salah times like breaking one or more hours for another Salah like current on going practice that is treated as superior sincereness. Similarly, superior sincereness on other worships like full month fast, etc for high piousness. 


Sufism Phenomena: The Sufism aims communion with God through spiritual realization; soul being the agency of this communion, and propounding the God to be not only the cause of all existence but the only real existence. Sufi ideology; an integral part of Islamic spirituality emphasizes love, tolerance, compassion, peace and a direct personal connection with the Divine. They declare faith in one God Allah and Mohammed as his messenger, pray five times a day, give to charity, fast and perform the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca with adhering five pillars of worships one creator God Allah and  messenger Prophet Mohammad(PBUH). Generally, Sufism is the spiritual aspect of Islam where a Sufi's ultimate goal is to become one with Truth, divine Being, oneness of Being, or God as AlemUlamas(Islamic scholars Imam) is treated as Nayabe Rassul/Orassatul Abmia((successor Guide Shadow Prophet as representative or Proxy One/Knowledged intellectuality/Allah's blessed tested person(proximity) ) based on duty & responsibilities in the absence of Prophets where Prophet is middleman-media(Usila) from almighty creator Allah over religious teaching, guidances that is called in Sufism God, partner of divined governance like Angel standard personality being part of the Creator's administration with faith always praying worships(TasbiZikir-praising Allah with Tawbah remembrance mercy) as Angels always pray for Allah with proximity blessed creature though some Sufis wrongly address themselves as being God like claiming own self Allah or mixed with Allah's body or power. [Surah Fath 10]


Even they insist followers to prostrate them, their graves as they are representing creator in land in front of them being alternative object being quoting followers prostrating Allah by prostrating them or graves that is actually treated as impersonation with misrepresentation under appropriate Quran Sunnah rules, norms, customs but AelmUlama, Pir-teacher, trainers represent creator and Prophets guidance, lessons to teach people as guide, intellectuals, honourary Caliph(intelligent person) instead showing, representing impersonating physical body objects himself being of Allah; prostrating in front of idols objects is treated Shirk-Kufr(associating equivalently with creator or partnering equivalently with creator's sovereign power treating more creator being instead of ''Single sovereign being for worships'') sinful acts. Once it was practiced for good purposes where most of the people were illiterate as Pir-trainers trained illiterate followers to invest into piousness as part of their own strategy of obedientness stating I am own self Allah being his representative, so prostrating me or graves, prostrating Allah, just follow my instructions(Islamic worships), I will reach you heavens, don't worry. It is fully a personal campaign to increase followers instead of religious norms but recent time, it is now preached as Sufism style that is fully wrong concept rather it is now Shirk Kufr as people are believing that the have to prostrate Pir or graves to award heavens but bow down  by 2 inch head movement like monarch greeting like hand rising Salam greeting for drawing someone's attention that is appropriate(Jayej-halal) as rising right hand is treated as Salam greeting norm instead of loudly speaking sentence(Assalamu Alaikum-Peace be upon you) among long distance as part of the religious culture. It depends on use of purposes like women delivery pregnancy by male doctor seeing immoral but it has legitimacy(Jayes-halal act) where Sufi provides medicine(worships) specific criteria patients(worshippers) or group of patients like doctor based on symptoms. Therefore, it needs to be fairness as Islam always upholds fairness, credibility, accountability, where Prophet Muhammad has willingly informed his companions to clear the ambiguity about hanging out at dark night with his wife stating ''she is my wife Mrs. Sufia, not illegitimate woman'', e.g. Monarchical historic cultural traditional Sufism obedientness norm is King or Queen is the God means King-Queen is an authority/representative favour of almighty creator to rule the people for goodwill with guidances of almighty creator Allah where monarch is not an almighty being rather they are like AlemUlama, trainer, doctor, Chief Advisor/teacher-Pir-Sufi- Guardian obedientness as honoured personality as Christianity concept God means Supreme being of Arash-heaven Creator Allah and his holy envoy Prophets(messenger), Aleem with monarch(Ruling ruler Emperorship Pir as guardian earthly) religious duty in absence of Prophet that Islam has expressed similarly with long sentence stating Prophets and their followers AlemUlamas(religious scholars) are working direction of Allah separately being separate entity or title but Christianity's just express it with single word ''GOD'' ie. absolute sovereign Creator Allah with his functional administration(Prophets&Angels with holy Books) where creator's union like Chairman owner of company & its employee board of directors/united nations(Supreme leader and his administration) meaning of understanding is correct and no Shirk Kufr Mushrik wrong done as creator is an almighty, own born, unique, none is like him forever, like Arianism faith of creator Allah,[Surah Shura 11]. Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages on God: (in Christianity and other monotheistic religions) the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being ie. Allah. Is the British monarch a God? Pre-reformation, all Christian Monarchs were technically subjects of the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church(including Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholic, etc), believed to be God's representative on Earth as part of the duty towards mankind. Post reformation, the English/British Monarch was head of the Church of England with head of the state both religion & governance, but still a subject of God, from whom their power was believed to stem, [wikipedia.org]. They(Sufis-Pir) also claim, Sufi Pir or Imam, Saints, many types of Musafir hands is creator hands, mouth as Allah says, if you donate vulnerable, beggar, orphan, you have donated Allah as Allah has put hands inside the beggar, orphans' hands(Hadith).[Surah Fatha-10, 18, Surah Insan: 08, Surah An Nisa-36, Surah Nahl-91, Surah Tawbah-119, Surah Maidah 55-56, Surah Al Imran-103, 4 norms like Marifat, Tarikat, Hakiyat, Shariyat]. Salah prayer like now can be run by religious scholars Imam or Saint favour of chief Imam monarch or monarch himself under also Sufism norm monarch is leading prayer at all prayers across the world where Imam, leaders can mercy tawbah pray or Dowa appeal prayer loudly with people but listening Quran is enough for worshippers where worshippers can also reciting together for learning like Christians ongoing prayer's norm. So remain on a right course as you have been commanded, [you] and those who have turned back with you [to Allah], and do not transgress. Indeed, He is Seeing of what you do.  (Surah Hud 112)(Surah A'raf, verse 204) 

Allah praises: Those who participate in the assembly of the Qur'an and recite and listen to the Qur'an with devotion, Allah Almighty praises them in the assembly of the angels. On the authority of Abu Huraira (RA), the Holy Prophet (SAW) said, 'When a community gathers in a house of Allah and recites the Book of Allah and discusses it with each other, then peace descends upon them, the mercy of Allah covers them, the angels surrounds them and Allah praises them to His angels.' [(Abu Dawud: 1455)(Surah Bani Israel-Isra: 9, 110,71)(Surah Tahrim 8)]


Even Anglicans many Hymns lyrics are corrected under weak Sufism phenomena like Ibadullah called Jesus(Christ-Prophet), Holy Spirit Jibrael(A) Angel as Prophet/Pir is treated Nyabe Rassul(God) in Sufism but Islamic standard Sufism must practice under Quran Sunnah worships despite having Sect of Anglicanism ideology under appropriate Ahle Kitab Muslim (Christian) phenomena under one of the appropriate Abrahamism. Anglican Church, Mosque can perform similar worships Quran Sunnah with new style numerous Hymns Ghazal Zikir prayer having England Monarchy termed British Royal monarchy, tradition, custom, history, etc recognizing Anglican Muslim(Sunni, Shia, Ahmedia), Anglican Christian, Anglican Jews, Anglican Hindu, Anglican Buddha, Anglican Sikh, Anglican Folk under Anglican Communion Unity( Jesus Isa A will come for mankind) of Common Worship phenomena treated Sunni(appropriate) norm on 21th century reform having own loving style of Prophets(Isa A Jesus, Abraham, David Daoud Ram, Suleiman LovKesh, Ayyub, Moses titled Sri Krishnah, Jesus titled last Sri Krishnah Jagannath Dev, Shoiab titled Bisnu, Mohammad titled final Sri Krishnah kalki Avatar wordily, Harun titled Baluram, Mohammad titled Ahmed-Abul Kashem-Alamin, Gautam Buddha Zulkifal, Elisha, Eliyas, Noah, Adam, Jacob, Eshak, Ismael, Uzair, Zakaria, Yahia, Lut, Saleh, Marium, Abraham wives, Samuel-Talut, Sun Dev Usa Ibn Nun, monotheistic Guru Confucius, monotheistic Guru Shinto,  monotheistic Guru Caodaism Ngo Van Chieu, wordily Prophecy reformist Imam monotheistic Guru Nanak, monotheistic Prophecy Imam wordily reformist Guru BamaKhepa Tarama-Lalon Shaiji-Lucknath Baba-BabaPapa Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi Ala Hazrat, Sabiyin, monotheistic Prophecy Imam wordily Martin Lutheranism-John Paul, Prophecy reformist Imam wordily Hanafi-Safi-Maliki-Hanbali-Ali R, etc ) with Chief Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) e.g. common Hymns like Durood e Ibrahim; Durood to all Prophets like ''Ya Allah, reach Durood to all Prophets(124,000)'', mankind Tawbah mercy & blessing song Zikir, etc as well as own sect's also will have liked own Hymns song prayers & few Sunnah of own liked Prophets including own liked dress code Sunnah, weekly Darse prayers like Sufism guidances training with adaption Quran Sunnah worships like Salah, Fast, Zakat, Hajj, Kurbani, Eid, Khatnah, donation, good deeds, Juma, Two Rakat Salah prayer Baitul Muqaddas Mosque al Aqsa Salah for sacredness, Quba Mosque Nafl Salah for Umrah Hajj virtue, preaching under common prayer, Muslims being Sunni-Shia sect will perform other worships beyond these 5 pillar of common worships like halal haram,  beard , hair cut, etc, Nafl sunnah programs like Shab-e Barat night , Shab-e Qadar night, Meraj, Hasan-Hossain, Mahram, preaching, fast, etc. After Fard Salah prayers, Hymns Zikir praising creator prayer can be run traditional ways where Anglicans have often 1000 Hymns songs yet. (Surah An'am 6:48). It is noted that monarch led Anglican Community will lead all diversed religious faithful practices with culture under freedom of religions with human rights where monarch can hold full Muslim or Qasr Muslims including any named like Christian as well as numerous religious scholars(Imam, priests, Monk, Barron, etc) will lead the sects based on Quran Sunnah and its reform norms including earlier divine holy books(103 of total 104) preserved for knowledge, examples, etc prioritizing hereafter heavens virtue earning and earthly peace with prosperity e.g. milk can be eaten after receiving from cow, boiling it including sugar(white, red, Jaggery), manufacturing it transformed by Mango milk, Chocolate milk, etc flavours treated own chosen loved styles habituality(mindset, choice, suitableness, cultural practice, decision, etc ) but all must be only nutritional(hereafter heavens virtue earning and earthly peace with prosperity) manner as every head of the state is the commander in chief of countries all religious faithful groups where UN is the head of the all religious faith under unanimous UN Charter and British commonwealth for UK, OIC and 5 UNSCPM's duty of burden towards mankind.. Article 18 of this UN declaration states that everyone has the right to freedom of religion or belief, including the right to change their religion or belief. Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. 1981 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.  Article 27 of the UN Convention on Civil and political rights: In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practice their own religion, or to use their own language. The Anglican community Church of British India consists of different dioceses, independent churches, Catholic in Bangladesh, India-Pakistan Protestant communion and other organizations in united communion in Indian subcontinent with global union with own cultural practices.


Article 27 of the UNCRC says that children and young people should be able to live in a way that helps them reach their full physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social potential. For this to happen, they should have access to adequate food and housing.[https://unitingforpeace.com/resources/un-charter/],[https://www.un.org/en/about-us/un-charter],[https://press.un.org/en/2023/ga12519.doc.htm],[A new book, "Faith for Earth — A Call for Action": https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/unep-and-parliament-worlds-religions-launch-new-book-catalyze], [https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110478068-002/html?srsltid=AfmBOoof7CDVGIrSiwMiOZ2AC_hc3DDkJyKD5WQBVrEv60WdBJ6x5eir]. 


What are the 4 aims of the UN Charter?

 The UN has four main purposes:

To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other's rights and freedoms, peace; To be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.


What kind of worship are now Anglicans?

Public worship focuses on praising God through preaching, Quran, Bible reading, prayer Salah, and music, especially in sacred discourse. Service where people receive bread and wine; Zakat-donation charities, zakat-taxation , Fast, Good Friday(bless day treated as one kind of Eid day Hajj Hadith, Adam born&heaven-Kiyamat day), Sunday( Jesus' bread-fish from Sky heaven as Joy in Eid with Grape juice), Sufi Saint Christ Marium Merry Christmas like Pabon Jau tree Minber Khutba guidances speech of Prophet Mohammad simile remembrance attraction towards Allah, Funeral, Aqigah child birth festival(Baptizing prayer), Halal-Haram(e.g. Horses eating, drugs addiction, Gambling destroying assets by addiction, harmful acts for body and mind health, poisonous meats, etc haram), Khatnah(circumcision), Nafl(good deeds including Insaf-justice righteousness State governance voluntary participation, night Tahajjad prayer, beard, etc). These are mostly performed in entire Christianity Sects . Now Quran Sunnah worships must be included consistently within these under reform like Fard-mandatory obligations including Hajj, Qurbani, 2 Fard Eid Salah, 5 times Fard Salah prayers faith-Iman confession with entire Shariyat-text of messenger Mohammad despite less performance under Sufism phenomena being Abrahamic norm as children of Abraham honouring loving Jesus-Isa mostly with others(124,000). Prayers Hymns Surah lyrics are made based on norms of  supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, confession, and intercession that are differently similar with Quran as Allah orders to  pray him with faith, obedientness, surrendered, gratitudeness, fear, love as well as Joy in Eid, Dowa programs including Dub-dram music Gazal songs under Tawbah(characteristics piety ) norm where mass populated world face nuisance during even prayer where it is used people attraction towards worships treated legitimacy with culture under ''Vocation practical training purposes''. Good Friday is a Christian holy day that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death. It is observed during Holy Week, which leads up to Easter Sunday. Good Friday is also known as Holy Friday, Black Friday, or Great Friday like equivalent simile Jumah prayer. Hymns like ''Praise, my soul, the King of heaven" that is praising to an almighty creator-Allah supreme being of Arash. Hymns :Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Hymn (+lyrics) - Westminster Abbey Commonwealth Day Service 2020. Creator Allah praising Hymn: Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Creator Allah praising Hymns: O GOD, the Creator and Preserver of all mankind, we humbly beseech thee for all sorts and conditions of men; that you would be pleased to make thy ways known unto them, thy saving health unto all nations; Holy Grail simile Durood e good wishing Royal Family with unity nations of 'national anthem' like Ahl al-Bayt loving termed line of Prophecy, etc. (Surah Ahzab 33/42), (Baqarah 2/152, 186), (A'raf 7/205) (Gaffir 60), (Surah Maidah, Surah Al-Ma'idah Ayat 114, 27, Surah Al-Baqarah Ayat 196, 185, Surah Ta-Ha Ayat 59, Surah As-Saffat Ayat 105-111-Abramic -Adam sons Eid Qurbani, Ahmad hadith 7682, Prophets birthday is treated also one kind of Eid e Miladunnabi Eids like birth day, marriage day, Nation Days like Mecca Victory day, Nabi Mohammad's Farewell Hajj Day, Dowa Programs of death anniversary remembrance, Quran enactment Day, New Year cultural program, Monarch Caliph coronation, D day, Vatican City &Westminster Abbey like hole hill Asabe Kaaf Jesus disciples simile like Sufism mosque Mihrab Hera hill Aqsa Hill Meraj Salah Sunnah by 2 rakat Musafir Qasr recitation prayers with meditational deepest thought, etc). Dajjal Mukti Dua Meaning: O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave, the punishment of Hell, the trial of life and death and the trial of the Dajjal. Asked to memorize the first 10 verses of Surah Kahf (Bukhari, Hadith: 1377). Circumcision(Khutnah): circumcision can have a number of medical benefits, including religious Sunnah ritual norm from Prophet Abraham(A): Aqiqah is also Sunnah norm that is a way to show gratitude to Allah for the blessing of a new baby. It's also a virtuous act in Islam where it is done two goats for son or one for daughter or one party in Qurbani sacrifice or party dinner or lunch informing relative as well as now birth certificate from hospital. Even child can complete his own Aqiqah when he is solvent financially where even people can offer sweats to relative and eat halal meat in his family members with 2 raqah Nafl gratitude prayer with good meaning name of baby as part of the lowest norm. [Surah al Imran 35-36]; And marriage is enough in mosque with two witness by bride and groom consensus even without Mahar including 2 raqah Salah for Mahar(equivalent like Couple marriage with Mutah defense norm) or courts with legal documentation like marriage registration center of Kabin by Kazi Imam registration. After fast, Tarabi Salah is required at east 8 rakah as good Sunnah but people can perform as much as possible including home or mosque congregation by at least 4 raqah Qasr norm. Anglicans believe commonwealth prosperity norm within both earthly and hereafter purpose for entire mankind.

Similarly, Worship is also important to Jews because it brings the community together congregational. Worship in the synagogue includes daily services, rites of passage. and festivals. Worship at home includes prayers, Shabbat meals and study.  Iman-faith, Salah, Zakat-Tzedakah, Fast, Hajj pilgrimage, Nafl, halal-haram, marriage and child born festivals, Eid, Qurbani, Khatnah, funeral. Judaism teaches that wealth on Earth is for all to enjoy like common wealth prosperity norm for entire mankind like Anglican. The belief is that God gave human beings a special responsibility within creation. Hymn  Birkat Hagomel in Transliteration and English Translation

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, ha-gomel t’chayavim tovim she-g’malani kol tuv.

Blessed are You, Lord our God, ruler of the world, who rewards the undeserving with goodness,

and who has rewarded me with goodness.

After the recitation of this blessing, the congregation responds:

Mi she-g’malcha kol tuv, hu yi-g’malcha kol tuv selah.

May he who rewarded you with all goodness reward you with all goodness for ever.


Hymn  Shalom Aleichem for Angels Durood 

Peace unto you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed he He.

May your coming be in peace angels of peace, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme King of kings, the Holy one, blessed be He. Bless me with peace, angels of peace, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme King of kings, the Holy one, blessed he He. May your departure be in peace, angels of peace, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme King of kings, the Holy one, blessed he He. For He will instruct His angels in your behalf, to guard you in all your ways. The Lord will guard your going and your coming from now and for all time.

Traveler’s Prayer in English Translation

May it be Your will, Lord, our God and the God of our ancestors, that You lead us toward peace, guide our footsteps toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing in our handiwork, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our humble request because You are God Who hears prayer requests. Blessed are You, Lord, Who hears prayer.


Divorce rule with grounds: Generally registered marriage are saved well recognised system in society where several thousand times pronounce wording Talaq doesn't enforce divorce but party will lunch divorce process to marriage register office with legal counselling or court treated one time divorce within time period with witness where effective divorce permits male or female to marry a new one, [effecting intention of plan for divorce are required instead of angry or fun Talaq word pronounces, Surah At Talaq 1,2, 4,6][(Surah: An-Nisa, verse: 34,35,19)(Surah Al-Baqarah: 228-232)(Surah Al-Ahzab 33/49)]. Similarly, they can be allowed three times divorce, then husband is not halal legitimate marrying again same girl wife again under literal laws of Quran until breaking marriage by fourth time from another husband as husband can't persecute woman where divorce is depended on husband, his guardian and wife's guardian joint arbitration including govt officials like courts, lawyers, arbitrators by 90 days or reasonable time period like 1 year where 3 years or 33 months are even religiously halal(sacred) preserved for remarry by disputed couple despite 3 times Talaq divorce is completed officially by marriage registration office as one time credit of Talaq is finished fully within having pregnancy period like 10-12 months though currently pregnancy is identified by science. Similar thing for women can't give divorce husband without reasons without process. On the other hand, non registered couple marriage also follow both families guardian arbitration on divorce for more than 3 times as they are less saved marriage couple of consensus with own unity of guardianship where the 3 times are mostly religious rules to protect marriage awarding rights both husband and wife avoiding adultery especially children identity rights preserving where baby born rights can't be escaped by partners of marriage where partners can enforce property of their partners if one is died under succession rights like sub wife norm with minimum or promised asset. Due to large population with mental difficulties(loss of control) in earth, people of registered or civil both partners can marry after 3 time divorce under Quran Sunnah halal-piety norm with conditional consensus norm(not divorce again with no rights for marriage again) excluding literal Hillah marriage norm excluding women's persecutions. Civil marriage is a legal status which exists in all EU countries. However, the rules that apply to partnerships such as civil unions and registered partnerships, or to de facto unions are different from the rules that apply to marriage. Full temporary marriage of Mutah norm for hours or weeks called currently named prostitutions are given fixed Mahr to wife that don't have further rights like succession being divorced automatically as the marriage is treated for less halal entertainable marriage of Mutah(non Jena-adultery rather being marriage) instead of building family life purposes under degrees of marriage jurisdiction treated halal norm. Marriage women sexual intercourse with others and baby's girls boys' sexual intercourse born baby's parental non identity including under age sexual intercourse are treated full degree of adultery(Jena) including non identity baby's parents girls boys where countries have setup its own cultural age like 16 years by Europe-USA. Women can mercy or reduce Mahr dowry reward where it directs 10-20 dollar Mahr isn't Mutah wife's prize rather you are assisting her, she is assisting you as husband-wife bonding like soldier/protector status from devil even awarded virtue value from marriage despite temporary marriage status as marriage isn’t only sexuality rather also love, affection, pleasure, sacredness. Current ongoing marriage processes across the world are fully religious under Quran Sunnah norm excluding Islamophobia.[(Mutah marriage, one wife marriage, 4 wives marriage together, Sub wives' marriage & divorce concept of Prophet guidances), Imam Hanbali accepts Mutah norm for defense norm; (social cultural science of diversities like poor necessity defense justice-Insaf, riches, young, old, male-female percentage, male-female both consumption desire, family domestic violences with tolerance, population growth, village-city consumption diversities grounds norm)] [Some countries women aren't financially capable where they are fully depend on husband that are required to adaption highly encouraged marrying one time for full life for building good family norm alongside Mutah marriage norm excluding 2nd marriage together with family chaos where wife's permission is needed for 2nd marriage in some countries where European practice is not religious perverted practices rather one of the mature practices, but both male-female must have mindset also adapting more wives peaceful life together; (Surah Al-Ahzab 33/28) (Sura Al-Baqarah 2/229)]. Hazrat Mu'arrif (RA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "There is nothing more hateful to Allah among the lawful matters than divorce." (Abu Dawud: 2177)


“Homosexuals are cursed. Homosexuals are cursed. Homosexuals are cursed.” [Sahih-Targheebi wat-Targheebi, Hadith No. 2420], “And We sent Lot, peace be upon him, with the message of Prophethood. He said to his people, “Do you commit a great indecency, which no one in the world has ever committed before? You forbid men from sexual intercourse, except for women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people.” [Surah Al-A’raf, Verses: 80-81]— (Quran, 24:30-31) [Surah Al-Anbiya, Verse: 74] [Surah Al-‘Ankabut, Verse: 30]. It is mentioned in hadith guidances of Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) to one Sahaba Mr Jaber(R) with knowledge example for all stating  'why you didn't marry virgin(young non married ever) girl, you play(sexual intercourse) with her, she play(sexual intercourse) with you?'' Mr Jaber explained stating his family situation as he need mature educated one who can teach knowledge to her six young sisters. Prophet also advised another Sahaba replying Sahaba's question of sexual styles to do sexual intercourse with Vagina applying any styles except anal sex. As domestic violences also arise from sexual persecutions where prophet also ordered to marry off your daughter with her consent, don't force(Zulm) wife for sexual intercourse when she is sick or uncapable situation rather build good understanding among each other, sexual non capabilities divorce including women tolerance norm with virtue, sexual intercourse  virtue for both male female, etc. It is noted that some countries schools teach sexual orientation classes stating acted drama porn video like male domine sexual intercourse and female riding sexual intercourse with own control above male styles including porn websites and online content teaching for world population is treated Islamic norm but excessive porn industries business that is different matter of questions also over social sexual offenses, disadvantageous or  degradation. Even if anal sexual intercourse with suitable standard is permissible(one of the degrees of halal, Jaiz norms treated non sinful) if it is dire desire of husband or wife to continue marriage relationship for longer time avoiding chaos, domestic violences where who is influenced for it who is only liable between them as natural weather some times poses different circumstances like winter areas including women's non excitement despite foreplay and one's intensive violent desire of sex control with health protections by the use of condoms and included Anal diseases but it must be gradually left habits anyway. Some countries use even electric machine, toys for women's sexual excitement purposes for foreplay norm. Moreover, Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons before marriage under age, popular in many countries like Egypt, Africa treated haram(illegitimate) as  FGM has no health benefits. It can lead to immediate health risks, as well as long-term complications to women’s physical, mental and sexual health and well-being under WHO where women genital and male  penisous mutilation/surgery for modification for good purposes like sexual capacity growth during non capabilities are treated only permissible(Jaiz, halal) without physical threat of harm for women, male conditions. [Quran-Sunnah, scholars expert opinions, Surah al Baqarah 223, Ibn Majah 1846][https://www.who.int/health-topics/female-genital-mutilation#tab=tab_1][https://www.drpeterlaniewski.com.au/procedures/male/phalloplasty/]


Bat bird can spread corona Covid 19 pandemic worldwide, it is seen. Khaṯnā Circumcision may reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), penile cancer, and some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV. It can also prevent foreskin infections and phimosis, a condition where the foreskin can't be pulled back. Even male can be infectional affected during sexual intercourse during menstruation that poses highly risks for non circumcision person. In fact, baby circumcision(Sunnah instead Fard) surgery generally does not fear for parents as worldwide practice where Laser treatment is now available including mostly no death rate with exception cases including available pregnancy's surgery where someone is excessive situation of fearness poses Jaiz halal(legitimacy) norm avoiding surgery of bodies depends on person to person mental capacity of fearness including social circumstantial capacities(softness people groups environment e.g. vegetarian, etc) where doing circumcision by some people will perform favour of all scared people within community under Fard  e Kifaye(collectively norm) but people have to hold faith as Khaṯnā-circumcision Sunnah norm despite not performance where even mature aged, old age can be done the circumcision surgery with enough mental capacity is also halal-Jaiz(legitimacy). However, Homosexuals groups within society across the world are recognised since Prophet time or earlier time where Prophet suggested them to take surgery treatments and later marriage life but sometimes recently it has arisen largely due to even environment, climate or other earthly difficulties where they will marry same sex or counter sex based on medical grounds for right to peaceful life defense for peaceful social exclusiveness  earth as all aren't fully cured despite treatment. What ever they will get law citizen rights alongside all worships performance rights avoiding social chaos, violences, offenses, discriminations. According to most Islamic jurists, masturbation is haram or forbidden for Muslims and is a major sin or kabirah sinna.[The Lawful And The Prohibited In Islam, Yusuf Al-Qardawi - 1997] [The New Arab Man: Emergent Masculinities, Technologies, and Islam in the Middle East, p 168, Marcia C.: Inhorn - 2012]. But it is permissible(Jaiz) for certain time based on circumstances grounds to avoid sinfulness sexual misconducts or adultery norms without damaging(Zulm) sexual parts. UK House of Lord/Supreme Court, R v R(1991) case, declares forceful sexual conduct with wife as a marital rape. During Islamic ditianee( protected Salve/prisoners) was choosing to be married as part the prison rule to be protectd her honour, dignity as woman as there was no alternative ways to Prophet & his Sahabas due to warfare situation and financial shortage in civil war without parmeant address homes where Sahaba husband was ordered to sexual intercourse with detainee wife  as husband rights over marriage when she feels protected, fearless, wealthy, cured, love affection creation situation having non Zulm(non persecuted) treated as non rape due to women’s consents where Prophet prohibited detainee marriage after sovereign Mecca state what Caliph Omar(R) implemented making formal prison excluding detainee marriage rights where prisoners will get one day future sexual intercourse with partner within month where now prisoner is getting 1-5 hours time for discussion with family members under humanitarian grounds more developed rehabilitation centre like life imprisonment based on experts teams opinion with deepest necessity if it is think fit as reasonable especially non bail prisoners or manslaughter like full non intended offences.[Surah Muhammad 4 : war prisoners and releases with grounds mercy or considerations(employments)-ransom instead of capital punishment or non independent forever by ownership treated as non slave rather rehabilitation, Surah Nur 33, Surah Balad 12-16, Surah Nisa 25]


And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Indeed, killing them is a great sin. — [Quran 17:31, — Quran 6:151]. Narrated Ma'qil ibn Yasar (may Allah be pleased with him). He said: A man came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and said: I have found a beautiful and noble woman, but she is barren. Should I marry her? He said: No. Then the man came to him a second time and asked him, but he forbade him. When the man came to him a third time, he said: Marry a woman who is loving and who gives birth to many children, for I will boast to the other nations about your greatness. — [ Abu Dawud: 2050]; On the hand, One daughter or one son or even barren is also piety good norm for a family mentioned in another Sahih Hadith as earning virtue for heavens getting Allah's blessings is possible(Jaiz halal) for a married couple without any hesitation of barren or less children or willingly no children for incapability of other grounds treated a good & piety family life. It suggests that children for a family or society or country will be sufficient with proper measurement of wealth and other facilities treated Islamic norm. [Quran-Sunnah, scholars expert opinions, Surah al Baqarah 223]; It is noted that most of the World expertise surveys state that manpower with proper educations/skills is asset for earth. Even it also seen that Muslim faithful with worships practicing communities are more capable growing more children easily comparing other communities in many countries in the earth stating non alcoholic, foods habits culture, pietyness, other grounds.


It was narrated from Qatadah that the Messenger of Allah forbade celibacy. Ibn Aksam said: Then Qatadah recited from the Quran, 'Surah Ar-Ra'd: 38 - We sent messengers before you and gave them wives and children.'" — [Ibn Majah, 1849]; It suggests that someone   have other grounds due to his or her full devotee or other activities in life failing to perform wife's duties can hold unmarried life earthly forever like Pope by followed also earlier norm like Marry Mariam(A), prophet Yahia(A) treat Jaiz-Halal norm ie. also non sinful manner. [Ibn Majah 1846][Quran 2:222]


Muhammad ibn Rafi' ..... Narrated Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab. He heard Sa'd ibn Abu Waqqas say, "Uthman ibn Maz'un (may Allah be pleased with him) proposed to take a vow of celibacy, but Muhammad forbade him. If he had permitted him, we would have certainly searched ourselves." — [Sahih Bukhari, Chapter: 62, Hadith no: 12, Sahih Muslim, 1402: — Sahih Muslim: Book 008, Number 3255]. It suggests that Mutah marriage isn't halal Jaiz legitimate if large scale people in society do marry for only sexual entertainment purposes avoiding adultery norms avoiding fully family life marriage forever where growing children is also mandatory purposes of family life with some exceptional grounds where IVF or test tube is also permissible Jaiz halal norm treated marrying the wife for certain time during pregnancy but weekly short Marriage al Mutah now requires Condom for pregnancy's protection but one can marry for 1 years for pregnancy with contract treated valid marriage, [(Surah-22, Al-Ahzab, verse: 35), (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 228), (Surah Al-Imran: Verse 195) (Surah An-Nahl: Verse 97)(Surah At-Tawbah: Verse 71)]. “And indeed, We have honored the children of Adam.” (Surah Bani Israel: Verse 70),Surah An-Nisa, verse: 19. “Indeed, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern of conduct for every one who hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” (Al-Ahzab 21)(Surah Ar-Rum 21). Regarding the teaching of Talbiyah to women, the Holy Quran states, “Behave well with them (women) and teach them good manners.” (Surah An-Nisa, verse 19). On the other hand, woman, child trafficking, abuse, torture, rape, force for doing currently recognised prostitution practice known mostly horrible forceful history across the world that isn't legitimate in laws as well as Islam religiously as valid marriages require women's free consent where many countries like Iran-Iraq marry for a day, week, month, etc with arrangement with dignity, honour with piety instead of hatred or dishonour prostitute norm where Prophet enacted Mutah(temporary) marriage norm eradicating prostitution from Allah's order what was going on earlier period largely where voluntary marriage service profession can be developed with under marriage care center like night club, hotels including homes with public salary including customers like higher salary than teacher, doctor, nurse, religious protector, soldier awarding marriage dignity for poor and necessity classes for week or months as many educated wealthy married couples used to go even to night club including sexual intercourse with others without force mindset but other jobs with marriage as part of the Mahar-dowry conditions isn't valid employment under employment rules as women's dignity, honour are protected in society lawfully as well as religiously. Even Prophet took permission from war prisoner women, refugees including their children treated as slave-protected(Sub wife, children dignity protocols) to marry off them with Sahaba including choosing their own Sahaba husband within many Sahaba-companions treated as marriage with full consents & Mahar dowry mentioned in Hadith. Many Hadith and Quranic verses mention about marriage norm including contract marriage term where Sahaba King made divorce his sub wife in order to marry her with Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) as well as other Sahaba made divorce his one wife among 4 wives for asylum Sahaba protector in his homes for his service through marry her with his friend/companion/Sahaba treated as contract marriage where Prophet also prohibited Mutah during that time considering developed social practice alongside allowing one's temporary Mutah marriage permission for he is suffering sorrow without wife. However, Muslims countries mostly unencourage for Mutah marriage to practice full marriage educing divorce including adding dowry reward for husband, reducing Polygamy & high population growth with poverty, family violences, sexual harassments in employment, etc matters but countries have launched prostitutions center including forcefully traffic women though it has been developing gradually since Prophet to subsequent Caliphate tenure by Mutah marriage or sub wife, polygamy norm where subsequent Caliph didn't force nonMuslims stopping non forceful prostitutional practice including wine bar what they have been going on within their own society what gradually has been adapted also now a day in Muslims societies including making women prostitute offences like women trafficking, kidnapping, etc. However, countries laws should be like that husband needs permission from first wife and lawful authority like UNO (chief executive officer of an upazila or council) for longer time or permanently marrying 2nd wife together living with 2 wives as they will permit based on circumstances, woman percentages, grounds, etc where first wife doesn't dislike husband's sexual intercourse with another wife mostly but she mostly refuses to accept children from another wife especially portion sharing her children's assets risen 'domestic violences' e.g. world male-female ratio is currently 100:102. Even boys will marry at age 16-17 with sub wife where they will marry permanently after taking jobs with maturity like above 16-24 years old where marriage al Mutah will eradicate domestic violences, divorce, adultery, social offences, poverty, few financial offences where generally non divorced/ non married chaste-virgin girls will try to marry for permanently with full Mahar dowry marriage contract except Mutah marriage for necessity grounds like documented legally nonbinding consensus semi permanent civil partners/couple marriage with less wealth succession rights as Arabic word Mumina(also virgin) women is defined religiously sacred faithful despite physically not virgin like divorce called also Virgin woman where even marrying widow is more virtus norm where physically virginity isn't Fard mandatory requirement for marriage rather strategy for having longer marriage. So they allow it once, then forbid it again, then allow it again, then forbid it again where Prophet including Abu Bakr, Omar, and other Sahaba married Mutah wife also during that time. And so on and so forth.  Umayya ibn Bistam al-Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) …   Abu Jamrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) asking about the mut'ah marriage of women, and he gave his permission. His freed slave said to him, "Was this decree made due to necessity and the scarcity of women?" Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "Yes." From the above hadith, it is clear that the Prophet Muhammad permitted mut'ah marriage due to the scarcity of women. [Sahih Bukhari 5116.].Narrated Sabraah (may Allah be pleased with her): We set out with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for the Farewell Pilgrimage. The Companions said: O Messenger of Allah! It has become difficult for us to remain without a wife. He said: Then you should perform Mut'ah (temporary marriage) with these women. So we approached them, but they refused to marry us unless we had fixed a fixed term between us and them. When the Companions mentioned this to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he said: Then fix a fixed term between you and them. [2/1962]. It was narrated from Salamah ibn al-Akwa (may Allah be pleased with him) and Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) came to us and gave us permission for mut’ar (temporary marriage). Sahih Muslim 3284. “Successful indeed are the believers who are humble in their prayers, who abstain from evil, who give charity, who guard their private parts, except for their wives or those whom their right hands possess(marriage employment/ rented/buy/protected as sub wife), for that they will not be blamed. And whoever desires anyone other than them, then indeed he is a transgressor.”— (Surah Al-Mu’minun: 1-7). Mutah Marriage “And give to those whom you have taken in marriage their dower for a fixed term.”— (Surah An-Nisa: 24); In a narration by Ibn Mas’ud: That is, to those whom you have taken in marriage for a fixed term. “They (wives) are your garments and you (husbands) are their garments.” [(Surah Al-Baqarah: 187),(Surah Rum: Verse 21)(An-Nur 31,76)(Ahzab 33, 59,53)] [Hadith, https://bn.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Islamic sexuality/bangla , Surah An-Nisa:119, 19], [https://al-islam.org/muta-temporary-marriage-islamic-law-sachiko-murata/four-pillars-muta][https://www.drishtijudiciary.com/to-the-point/ttp-muslim-law/muta-marriage][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage]. The porn industry treated less halal having teaching purposes for adult is worth an estimated massive $100 billion dollars globally where it should be used for charitable purpose where alcohol is estimated $1114 billion dollars globally in 2029. [https://academic.oup.com/book/39816/chapter-abstract/339938700?redirectedFrom=fulltext].


Sexual activities different uses: Advertisemts, Film, Cinema is the business and art of making movies that are used commercial and cultural purposes for entertainment and social diversities. Cinema or Film industries aren't only entertaible art now a days rather commercial and social, cultrural values unity or union. Islam ensures  entertainment and cultural activities like Cinema, games, etc as legitimate(halal, Jaiz: non sinful) but all activities within these aren't fully legitimate where "Censor Certificate" boards motitor the every part of the broadcast excluding social harmful actions, conducts. The controvery is mostly arisen its very open dress code or sexual close action short, sotries, messages, etc comparing religious, social, cultural manners where it depends on differet different societies cultural, social, sects manner e.g. some countries social open dress code is allowed half pent, Genji in roads, social congregration with even bodiesopen like part of the breast, thigh where Cinema will be more close short for them under film norm like babies openly feeding milk from his mom or hugging girls few breast open couple night bed sceen short as Cinema is artificially acted sotires, screen short for its ordinaces what is fully hiden, closed, confined in general, real social life wihtin child, young and old ordinaces. But these close short Cinemas is controversial in higher veilable societies like Arab with full veil Burqa Hijab & Niqab dress code. Again it is less controversial in Indian subcontinent societies where pant, shirt, Shari, Kamij are the women dress code where Back sides, stomach are opened or clear with dignity manners including weather. Therefore, Islamic interpretations, applications, faith will vary on women dress code veil, cultural practices including film industries norm with commercial manner also as one Cinema costs even 1 billion dollars like Ben-Hur (1925) ( wealth $3 billion, actor Jami Gertz) engaging regular professional artists. But porn industries aren't social film or Cinema where it can be for adult manner where people will open it after registration with national ID cards with certain age like 16-20 under social mature practices. Professional dress codes, religious dress code, cultural dress codes have diffrent different degrees comparing with full degree dress code of religion. Half Pants like three quarter, Genji with half or full hands is the soft degree of Islamic legitimate open dress code comparing full code like Niqab Burqa or Hijab or Shari with mat where Cinema can show only open back above ass, part of the breasts under nominal degree of standard of Islamic cultural society and Film broastcasting norms if societies are reached as such standards. If countries with Genji and Sea beach Bra Vecani dress code openness broadcast societies want to marry off young generals for marital relation for population growth through full and temporary marriages including large scale women jobs with Mahar dowry varieties with succession rights, they produce open sexual shorts in Cinema for young adult movies as part of the strategies where Arabic societies produces only hugg with Pant-Gengi in bedroom that depends on social cultural norms. Even Cinemas are designed mostly for familes ordinaces for more profits business instead of porn activities in Cinemas where porn industry is another norm of Cinema for young ordinaces. Therefore, all Cinemas aren’t halal for all societies including its legitimacy under Islamic manner with grounds. On the other hand, more openness like Becani, Bra women availabilities create less attraction for male under sexually self restrain manner that even fear to be guys as women are like male reducing sexually attracted in society. It is noted that Sharia laws are consistently applied with grounds of era called Modern laws or reformed sharia laws due to considering grounds under Islam with Quran Sunnah having diversifications.   


The Quran does not mention birth control. However, Muslims refer to the Hadith on the subject of birth control. According to them, birth control is permissible when it is adopted temporarily for a legitimate reason. “I have a slave girl ... I had intercourse with her, but I fear that she will not conceive. The Prophet replied, ‘If you wish, then practice ‘Azl (withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation during intercourse) with her, ...″[[Mutah norm marriage][ Dr. Hatem al-Haj (2008-11-06) "Fatwa-76792 - Getting my tubes tied: female sterilization" www.amjaonline.org]]

“I have a slave girl(sub wife) ... I had intercourse with her, but I fear that she will not conceive. The Prophet replied, "If you wish, practice 'Azl (Kayashas Interruptions, withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation during intercourse) with her, ..."[ Sachedina, Zulie (1990) "Islam, Procreation and the Law" International Family Planning Perspectives /16 (3)] . Therefore, according to the hadith, the "withdrawal method" of birth control (Kayashas Interruptions) is permissible. Muslim jurists agree on its permissibility[ Ali, Kecia (2006) Sexual ethics and Islam: feminist reflections on Qur'an, hadith, and jurisprudence Oxford: Oneworld] and also approve of other methods of birth control that are comparable to it (for example, health protections by the use of condoms).[ Esposito, John "Oxford Islamic Studies Online"   Oxford University Press].


 It is noted Christian woman succession rights has awarded 1/2 half of the wealth of parents where Muslims is 1/4 under Quran Sunnah where it is depended on society's circumstances especially Sunni Christians called also Sufi Muslims can adapt ongoing practice 1/2 if they thing fit is good and more beneficial for them under especial Will, trust Act. Male are mostly bound to perform fard mandatory duties for wife's livelihood, parents including social many more duties than women where women's looking after rights is perpetually preserved in parent's home including brothers-Uncles in absence of parent(included elder sister in absence of brothers) especially relative wandering bonding & divorce time but wealthy wife will voluntarily contribute to husband and parent's family taking into account wealthy & non wealthy women duty norm under pietyness norms treated as equal rights for men & women in Quran Sunnah where Quran mostly impose soft burden on women awarding equal honour & dignity comparing more burden on male awarding equal honour & dignity with superiority leadership authority for protecting women. Though sub wife(unofficial married excluding full succession rights) get less wealth succession rights like livelihood dowry but her children will get full wealth succession rights like officially legally married wife's children under Quran Sunnah. [(Surah An-Nisa: 32, 7, 34, 124,36)(Surah Al-Baqarah: 187, 228) (Surah An-Nahl: 97)( Surah Ar Rum-21)(Surah Nisa 11-12)(Surah Jum'ar, verse: 9) ( Surah Isra 31)]


Women's right to abortion is permissible halal based on circumstances as sometimes they are physically, mentally, jobs threaten but generally it is not always Jais halal legitimate where Test Tube baby is also halal if it is unable to grow general pregnancy for her with grounds like extreme physical and mental fear grounds despite science is blessing for mankind but Test Tube womb unborn baby (fetus) extreme inhuman being fetal growth modification like superhuman being for forces is not halal in Islam. Prophet orders, do sexual intercourse with Bismillah-by the name of Allah excluding devil. 


Marriage Age & Capacity: And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves(employees or Subordinate people like population) and female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. [Surah Nur 32, Surah An-Nisa: 3-4)]. And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, 'two or three or four'. 'But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses'. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice]. In fact, Justice means husband must do good behabiour with all wives with peaceful family life.


However, it is not right to delay in the marriage of a child. Because, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, Whoever among you has a child (son or daughter) let him give him a beautiful name and teach him good manners; when he reaches the age of puberty, that is, he should marry him off; if he reaches the age of puberty and does not marry him off, then if he commits a sin, the responsibility of that sin will fall on his father. (Sahih Hadith, Bayhaqi 8145). Fatima (RA) was 15-18 and a half years old at the time of her marriage. (Siyaru Alamin Nubala, page: 423). However, according to Ibn Sa'd, she was 18/21 years old at that time. In Islam, the marriage of Ali (RA) and Fatima (RA) is an ideal marriage. Many people call it Sunnah to marry off a girl at a young age. They want to say that the Prophet (peace be upon him) also married off his daughter at a young age. Dua for the newlyweds

Those who marry despite the lack of money with the intention of character purity; Allah Almighty will make married life easy for them by His grace. He will remove poverty. It is said in the Hadith to pray for blessings and well-being for them.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that when a person got married, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would pray for him as follows: Meaning: ‘May Allah bless your life and unite you in goodness.’ (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)


Allah says, Marry, I am responsible for establishing you. You are in need, I will remove your need. Allah says, "If you want to be rich, marry."

Again, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Three people are rightfully supported by Allah: the one who strives in the way of Allah, the one who writes letters and wants to perform, and the one who marries and wants to be chaste."


It is obligatory for Allah to help three people.

1. The one who strives in the way of Allah,

2. The slave who is under contract and wants to be freed by his master by collecting his wealth as agreed upon.

3. The married person who wants to remain chaste (by getting married).

You will find the hadith

(Tirmidhi-1655, Nasa'i-3218, 3120, Sahih Ibn Hibban-4030, Bayhaqi, Sunanul). O youth! Those of you who are able to marry should marry, for marriage is a restraint of the gaze and a protection of chastity. And whoever is unable to do so, then let him fast, for fasting is a means of restraining youth. (Bukhari 5065; Muslim 1400). It doesn't need individual's financial capacity rather family or collective families state funds for marriage capacity what is 16 years age is good in many countries but they will control sexuality doing fast(strategy) avoiding adultery(Jena). Those who marry despite the lack of money with the intention of moral purity; Allah Almighty will make married life easy for them by His grace. He will remove poverty. It has been said in the Hadith to pray for blessings and well-being for them. (Bukhari, Muslim). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "O young people, whoever among you can afford it, let him marry, for it lowers the gaze and guards the private parts." (Bukhari, Muslim).  The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also said, "When a servant marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, and he should fear Allah regarding the other half." (Mishkat Sharif). Early marriage has numerous benefits like physical, mental, religious, social and financial.


Muslims are still talent like notable scientific golden era of Muslim(700-1900, 19th century, more than 1000 scientists; King of Science era by Muslims) where mankind's unity is now required to move forward the earth where Allah has given now a days more scientific knowledge other sects like Jews-Christians(70% wisdom) to develop themselves as Allah has been chronologically developing every sect of mankind as part of his strategy to attract people to him. The two key scientists who developed this vaccine are Turkish-born Sunni Muslims named Dr. Ugur Sahin and his wife Dr. Ozlem Tureci, according to media reports. A Morocco-born Sunni Muslim scientist Dr. Moncef Mohamad Slaoui is leading Operation WARP Speed announced by President Donald Trump to rapidly develop and distribute a coronavirus vaccine in the United States. Entire Iranian treated Sunni Muslims also discovered Corona vaccine. Covid19 pandemic is the biggest challenge the world faces today. Muslim scientists are in the forefront of dealing with this challenge. This is particularly notable in a world where Islamophobia has gone mainstream in recent years.[https://www.riazhaq.com/2020/11/turkish-born-muslim-scientists-behind.html] 


UN adopts resolution calling for appointment of special envoy to combat Islamophobia. The "Measures to combat Islamophobia" resolution passed with 115 votes in favour, 44 abstentions, and none against. The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Iyad Ameen Madani, has appointed Tan Sri Dato Seri Syed Hamid Albar, former Foreign Minister of Malaysia, as his Special Envoy for Myanmar. Lord Tariq Mahmood Ahmad, UK’s Minister of State for the Commonwealth and the United Nations, has been named the UK’s first Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief. The U.S. Senate approved Muslim American Rashad Hussain, Sada Cumber as ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom, in a historic move. The European Commission has appointed Frans van Daele as Special Envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion or belief outside the EU. Amira Elghawaby, Amal Khokhar is Canada's Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia. British lawyer Sunni Muslim faithful Mr Karim Khan QC and other Muslims have successfully run the ICC International Courts, Chief Minister of Scotland respectively in nonMuslims majority country where Muslims' Fard duty to scrutinise the nonMuslims worships also being accepted to them like those personality posts as a religious teacher for mankind like 'doctor having Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad' providing guidances to individual sect's necessity, demand e.g. some sects will adapt full QuranSunnah, some will adapt only 5 pillar of worships, some will adapt half of full QuranSunnah, etc under gradually adaption rule within numerous cultural nations but it must not bring faith on part of the Quran having partition ie. sinful as full Quran is for entire mankind where many Mahzaf-Sects are allowed unitedly.[Surah al Hizar 9), Surah Muzzamel 4, Surah Yunus 11]. Move not your tongue with it, [O Muhammad], to hasten with recitation of the Qur'an, [Surah al Qiyamah 16][Surah Al-Qiyamah: 17-19] [(Surah Al-Imran: 105), (Surah Al-Imran: 103)]. (Surah An'am: 159). The Qur'an is divided into thirty sections for ease of reading adaption by 114 Surah Chapter with mecca-Madinah as well as Hadith & history. And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes, (Sarah An-Nasr 2).As it is said in another verse, 'You compete in good deeds.' (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 148), Surah: Ale Imran, Verse: 133). And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge. (Surah Ar Rum 22). O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female( Adam-Hawa) and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. (  Surah: Hujurat 13)


What's Christmas celebrated for?

Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God. The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service (which is sometimes called Communion or Eucharist) is where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life what he has come to mankind with his reform towards worshipping places with protest-debate for correction what is now Quran Sunnah norms ie. Abrahamism ideology treated liberal Muslims(Ahle Kitab Muslims/Qasr norms/Moderate Muslims Sects treated Isa Jesus guidance route). Christmas, Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus treated Opening ceremony grasping reform route unitedly to be sacred(lighten/white) confession(Muslim, Chapter: Kitabul Fitan- white Tower of mosque in Syria simile Saint/Father/Imams' humanitarian treatment like Doctor for people and symbolic Doctor's white gown including righteousness leader Imam Mahdi for Black gown colour ). The English term Christmas (“mass on Christ's day”) is of fairly recent origin. The earlier term Yule may have derived from the Germanic jōl or the Anglo-Saxon geōl, which referred to the feast of the winter(Sita= SAM Syria Jerusalem winter-sober traveler follower-student of Baitul Mukaddas' Prophets including Meraj norm of all prophets communion of Chief leader prophet Mohammad reign ceremony by Chief Angel Jibrael A ) solstice. [(Surat al-Maida, verse 82, 66, 65, 68,69, Surah-Hajj, verse: 17, Baqarah 142, As Saffat 180-182)(Surah Az-Zukhruf: 61)]; Indeed, those who have believed and those who were Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who associated with Allah - Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, over all things, Witness. But those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt of it until the Hour comes upon them unexpectedly or there comes to them the punishment of a barren Day. But as for one who had repented, believed, and done righteousness, it is promised by Allah that he will be among the successful. [Surah Hajj 55,2, Naml 89, Qasas 65-67][(Surah Jumuah 1-6, 9-10)- Saint Oli/Reformist/Nayebe Rasul/Mujaddid/shadow prophet]


Christmas prayer with Dowa Hymn with Candle, trees lightening, sweet party wishing festival rituals celebration: Khutbah Speech :- ''Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of might, above what they describe. And peace upon the messengers. And praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Sad. By the Qur'an containing reminder. But those who disbelieve are in pride and dissension. How many a generation have We destroyed before them, and they [then] called out; but it was not a time for escape. By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss(vulnerable), Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. Rather, the Prophet(Mohammad) has come with the truth and confirmed the [previous] messengers. For the like of this let the workers [on earth] work. (Surah As Saffat 180-182, 37)(Surah Sad 1-3)(Surah Asr 1-3) Entire mankind unity with reform through Quran Sunnah. And indeed, Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path. Surah Zukhruf: 61. But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic." And he(Jesus) will teach him the Book, Hikmat-wise, Torah and Injil. And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the 'Torah' and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is 'Ahmad."  Just as We(Allah and Angels) have sent among you a messenger from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you and teaching you the Book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know. So remember Me(Allah); I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me. Except for those who repent and correct themselves and make evident [what they concealed]. Those - I will accept their repentance, and I am the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (Surah Al Imran 48, As Saff 6)(Surah Baqarah 151-152, 160)(Surah Al Jumua 1). Exalt the name of your Lord, the Most High,And who destined and [then] guided. "After you have prayed, disperse in the land, seeking the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah much(Zikir), that you may be successful." He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself . And mentions the name of his Lord and prays. “Indeed, the remembrance of Allah is the best.”  “Remember Me, I will remember you.” Indeed, this is in the former scriptures, The scriptures of Abraham and Moses. Do worships with full and Qasr shorter norm ways. (Surah Jumah, Surah Al Ala)(Surah Ankabut, verse 45)(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 152, Nisa 100-103). If you disclose your charitable expenditures, they are good; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you, and He will remove from you some of your misdeeds [thereby]. And Allah, with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted. Allah the Almighty says, “It is not righteousness that one turns his face to the East or the West, but the righteous is he who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book of Allah, and the Prophets, and who spends his wealth, seeking the pleasure of Allah, for the near of kin, the orphan, the needy, the traveler, the beggar, and the freeing of slaves (treated entire mankind welfare).” (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 177, 271); Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward( treated both equal hourned with reward). The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Those - Allah will have mercy upon them. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise. And guard their private parts from each others.(Surah Ahzab 35,73)(Surah Tawbah 71)(Surah Nur 30-31)

O you who have believed, eat from the good things which We have provided for you and be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship. O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess. ‘And from the fruits of the date palm and the grapes you take intoxicants(non harmful juice wine) and good food but don't be drunken or addicted, perverted.’ (Surah An-Nahl, verse: 67)(Surah Araf 31, Baqarah 172, Nisa 43). Unquestionably, to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. Unquestionably, the promise of Allah is truth, but most of them do not know. O mankind, there has to come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. Say, "In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy - in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate."(Surah Yunus 55, 57, 58); Giving priority friends, family, neighbours, refugees, Indeed, those who are free from stinginess in their hearts, it is they who are successful. (Surah: Al-Hashr, verse: 9); Prophets including David and Mohammad(pbuh) celebrate Eid, joyful festivals and recite deep melody poem Tasbih, hymns, and disciples  including Ali, Omar, Zayed Ibn Sabit & notable successors wrote poem, Surah, verses, literature, novel, hymns songs, calligraphy, science, technologies books for entire mankind's welfare, humanities including cultural activities, games, hangout, fun, party invitations(included Polytheists home invitation by prophet Mohammad). (Sahih Hadith)'' In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says, “Do not kill your children for fear of poverty. It is We Who provide for them and for you. Indeed, killing them is a great sin.” (Surah Bani Israel, verse 31, An Am 151) He says, “We did not create the heavens and the earth and anything between them in vain. We created them with truth, but most of them do not know.” (Surah Dukhan, verses 38-39) Allah Almighty has a perfect plan behind the creation of everything. In another verse, He declares, “We created everything in a specific measure.” (Surah Qamar, verse 49) The large population is a blessing from Allah; it is obligatory to be grateful for this blessing and to worship Him unconditionally. For this reason, Allah Almighty mentions His Prophet Shu'ayb (peace be upon him) who, while reminding his people of some of Allah's blessings, said: "Remember when you were few in number; He increased you in number." [Surah A'raf, verse: 86, As Shura 27].  Allah has already forgiven the Prophet and the Muhajireen and the Ansar who followed him in the hour of difficulty after the hearts of a party of them had almost inclined [to doubt], and then He forgave them. Indeed, He was to them Kind and Merciful(Surah Tawbah 117), And [He also forgave] the three who were left behind [and regretted their error] to the point that the earth closed in on them in spite of its vastness and their souls confined them and they were certain that there is no refuge from Allah except in Him. Then He turned to them so they could repent. Indeed, Allah is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful(Surah Tawbah 117), O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true( Surah Tawbah 118). It is mentioned that Christian King Negus, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism Abrahamic faithful Mecca, Madinah many people were engaged assisting Prophet and his disciples Sahabas being Sahaba status expressly or impliedly despite different identities like Christian or Abrahamic treated they are also blessed from God Rab Allah and Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) with his Sahabas including full worshipping Muslims. Allah says in the Holy Quran, “And hold fast, all of you, to the rope of Allah and do not become divided among yourselves. And remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies, then He brought your hearts together, and by His grace you became brothers. And you were on the brink of a fire, then He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided” (Surah Al-Imran, verse 103). It is mentioned that follow knowledge, guidances of Quran, Hadith and Allah unitedly having Muslim(surrendered to Allah) despite different different groups, identities, Sects, colour, race, tribe, languages, culture, areas, etc. But those firm in knowledge among them(knowledged nonMuslims/Ahle Kitab people of the earlier books) and the believers(Prophet's Sahabas) believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad with Quran], and what was revealed before you(Taroh, Zabur, Injil, 103 holy books). And the establishers of prayer [especially](Spiritual worships) and the givers of Zakah(donation, taxation, governance assistance , preaching, management, looking after family and relatives, social activities, etc) and the believers in Allah and the Last Day - those We will give a great reward. [Surah Nisa 162] Indeed, We(Allah and assistant Angels) have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him. And we revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, the Descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the book [of Psalms-Zabur]. [Surah Nisa 163] Indeed, those who disbelieve(Full and Qasr worships) and avert [people] from the way of Allah have certainly gone far astray. [Surah Nisa-167]But Allah bears witness to that which He has revealed to you. He has sent it down with His knowledge, and the angels bear witness [as well]. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.(Surah Nisa 166) It is mentioned that follow the guidances, knowledge, examples from holy book. Allah Almighty says, "Whoever does righteous deeds, male or female, and is a believer, they will enter Paradise, and they will not be wronged in the least." (Surah An-Nisa, verse 124), Indeed, they who have believed and done righteous deeds - those are the best of creatures. (Surah al Bayyinah 7)(Surah Al-Imran: Verse 185) A Book whose verses have been detailed, an Arabic Qur'an for a people who know,(Surah Hamim Sejda Fussilat 3,10).


Sufism Principles Proximity-Migrator(One of the Mumeen piousness sacred strategies purifying the Nafs-souls defeating Nafsi Ammarah-Devil acts inciting soul called 7 stages of Nafs with piousness being nearer-blessed of Allah):

First Principle: Repentance with Allah fearness Takwah trying to avoid sins(al-tawba), Second Principle: Renunciation (al-zuhd)(worships with deepest dedication & concentration), Third Principle: Reliance towards Allah with highest love, affection (al-tawakkul), Fifth Principle: Seclusion (al-'uzla)(worships with deepest dedication & concentration), Sixth Principle: Remembrance (mulazamaat-al-dhikr)(humility, charity, fasting, Salah prayers, Quran reading, Zikir remembrances, etc), Seventh Principle: Concentration upon Allah with love(tawajjuh-ila-allah), Eighth Principle: Patience (al-sabr), Tahazzad Salah prayer, more Nafl worships, etc with Niyat(dedicational vision-intentions). How many times one will perform these, it has no obligation as well as loving creatures treated mankind is same nation((Muslims with Shariyat of Mohammad & Christians with Shariyat of Moses to Isa-Jesus Ibn Mariyum(650 Crore nonMuslims)-Abrahamism)). [Surah Al-Anbiya 19-20,10, 7, 22, 25-29, 67-84, 85-92, 92, 94, 105-108, Surah Anam 1,(Surah Al-Muzzammil 20, 1-10)] 

And We sent not before you any messenger except that We revealed to him that, "There is no deity except Me, so worship Me."  

No! Do not obey him. But prostrate and draw near [to Allah] . Indeed, they who have believed(Iman) and done righteous deeds(prescribed & endorsed appropriate worships with good acts) - those are the best of creatures and will be awarded perpetual heavens(Surah Hajj-23, 50). Indeed, they who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein. Those are the worst of creatures. Quran is full truth & appropriate what is distributed by a Prophet Mohammad. [Surah Hajj-23, 50, 22, Surah Alaq 14, 19, Surah Al-Bayyina-2,3,5-8, Surah Buruj- 11]. Intention(Niyat) is vital and most superior rule of the worship as everything depends on intention that always must be towards blessing of almighty creator, worship for creator's happiness getting favour, e.g. every worship like Iman faith, Hajj, Salah, donation, fast, etc are highly Niyat based. Sufism also emphasises the Niyat rule for creator's blessing for every worship that is creator's reliance. Even donating huge amount of asset like Martyr-Aleem(Knowledge persons including religious teacher Aleem) without creator's blessing in inner soul intention Taqwa isn't treated as sacred donation for virtue under every positive act must be creator's blessing treated as pietyness, achieving oliAwlia Taqwa requires always Niyat of creator's blessing.


Many historical personality practiced Sufism ideology since long ancient era having ''an almighty creator faith with good deeds & self restrain avoiding social offences of sins'' under piety Taqwa(characteristic) norm during that time leaving ongoing polytheism faith and practices of worshipping norms. In fact, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Kong Qiu, Kautilya Chanakya, Alexander the Great, Chandragupta Marja, King Negas,  Karl Marx, Einstein, Hatim Al Tayy or Hatim Tay, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington are the notable Sufi Pir, philosopher, religious scholar & investigator with Ahle Kitab Muslim faith, professor, intellectual social reformist, scientist, social & political scientist though they believed on creator Allah despite absence of appropriate information but they didn't get appropriate Tawrat, Zabur, Injil worshipping rules during that time due to pervertness of polytheism within world religions as well as traditional religious Imam scholars. Waraka Nawfal ibn Asad, Zayd Ibn Harithar, Zayd Ibn Amr Ibn Nufail, Asma Binte Abu Bakr, Quraysh tribe leader Shayba Ibn Hashim/Abdul Muttalib (Al-Hanafiyyah Abrahami faith), Prophet parents Amina and Abdullah(Al-Hanafiyyah Abrahami faith), Abu Bakr, Hind binte Abi Kasir, Prophet Mohammad early life & his wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid and grant father Abdul al Muttalib, Ali Ibn Abi Talib are also Sufi-Pir succeeded by Gausul Azam Boro pir Abdul Qadir jilani & Wisekarni, investigator of righteousness religion of Ibrahami Al-Hanafiyyah Abrahami faith avoiding ''Shirk Musrikh with some Kufr norm'' before coming Islam of Quran- Sunnah though their tribe Quraysh was polytheist Mushrikh. They weren't agonist and positive atheist rather absolute faithful to supreme being almighty creator God Allah despite lack of knowledge of Allah and his Arash throne details. Even one will go to heavens( ten times large of earth heaven) after finishing hellfire's conviction as a last mercy awarded person due to very less virtue if one has only faith towards an almighty Creator Allah where an atheist(no creator faith) will be awarded perpetual hellfire conviction. It is known, The Socratic Daemonion means Arabic word ''Elham'' like Imam priest Ibrahim Richmond and Sir Isaac Newton also received Elham like Socraties, divine signal guidances from almighty creator. 


It is noted that Prophet Mohammad(pbuh)'s Quraysh tribe is treated as Sabiyin despite Hanif Abrahimi faith practice of Muslim as it was perverted practice during that time called Kufr(denial of pure Kitab, lessons, norms ie. disobedient) where his parents like few others grand parents, etc tried to practice Sufism norm for sacredness doing worships avoiding sinful acts as much as possible despite living within society of Ayame Jahelia and they were Ummat  follower of other Prophets Adam to Isa though they followed mostly Ibrahim(A)'s lessons as much as possible appropriately. For this reasons, Prophet Mohammad didn't get even permission to plea mercy for his parents, grand  parents wrong done sins for heavens as  they  were other Prophets' Ummat jurisdiction as Prophet can't mercy plea Kufr people of other Prophecy's empowerment but he was permitted to grave pilgrimage(Ziyarat) for peace in grave life(Barzakh) like many others Quraysh cemetery, Ummat-followers of other Prophets. Prophet's parents & grand parents were good piety taqwa personality for getting heavens very soon as his parents & grandparents performed Allah's elham giving his name Muhammad, Nur was seen his father's forehead, mother saw angels with Nur during Prophet's birth period as well as good characters piety norm according to Hadith history mentioned but they also failed to do appropriate worships of Ibrahim(A) Kitab lessons as they Kaaba pilgrimage during pervertness within society like Hajj pilgrimage with without dress naughty under perverted norms, styles of holy Kitab. [Muslim Ha/203; Abu Dawud Ha/3949, Muslim Ha/976; Mishkat Ha/1763 'Grave' Pilgrimage' paragraph, Muslim, As-Sahih 1/191 (Iman, Babu Bayani Anna Man Mata Alal Kufr..)]. For this reason, Prophet informed answering Sahab's question, your father like my father is in hellfire as they both failed to practice appropriate worshipping route under devine holy books before coming Quran-Sunnah, appropriate route but some will be released like Prophet's parents, grandparents for their good deeds grounds avoided Shirk despite Mushrik with less Kufr but his uncle Abu Talib won't be released as he didn't bring faith Iman to Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) during death and they died before Prophet Mohammad's prophecy(Nabuyat). Allah says, Don't be like a Musrikh who are doing Shirk-Kufr. Allah indicates Prophet of his parents they are prima facie guilty for hellfire conviction but they will be released under grounds like Taqwa(Allah faith with good deeds with best characters) norms.


Besides, legendary professor, writer, philosopher, intellectuals, they are also Sufi Muslim Christian(Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslim) Note: " Edward Montet, "La Propagande Chretienne et ses

Adversaries Musulmans," Paris, 1890; Quoted by T.W.

Arnold in THE PREACHING OF ISLAM, London, 1913,

pp. 413-414. "I am not a Muslim in the usual sense, though

I hope I am a "Muslim" as "one surrendered to God-

ALLAH," but I believe that embedded in the

Quran(Prophet Mohammad) and other expressions of the

Islamic vision are vast stores of divine truth from which I

and other occidentals have still much to learn, and 'Islam is

certainly a strong contender for the supplying of the basic

framework of the ''one religion of the future.'' W.


London, 1983, p. ix. ''Christianity includes all nonMuslims that means common spiritual worships but different different governance faith''.


If Europe, by rejecting the cooperation of Islam, throws it

into the arms of its rivals, the issue can only be disastrous

for both." H.A.R. Gibb, WHITHER ISLAM, London, 1932,

p. 379


"I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high

estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only

religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating

capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make

itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the

wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-

Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I

believe that if a man like him were to assume the

dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in

solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much

needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the

faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the

Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable

to the Europe of today." G.B. Shaw, THE GENUINE

ISLAM, Vol. 1, No. 81936


Professor Michael H. Hart led 1000 world intellectuals also brought faith-Iman towards Allah & Prophet hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) favour of non Muslims under collective responsibility(Fard Kifaya) by his the book ''The 100'' though all people are also required to bring faith under Fard Ain(individual responsibility).


However, even 600 crore nonMuslims must practice Quran-hadith spiritual worship as well as their own liked earlier prophets' some of the teaching if they want to like sunnah as these are also permissible  under current Shariyat Din-rules under Prophet Mohammad e.g. Sufism(hard restraint confinement life practicing worship with intensive desire for piousness soon as well as necessary public meeting&jobs avoiding sinful acts), early sufi Etekaf life of Mohammad(pbuh)&Ali-Fatem(R)&Belal(R) followed by Wisekarni(R) & Gausul Azam Boro pir Abdul Qadir jilani(R)-reformist Imam Ghazali(R)- Shah Jalal(R) , even family leaving Saint like Mariyam-Eyahiya-Isa(A), Al Esha -Julkifal(A) Gautam Buddha, Moses hill Etekaf(confinement with worship), Dawood-Samuel A(religious scholars-Imam-chief justice take sworn King Queen or PM President, rulers), etc ie. called Abrahamism(piety Muslims with numerous styles of many prophets being follower of active prophet Mohammad as well as earlier prophets' teaching of Sunnah what people mostly like to follow different different prophets e.g. Sufism, non-Sufism, numerous Tablig programs like Halaka, Ayyubi Dhikr Ozel Hymn Naat-Gazal Sharif, Middle Easter Darse(Darse:prayer Dowa, guidances, activities, stories, lessons, birthday remember), Isa Jesus Marium(A) Darse & King JamJam statement,  RamKrishna Darse(RamKrishna means upper Arash's Creator Allah's attraction that ensures pleasurement of soul through Tawrat-Jabur Kitab of Islam), Arabic word ''Dayielallah-Da'wat Ilallah'' the attracted to Allah by Hedayh guidance called also Krishnah, Eliyas-Al Esha-Julkifal Gautam Buddha-Eyahiya-Zakariya(A)-AliFatema-Belal(R) Darse, Ejtema, Abrahami Darse, Owaj, Chillah-Nesab, Kangserkul Darse, etc). It is noted that earlier holy books and Prophets numerous teaching directly have been also included as well as reforms within active specific rules with numbers of Din ''Shariyat of worships(Quran-Sunnah)'' for current time period that engages easily earlier followers of books. Pharaoh is famous to us for his arrogance, arrogance, stubbornness, heresy and transgression, as well as his disbelief and opposition to God. (Encyclopedia of Britannica; Pharaoh). Most historians and scholars agree that Ramesses II was the pharaoh of the time of Moses (peace be upon him). There is much evidence and evidence that he was one of the first people to claim to be a lord. He had many titles. The god of good fortune, the lord of both worlds, the lord of heaven and earth, the owner of the sky, the indestructible, the creator, the purifier, etc. Ptah and Amun built a statue for themselves next to the gods. His bodyguards and soldiers and feudal lords began to worship him. Later, the entire nation began to worship him. Ramesses II has many similarities with the pharaoh of the time of prophet Moses (peace be upon him). Allah Almighty has discussed Pharaoh in 75 places in 27 Surahs of the Quran. Caution Darse atheist Ferwan(Pharaohunder Mua(A)-Moses Sri Krishna: adapting Salaht al Ayaat prayers, Salat Al-Kusuf in Masjid Al-Haram (Prayer of solar eclipse), many Dowa ; Mankind must bring faith on Allah with right worships with gratitude and Tawbah where Allah provides natural disasters for pursuing faith and love towards Allah due to fearness of dangers and some of them bring faith towards Allah being saved with observing situations [Surah Rum-41, Surah Luqman 30-34,32, Sura Shura-30, Sura Araf-96-97, Sura Baniisrael-59, Sura AnAm-65, Sura Baqarah-216, 115,143(a righteous community),  Sura Tagabun-11, Sura Shuara-80, sura Nuh-10, Sura Ambia 87, Surah Maryam 83, Al Muminun 64]. If people preach appropriate worships Quran-Sunnah guidances to others, then mandatory duty has been performed with excluding sins under Fard e Kifaya(collective duty) that will protect the society, nations despite receiver people's non-performance of worships, where non performance groups then only will be faced curse of almighty creator due to personal negligence of  worships performance under individual responsibly(Fard e Ain), non preachiness both will be faced curse. [Surah Baqarah-161, (Surah: Muhammad, verse: 34)][Tirmidhi: 3117, Musnad Ahmad 1/274, Surah Al-Munafiqun: 4, (Surah: Noor, verse: 54)(Surah Baqarah, verse: 151)(Surah: Anam, verse: 116, 37, 26) (Surah: Qasas, verse: 50), Sura An Am 42]].(26) They prevent others from it (listening QuranSunnah), and they themselves turn away from it, they destroy themselves but they do not realize it. This is a blessed book. We have revealed it to you, so that people may study its verses' (Surah Sad 29)."Allah is the Creator of all things and He is responsible(supreme commander) for all things" (Jumar 62). It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, 'And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, they will be with those whom Allah has favored; That is, prophets, true saints, martyrs and righteous people. And these are the best companions.' (Sura: Nisa, verse: 69 following his guidances)Allah says, 'If you deny, then Allah is free from you(even granting punishment). He does not like His servants to become disbelievers. On the contrary, if you are grateful, He likes it for you. (Surah Jumar, verse 7)(Surah Ankabut, verse 40)(Surah Yunus 72-78). Allah gives opportunity of power many more people chronologically to run the mankind perfectly to develop the different different nations applying logic, evidence, righteousness, logical different cultural norms being united inclusive peaceful mankind nations as Muslims , Ahle Kitab Muslims can pray to Allah encountering their enemy e.g. One of the Islamic governance has been developed within nonMuslims nations by their own efforts now a days with few spiritual worships.[(Surah: Zukhruf, verse: 32) (Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 26, 140) (Surah: Hajj, verse: 40),Surah Fath 10, Surah Muzzamil 15-16]. If entire mankind perform Islamic worships, numerous natural disasters will have been stopped and less experienced as well as huge foods, wealth will rise with advanced science and technology knowledge, peace across the world alongside hereafter success & earth's lifespan extension. 

Storm Caution: a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow from creator named natural disaster. Move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction. The word Hawa means flowing air or strong wind, the state of education, reformation, environment(culture) & climate(full code of conduct of life), thought and imagination treated simile wife Hawa companion of Adam treated Islam for mankind as companion with dire effort perpetually chronology.(Surah Isra 89,106, 81-82, 41,37,17, Al Imran 164,133,115,105,78,81-82,85-87,98-99,108)(Surah Al Araf 57,42,8-9)(Sura al Kahf 45-46,7,110); Allah says, (96) And We(Allah&Angels) sent Moses with Our signs and clear authority. (97) To Pharaoh and his chiefs, but they followed Pharaoh's orders. And Pharaoh's words were not right. And He shows you His signs. So which of the signs of Allah do you deny? (Surah Hud, Verses: 96-97)(Surah Ghafir/Al Mumin 1-20, 21-50, 51-85)

Feraoun during Moses went in a hill due to people's request to fulfill the Nilnad river in Egypt where he appeal to Allah stating I know Lord Allah, you are the only Lord though I express people I am the only Lord for my power and governance love and affection but give me this power to show people like I am their worshipping Lord Allah as I can fulfill the Nilnad river by water flowing where I will stay hellfire for this, I know. Creator ALLAH accepts his appeal calling, Ha Feraoun, I have made Nilnod your obedient, now you can show your miracle power to people where later Feraoun can fulfill and dry the water of Nilnod. It indicates that King Feraoun expressly do Kufr(disbelief) on creator Allah for his power stating he is the Allah and Lord in the earth for worships. 


It is noted preaching Hedayet(surrendering to Allah with appropriately) knowledge must be consistent with the blessing of time period science and technological method e.g. state holder will send messages to mobile phone on Darse Islamic notes entire mankind or country citizen under collective duty stating like short note for example few verses few Surah, ''Under divine emperorship ordinance, last and final messenger hazrat Mohammad/Ahmed has come to purify entire mankind in the world with lightened holy guidances with holy book Quran having 'Islamic Call' for peace earth & heaven from an almighty unique supreme being of Arsh and owner of the earth universe of all creatures creator Allah; if you at least establish Quran, Tawrat-Injil consistently, you will remain right track, otherwise you are beyond time period ordination with creator's emperorship like non valid citizenship. So doesn't extravagance in religions, grasp creator rope(order) unitedly where Quran and Messenger guidances is the Imam in his absence.'' [(Surah Ahzab, verse 40,Surah Al Maida- 68,66,65, Surah Al Imran-64, Surah Al-Isra 81), (Surah Araf 172, Surah Al-Imran 81, 102-103)(Surah Ahzab 72)  (Surah Baqarah: 136, 24,53, 111, 121, 129, 151,146,159)(Surah Nisa: 136),Surah Ahzab 71, Surah Al-Alaq1-5, As Saffat 180-182), Surah Fatiha 1-7, Surah Asr-1-3,(Surah Baqarah 3, Mulk 12)]


Moreover, Hajj is Fard mandatory also small Muslims(AKM sects) especially who pray Salah, Qurbani, Cabla Kaaba believing one unique creator Allah despite not express Muslim identity(Hadith, Quran) where Jews Christians have already prayed together into mosque believing full Shariyat text Iman by future full adaption gradually treated faithful full Muslims. Now Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims Sects will practice directly Quran and Sunnah spiritual worships where 9 billion are Muslims including future often 100/500 billions Muslims within 500-1000 years or more. Car is equivalent vehicle of Camel, Horse where Cars can run 100-500/1000(Bullet trains) Km comparing Camel Horse 65-80Km per hour speed despite high speedy vehicle Plane where people can travel through Bus, train through countries high way roads taking Hajj Visa and even group of people can go to Hajj countries transit pass hiring buses consistency with modern scientific blessed Era's consideration towards creator Allah. Saudi Arabia has to be prepared for billions of Muslims' Hajj management soon where they can build high rise building 70-100 stored building and sound proof building for its citizen due to full yearly Umrah Hajj avoiding sound nuisance as well as building stored Tower surrounding Kaaba house for train running technological Tawaf from 2nd floor where people will rotate Tawaf foot walking on ground floor including Safa- Marwa hills walking ground floor and high rise structure walking under expert engineering architectural design including high rise building mosques.[(Bukhari 8, Muslim 122; (Muslim 3321)(Bukhari 26, Muslim 258)(Bukhari 1773, Muslim 3355);(Ibn Hibban 3703, Baihaqi 10695, Abu Ya'la 1031, Silsilah Sahih 1662)(Bukhari 1520, 1861)(Bukhari 1513, Muslim 3315)(Bukhari 1858, Tirmidhi 925)(Muslim 3317-3319, Tirmidhi 924)(Bukhari 3425, Muslim 520, Tirmidhi 324, Ahmad 14694, 15271, Ibn Majah 1406,)]


In it are clear signs [such as] the standing place of Abraham. And whoever enters it shall be safe. And [due] to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House - for whoever is able to find thereto a way. But whoever disbelieves - then indeed, Allah is free from need of the worlds. And proclaim to the people the Hajj [pilgrimage]; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every distant pass .That they may witness benefits for themselves and mention the name of Allah on known days over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. So eat of them and feed the miserable and poor. (Surah Al Imran 97)(Surah Hajj 27-28, 78)(Surah Baqarah 196, 197,198-199, 158, 125)


Moreover, Mosque al Aksa Baitul Muqaddas was destroyed by earthquake, war and rebuilt with new structures in 516, 586,957,691,705,753, 774,1033,1099, 1538, 1620 by different different Caliph since Babylon to Suliman(A) to Muslim emperors. It can can be now rebuilt setting up Cabla centre direction Kaaba point Mihrab properly by 50-100 stored building for entire mankind's Salah management for long time plan including also keeping Miraj hole and dome. Prophet suggested to continue Salah prayer into the mosque. Even different sects can run their own sect Salah congregation prayer under their own Imam in different different floors under Quran though Salah prayer is similar of Quran where own sect Imam is treated unnecessary. 


 Quran says 'Ishmael, Al-Yasa', Yunus, Lut We gave each of them superiority over the world' (An'am 6/86), And remember Ishmael, Elisha and Dhul-Kifl, and all are among the outstanding(Imam 'Mahdi' -righteousness lighten leader/Buddha), (Sad 38:48). All warships of Muhammad was given to Abraham to Jesus with different holy books (Surah Baqarah: 136).  Darse lessons of Prophet Ayuib, Sueliman, Eliyas, Eyasha Ibn Abraham successor Hazrat Zulkifal Ibn Abraham(A) performed Salah in whole night, fast whole day, run governance with justice(good deeds), and with tremendous patience where Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) Bin Abdullah Ibn Abraham(A) also adapted same characters e.g. he performed 100 Rakat Nafl Salah in every night and fast two days in week with patience as well as 100 times Tawbah in everyday, Itekaf confinement good deeds thinking in Hira hill. Prophet Mohammad's act of worships is called Sunnah but he didn't prescribe all of his act of worships as Ummat can't perform these all but anyone can do it, it has more more virtue being Nafl norm for more virtue. [(Surah An Namal -40)(Surah Luqman-12)]


It is mentioned that In Islamic terminology, fitna fasad means the creation of chaos and disaster. That is, fitna fasad is an anarchic situation that is the opposite of an orderly and peaceful situation. Various disasters can be created in human society through fear, oppression, lawlessness, etc. Such unstable situations are fitna fasad. Hadith 4194. Harun ibn Abdullah (RA) .... Abdullah (RA) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Four major trials will arise in this Ummah, after which the Hour will come. He also said: I am very afraid of the misguided leaders among my Ummah. When the people of my Ummah engage in war against each other, it will not stop until the Day of Judgment. And the Day of Judgment will not be established until all the tribes of my Ummah join the polytheists and engage in idolatry. He said: Thirty false prophets will appear among my Ummah, each of whom will claim to be a prophet. But I am the last prophet, and no prophet will appear after me. You will not all go astray together. He said: "O Hudhayfah! Acquire knowledge of the Book of Allah and follow what is in it." He said this three times. [Hadith 4203 Sunane Abi Dawood]

That is, if you extend your hand to kill me, I will not extend my hand to kill you(non revenceable with awarding mercy philosophy earth). (Al-Ma'idah: 28)


It is narrated in the Hadith that the trial of the Dajjal(deceive Evil acts) is the greatest trial on earth since the creation of Adam until the Day of Judgment, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to seek refuge from the trial of the Dajjal, especially in prayer. He would also recite this supplication in his last sitting, “O Allaah! I seek refuge in You from the torment of Hell and the grave. I also seek refuge from the trial of the Dajjal.” The word Dajjal is derived from (دجل). It means to lie, to deceive, etc. Since the Dajjal is the biggest liar and the biggest deceiver, he is named Dajjal.


The emergence of the Gog(Yajuj) and Magog(Majuj) hordes is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment. The signs of the emergence of Gog and Magog were revealed during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). “There is no god but Allaah. Destruction is inevitable for the Arabs. Evil is approaching. The walls of Gog and Magog have been opened to this extent. Saying this, he made a round shape with his thumb and forefinger.” [Sahih Bukhari, Chapter: Ahadith of the Prophets; Sahih Bukhari, Chapter: Kitabul Fitan]


Say, "I am only a man like you, to whom has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone."  That is their recompense - Hell - for what they denied and [because] they took My signs and My messengers in ridicule. [They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work." Say, [O Muhammad], "Shall we [believers] inform you of the greatest losers as to [their] deeds?Then do those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants instead of Me as allies? Indeed, We have prepared Hell for the disbelievers as a lodging. [They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life(fail earning virtue in earthly life by right worshipping ), while they think that they are doing well in work."[Surah Al Kahf 91-110] Gog(Yajuj) and Magog(Majuj) human descendants might be destroyed but their including Dajjal characteristics negative energy are remained to instigate mankind and Gin nations for wrong done in devil Eblish Azazil Sytan empire (Surah Al-Ma'idah: 60, Al Baqarah 65)


 It is noted that Arabic word Munafiq or plural form "munafiqoon"' means a term "hypocrite" or Spy of anti Islam'' treated enemies of Islam who wants to destroy Islam as a whole from the earth where it has more than 50 characteristics  like tell a lie but many Muslims have telling a lie characteristic doesn't treat as Munafiq but means he has one of the evil characteristics of Munafiq sins taken into account caution that has to be corrected for virtue. Similarly, Arabic wordly term ''Fitna Fasad'' has numerous characteristics. Arabic wordly term Dajjal(deceive Evil acts) where Dajjal Messiahs means deceit rescuer. Arabic wordly term Gog(Yajuj) and Magog(Majuj) means chaos, deceit, corruptions, anarchy, and Shirk Kufr(Mushrik equivalency with almighty creator worshipping being) combined mixed consequence Gog(Yajuj) and Magog(Majuj) characteristics that will destroy the civilization reaching mankind and earth to Kiyamat end of the earth or Day of judgment. 


Then on that Day none will be asked about his sin among men or jinn. The criminals will be known by their marks, and they will be seized by the forelocks and the feet. When the Occurrence occurs, When the earth is shaken with convulsion. And the mountains are broken down, crumbling  (Surah Ar Rahman 39, 41; Al Waqiah 1-7) And fear a Day when no soul will suffice for another soul at all, nor will intercession be accepted from it, nor will compensation be taken from it, nor will they be aided(Surah Baqarah 48, 85), So how will it be when We assemble them for a Day about which there is no doubt? And each soul will be compensated [in full for] what it earned, and they will not be wronged, (Surah Al Imran 25, 185). Allah - there is no deity(worshipping being) except Him. He will surely assemble you for [account on] the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. And who is more truthful than Allah in statement. (Surah  Nisa 87, Al an am 73), Then do they feel secure that there will not come to them an overwhelming [aspect] of the punishment of Allah or that the Hour will not come upon them suddenly while they do not perceive?(Surah Yusuf 107, al Araf 178), And to Allah belongs the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth. And the command for the Hour is not but as a glance of the eye or even nearer. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent (An Nahl 77), So do not let one avert you from it who does not believe in it and follows his desire, for you [then] would perish.(Taha 16) On the Day when Allah will call them, "Where are My partners?" They will say, "We have submitted to You that none of us is a witness." (Surah Hamim As-Sajdah: 47)"And to Him belongs all the glory of the heavens and the earth, and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise." (Surah Al-Jathiyah: 37)(Al An Am 70).  They have taken their scholars and monks as lords(equivalent partner ie. Shirk) besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary(equivalent partner ie. Shirk). And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him. [Surah Tawbah 31]


It indicates that people will believe Shirk(equivalency with Allah) and Kufr(disbelief Allah's orders) in the day of Kiyamat but they will follow worships with their own styles or norm that won't be justified under Quran Sunnah or Allah's order or Prophets orders due to all evils acts(negative energy production by chaos, anarchy, deceits, non valid, ShirkKufr worshipping activities with social life) consequences mankind and Jinn nations both will be Mushrik of Yajuj-Majuj characteristics worshippers called them Yajuj-Majuj. On the other hand, caution of Mujaddid or reformist will also come to aware about this though Kiyamat will happen in sudden like eye flash. 


He said, "I was only given it because of knowledge I have(instead of Quran Sunnah & prophets life, teachings)." Did he not know that Allah had destroyed before him of generations those who were greater than him in power and greater in accumulation [of wealth]? But the criminals, about their sins, will not be asked. (Surah Al Qasas 78) 


It is noted that when one believes like currently named nonMuslims sects Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) is messenger, Quran is holy book and one almighty creator God Rab Allah or 99 names and endorsement of the universal or institutional dutiful mentor and Prophet Mohammad's lessons like 5 times Salah, Ramadan Fast, Hajj, Qibla Kaaba, etc worships with styles come from Creator by him but one then performs less worships stating one is especially following Qasr or less standard equivalent worship following learning lessons from 'private mentor' Imam Hanafi, Mariyam, Moses or Jesus or Dawood, Pir, Saint, etc(e.g. Hymns song is prophet Dawood norm Salah instead fully prophet Mohammad's norm) that is not treated as Kufr(disbelief) as a whole but less performance will grow less virtue only like directly prophet Mohammad's following claiming Muslims with irregular practice of worships but both groups are treated Muslims under gradually adaption full lessons future where entire nonMuslims believe Prophet Mohammad's Shariyat lesson e.g. he has given 5 times Salah, Ramadan month fast, Eid, Jumah, Qurbani, etc for his followers under his Shariyat lessons. ( As Sajdah 19, Surah Hamim Fussilat 18)


“We worship them only that they may intercede for us and bring us closer to Allah.” [Surah Az-Zumar, verse: 3][Surah Yunus, verse: 18] But if they do not respond to you(Quran Sunnah guidances including defenses grounds) - then know that they only follow their [own] desires. And who is more astray than one who follows his desire without guidance from Allah? Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people, [ Surah Qasa 50, (Surah Naam 23 verses) (Surah Jasiyah 23 verses)].  Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills, (Surah Baqarah 255).  Indeed, your Lord is Allah, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne, arranging the matter [of His creation]. There is no intercessor except after His permission. That is Allah, your Lord, so worship Him. Then will you not remember?(Surah Yunus 3 ) And leave those who take their religion as amusement and diversion and whom the worldly life has deluded. And give them advice under Quran and its guidances including defense grounds. (Surah Al An Am 70). Therefore, it indicates there are no Yajuj-Majuj hidden separate descendants under landmass or screen hidden miracle parallel world alongside our world.


That is, in Him put your trust, if you are Muslims. (Surah Yunus 84)(Surah Maidah 111) (Surah Baqarah 132)(Surah Baqarah 131). Allah Almighty says, "It is My duty to help the believers." (Surah Ar-Rum, verse 47)(Surah Anfal, verse 9).That is, do not dispute in a compromise; otherwise you will lose courage and the firmness of your hearts will disappear. (Surah Anfal, verse 46). Allah Almighty says, ‘Torture is worse than killing.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 191). He also says, ‘Do not spread disorder in the earth after it has been established in peace and order.’ (Surah Al-A’raf, verse 56)But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment.O you who have believed, do not consume one another's wealth unjustly but only [in lawful] business by mutual consent. And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful. And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak. Allah wants to make clear to you [the lawful from the unlawful] and guide you to the [good] practices of those before you and to accept your repentance. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.[Surah Nisa 1-25-29]. It indicates that nonMuslims are following Allah's universal knowledge Quran Sunnah with nonMuslims identity that has created obstacles within Muslims and nonMuslims having chaos Fetnah Fasad ie. negative energy where Allah has take responsibility to protect piety-Mumen Muslims largely but they are also affected due to wrong identity as nonMuslims what is following many issues aren't nonMuslims rules rather Muslims including reform rules of era that has created confusion and social difficulties where Allah is on both Muslims and nonMuslims due to knowledge among us not understanding with information as we are both Muslims full or Qasr worshippers mostly excluding chaos having peacefulness among us where nonMuslims' more than 90-95% activities ongoing are Muslims norm where 2021 reform has brought full norm for them correcting few reform like Shirk-Kufr norms. So both Muslims and nonMuslims are now Muslims excluding nonMuslims word with well understanding norm having brotherhood. Therefore, any kind of sabotage, anarchy, chaos, conflict, extremism, vindictiveness and communal violence in human society is prohibited in Islam. Therefore, establishing peace and order in social life and maintaining the security of people's lives and property through the implementation of truth and justice in the world is an essential duty and religious responsibility in the eyes of Islam.


 The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them exalt Him. And there is not a thing except that it exalts [Allah] by His praise, but you do not understand their [way of] exalting. Indeed, He is ever Forbearing and Forgiving. [Surah Isra 44]


And fear a Day when you will be returned to Allah. Then every soul will be compensated for what it earned, and they will not be treated unjustly.[Surah Baqarah 283]


Tarikaye(route) Caliph Ali-Fatema(R) Sufism treated Ahle Baiat norm: After performing Fard Shariyat rules, they also perform Nafl(extra) good deeds Taqwa worshipping with deepest intention-Niyat of creator's happiness & getting his blessings((e.g. Nafl Salah prayers sincerely effort called meditation, serving mankind creatures, serving beggars, guests, keep patience, preaching Islam & intellectuals advocacy people, piety chief justice, Caliph & General, fasting&sacrifices, Allah fearness with love norm avoiding sins effort like hazrat Belal(R) all time Oju with prayer praised by Prophet Mohammad, recitation & researching Quran Sunnah where Prophet Muhammad also recite in a sweet tone & Ahle Kitabs-Science & technologies knowledge books sincerely, Hymn poem Gazal songs praising Allah&Tawba, Tasbih-Zikir remembrance Allah with 99 names, donation, good governance run, reliance on Allah with fearless, Grave cemetery Ziyarat dowa prayer Hymn with Salam&Durood instead of Sejda prostration even Mannat towards Allah treated Usila(Advisor-Pir), etc)) but taking care grave cemetery through blanket treated as a donation(Moses&woman with 4 children by bread donation by changing luck), etc) has no sin as part of the respect and showing love e.g. Oh Allah, I will give 5 pound with blanket to Pir Shahjalal(R) Shrine if my mannat desire is fulfilled where Mazar must put rules of Ziyarat on sign boards for general people for rightly Mannat system, Prophet wear mat-blanket during Nubuat duty receiving norm simile. Such an idea is understood from the hadith, considered authentic by the Sufis, in which Muhammad (pbuh) said, "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate." Sufism is treated as a knowledge strategical training of small and boost Taqwa rules of syllabus practiced from full text of Taqwa syllabus of worship in Islam with omitment-silence where different different Sufi follow different different lessons of interpretation of Kiyaz like Sufi Prophet hzarat Isa(A) complying with Fard worships e.g. reciting Surah Aklas provides one third of Quran recitation. Almighty Allah says, "Surely there is a good example for you in the life of the Messenger of Allah." [Surah Ahzab, verse: 21][(Surah Baqarah: 271, 265, 219, 261)(Surah Ta-ha: 109)(Surah Ma'ida: Verses 55-56) (Surah Jasiya: Verse 19) (Surah Hujrat: Verse 13)(Surah Sad 13,17,29, 30-32; Ahzab 34, 41,43, 56, Isra 21,25 always Allah remember Zikir), Al Ahzab 63: kiyamat demolition of earth-universe]. "Whatever a man utters (to preserve it) he has an ever-active watcher." (Surah Kaf: Verse 18) Allah says, 'O mankind! Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and do not follow other guardians besides your Lord. But you rarely obey the advice. (Surah A'raf, 3) In the Indian subcontinent, mannat (Hindi: मन्नत, Urdu: منّت) is a wish that one desires to come to fruition and the vow one makes to a alive deity(WaliAwlia personality pious one) or saint(WaliAwlia) or shrines of deceased fakirs Oli after his/her wish comes true seeking soon appealing to Allah by pious AleemUlama mentor love affection connection obedient with death feeling Allah fearness Taqwa, donation good deeds, Nafl Salah shrine mosque, Ziyarat good deeds, oath perform good deeds, travel pilgrim for virtue Niyat good deeds worships. (Surah Baqarah, verse: 129,153, 284,283,274, 273, 202, 196)(Surah Baqarah 273, 245, 247,253,254,257, 265,269-271,207,189) (Surah: Nahl, verse: 43) (Surah: Nisa, verse: 59, 36, 80, 69) (Surah: Taubah, verse: 122) (Surah: Juma, verse: 2)(Surah Az-Zariat, verse 19) (Surah: Al-Anam, verse 38) (Surah Al-Anfal, verse 39) (Surah Noor - 56,52, al Imran 132, 76-77)(Surah Mujadilah - 13)(Surah Maida 1, Kaf 21, Isra 34, Anam 152, Baqarah 157-158, 177, 150-151,143,200-203)(At Tawbah 70, 129; Yunus 107, 47,13,104, Yasin 60); Allah says, 'Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger(now shadow Prophets), He will admit him to Paradise beneath which rivers flow. There they will be forever. And this is the great success.' (Sura: Nisa, verse: 13)(Bazaar, Silsilah Sahihah 1820, Sahihul Jame 3173)(Surah Ibrahim 41, Nuh 28, Hashar 10, we must pray for them respectfully for virtue and vice versa) Meaning: O inhabitants of the graveyard, peace be upon you. May Allah have mercy on all before and after us. We will also follow in your footsteps/join you.' (Muslim, Hadith : 974; Muslim, Hadith Mishkat : 1767)(Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 185; Surah: Ankabut, verse: 57 ,Sura: Munafiqun, Verses: 9-11; being honest child or disciples & righteousness obedientness expression union)For those of you who hope in Allah and the Last Day and remember Allah more, there is a good example in the Messenger of Allah. (Surah Ahzaab:21)If you dispute about anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger. (Surah Nisa: 59)(Surah Jumah 8, Baqarah 255)Almighty Allah says, They(piety or WaliAwlia) intercede only for those with whom He(Allah) is pleased and they(people) fear Him(Allah). (Surah Ambiya verse 28). Grave Ziyarat praying for death persons all prophet's sunnah including Noah carried Adam death body for funeral look after during massive flood and Ali R with Sahabas Fathema R graving especially appealing to good behave with her as prophet daughter And Jesus talked his bouried mother and Asabe Kahab and Uzair alive including Oli,Nabi, martyrs. "And whoever obeys Allah and the Messenger, he will have the companions of the Prophet, the truthful, the martyrs, and the righteous - upon whom Allah has bestowed His favor - and what a good companion they are!" and they will get blessing and Nur light.[Surah An-Nisa: 69, Al Hadid 19, Baqarah 154, (Surah Al-Imran 169) (Surah Hajjb,Verse: 58-59)]


It is noted that Grave Shrine of Saint Wali were used in many areas for mostly preaching purposes uniting people by the name of notable pious Saint Oli with Kamilatto-miracle power where people are some times benefited due to their Jiyarat, donation virtue where their subsequent followers continue it as annual festival like birthday Orash Mubarak like Christmas religious cultural norm by Dowa Millat Zikir Hymn prayer Mahfil program. On the other hand, Prophet aware people to be just careful about shirk from Grave doing highly wrongful worships as once people worshiped idols and grave shrine instead of Allah being Shirk Mushrik(partner of equivalency with Allah) e.g. hold faith Eid to Grave Mazar shrine or animal Qurbani sacrifice to Shrine for benefited instead of Allah's name but Allah's named slaughtered animals are halal even eating shrine separate rooms. And Prophet also suggests grave doesn't need to concrete room or luxury structure rather many more can be buried in one grave management during mass population but looking after is virtuable where he also suggested don't sit on grave, don't pray in front of grave making Mehrab though some people can look after making room or naming or building small concrete structure cemetery as part of their own cultural and habitual norm if enough facilities available with Jiyarat flexibility ie. also Bidat al Hasana legitimate permissible norm. Even many countries have artificially transformed death body to fossil soil to put only soil burying in cemetery treated legitimacy under many more in one grave norm for mass population management in short areas protecting productive agricultural landmass as generally 5-6 months are needed to destroy death body naturally with soil where Ziyarat prayer are required all death people in cemetery alongside relative grave with similar prayer Salam, Dowa. [Hadith]; So eat of that [meat] upon which the name of Allah has been mentioned, if you are believers in His verses. [Surah al Anam 118-121]

Even 200-500 km2 areas garden can be used for world cemetery for world country under common management where it can be separated for all types of Muslims and another part for atheist people. Under modern scientific and orthodox both norms can be applied for both Muslims and atheists as funeral management with dignity is the main value of grave where death bodies can be buried transforming soil and put it deep hole beside fruits garden. Second, dig deepest hole like 100 meter for more death bodies together buring like Covid 19 pandemic situation where layers of land can also used by small distance grave with steel roof, few soil on steel roof and put death bodies and again steel roof, likewise multi stored grave can be made under land. Row line grave can be again used where 2000 line grave is enough for ten billion populations as often two hundred thousands are died regularly in the earth. Robots can be used for environmental, scientific and religious cemetery process. 

Wali Saint Caliph Hazrat Omar(R) also wrote good poem and literatures and took education from school, later Fikah(laws, rules) expert being Muslim. He also reformed worships and governance on may issues. For example, he started Tarabi Salah prayer making Jamat-congregation in mosque after Magrib prayer at Fast in Ramadan month that was like Kusor Salah prayer for individual prayer where Caliph Osman(R) also reformed extra Juma Azan due to large population, later it was again reformed by Azan into mosque and another is before mosque loudly as well as wide privatization providing permission for luxury homes comparing growth(production costs & consumption/Income-Expense excluding waste) gradually treated controlled-balanced capitalism and investments eradicating fully poverty having riches and middle incomer society in people's welfare state under democratic government with all fundamental and human rights of Islamic principles like freedom, liberty, accountability, justice, equity, equality, fairness, participation of governance with policies including women like Mahar of marriage, Insaf, etc. Caliph Omar(R) also reformed administration making autonomic provinces, form Police force, Jail correctional facility for prisoners, Detective force, welfare fund, etc. From Baitul Mal, Muslim and non-Muslim poor, destitute, old, orphans, widows and disabled were provided assistance. Baitul Mal(fiscal funds budget-reserve) was also prevalent during the later Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates. Umar also provided allowances for children and the elderly. He fixed less taxation for Jews, Christian and settle them in suitable areas in different province declaring good behaviors ordinance with them including own chosen judges trial with freedom worships including Jerusalem. He also allows free trade. He visits every evening the citizen areas for looking after them. After assuming power, all Muslims gave Bayat to him. People loved him because of his personality. He implement accountability to governors ordering them to serve people like a doctor nurse. People can ask any question to him during Caliphate period as part of the accountability e.g. Woman protest his decision on woman Mahar at mosque, later he seek mercy to her and increase Mahar. He pleads mercy to thief as he entered his home at night for arrest. People asked whether he has taken more cloth from govt fund after watching his long Punjabi dress where he answered politely. In addition, Caliph Omar(R)  received Elham and Sound guidance talking with Allah(Sahih Hadith). Even he assured Prophet during his death, Quran Sunnah knowledge is enough for him as he has grasped it properly.


Guidance was provided to the governors during the appointment. After assuming office, the governors would gather the people in the main mosque and read out the instructions to them.

Umar's general instructions to the officials were:

Remember, I did not appoint you as a guide and arbiter over the people. I have sent you as a leader so that the people may follow and imitate your example. Give the Muslims their rights so that they fall and run towards justice and truth instead of falling into injustice. To open their doors in their faces so that the powerful may help and co-operate with the weak, and refrain from treating themselves superior to them as despotic rulers-exploiters treat them. 


 Wali Saint Caliph hazrat Abu Bakr(R) corrected people receiving Zakat where he corrected rules of worships like Bidat, Shirk Kufar, deceit prophets claimers, etc where all also reformed governance rules, regulations including election process where he preached correct messages of Quran Sunnah to tribals about Shirk Kufr, Bidat worships but they started war against him though they were in same subordinate sect of Muslim identity under Abi Bakr command and control with responsibility, later he also send troops under General Khalid Bin Walid(R) to encounter them. Therefore, Ahle Kitab Muslims or Muslims also can run Islam making different different Mhjab-Sects with own opinion of solution following their guidances also including like Hatim Tai-King Negus where Sahabas were declared Jannatul Ferdaus heaven during alive in earth due to their good deeds towards Allah.[Sura Nisa 59, Surah (9) Tawbah: 100 verses, Surah (59) Hashar: 10 verses, Surah (49) Hazrat, 7 verses]


Prophet Muhammad said, I am saving you mankind binding your waist by my two hands form hellfire volcanic as you are falling in it from high hill that means he has amended the mankind over wrong done by highest appropriateness as well as individual prescription of short form of worships like doctor.[Sahih Hadith]


It is noted that there is no place for fanaticism, extremism, barbarism, terrorism, militancy in Islam under Quran Sunnah. Those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe again, then disbelieve, then continue in disbelief - Allah will not forgive them, nor will He guide them, [Surah An-Nisa, Verse 137, Baqarah 14]. It has directed Muslim can be even atheist where state can't kill him or persecuted him under Islamic Sharia laws. But Caliph as a head of the state declared war against a rebel group of people or sects who did treason against state(sovereignty & governance) stating they won't provide Zakat and obey Caliph Abu Bakr as Prophet has died claiming their territorial integrity and sovereignty where they also started spiritual other worships norm like Salah, Fast, etc claiming deceit Prophet where Caliph Abu Bakr sent team for negotiation making understand them everything but they declared war against state and launch attack treated as Riddha-Murtad, Arabic word that is currently in English term Treason, military Coup instead of irreligion or holding different religious faith where some people did treason, military coup being Munafiq(spy enemy including joining enemy army for war, writing false Quran, defame Prophet, Sahaba, Islam, etc) declaring war against Prophet's Caliphate reign, sovereignty of state formed by governance laws & constitution were declared Kital death penalty termed Murtad-Riddha under lawful trial as same word is used defining in many situations even in also English e.g. Lord is used meaning master, owner, highest authority, boss, Sir, governor, etc where we use it defining highest divine religious authority Lord creator  Allah, chief Angel Lord Jibrael, judges of office or Bench my Lord, his Lordship, President/monarch ruler or Lord as head of the state, Lords for House of Lords as Upper House member-authority, Prophecy for specific lessons syllabus like Quran Sunnah as Lord Mohammad(pbuh) and so on. This verse clearly order that people can have in Islam being Muslim, leave Islam, return Islam again but his action will hurt Allah earning more sins that will be once erase very difficult for him but he will get mercy after dire repentant Tawbah mercy towards Allah. Even Arabic word Ikhtlad Dissent or contrary opinions are also tolerated/allowed in Islam despite similar party or sect or group like Sunni, Shia, Hanafi, Maliki, etc but some Muslims don't sometimes follow this order by their own made content or rules that is fully depended on them personally instead of Islamic norms(Quran-Sunnah guidances) where Sunni isn't forcing or dominating or vice versa on autonomic Shia, Ahmedia, Hanafi, Salafi, Ahle Hadis, Dewbandia, Sunni Christians, etc as party or sect, organization where their accountability lie on towards general people, society, entire Ummah that is only full independence & autonomy varieties. Even Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) didn't express directly anger towards non performer of Salah rather express anger on others stating non performer of Salah and he never forced one to participate in war rather he refused many more volunteers to be taken part in war even sending them for look after wife who is doing Hajj. In his farewell Hajj sermon, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, 'There is no superiority of white over black, nor is there any superiority of Arab over non-Arab.' (Bukhari Sharif). Therefore, no language can be looked down upon, belittled, or neglected; because the Creator of language is also Allah the Almighty. Prophet never declared punishment defaming, criticizing him or hurting him through scolding speaking or writing poems literatures with creative & mysterious Novel norm despite contrary with Islamic content or faith rather he served old woman at fever sickness who persecuted him for several times for injury including declare pardon who came to kill him with sword when offender sword was fallen down on land. Even he preached Quran by 7 languages with numerous style of hands binding, loud Ameen or soft Ameen, etc diversities for Salah to different different tribal sects excluding unencouraging disputes, anarchy where even many sects were leading their own sects with self control taking training from Prophet's Imam where even nonMuslim or small Muslims by Quran Sunnah with earlier customary practices including major wrong done were also running their own society taking knowledge, preaching from Prophets during that time. It is clear that Muslims or Saudi Arabia Mecca-Madinah's duty is to preach, present appropriate worships' norms under Quran Sunnah and Prophet's memory of practices or Illustrations to people where people including Ahle Kitab will practice based on their own capacities, demands, judgment. Therefore, there is no chaos, anarchy, riot, civil war, militancy, terrorism based on differentiates, varieties of worshipping norms as earning more virtue or less depends on people to people, sect or sects. But shortcoming practices sects can't occupy Kaaba palaces for training his lessons for entire mankind forcefully that isn't allowed and is fully different matter e.g. some Shia believe Caliph Hazrat Ali(R) was got prophecy instead of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) where Angel Hazrat Jibrael(A) mistakenly handed over prophecy(Nabuwat) to Hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) though once many nonMuslims impersonated into Shia being Munafiq proxy spy as part of the offence purposes harming Islam where even nonMuslims never made such stupid comments doubting Prophet's prophecy. However, all 5 pillar worshipping faithful sects will perform worships in any world Mosque or worshipping places without chaos, anarchy with consensus manner where worshipers' only common identity is they are 'Muslim' instead of even parties like Sunni, Shia, Hanafi, Salafi, etc but parties have different virtue and benefits for unity where separate party termed civil separation Arabic word Munshaq/Anshiqaqor(Defection/party leaving) or Easaa(disobey) and anti creator is termed as Kafir-infidel as well as unity of  ''Muslim Ummah'' means both ideological faithful party even included physical-financial non affiliations norm or physical-financial  affiliations norm under Quran Sunnah(Hadith-Narrated contents' knowledge of Quran & its establishment).[Surah Nisa 71, Al Imran 105, Rum 30-32, AnAm 153, 159] . And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities(Ummat-Ummah) like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord they will be gathered, [Surah Anam 38, Hajj 18]. Chapter I: Article 2(1)–(5) — Charter of the United Nations, The United Nations (UN) is based on the principle of sovereign equality among all its member states. Sovereignty is a fundamental rule that regulates interstate relations and promotes peaceful coexistence. It gives countries the authority to control what happens within their borders and not interfere in what happens elsewhere. General people of earth, political parties, civil societies, human rights activists, UN, preachers, etc personalities can express its concern, suggestions, criticisms, journalists, protest Movements, TV show, amicus curiae, etc across the world within mankind including state for human rights grounds like Gambia's case at ICC favour of Rohingya refugees, states call resolutions for UN on world affairs. Therefore, same party like Sunni, Shia, Hanafi, Anglican, Sunni Christians/Sufi Muslims, etc will Quran Sunnah worships where countries, locations will adapt many own suitable, consistent spiritual worshipping norms & governance norms based on its own tribe, culture, areas, faith, reforms, etc grounds under local bodies like Shura Jury boards by expert teams as much as possible consistency with Quran Sunnah including central party norms e.g. Anglican is mostly run from UK, USA like Saudi Salafi Sunni Arab Muslims have differences with Indian subcontinent Sunni Muslims or non Arab Muslims but all are practicing fundamental worships with proper rules of Quran Sunnah. 


In USA, laws vary from state to state. Although rarely prosecuted, but adultery is still on the statute books and penalty may vary from a fine of few dollars to even life sentence. But in US military, it is an impending court-martial crime. Adultery is a form of extramarital sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not a party to the marriage. In a fault divorce, adultery is one of the grounds for divorce. It is a fact: God does hate divorce (Malachi 2:16, English Standard Version, 2001). While Jesus makes it plain that divorce and remarriage without biblical grounds is sinfully adulterous treated as immorality /extramarital relations(Matt. 19:9; cf. 1 Cor. 7:10–11), he also acknowledges that those who are divorced are truly divorced (not still married in God's eyes) and those who have remarried are truly married.


In 2012, a group of independent experts from the United Nations urged countries to repeal laws that criminalize adultery. They noted that these laws can lead to punishments such as: Fines, Flogging, and Death by stoning or hanging. 

The experts also noted that: 

Penal codes often do not treat women and men equally

In some countries, rules of evidence value women's testimony as half that of a man's

Maintaining adultery as a criminal offense means that women will continue to face extreme vulnerabilities.


The term "adultery" has an Abrahamic origin, but the concept predates Judaism and is found in many other societies. The definition and consequences vary between religions, cultures, and legal jurisdictions. Though Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) mostly awarded mercy for adultery cases under Quran Sunnah termed treatments as preventional norms instead of penalty punishments as it has many degrees of adultery including numerous circumstantial grounds where consensus sexual intercourse between men & women are treated religious marriages but it is treated adultery if it is committed in open places even without full degrees of sexual intercourse rather obscenity activities treated as also one of the degrees of adultery where countries mostly award fine or months imprisonment sentences still now. Even all sexual intercourse isn't treated as rape like persuasives from women or others, unavoidable sudden excitements like drugs, etc though sometimes someone imposed death penalty including stoning wrongly sexual offence cases by the name of Quran Sunnah where earlier Kitab Tawrat awarded highest death penalty during that considering situations including also awarding mercy Tawbah norm by less sentences what mostly ISISL, militancy rebel groups without judicial expertise persecuted people, opponents in civil war mentioned in media highly barbarism by the name of Islamic norms but Islam never supports barbarism manners in justice, fair trials since Adam(A) to Mohammad(pbuh) rather allowing more time for corrections and mercy is the best pietyness and human rights declared always in Islam in 104 holy books.  In the United Kingdom, adultery is no longer a criminal offense or a legal reason for divorce: Adultery is not a crime in England and Wales. It was previously a criminal offense, but the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 made it legal. Since April 2022, adultery is no longer a reason for divorce under the no-fault divorce legislation rather  "bad behavior". The only reason for divorce is the breakdown of the marriage. Adultery is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone else of the opposite gender treated as Mutah marriage. Other actions, such as flirting, kissing, or emotional connections, are not considered adultery. While adultery is not a legal reason for divorce, it can still have an impact on the emotional and psychological wellbeing of both parties. Adultery, on the other hand, specifically refers to a married individual engaging in sexual relations outside the marriage. But another degree of adultery is treated as offence in UK under Reforms considering grounds of era termed religious norms also where According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, indecent exposure is defined as an offence where: Indecent exposure, Public indecency; A person intentionally exposes their genitals, and They intend for someone to see them and be caused alarm or distress. As UN, Europe, America has abolished death penalty sentence that is appropriate norm of development under Islamic norm as Islam has allowed death penalty for murder as highest sentence stating non sinful without extra virtue earning but if one(victims or state favour of victims) award mercy with damages fine or less sentence like life imprisonments or 14/20/30 years or alive treated non sinful as well as extra virtue pietyness reward for both victims and society under Fard e Ain and Fard e Kifayah, individual and collective responsibilities & benefits grounds where if victim family wants only criminal's punishment treated as revenge instead of compensation manner like less punishments norms with damages as criminal has been also victimized from motives of crimes( devil acts with devils incitements) though sentences  are depended on countries circumstances on general people where full resistance is needed for sometimes like civil warfare situations resisting crime offences like military strict laws for armored strict discipline forces under (Surah Baqarah 179) as death penalty is highest legitimate punishment including other Mercy or mercy with compensation blood money. The Crime Victim Compensation (CVC) Program is a government program that helps crime victims and their immediate families with the financial costs of crime favour of criminals ensuring justice as state is the guardian with responsibilities for both victim & offender as even state has failed to protect offender from devil's incitements by statehood initiatives. Every state has its own compensation program and eligibility is determined through an application process. [(Surah: Al-Ma'idah, verse: 32)(Surah-51 Al-Dhariyat, verse: 56)(Surah Ha-Mi-Masadah, verse: 29) (Surah Ahzab, verse: 67)(Surah An-Nisa, Verses: 29, 92-93) (Surah Bani Israel, Verse: 33)(Surah Al-Kahf, verses: 103-104)]; Spend (your lives, time, wealth, talent, ability, opportunities and capabilities) in the way of Allah, and do not push yourselves into destruction. And do good and be merciful; 'surely Allah loves the doers of good and the merciful'. (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 195, 178, 168). And those who disbelieved will [then] say, "Our Lord, show us those who misled us of the jinn(soldier of devils) and men [so] we may put them under our feet that they will be among the lowest." [Surah Hamim Sejda Fussilat 29]. Allah Almighty declares, “He will not cause mischief in the world after He has established peace.” (Surah A’raf, verse: 56). In the words of the Holy Quran, "Then, on that Day, you will certainly be questioned about all the blessings (facilities received)." (Surah-102 At-Taqwa, verse: 8).“Every person is responsible for his own deeds. No burden of burden shall bear the burden of another.” (An’am: 164). Satan(devils) misleads, Allah says, ‘Then have you taken him and his descendants as friends instead of Me?’ (Kahf 17/50). The Holy Quran states, ‘He(devils) said, ‘My Lord, since You have led me astray, I will surely make (sin) fair-seeming for them on the earth, and I will surely lead them all astray.’ [(Surah: Al-Hijr, Verse: 39-40)(Surah An-Nahl, verse 63)]. "And do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is to you a clear enemy." [(Surah Al-Baqarah, verses 168 and 208; Surah Al-An'am, verses 142)(Surah-12 Yusuf, verse: 5; Surah-17 Isra, verse: 53; Surah-7 A'raf, verse: 22)][(Surah-3 Al-Imran, verses: 50 and 54; Surah-14 Ibrahim, verse: 40) (Surah-86 At-Tariq, verses: 15-17) Anti creator faithful people devil affected]. Allah says, “And if the evil suggestion of Satan tempts you, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Al-A’raf 7/200; Fussilat 41/36)(Nahl 16/98-99) . Satan(devil ) is always busy deceiving and misleading people. It is very difficult to escape his deception. Still, people must try to stay free from Satan's deception always remembering creator worshipping being Allah. Unity requires respect for differences of opinion, seeking opinions, and seeking advice. Allah says, “And consult in all matters; then when you have taken a firm decision, then put your trust in Allah; and Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.” (Surah 3:3-159) Allah says, “And hold fast to the rope of Allah, the Qur’an, all together, and do not become divided.” (Surah 3:3-103), (Surah Asr 1-3). And let not those of virtue among you and wealth swear not to give [aid] to their relatives and the needy(monetary wealth&knowledge-training) and the emigrants for the cause of Allah, and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. [Surah An Nur 22]. [https://lawaimers.com/concept-of-compensation-and-rehabilitation-of-victims-of-crimes/]


In 2023, Amnesty International recorded 1,153 executions in 16 countries, a 31% increase from 2022 like India, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, US, Vietnam, Yemen, China, Ethiopia, Kuwait, North Korea. When situal will developed, countries must suspend death penalty where if it is needed , the it will be restored again if people, think tank civil society led consensus government parliament enact laws constitutionally where 144 countries have alreqady suspended(official term abolish) dealth penalty from constituin obeying and fulfilling UN requirment developing society. More than 70% of the world’s countries have abolished capital punishment in law or practice. The U.S. is an outlier among its close allies in its continued use of the death penalty. By January 1st 2023, 26 of the 55 African Union member States have abolished the death penalty for all crimes. Even mass people are doing crimes of highest death penalty sentence, then mass people will be death if capital punishment execution is remained in country constitution where rehabilitation centre prison is the only solution under Islamic humaritarian norm. Similarly, 99.99% European countries’ population mindest is passing good, prosperous life in developed cities or countries instead going prison by of killing people but it is often incident from mostly mistake or drugs or sudden social degradation where European countries fully death penalty abolishment is best having rehabilitation prison norm curing offenders giving more opportunities to be corrected treated as also best Islamic practice where Arab countries will also take similar intiative future as part of the developed society having full form of Islam where rigorous life imprisonment is given for giving damages of blood money or correction with Gym physical activities norm. Therefore, executing highest degree of sentence like death penalty or even public death death penalty by sword decapitation or fire squad posing scare, threat, horrible, Panic, illustrations messages in order to minimize offences, prevention treatments in a society treated as weaken society or civilization what Islam since Prophet Adam(A) and Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) applied humanitarian developed norms, standards of Islam awarding mercy Tawbah(less degree sentences/ treated as rehabilitation prison with correction) norm to uphold modern or developed civilized society where there is no opportunity posing such stupid thing Islamophobia, Antisemitism, hatred discriminatory norms in society rather Islamic norm will ensure more benefits, justice, exemptions for everyone to be attracted to Islam that is called Islamic governance. So developed and modern society or civilization must be commanded and controlled society through well developed or mature education, training norms instead of extremisms treated as ''Quranic norm' middle way approach or called liberalism''. 


On the other hand, UN religious wing will mostly uphold since minimum degree of the worshipping to highest worshipping norms to be awarded heavens treated freedom of religions term where freedom of irreligions like Shirk many worshipping being, equivalency being or more creator being Allah beyond 104 holy divine books norms are also allowed with freedom freely performance under human rights with equal citizen rights including being minority treated as cultural ritual practice like UNSCO on polytheism excluding 'worshiping norms recognition' as part of the ''guardianship prescriptions' for hereafter heavens and earthly peace with prosperity''. As one practices one of the norms within 104 holy divine books treated as practicing Quran Sunnah with one of the degree of Bidath al Hasana treated Nafl ''less virtue earning norm'' termed as non sinful treated Muslim treated as Islam even if it isn't enacted within ''highest virtue earning'' confined lesson syllabus Shariyat of prophet Mohammad. On the other hand, if one practice beyond 104 divine holy books treated as Shirk, Kufr, Bidath, non religious norms termed sinful practices treated as nonMuslims, beyond Islam. 


And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you(Abrahamism) "Muslims" before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.[Surah Hajj 78]


Beyond Quran-Sunnah full and short form of worships, Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims also can perform their own liked, loved prophets'(Isa-Jesus-Easter Sunday appropriate Darse: Infidel failed to kill Jesus as Allah impersonated one perpetrator with face of Jesus treating him Jesus as part of the strategy where Isa-Jesus alive went to 2nd Sky and will come again before Keyamat, First human being father hazrat Adam(A) and second father of mankind nation hzarat Nuh(A)-Noah Monu and disciples in ship boat with dire storm with six nation destruction curse stories and reasons contents, Sri Krishna Shyam alias Musa Moses Darse towards emperor Ferwan to escape natural disasters having faith on almighty creator Allah, Prophet Visnu-eias Shuaib(A) called titling Dashrath & Moses' marry with staying father in laws house with professionally sheep farm growing duty called Mathura Gacall, RamKrishna-Dawod-Moses Fishing Prohibition having soberness patience & many of his prominent followers are also called  Ram-Krishna(a spiritual lightened personality) as part of the hereditary title like Dasharath Janakraj(His Majesty)/King Raja Naresh where they taught followers&stayed in India and built kingdoms of governance by their followers like Dwarka Nagari Indian kingdom succession of Varanasi, Mithila Boishali Bihar, Ayodhya Thailand, East Torai Janakpur Nepal kingdom and Ram's wife ''Sita'' called Winter trade traveler since Sumel-Sambill(A)-Ibrahim(A) during tyrant anti creator ruler Namrud, Ferwan, Jalud period where Jain Dharma comes Dashrath Saiob(A) Dashrath dynasty to Usa Ibn Nun-Sun King dynasty(Surya Dev) to Ramkrishna Dawod Suleiman Julkifal Buddha dynasty to Isa(A) Jesus Ibn Marium dynasty as three holy mosques follower Prophets succeeded building governance with religious faith across the world in many areas by their governors from Baitul Muqaddas(Distant mosque) Al Aqsa(Holy Home of worship) & Jeruzalem(Salutation towards upon Sky being ie. Throne of Arash creator Allah) called also Geruwa by followers of Jeruzaleam Pougambur messengers NabiRassul&their lightened disciples OliAwliya(called also wordily advisor reformist Ram krishna Sri Guru Saint Mashiah Christ Buddha Lightened chandra Tara guardian), Sri Ram alias Dawod-David's son LovKesh-alias Hazrat Suleman(A) Prophecy with emperorship throne of governance(Rajannabramman) having justice with equity, logic, righteousness, fairness, evidence and Queen Bilkis with Baitul Mukaddas Middle Easter MondaySunday-Saturday, First Universe cosmological Scientific and educational areas training with 72 languages expertise Prophet Hazrat Akhnuk Idrish(A)'s instructions for individual nations, sects(Mahzab, Fekra, School of thoughts) based on their capacity, culture, norm, custom like doctor's treatment for individual patients like Prophet Mohammad for newly Muslims with less worships under Sufism where some people will pray sitting or standing prayer on Church benches and his lucky residency into heavens & its remembrance alongside hellfire, Marium-Fatema life of serving mosque with high devotion& Merry Marium as Durga Suvedra Saresati pietyness Virginia confession & teaching Tawrat being bright pietyness huge Nafl prayers and Safa dowa treatment, Sanskrit name Ganesh Deity(personality) is simile represented like Sufi talent John Baptist Yahia as an intellectual, social reformist-Mujaddit like writer of Ramayan Mahavarat Afghanistan Gundahar-Kandahar Dawud- Suleiman wars story, activist to assist farmers, poor, women, general people by hereditary dynasty of messengers& their piety followers including OliAwliya lighten leader popularity like Oli Sufi Isa Ibn Borkhiya with divine lessons & Angels sign since King Jalut-Talut, Herod Antipas era simile Elephant, arts, music David Ram, Moses -Abraham, Uzair-Zakaria-Yahia with Torah-Zabur Kitab duty to finally child Isa Jesus Marium Mohammad's philosophy for mankind struggling and reformation Darse-class history remembrance religious cultural festival by Durood & Hymns songs all Nabirassul OliAwlya with foods sweets party & next day Fast like BisshaEjtema Dowa Mahfil, Christmas-Shavuot-Pesach-Kashi Dam-Sahaba King Perumal Charaman Malik Dinar Mosque-China Wall-Dead Sea-SarnathKaylash Temple-Adam hill-Hira Hill visit festivals with 2 raqahs nafl prayer as well as Nafl-Sunnah three holy mosques visiting prayer; Tawbah Dowa Millat Mahfil like Bissoestemah like Jubilee in the Catholic Church(A jubilee is a special year of remission of sins, debts and universal pardon);  Jivitputra Fasting festival have to do fast wishing family, children's goodwill bathing home, clean saved ponds, swimming pools, Sea Beach Fajr to Magrib time Nafl fasting to Allah including Gangassnan bathing at homes Oju now what anciently earlier was in rivers; Confucius-Shinto-Nakayama Miki-Tengrism-Shaman's birthday anniversary with Tawhba-Durood, Makame Ibrahim remembrance Abraham-Ibrahimi-Bramma Kaba place identifying round circle-BrammaChakra(Ibrahimi Halka-round Zikir) with assistance of building Ismael(A) with Malakul Maut Azrael(A) discussion meeting & his call towards entire mankind where Prophet Ibrahim A taught  across the world like building mosques in Mecca, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, India(BissaNath songs), China, Africa, Europe-USA and deity Sarasati Abraham's wife Hazera and Sara's non quarrel character with peaceful bonding, Prophet Mohammad's autonomic governor appointment & King-ruler Dasharath JanakRaj(His Majesty) Talut-Dawod(A)-Chief Justice Sambill Sumel(A)'s good governance guidance with endorsing King-rulers' duty with taking oath Coronation by religious AlemUlam Imam(group of scholars e.g. righteousness leader British monarch or righteousness leader USA President oath coronation by 5-10 Priests Imam unity like Privy Council-Iranian Guardian Council body or like Jordan-Morocco Caliph monarch coronation)/Chief Justice with also people's opinions convincing them as well as Caliph Omar-Osman's people participatory election by like a Imam-Election Commission, Saint Nicholas Santa Clus, GuruNanak, Gautam Buddha-Julkifal A) birthday, death anniversary, etc, programs that is one of the appropriate Darse-interpretation(history, remembrance, guidance, food distribution-donation, lessons of Allah, The communion on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week on the ceremony of the washing of 12 people's feet that  demonstrates the importance of humility and love of Christ's disciples to one another lesson Darse under serving creatures, etc Darses) where Muslims and Muslims scholars AlemUlams will just preach these are bidat, extra, expired worships beyond time period's confined worships(only QuranSunnah with Prophet Mohammad to be full valid Muslim) but Bidath Darse will be less sinful rather some virtue under Bidat al Hasan(legitimate) if it is recited Quran Surah related prophets Duwa, Tawbah-repentance as Nafl Durood & learning program having believe that it has no sins if it is not performed. Prophet Mohammad didn't celebrate birthday, death anniversary as part of the worship but did Nafl fast on Monday, his birthday but sects can perform it as part of the religious cultural programs with remembrance with joyful(good/new dresses with Atar fragrance with Oju) by food distribution-donation party like Ashura Muharram Imam Hasan-Hossain death anniversary, World Tongi Eastema, religious cultural program instead of Ebadat-worshipping duty. Analogically says Muslim and Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims are treated as Mosque's inside(Muslims) and its balcony(Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims) both are part of the Mosque under virtue growth worship. It is noted that these Darse programs called Waz Mahfil(training, guiding lectures' prayers with public meeting) has been going on across the world with differently by Muslims where Ahle Kitab will perform just on specific dates like Sunday, Saturday, Prophets like Isa(A)-Jesus' birthday, death anniversary, Abrahamic brotherhood harmony remembrance Reform-Mujaddid Islah Day celebration on Monday 11 October having loving Reform with adjustment with new changes , environment within mankind, nature , gradually development era to era discussing on past Nabi Rassuls, Imam, scholars reform, grounds, doctrine & necessity and consequences with necessity of research and creator guidance of Elham with chronological governance of empire reign of sovereign creator Allah. 


For example, Gautam Buddha Julkifal(A)'s birthday Budha Purnima Jayanti will be celebrated on May month as he was born in 563-483BC followed by Baitul Mukaddas in Jerusalem and visited teaching followers in Nepal, India and other areas, many of his prominent followers are also called Gautam Buddha(a spiritual lightened personality) . He was divinely lightened during Meditation Dhyan sitting under Olive Oil tree(Tin/Jaitun) called also Jalpai for deep leaf crowd nearer deep leaf crowded Gharqad tree where Bengali/Arabic word Julkifal(winner) surname might be conferred for deep dark leaf Olive tree though he won the post of Prophet and governance teaching people from Al Elisha(A) by examination. A writer states that about him as owner of Kapal in Nepal Kingdom called Zulkifal as Kapal = Arabic Kafal and wealthy person means Arabic Ju Malin & owner of Kingdom in Arabic Ju Baladin where he also brought olive oil Jalpai from Baitul Mukaddas in Asia where people say to Zulkifal fruits surname. Duwa Hymns of Buddha Purnima Jayanti, Merry Christmas, Ram Lila, Janmastrami of Krishna, Guru Nanak, Confucianism holidays include the Ching Ming Festival, Confucius' Birthday, and the National Day of Purification: We are Worshipping to supreme being of Arash an almighty Creator-Allah for seeking his Tawbah mercy & blessing getting heavens & earthly prosperity. O Allah, Surely You are praised and highly respected. Ya Allah, reach Salam(salutation) & Durood(RahmatBarkat, blessing, peace) to Prophet hazrat Gautam Buddha Julkifal(A)/Isa(A) Jesus/Krishna Ram Moses-David(A)/Nuh-Adam A/(even Guru Nanak/Confucius scholars/ etc) and his family  like Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim(A) & his family alongside Prophet hazrat Mohammad(pbuh)&his family. Then people can learn his teaching lessons like Sufism phenomena prayers from Quran with his life stories that is treated as appropriate Nafal Darse Worshipping celebrating their birthday remembrance with joy like lightning candles, homes, flowers  eating Cakes foods distribution. Before reciting Hymns, it must be recited: Auzubillahhi Minash Shaytani's Rajim. It means - O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the banished Satan. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Meaning - Starting in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind. President of Prophet Hazrat Mohammad's(pbuh) Durood rule: As part of the devine connection system of creator's reign governance, Quran-Hadith mention that Allah, Angels submit Durood to Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and Allah gives ten times virtue of Durood if one times Durood is submitted on Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) as part of the appointment of prophecy of governance for time period 610 AD to Kiyamat. And Allah orders to submit Salah(Sunnah, Nafl, Owajib, Mustahab) & Durood to Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) for his recommendation for mercy with reward heavens to almighty Allah in hereafter and earthly blessing. [(Surah Ahzab verse 56), (Muslim 384, Tirmidhi 3614), (Abu Dawud 2041, Ahmad 10434), Abu Dawood 2041, (Abu Dawud 1481, Tirmidhi 3476), (Muslim 405, Tirmidhi 3220),(Sahih Muslim 2133 One thing within all autonomy Sects), Surah As-Saffat 180-182, Surah Hud 112, Surah Baqarah 265]

Except for those who repent-Tawbah, believe(Iman) and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace  their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. And he who repents and does righteousness does indeed turn fully to Allah with [accepted] repentance, [Surah  Al-Furqan 70-71]. Allah says on Surah Nisa verse 131 stating Ahle Kitabs, Indeed, I commanded those who were given the Book before you(Muslim), and you too, to fear Allah and be righteous-Taqwah(doing worships avoiding sins).


Angels and Mumeen piety person is the assistant of Allah. Angels are given numerous duties including praying, blessing, protecting, Looking after, securitizing, surveilling, awaring, punishing mankind by the order of Allah. Teaching knowledge, congregational prayer, donation, Durood of Prophet, prayer for faithful people including Hedayh-light for mankind like Wisekarni(R), Angels give mercybless-RahmatBarkat to people. [(Surah Mu'min/Ghafer, Verses 7-9), (Musnad Ahmad: 6727) (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 928; Sahih al-Jameh, Hadith: 5767) (Saheeh Ibn Hibban, Hadith: 1051) (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 987)  Surah Al-Araf (174-185), (Imam Tahabi, Al-Aqidah (with commentary), pp: 357-362), Surah (10) Yunus: Verses 62-63, (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2609) (Muslim, Hadith: 2226) (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 88) (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2609)], [As Sajeda Fulsirat- 38, As Shura 5, Kaf 17,18, 21,22,23, An Najm 5-7, 26, Tahrim 4-6, Al Hakah 17, Al Marij 4, Al Muddasir 30, 31, Naba 78, At Takbir 38,20]


It is noted that Christian means assistant of creator with middle way ideology being following the guidances of Isa(A) Jesus that is now Quran-Sunnah lessons as part of his forecast guidance like other Prophets Sri Ram Chandra Krishna Shyam -Dawood Moses about Prophet Mohammad's arrival and being his students & Nasara called Palestine Nasara village(follower of Isa A and his Sahaba's lessons of Injil-Tawrat for salvation added now Quran Sunnah) and appropriate guidances of Moses Shariyat of Tawrat-Zabur Kitab holy book with liberalism with self knowledged interpreted guidance(Ejma-Kiyaz rule adaptation) that is(i.e.) called middle way that is treated as Prophet Isa(A)'s Shariyat with holy book Injil as Jews Imam scholars were perverting Tawrat-Zabur guidances harassing people quoting literally Tawrat verse of rule stating Saturday is a holy day for worship but didn't bar curing patients e.g. not recovering patients on Saturday, holy day for worship where ''Isa(A) Jesus allowed curing patients'' as part of the best piety worships on Saturday also correcting rules having appropriate interpretation of worship concept. Later, Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) also applied Quran Sunnah as middle way ideological term e.g. don't kill old people, child even during war, Caliph Abu Kabr(R) declared war for Zakat under Kiyaz like Jesus. Ten rewards have been announced in each haraf-letter telawa recitation & research of Quran Sunnah. Jews means repentant Tawbah or revert to Allah with surrender(Muslims). Hinduism, Buddhism and many others called ''Sabiyin'' tribe in Quran that means they are practicing one almighty creator faith with some polytheistic, stars, sun, moon, natural objects, Angels, scholars Gurus' worshipping that is treated as far away from appropriate styles, norms, lessons, jurisdictions of worships under Kitab divine holy books  since from Prophet Noah-Nuh(A) but idols were started by devil Sytan during that time,  entire nonMuslims are currently almost recognised as Sabiyin. Sindhuism Hinduism Hindu ''Sanatan(perpetually truth seeker/ light-Hedayet seeker adaption)'' means Ahle Kitab follower/earlier truth holy books followers and Sri(MD/Hazrat/Mr) means following lightened divine persons of Baitul Mukaddas like Isa Jesus lightened Palestine-Lebanon-Syria Hill talking Angel Jibrael(A) with other three Prophets showing his companions-Sahaba , Moses was lightened on Tur hill talking with Allah where Buddha means lightened worshipping appropriate route under Sufism and Shinto, Confucius, Sikhism, etc similar meaning. Though these names are given by school of thoughts of religious scholars but Prophet Ibrahim(A)'s Muslim meaning is preserved rightly stating ''surrendering towards supreme being creator Allah'' though they aren't rightly worshipping fully adopting Quran-Sunnah styles and contents yet.  [Wikipedia.com](Surah Al Imran 3:69,3:70,52,71)


Hinduism and Buddhism, Folk ongoing worships(currently one of the Reformed/moderate Muslim): Creator/Rab-God : Iman-faith One invisible almighty supreme being creator Allah(including simile word termed Soul or almighty supreme being of energy: Rab), Salah prayer(morning, afternoon and night, last night Tahazzad; now 5 times Fard Salah prayers with Tahajjad including Kosar Musafir norm), Meditation Sufism(Liberalism )[Sufism, Bidath, non idols using worships order from Sri Krishnah: Srimad Bhagavat Gita (Chapter 4: Shlok-Verse 18, 42,7, 1-3, 11,12-20,14,15,21,41, 22-40), (Chapter 17, Verse 1, 4-6)], Dowa(sleeping Mantra; now Sura Akhlas-Tawba&sleeping prayer Dowa), recitation and research Darse Dipawali-Diwali(Light D-Wali=Din advisor/assistant/guardian) Rama- deity-Deb Prophet hazrat Adam-Abraham-Moses-Dawood-Suleiman(A) to Isa Jesus-Mohammad(SW) with their family wives Queen Siba Sita-Bilkis-Fatema and their capital Kush Kingdom with Allah attraction pleasure by their guidance lessons teaching from Ramayan-Mahavarat(Autobiography Sirat) Vedas Gita Tripitak Bibles QuranSunnah scriptures truthiness lightening discovery Abrahamic Hedayat seeking  entire nation unitedly entering Muslim routes like Christmas lightning 'opening ceremony' cultural traditional festivals : Sanskrit word Diya lighting ritual where Rama city Hill Ramla Ramallah area in Baitul Mukaddas Jerusalem, puja (worship and prayer, Hymn Git-Psalm Nath Durood, gifting flowers, remembrance Abrahamic Prophets & families Ahle Baiat birthday death anniversary since Adam including DevDevi deity Goddess-Angels and including Sahaba Indra King Cheraman Perumal & Malik bin Dinar), havan (fire offering from Abrahamism fired by atheist King Namrud & Moses' Tor hill fire talking rituals remembrance including flowers statue picture Carton presentation exhibition lesson-Darse training where Prophet also gifted puppets child age Ayesha R during playing fun treated appropriate use of statue with non Shirk-Kufr), vrat (fasting), dāna (charity-Zakat, donation), melā (Eid/traditional fairs/shows) home cleansing and decoration fireworks gifts and partaking in a feast and sweets, Qurbani, Hajj-Hill Kashi pilgrimage, Halal-Haram(e.g. Alcohol-Pig & poisonous foods like snake bat birds haram but nutrition meats halal including cows for wealthy health), Funeral, Aqigah&child good naming with festival, Khatnah(circumcision), Shab e Barat holy night prayer, marriage festival, Wali Saint shrine Ziyarat, Nafl Fast. Acharya Sion, the classical commentator of the Vedas, also wrote in his translation, "O Indra(People of the Books of Hindustan with deity Saint Pir-Imam-Barmman Barron), accept the beef offered(Qurbani sacrifice) to you by your devotees." [Rigveda 10/86/13; Rigveda 10/28/3;Yajurveda 24/1;Shatapath Brakshan 13/2/2/1-10; Shatapath Brakshan 3/4/1/2; Upanishad Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6/4/16, Vinaypitak Mahabharat Bistanto scande Avaktamangso-Human meat haram by Buddhist; But killing animals, trees, rivers for unnecessary wasting destroying forest environment Haram]. Buddhist devotional practices include chanting, puja and meditation of Sufism. The Five Precepts, or pañca-śīla, are a set of moral rules in Buddhism that guide behavior and cultivate virtue treated 5 pillar of worships good deeds(Iman, Salah, Zakat, Hajj, good piety acts, etc) believing creator Allah treated seeking supreme power being of Arash blessing that remove sorrow bringing joy in inner soul Nafs. There are also Buddhist festivals in both the Theravada and Mahayana traditions. On Fridays treated Abrahamism remembrance confession (Juma Khutbah) it is usually Goddess Lakshmi(Mariam, Fatema Ismaili Geruwa norm) or any other Goddesses like Gauri Mata(Mariam, Ayesha R), Ma Durga(Mariam, Fatema) and Ma Saraswati(Mariam, Sarah-Hazara, Siba Saba Bilkis Sita, Ayesha, Fatema-Ali-Ismaeel Allah devotion remembrance). A lot of people in India, especially women do fasting and worship the Goddesses, but most of the time, most people worship Lakshmi Devi(Mariam). Friday's Buddha – Pang Ram Pueng especial Chanting songs Hymns. Your birthday Buddha is the contemplation Buddha. This Buddha represents forgiveness, tolerance, patience and communication. He is a standing Buddha with one hand placed over the other on his chest. Both have future Mashiah(lighten one simile) Isa(A) Jesus arrival faith before Kiyamat. Even they are not respecting statue from religious side expressly faith-Iman claiming over non-polytheism but they are only doing flowers Wreath laying cultural remembrance respect like National Martyrs Monument-Shaheed Minar Bangladesh, Shikha Anirban-'Eternal Flame' for martyrs instead of idols worshipping faith with polytheism rituals where they will fully remove future soon this exhibition in worshipping places putting it in TV projector scene like YouTube class with Cartoons arts where general people are reciting just Durood(Salam&Salat) Git Nath Hymns Ghazal and Baron Baroness Hindu priest Purohit are just wreathing statue presentation towards people as part of the training. Say, 'Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, falsehood is to perish,' (Surah Al-Isra 81-82). It means Muslims can't endorse/preach falsehood rule or worships as an appropriate or truth worships for time period including Bidat(beyond jurisdiction of Quran Sunnah Islamic norms). In India, an estimated only half a million people are involved in pig farming. It is more concentrated in certain states of the country, including Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, and Mizoram. These states have favourable agro-climatic conditions and cultural acceptance of pork consumption including Hindus for meat deficiencies for nutrition. However, some people prohibit it citing that Bhagavan Vishnu-Shoaib(A) took the form of a boar, hence pigs should not be consumed. China has been the largest live pig and pork producing country in the world for many years; 48-50% of the worlds live pigs are grown in China snice habitually and large population management with ancient cultural food habits treated conditionally halal. But The basic causes of suffering are called the three poisons close three poisons are the main causes of suffering according to Buddhist religious faith: greed, hatred and ignorance: greed, ignorance and hatred. They are often represented as a rooster (greed), a pig (ignorance) and a snake (hatred). In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish (kashrut), Islamic (halal) and Protestant Christian Adventist (kosher animals means fit or proper ) Kosher dietary laws. The pig is considered an unclean animal as food in Judaism and Islam, and parts of Christianity. Kosher(Qasr-Halal legitimate) laws come from the Bible (Leviticus, Chapter 11), where God commands Jews to eat only meat from ruminants (animals that chew their cud) and those which also have cloven hooves (essentially, domesticated animals). Pigs, for example, are not kosher because they have cloven hooves but do not chew their cud. Bottom line: Christian Scripture prohibits drunkenness, not drinking. If a Christian chooses to consume alcohol, they should do so with moderation and self-control. It has been the historical practice of all the branches of the Christian church to use wine for communion. However, out of a growing concern over drunkenness during the latter part of the nineteenth century, many protestant churches in America began changing to grape juice. However, denominations such as Methodists, Baptists, Evangelicals, Pentecostals and other more Protestant groups such as The Salvation Army, do not allow drinking. Some, including Christianity, Shinto, Judaism, Taoism, some schools of Buddhism, and Wicca may have rites that involve the blessing and ceremonial consumption of wine or some other alcoholic beverage. Like all alcoholic beverages, the Bible prohibits abusing beer (Isaiah 5:11; 28:7; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4). But in moderation, drinking beer was encouraged (Proverbs 31:6). In fact, Deuteronomy 14:26 actually commands Israelites to use some of their tithe money to buy some beers and celebrate before the Lord as part of the entertainment fan refresh feeling grounds having sinfulness with Tawbah avoiding drunkenness after long works boring by less harmful ingredients consumption [under gradually eradicate addiction or bad habits rules] though non sinfulness alternatives are also available like Coffee-Tea-Juices. Therefore, Quran-Sunnah now will develop the practice of worships with proper rituals in Hinduism and Buddhism. The tomb of Prophet Sahaba(companion) Hazrat Saad ibn Abi Waqqas Malik bin Muhaib(R), sometimes referred to locally as the Shrine of Islamic Sage is in Guangzhou, China. He spread his faith in China, Indian Kerala, Hambantota Sri Lanka, Arakan Myanmar and Chittagong of Bangladesh, subsequently Korean peninsula, Japan, Russia, Australian-Asian region where he has been revered & celebrated till today. Ancient historic Sufi route of Islam word Indra(earlier simile word Endo-Moon-Shiddha lighten Buddha-Siddhistan-Sindhustan-Hindustan-Hindu-Endu treated lightened from creator almighty Allah) is a Vedic deity of the Sanatana(Ahle Kitab : Noah-Abhramic Sahifa text, Torah-Injil) religion and the king of heaven. To tell the myth and power of Indra, He is associated with the sky, lightning, weather, thunder, storms, rain, river flow and war. (Sura-2 Baqarah, verses: 22, 164) (Sura Ibrahim: verse 32)(Surah An Nur 35); Allah is the first and best, the highest; Omnipresent; Highest of all Gods. Allah is (the God) of Rishis and all other deities, and of Indra, the first Maya [primordial matter] and the ether. Om is simile Allah. Everything is He. By nature eternal. Atharvan [the Rishi] bows down to such.[Allah-Upanishad or Allopanishad, Surah-17 Isra, verse: 110, Vedas word Ela-Elah-Rab God Allah including Indian archeological evidence word Elah-ra hole Kailas temple of Budha statue treated Ellah sacredness lighten Elham and Arabic word Umm-Mecca Kaaba direction point Cabla historically Saint OliAwliya( Hindustan words Samadi-Las-devotee sacredness effort Sufism including Quran Arabic word Kai/Kaif Ji- Allah Elah devotee/Chinese Mandarin word High Spirituality addiction like Oli Taqwa including Russian Chinese word ''Ruh'- hani''- Angelus sacredness Taqwa-pietyness) learning since long time even from Prophets Adam, later especially Moses-Eliyas-Elisha-Zulkifal-DawudSuleiman-Zakaria-Yahia-Uzair-Jesus-later Mohammad(pbuh)][e.g. Islamic death feeling Muraqabah Taqwa training worshipping by Dowa Salah prayers direct that Christians claim Jesus Isa(A) has died under Sufism norm states he has left earthly life desires, affection and attractions being fully Allah devotion, love treated righteous personality for right side by Allah's power or high piety servant-Das called 'Samadi' Fanafillah Tasawwuf Taqwa though physically he is still alive into Sky treated not Kufr(disbelief) Quranic verses; Tasawwuf is an Arabic word that translates to "Sufism" in English. Tasawwuf is an Arabic word that translates to "Sufism" in English. It refers to the mystical and inner dimension of Islam. Tasawwuf is often described as Islamic mysticism or asceticism. Sufism Muraqabah is an Islamic practice that involves a state of awareness of Allah and one's inner states in relation to Him. It is often described as Islamic meditation and is said to have been practiced by Muhammad in the Cave of Hira. But general people can hold high Taqwa with inner soul always remembering Zikir of Allah and his supreme perpetual powers with working in family life], (Surah Nisa 158). It is known from the history book of Rangpur district that the companions Abu Waqqas Malik bin Muhaib (RA), Saad Ibn Abu Waqqas Malik bin Muhaib (RA), Qasim ibn Hudhaifa Urua ibn Asasa (RA) and Abu Qays Ibn Haris(RA), the maternal uncle of the Prophet (PBUH), and his mother Amena's cousins, propagated Islam in Bangladesh from 620 to 626 AD (p. 126) including others Arab Merchants where Mohammad bin Kasim(R) in Pakistan 712 AD. Many believe that he also built the Panchagram Mosque, which was renovated in 690 AD. Even Kerala King Cheraman Perumal(R) also went to meet with Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and returned with others Sahaba like Malik bin Dinar(R).


They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, bowls like reservoirs, and stationary kettles. [We said], "Work, O family of David(Dawood Suleiman A), in gratitude." And few of My servants are grateful treated statue exhibition purpose instead of idols using worships with polytheism faith. (Surah Saba 13, 16-17)


O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid-mosque, and eat and drink, but be not excessive(waste). Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess. It means do good deeds leaving bad deeds with Allah fearness but  even groundful shortcoming(unclean non-sacred eating) deeds with Tawbah mercy fearness as inner soul must be always righteousness faith and fearness towards Allah(e.g. woman's half pant for playing games or jobs, sinful habitual alcohol drinking or sinful habitual haram acts like future correction aim for newly Muslims gradually adaption) for counting less sins where short pant is allowed halal(legitimacy) for necessary like jobs or sports works for working hours. [(Surah Al Araf 25,26,30), An Nur 31, (Ma'idah: 90-91, 3), Maidah]

“Every intoxicant is wine or liquor. And every intoxicant is haram. In another narration, every alcoholic beverage is haram. (Muslim 2003; Abu Dawud 3679; Ibn Majah 3450, 3453); "The verse that alcohol is forbidden has been revealed. At that time, alcohol was made from five substances. And that is, grapes, dates, honey, wheat, palms and barley(Halal foods). However, alcohol refers to any substance that stimulates the human brain. (Bukhari 4619, 5581, 5588, 5589; Muslim 3032; Abu Dawud 3669)(Bukhari 2475, 5578, 6772, 6810; Muslim 57; Abu Dawud 4689; Ibn Majah 4007); It is important to keep in mind that alcohol, not wine as a general concept, is haram in Islam. Intoxicating substances are prohibited. It is important to remember that traces of alcohol (ethanol) are naturally present in fruits, fruit juice, and bread, usually in quantities less than 0.5%. But Muslims(Sunni-Shia) avoid fully even o% drinking Alcohol wine beverages consumption as haram to adhere Haram deeds norm Taqwa pietyness far away from it(unclean non-sacred, harmful, addiction grounds). In the context of Islam, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in accordance with Islamic teachings, as it is seen as detrimental to both physical and spiritual well-being. This prohibition is often a foundational aspect of Muslim identity, reflecting a commitment to faith and adherence to religious principles where some Muslims drink believing Alcohol consumption haram deeds with Tawbah mercy repentance.


Srimad Bhagavad Gita( Chapter 17: Verses 1, 4-6) Translation: Arjuna asked - O Krishna! Those who abandon the scriptures and worship the gods and goddesses with respect, is their devotion sattvic, rajasic or tamasic?(4)Sattvic people worship gods, Rajasic people worship Yakshas and Rakshasas and Tamasic people worship ghosts and ghosts.(5-6)Those unscrupulous persons who, attached to pride and pride and swayed by lust and attachment, perform gross unscriptural penances by inflicting suffering on the demons of their bodies and on the indwelling Supreme Soul(Nafs), are surely to be known as Asurics.


Sufism Saint Oli Awliya teaching: Those who seek self-realization through mind and sense-restraint, offer all their senses to 'the fire of self-restraint(Abrahamism)' lit by the knowledge of their senses. Some take a strict vow and offer sacrifices. Some perform yajnas as penance, some perform yajnas as Ashtanga-yoga(Salah, Zikir, Fast prayers) and many others perform yajnas as study of the Vedas to gain transcendental knowledge treated as Allah Iman faithulness Salah prayer, Zakat-donation, Fast, Hajj pilgrimage, Qurbani sacrifice, haram deeds avoidance non greediness dire devotee performance towards Allah called lighten Mediator -Mokhalav Jagi. Lord Krishna imparts the knowledge of Srimad Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna(Sahaba-companion) for the sake of the world. Chapter IV: Verse: 27-28. Yajna(Fard Salah, Zikir, Dowa, Tawbah prayers), charity and penance(Fast, good acts, recitation, Zikir,research, preaching, serving creatures, pilgrim Hajj, Chillah Tablig Etekaf confinement, Tahazzad & others Extra-Nafl worships ignorance sinful acts) are not forbidden, they must be done Yajna, charity and penance purify even the wise(OliAwliya).[Chapter 18: Mokshayoga (Sloka: 5,6,9,14)]. Allah Ta'ala says:

قَدْ أَفرلَحَ مَن زَكَّىٰهَا ٩ وَقَدْ خَابَ مَن دَسَّىٰهَا

“Successful is he who sanctifies himself. And he has failed, who has corrupted himself. [Surah Ash-Shams, Verses: 9-10, Surah Al-A'raf, verses 40-42, Surah Al-Asr, verses: 1 - 3, Bukhari, Hadith No. 6851, Muslim, Hadith No. 556, Surah Hud, verse: 114, Surah al-Mutaffifeen, verse: 14, Surah at-Tahreem, verse: 8, Qasas 16, Muslim, Hadith No. 7034]

"Wherever you look, the face of Allah is present." (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse no. 115). The Holy Quran states,

"O Messenger (PBUH)! Then you did not throw (the sand), but Allah threw." (Surah Al-Anfal, verse no. 17).

"O Messenger (PBUH)! Those who take the oath of allegiance(Baiat) to you, take the oath of allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is upon their hands." (Surah Al-Fath, verse no. 10).

"I (Allah) breathed into Adam from Our spirit." (Surah Al-Hijr, verse no. 29).


Prophet hazrat Muhammad(pbuh) will go heaven first where hazrat Bilal(R) will drive his Jannah-paradise vehicle. Ahle Baiat loving: He attained a very high status in Islam. The Prophet considered her the best of all women in the world. In a hadith narrated by Anas (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, "Of all the women in the world, four women are sufficient for imitation - Maryam bint Imran, Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Fatima bint Muhammad and Asiya, the wife of Pharaoh." (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3878)(Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3781, Sahih Bukhari 3820)(Surah Ale Imran: 42, Tahrim 11); The Prophet (PBUH) then said, 'Shall I tell you something better than what you asked for? Gabriel taught me that after every prayer you should recite(Zikir) 10 times Subhanallah, 10 times Alhamdulillah and 10 times Allahu Akbar. When going to sleep at night, recite 33 times Subhanallah, 33 times Alhamdulillah and 34 times Allahu Akbar.' (Bukhari and Muslim); Then the Messenger of Allah ﷺ (pointing to Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar-Ali-Osma-Ayesha-Fatema-Khadiza(R) including other Shabas) said: - These two will be the leaders of adults in Paradise except the prophets and messengers. O 'Ali! It will not tell them."[Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3666] [At Tirmidhi 3664,3665,3666][602 of Musnadu Ahmad][(Surah Ahzab 33-32,53,6,23)(Sahih Hadith](Surah Al-Mayda-55, Baqrah 207,274, Al Imran 61, Nisa 59, As Shura 23, Rad 43, Surah Ahzab 23)Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah. Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration. Sahaba scholar Oli trainer Hazrat Ayesha(R) phenomena can be also taken here that bringing faith on Quran Sunnah worships with future full performance gradually adaption to be trained treated Ahle Kitab Muslims route(Quran, Tawrat-Injil) phenomena as marry her child age, took after her and continue family marriage life with her fully at mature age. (Surah Nisa 59: following Sahabas Mahzab-solution matter)


Angels prayer: After reciting the verse for three times “Auzubillahhis Samiil Alimi Minash Shaitanir Razeem”(Seek refuge with Allah, the All-Knowing, the All-Hearing, from the accursed Satan), Then recite the last three verses of Surah Hashar. Allah Almighty appoints 70 thousand Angels for that person; Those who continue to pray for forgiveness for that person until the evening. And if the man dies during this period, then he will be martyred. The meaning of the last three verses of Surah Hashar

Meaning: He is Allah, there is no god but Him. He is the knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. He is Allah, there is no god but Him. He is the Owner, He is the Holy, He is the Peace, the Security, He is the Protector, He is the Mighty, He is the Mighty, He is the Possessor of Pride. Allah is purer and greater than what they associate. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper, all beautiful names belong to Him. Everything in the heavens and the earth proclaims His holy glory. He is mighty, wise. (Surah Hashar, Verses: 22 to 24)


And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful." (Surah Baqarah 31,183,38,30, Saba 10-11,38-42, As Saffat 151-152, 158,1-3, Az Zukhruf 15,80,19, An Am 100-101, 110,115, 15-20,65, 12,150,121,188, Al Ambia 26, 85-86, Akhlas 3, Nisa 48,117, Lukman 13, Tawbah 33, Fatir 1, 5-6, Naml-4,6,39,60, Kahf 17-19, Shura 30, Isra 59,24, Sad 17-20, 45-48, Ar Rahman 33, Hajj 3, Araf 51,Muminun27,Rum31-31, Mariam 12-15][(Jajurved 32/3, Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7: Para 20, chapter 10 Para 3); (Almighty creator Allah confession: Tripitaka Anga Uttam Nikaya: Volume 1, Tiknipaka chapter 12, first square, verse 116' DirgaNikaya; Volume 2nd, Mahapranathasutrantra )]. 


The Prophet saw God through his heart in Miraj tour and another time as light(Nur). Aisha (RA) said: Whoever says that Muhammad saw his Lord with his own eyes has lied against Allah. Whoever says that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, hid some parts of the Book of Allah, has uttered a great lie against Allah.[Surah An Najm 1-10, 18]So whoever desires to meet his Lord, let him do righteous deeds and do not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.' (Surah Kahf: Verse 110) (Surah Baqarah: Verse 223)(Surah An'am:103); Therefore, mankind can do Quran Sunnah worships wishing with Prophets, Sahabas & Allah's meeting and talking even in earthly. (  Surah Ghafir 60, Surah Baqarah 186, Al Quran, Shura 42:51 )


And remember, when Moses prayed for water for his people, We said, Smite the rock with your staff. Then twelve fountains flowed, and every tribe knew their drinking-place. Then we said, "Eat and drink the sustenance given by Allah and do not cause mischief in the land." (Surah Baqarah 60,30,2,21,22). It is noted Hymns( Surah Tafsir Zikir) Ghazal songs lyrics must be differentiated between an almighty Creator and Prophecy Imam, Prophets, Angels on praising songs: All help, kindness, alms, praise and requests must be made to the creator Allah with 'creator fearness, love, attractions Taqwa messages' according to the Islamic ideology, that is, Ya Pir-Oli, Imam Chaitanya Mahapravu/Jesus/Gautam Buddha/GuruNanak/Ali, etc, pray(recommend/request) to the Lord, so that I can grasp your teachings but it is an incorrect sentence like prophet Mohammad-Isa-Moses mercy , help us.[Shirk-Kufr, Isme Azam Dowa, Surah al Baqarah (151)(Surah Al Imran 80)] . For examples, Hinduism Hymn prayer: Hare refers to either the energy of Hari (Lord Vishnu) or Hara (Krishna's Sufism Shakti, he who removes illusion). Krishna and Rama are the names of two avatars of Lord Vishnu-Shoaib A. The Hare Krishna mantra is chanted as a petition to God, and its meaning can be interpreted as "Oh Lord, oh energy of the Lord Allah, please engage me in your service" that means Oh, Lord Allah, give us bless, mercy to adapt the Prophets Shoaib-Moses-David-Isa-Ahmed's guidances ie. Torah-Ijil-Quran. Hare Krishna, Hare Rama meaning in English? It means basically: Hail Krishna! Hail Rama! Glory to the Paramatman(Creator Nafs-Soul in Owahidatin) Allah! Glory to the most beautiful and merciful all-pervading Lord!. (Surah As Saf 61/6, 14)(Mariam 19/36)(Maidah 5/111). What is the prayer of Brahma means How Lord Christ Brahma Prophet Abraham-Ibrahim(A) prayed to Creator God Allah, Paramatman-Prameshar?

O Lord, Allah, O supreme creator and master, You have no material birth, yet to defeat the false pride of the faithless demons and show mercy to Your saintly devotees, You take birth(showing us instances feeding them) among the demigods, sages, human beings, animals and even the aquatics. We remember you being monotheistic with Abraham-Ibrahim(A) and his children staying his hand against atheist king Namrud, Ferwan, Jalud, Abraha & polytheism.[Surah Ibrahim]. 

It is noted Prophet Abraham prayed many Dowa appeal prayers to Allah mentioned in Quran like others that has very effectiveness for mankind on Dowa where Prophet Mohammad teaches us more than one hundred Dowa for various necessary purposes.(Surah: Ale-Imran, verse: 173; (Bukhari, Hadith: 4563); Surah Baqarah: 127-129)(Surah: Ibrahim, Verses: 35-38, 40-41) 

Prayer for increase in knowledge

رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا Pronunciation : Rabbi Zidni Ilma. Meaning: 'O my Lord! Increase my knowledge.' (Taha: 114, 25-28)


What is the prayer of the Buddha?

Hymn of Pali Chanting in Theravada Buddhist Tradition: We beings here assembled, whether terrestrial or celestial, salute the Accomplished Buddha, honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness! (Ya Allah, Supreme light-Soul Paramatman of Universe, Reach RahmatBarkat-Bless, Salam, Durood to Buddha). Buddhist Hymn: O Blessed One, Shakyamuni Buddha, we are faithful to your Lord(Allah) Light of the earth & heavens, who precious treasury of compassion, Bestower of supreme inner peace, You, who love all beings without exception, Are the source of happiness and goodness; And you, Lord, guide us to the liberating path. We remember you being monotheistic with Abraham-Ibrahim(A) and his children staying his hand against atheist king Namrud, Ferwan, Jalud, Abraha & polytheism.(Surah Mayidah 5:18),(SurahAn-Nur: 35). Hymn Prayer for Peace — Confucianism — Gloria Mitchell, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan; O Holy One, Lord Allah, who has been with us from the beginning and taught us to be your people of heavens as you are our God, we beseech you for peace.  We remember the time you led your children through the wilderness to forge them into a people.  We remember you being with Abraham and staying his hand against atheist king Namrud.(Baqarah 2/258). What does Om Mani Padme(Arash simile) Hum mean for the heart? Sanskrit language to English meaning ''Give us light in our heart gracious Arash Emperor(Allah)''.


Shinto Prayer for Peace Hymn to Paramatman(Creator Nafs-Soul in Owahidatin) Allah:

Although the people living

across the ocean

surrounding us, I believe,

are all our brothers and sisters,

why are there constant troubles in

this world?

Why do winds and waves rise in the

ocean surrounding us?

I only earnestly wish that the wind will

soon puff away all the clouds which are

hanging over the tops of the mountain

Mankind we are the children(follower ie. Islamic ideology termed Muslims) of Abraham born from Adam

As we believe on Abrahamic God Allah's power

He will save us, bless us, light us, help from all devils. (Surah Az-Zumar 6, Nur 35)

 "Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian. He was a truthful and submissive Muslim, and he was never a polytheist." 

(3:67, 68) But current Christian-Jew has reformed being old small Muslims(surrendered to one God Allah by often Tawrat-Injil Kitab ideology) and Now they will follow Quran being full Muslim developing from expired Muslim by 610 AD arrival of messenger Mohammad revised guidances & forecast of earlier divine holy books. A kamui in Japanese word is a spiritual or divine being in Ainu(rules-Akidah Majhaj) mythology, a term denoting a supernatural entity composed of or possessing spiritual energy i.e. Arash supreme being Allah and his 99 names of energy.


Jews peace Prayer​ Hymn:​ I give thanks unto You, Lord Allah, Creator of the Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the national God(Representatives of Allah e.g. Prophets or Shadow Prophets Aleem-Pope) of the Israelites, that, in mercy, You have restored my soul within me. Endless is Your compassion; great is Your faithfulness.(99 names Surah: Araf, verse: 180-181)(Surah: Taha, verse: 8). 


Yeshiva Torah Choir V'harenu -Ve-ha’er Eineinu -Translation by Gabe Seed:

Light up our eyes with your Torah, and let our hearts cling to your Mitzvot, and unite our hearts to love and revere your name, that we shall never depart from it.

Reform: Oh Lord Allah, Light up our eyes with your Torah&Furqan that guide us about prepupal light of Quran&its trainer messenger Mohammad(Ahmad), and let our hearts cling to your Mitzvot, and unite our hearts to love and revere your names, that we shall never depart from it. (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 53, 24; Surah: As-Saff-6, 9, 10; Surah: al Isra 9, al Imran 46,48,51); But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic." And he(Jesus) will teach him the Book, Hikmat-wise, Torah and Injil. And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the 'Torah' and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is 'Ahmad." (Surah Baqarah:151,146,159; Surah Ar Rum 30, Jumah-3, al-Hadid: 8). Quran mentions Prophet Musa(A) Moses' name 135 times in many Surah.


Sikh peace Prayer​Hymn like Nitnem Sahib: Oh Lord, Allah, Forgive us our shortcomings, extend thy helping hand to all and every one. Grant us the company of those who may help keep thy name fresh in our hearts. May the name, the religion preached by Guru Nanak Dev Ji prevail and prosper, forever and ever, may thy will be done wherein lies the good of all.[Surah Ahzab (33:34)][Surah Waqbiyyah (56:96)]; After praying the Hymns Zikir, Quran Sunnah worships  have to perform for good deeds.


Sabyan(Mandaean) peace Prayer​ Hymn with reformed Holy book Ginja Rabba: faithful of creator Allah with Prophet Adam, Nuh, Yunus, John the Baptist Yahia Ibn Zakaria with Mohammad (SAW) Ibn Abrahami. Hymn: Praises the Greatness of Prophet Muhammad SAW Through ' Sabyan releases single 'Ana Ana' to welcome Ramadan. Hymn: Nawarti ayyami…

 Allah… Allah… Allah…Allah..Ya…

 Allah..Allah ..Allah..Allah..hoo. NISSA SABYAN TERBARU FULL ALBUM HQ AUDIO "SABYAN GAMBUS" Hymn: O lover of the Chosen One, rejoice in the attainment of your desires. As much as the cup of purity, purity, purity, and the delegation of happiness is pleasant. As much as the cup of purity, and the delegation of happiness is pleasant. The light of beauty has appeared, from the face of the sun of guidance, from the face of the sun of Guidance. And the delegation of Allah is pleasant and happiness. Allah is his best name though he has 99 names. [Surah Al-Baqarah (2:62), Ra'al-Hajj (22:17), Surah Al-Mayda (5:69)]. Sabyan has correct their wrong done like polytheism, natural objects worships under reform having Prophets' scriptures being sacred as single messenger of Adam to Muhammad never did idols decorated worships.


And of the people is he who buys the amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and who takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment, Surah Lukman 6, Surah Al-Isra (Bani Children of Israel)-64. During the last Prophet Muhammad (sm), the Arabs were awarded the highest ornaments of language and literature. As a result, the Qur'an as an extradentary was revealed in front of them as a shocking. So that the renowned poets of Arabia are forced to bow their heads. Hymns praising Allah were enacted and sang in deep longing sweet melody by hazrat Ali(R) praised and endorsed by hazrat Mohammad(pbuh). Abu Musa al-Ash'ari (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said, "You have been given a sweet voice like the sweet voice of David." Muslim narrated that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to him, "If you had seen me listening to your recitation last night, [how happy you would have been]."(Sahahi Bukhari, Muslim); Hymn Ghazal of united Imam-leader(Chief) of all Prophets Prophet Mohammad(pbuh): Sing we the King who is coming to reign of peace, guiding us keeping the roof-order of Allah together, purifying us, reaching mankind and Alien-Jinn nations to heavens,  Glory to almighty Lord Allah, Lord's of all Kings, all Angels with Chief Angel Jibrael, all Prophets and all creatures; Righteousness, peace then mankind's empire shall bring, Joy to the mankind when Prophet-messenger Lord Mohammad and his guidances is King; Holy Meraj miracle in the Abrahamic Baitul Mukaddas mosque & to Allah, all holy messengers with Chief Angel Jibrael endorsing his leadership, Lightening us, all rulers, monarch and followers of all Prophets shall keep their hands on his hands;   Learning meeting with Allah from knowledge of city messenger Mohammad and his beloved knowledge of door Caliph mawla-mentor Ali; mankind, we are all united brothers and sisters with Peace, We all born from single Adam, We are children of Abraham. Waiting for messenger Christ Isa-Jesus mashiah moving forward chief messenger Mohammad's guidances with righteousness leader Mahdi, protecting us from the punishment of hell, from the punishment of the grave, from the trial of life and death and danger of forecasts, trail of Anti Christ deceit mashiah Dajjal, Gog Magog- Yajus Majus, all Eblish Satan devils, O Lord Allah we firmly believe your all guidances. [Surahh Al Ahzab 21, al Imran 103, (Muslim, Hadith: 809) (Surah Nisa verse 125)][(Jame Tirmidhi Hadith: 1089; Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5147, 5162 Fathul Bari 9/226, Surah At-Tahrim 66:1, Maidah 2,5); (Surah Al Ambiya, verse: 79) (Surah As-Saba, verse: 10)(Surah Isra 55)] [Sahih Muslim 588, Chapter: What to Seek Refuge in Salat, Abu Dawud 983, Sahih]. Young children, it is the last hour, and, just as you have heard that Anti-Christ is coming even now there have come to be many Anti-Christs; from which fact we gain the knowledge that is the last hour(Acts: 1 Jo:18 Bible).


Prayer for Lord Ganesh Deity(Personality of knowledge, light-Hedayh, newly start Reform, luck, obstacles eradicating, science&arts culture, etc including above mentioned dynasty of Abrahamic Prophets' content lessons like messenger Yahia John the Baptist) remembrance&Dowa appeals programs: Currently Hinduism-Buddhism Mantra Lyrics - ''That is, one who is bright-colored, radiant, clothed in white, seated on a white lotus, with a golden crown on his head, whose left foot is placed on the surface of white flesh and his left foot is placed on the knee. I worship Lord Ganesha who is the giver of siddhis and quadrupeds, conch and chakra in his left hands and book and pen in his right hands.'' The praising is recited sang for his blessings to be lucky, eradicating obstacles, wised-lighted, new begun, etc from Sky divine super natural power or supreme being creator believing as Ganesh is our earthly Lord&he is administrator with Creator being. If we call him praising him, he will reach our prayer appeals to Creator God-Allah but it is wrong philosophical concept of worships under general or Sufism phenomena. Quran-Sunnah informs prayer styles from Prophet Adam to Mohammad. Sanatan-Old very simple style will be like "Oh Lord creator-Allah/Eshaar/God/ Paramatman, we are remembering your Estme Ajam(supremacy with characteristics), give us prosperity, blessings, mercy, happiness, good luck, hopes, obstacles eradications, etc. We are Worshipping you creator Allah and following Lord  Ganesh and his guidances with salutation as he is wise, helpful, piety, lightened, gentle, sober, parent loving, messenger about creator, etc as well as quadrupeds, conch and chakra in his left hands and book and pen in his right hands that is mostly for any time.'' Note: You can add any prophet or Pir-FakirOli-Guru-Imam Durood lyrics but Qurnic style is best e.g. final Prophet Mohammad Durood e Ibrahim as all Abrahamic Prophets are added within lyrics. Quran-Sunnah standardises it as you will pray these with hopes&creator fear, hands rising beloved with deepest inner soul-mind appealing modesty, Cabla Kaaba faith, after atleast three  times reciting verses of Esme Azam, Tawbah, Zikir that is mostly for any time anywhere; even Tahajjad time, prostration time, Azan time, many above Surah, Kaaba Cabla moving that is mostly for free personal time for especial Dowa appeals.  [(Surah Al-A'raf 7:55-56,180, 194)][Surah Ghafar: 60] [Surah Al-Baqarah: 186, Surah Yunus 106-107](Surah Luqman 6, 8, 9)(Surah Hajj-71),al-Hadid: 8.

(Bible Matthew 14: 3-12, Mark 6: 17-19 and Luke 3: 19-20).  He will not tell you that you accept the angels and the prophets as Gods, can he command you to disbelieve even after you become Muslims?

(Surah Al Imran 80,83,85)(Sura Aklas :1-4). Quran mentions Prophet Zakaria & Yahia Bin Zakaria John the Baptists' name 22 times in 4 Surah.


Hymn-Ghazal Prayer for almighty Lord Allah for Alem-wise(Allah knows best) Hidayah:

Hail Sovereign Love to God, mankind's almighty Creator   

Supreme being of Arash throne above Sky, an almighty sovereign Lord Allah

Creator of all creatures, Angels, Jinn-Aliens, heavens, Hells,

earth, Universe, undiscovered powers and objects.


If Thou But Seek, Lord God to Guide Thee

Immortal, Invisible, unique, Lord God Only perpetual Wise

No children, parents, wives, partners to his sovereign perpetual reign

In the Beauty of Holiness

Change My Heart, O God, mercy us, light us, guide us.

Mankind we born as faithful(Muslim) from creator


The Most  merciful, gracious almighty creator 

Guiding us many lessons in his perpetual in the ocean of knowledge  

Lighting us through his holy books, holy messengers, holy Angels

Era to Eras, nations to Nations, give us immeasurable clues across the earth

Moving place one to another, travelling Universe, researching holy Books, scholars' Books, discovering archeological instances and ways of mankind

Touching the gather of knowledge arise confusion, ambiguous in our small human mind and Brian

Upsetting us, paining us to the obstacles.


Blooming the Light into Sky, time has changed

Mankind we reach to light of wisdom

Every Promise of  Word and clue

We think now, find now, grasp to every reason 

Strange!  getting many names of creator everywhere

Strange ! many of Prophets, Angels, Holy Books in many languages in descendants modern to ancient time

Though we are born from first human Adam, Father of mankind.

99 names of creator Allah with numerus praising characteristics in Quran, the last and final holy book

Bramma, Pravu, God,Rab, creator, Paramatnam, supper soul being, Nafs, Elohim, Trinity God, Eshwar, Parmeshwar, Vagoban, Adon nai, Lord God, Khuda, owner of earth Universe, merciful, gracious, Kind, Rahim-Rahman, etc in many nations, even people's names from creator's praising names from ancient Adam to Mahammad.

Touching the light of wisdoms of technology, travelling Universe

Observing the creator's miracles over Alemi Arwa, Barzak, Sidratul Muntaha, Pen, Lawhe Mahfuz, Big Bang theory, Force field, Dark matter , Dark energy, Arash, Kursi, 7Sky, Planets, invisible creatures, Angels, Devil Satan Azazil Eblish Jinn. 


Language to Languages, Prophet, messenger, Avatar, Nabi, Rassul, Paigambar, divine envoy, oli Awliya, Goddess, Deity, creator's divine administration, Angel, Light Jatismay, Shiddhi, Buddha, Guru, Muni Rishi, Saint, Creator's representative, oneself creator or envoy favor of creator, creator impersonating as envoy as human or Angels, Christ, Mashiah, saviors, Salvador, 124000 Prophets and 4 principal Angels and Chief of Staff of Angels Jibreel-Gabriel Shiv Mahadev with 104 holy Books.


The Most  merciful, gracious almighty creator 

Guiding us many lessons in his perpetual in the ocean of knowledge.

Discovering  them in nations like Adam-Nuh as Monu, Nuh as Noah- Adam e Sani, Habil Qabil as Abel cons, Ibrahim as Abraham-Bramma, Shoiab as gucul cow farm, Musa as Moses-Krishna, Dawood as David Ram, Suleiman as Soloman-Lavkesh, Isa-Jesus, Saresati-Merry, Durga-Merry-Parvati-Lokhi, Jagannath Dev-Jesus, Sri Krishnah-Jesus, Ganesh, Marium-Merry Christ, final Krishna Kalkiavatar Mohammad, Yahia as John the Baptist -Ganesha, Shambil as Samuel, Julkifal as Gautam Buddha, Folk religion of Confucius Sufism faith with shamanism-Samanam-Daoism Taoism-Shinto-Tenrikyo-Caodaism-Budhusm creator Allah simile ancient Mandarin word 'Tiyan-kami'(Ruh-Soul-Nafs(Nafs in Owahidatin))' by mentor Mr Kong Qiu or K'ung Fu-tzu and Nakayama Miki marry by Tenrikyo , Harun as Baluram&Ge Hong-Baopuzi by Jinn-Slman David dynasty, Sita as winter travelling Syrian King Talut-Janakraj daughter, Baitul Mukaddas stories literature novels Puran Mahavarat Ramayan Greek mythology, Tawrat-Injil Zabur as Torah-Old Testament-New Testament-Bible-Talmud, Mohammad as Ahmad Alamin Mustofa Habib Abul kasem Nabiji   sayyidul mursalin universal messenger, Ali as lion Haider Maula-mentor Shere Khuda, Abu Bakr as Siddique, Goddess-Deity as personality, Hereafter as Akhirat, Jannah as heavens, Taqwa-piousness, Shirk-Kufr equivalency associating someone with creator & disbelieving QuranSunnah, Bidat-Ultra ultra virus, Shariyat as lessons' guidances with training, Akidah-Manjaz as faith & procedural method - rituals Achar, Mujaddid as reformist, Kiyaz as individual's opinion of reforms amendment-appropriateness , Muslim as surrendering towards Allah accordingly, Ahle Kitabs earliest expired-Old Muslims and so forth.


Blooming the Light into Sky, time has changed.

Nations to descendants across the earth divide for pietyness grasping Prophets, reformists with their holy books and lessons. Lord Allah send prophets travelling people's sects one after one with new truthful lessons when people moved away from appropriate lessons that creates opportunities recognizing different different followers of Prophets with different religious identities like Muslims, Hinduism,  Buddhism,  Judaism , Christian, Sabiyin, Sikhism, Confucius, Shia, Sunni, Salafi, Ahmadiyah, Wahabi, Hanafi, etc. Create obstacles and anointed to preaching appropriate worshipping as everyone believes doing right worships for earning virtue for heavens. Every worship is good except Bidat for specific time period  like not catching fish at Saturday in Moses-David Jesus-Isa  Shariyat that shows punishment on people for catching fish Sunday with conspiracy betraying to creator. Prescribing Allah's final ordinance to grasping Mohammad's Shariyat for entire mankind for heavens, disbelievers are treated as infidels despite practicing Ahle Kitab expired-Old Muslims texts of Shariyat of earlier Prophets with earlier scriptures though it has still scope appropriate Old Muslims route. Can not mankind avoiding rules regulations as they are Asraful Maklukat highest characteristics creature. Believing current time period Shariyat avoids infidelness Kufr sins with hellfire punishment being Believer Muslim Iman-faithful confession. Believing it doing even less rules standard worships relying on almighty Allah by the Sufism philosophy gradually adaption of full texts of Quran-Sunnah will earn virtue for heavens.


Quran and Prophets both guide us to adaption gradually over capacity having faithfulness obediency, degree of pietyness has no limitation.

Prophet Edris and Mahammad teaching for ''newly Muslims'' is our ideal, how much ne can grasp, depends on one' capacity and necessary. No extravagancy in Islam, No extravagancy in Islam, 

Islam is always light, easy, soft, sober, fairness, kind and peace.

We mankind soft made by creator, remember always Lord Allah Salah congregation, alone, standing, sitting, beading, in mind and further good deeds.


Blooming the Light into Sky, time has changed  

Mankind we reach to light of wisdom

Every Promise of  Word and clue

We think now, find now, grasp to every reason 

 Strange ! many of Prophets, Angels, Holy Books in many languages in descendants modern to ancient time

Though we are born from first human Adam, Father of mankind.

Though we are descendants from  Noah, 2nd Father of mankind. 

Though we are children-followers  descendants of Abraham Father of Muslim ideology for mankind. 

Quran knows us, creator Lord Allah send us his envoy in every nation sect with own languages

When we examine Lord Ganesha from Hinduism-Buddhism mythology, we see he miracally born in Shiv Jibrael informed Zakaria's Infertility wife's son, Chakra circle , axe and hands, head decapitation for social activism by ruler-Dev King Herod Antipas, Nose simile of Talut-Jalut Elephant war dynasty, icon to us as his wise, intellectuals, social activists, helping poor, farmers, cultural life society like marriage, arts-idols use, worshipping norm, good governance leadership as deity.


Getting similarities clue, consistency from 'latest divine truthful authority Quran-Hadith' and earlier holy Kitab Books like as Isa-Jesus Christ miracle born by Jibrael information, Prophet Yahia arrival Nabuyat-Prophecy duty contemporary time, very wise personality from childhood and beheaded by ruler-Dev King Herod, follower of Abraham Kabba circle lesson-Din slam Moses Shariyat Torah treated Abrahamic to Isa Jesus-Muhammad dynasty religious dutiful, disciples travel descendants to descendants across the world. 


Ambiguous Ambiguous, perverseness perverseness within religious books, mythologies.

Sinful sinful to our luck

AleemUlamas, Saints, Moongs, Porohit Barron Baroness, Fathers, MuniRishi and many  more teach us religious rules, past stories our easy suitable understanding ways over era to eras' demands and standards with also reforms Kiyaz-Ejma.

Touching modern era's blessing, they represent religious lessons, classes to us with easy understanding and joyful for our divine Salvations, making Darse classes Waz Mahfil, study classes, private tuitions,  movies, cartons, cinema, story books, writing Kitabs guide books, poems, Hymns, Ghazal, drama series, video contents, online and offline, available knowledge information everywhere.

Luck is today easy to us, Glory to almighty Lord Allah.

Once it was difficult to our ancient descendants.


Blooming the Light into Sky, time has changed  

Mankind we reach to light of wisdom

Every Promise of  Word and clue

We think now, find now, grasp to every reason 

 Strangers fearness has overcome! We shall win Inshaallah blessings  of creator almighty God Lord Allah, Lord Prophets, Lord Angels, Lord mentors, all Lord Allah's representatives.

All are today  united to guide us on universal Shariyat lessons under almighty led Mohammad led entire Prophets under Quran-Sunnah including Quran-Sunnah,Torah,Injil training methodology route engaging  entire  mankind's salvation opportunity being newly Muslims having gradually adaption full Quran-Sunnah worships.

Getting our mentors' clues, signs, guidances, testing current and earlier holy information and lessons in our research lab

We shall over come soon, we mankind will win

Heavens behind us, we shall win soon. 

Easy easy, heavens heavens

Want always Jannatul Ferdous 

Avoid Avoid, Hells Hells

Love  love, heavens  heavens 

Hatred hatred hellfire hellfire.

Unity Unity within mankind

Thy efforts of worships will extend earth Universe's lifespan

Earth will never destroy remained creator's worshippers 

Kyamat-demolish of earth-universe will earth come soon

Lord Isa-Jesus will come soon to over come all difficulties

moving forward the mankind with Quran-Sunnah worship rightly

We shall over come soon all difficulties

We shall win together soon, Hereafter&earth, Inshallah.(Amen)


The Isa-Jesus, Saresati-Merry, Durga-Merry-Parvati-Lokhi, Jagannath Dev-Jesus, Sri Krishnah-Jesus, Ganesh, Marium-Merry Christ Prayer 

Album: The Crossing

by Jason Silver 

Reformed Lyrics


Lord, Isa Jesus Christ, Messenger of almighty God Allah,

Have mercy on us the sinner though we failed to protect him in the past time, grasping his teaching what he gives us from Lord God Allah. 


Lord, Isa Jesus Christ, Messenger of almighty God Allah,

Have mercy on us the sinner.

Blooming the light into Sky, time has changed. We are remembering his Lord Allah with his light guidances.


Lord, Isa Jesus Christ, Messenger of almighty God Allah,

Have mercy on us the sinner.

Blooming the light into Sky, time has changed.

We are remembering his Lord Allah with his light guidances grasping his forecast teaching Knowledge of Quran & Last-chief messenger Lord Mohammad.


Lord, Isa Jesus Christ, Messenger of almighty God Allah,

Miracle born in Saint Merry Marium like Adam from blessing of Lord God Allah informing chief of staff of Angels holy Spirit Jibrael. Lightening us confessing his mother Merry's purifying pregnancy with his Lord God Allah's supremacy and guidances as a newborn baby meashiah being loving mother, sober, bless lightened, immuned. Marium Merry's sacrificing whole life to bloom our life serving our Lord God Allah, teaching us appropriate lessons, serving us from diseases&huger, serving our Lord Jesus Christ living even in cow farm, eating Lord Allah's blessed fruits, water from heaven. 


 Lord, Isa Jesus Christ, Messenger of Lord God Allah,

Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of Merry Marium,

Lightened the mankind liberal ways with appropriateness from all devils that extends also in Lord Christ messenger Mohammad's middle way philosophy, Oh Lord God Allah, mercy the mankind, light them.


Oh Lord God Allah, make speed to save us,

Oh Lord, make haste to help us grasping thy time period's guidances of knowledge, Lord Christ messenger Mohammad's Qur'anic training.

Oh God, make speed to light us, mercy us.


Glory be to the Father Lord God Allah, and to the messenger Christ Isa Jesus Mashiah, And to the Holy Spirit-Ruh Jibrael,

Jesus Christ never died, Lord Allah reappointed new one light to us to bless and mercy us largely. And Jesus Christ Isa Mashiah will come soon again to save us from all devils.


As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be:

World without end, just it will transform through Kiyamat reaching us to hereafter trial blessing of almighty Lord Allah for heavens.(Amen)


Say, 'Truth has come and falsehood has vanished, falsehood is to perish,' Surah Al-Isra 81-82. People will be awarded heavens by Allah's mercy despite pietyness as everyone will have some sins. (Surah Mariam, Al Ahzab 47, Fatir 2, 9, 30, As Jumar 38, ); Allah Ta'ala forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills who are involved in sins other than Shirk. (Surah Nisa 48, 116, 69, 70, 175), (Surah Yunus, verse: 26) (Surah Baqarah, verse: 195, 64, 251, Al Hajj 50, 10, al Imran 159, An Am 12, Furqan-70).  The Holy Quran mentions about Isa Jesus at 98 verses in 15 Surah chapter. `'Surely Jesus (AS) is the sign of the Hour. So do not have any doubt about the Hour. follow me(Mohammad's guidances). This is the straight path.(Surah Zukhruf: 61) .In this verse, the coming of Jesus (as) is mentioned before the doomsday. This will be a great sign of the Hour. His coming will bear the evidence of the nearness of the Hour.” And cause not corruption(anarchy, wrong dong, etc) upon the earth after its reformation/peace. And invoke Him in fear and aspiration. Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good. (Surah Al Araf 56)


It is noted people can make idols as statue inside museum, beside roads, university campus showing people one's physical identity like Jesus-Krishnah, David Ram, older Krishnah Moses-Shoiab, Gautam Buddha Zulkifal, Omar, Ali, writer like reformist Pope/advisor/scholar/Saint to nonMulims with reformist_Mujaddid to Muslims under cultural activities instead of religious worshipping places but governance can now show just picture or video exhibition carton, picture in modern scientific period instead ancient time's direct concrete idols. It was started by trainers to correct polytheism people showing Isa Jesus, Moses, David Dawd, Marium, Angel Jibrael-Azrael, Ibrahim, physically and philosophical structured idols decoration Hymn Zikir creator and prophecy praising songs worships as part of the reform during that era where now media and education has changed and developed the world population very fast that brings reform very easier avoiding chaos. As part of the training, Europe USA including Westminster Abbey show Jesus Marium puppet idols throwing water(as simile/metaphorical rituals by own made scholars) called Jesus(Ohi-Bani verses lessons) to puppets idols being transformation of sacredness confessing Supreme being one creator God Allah avoiding polytheism faith through Surah verses of scriptures stating giving messages polytheistic world we have been praying Salah Zikr praising an invisible almighty creator Lord God Allah instead worshipping idols polytheism Gods or its decoration of worships where they have kept Jesus statue far away or beside churches as part of earliest cultural arts, heritage nations' worshipping shortcomings remembrance & statue arts for icons leaders martyrs under liberalism instead God's sacred worships faith norm. They will show it outside of worshipping places soon as world population has been developed with knowledge, it doesn't need now direct Jesus idols showing lesson in Churches correcting polytheism in modern Media TV scientific era. Even UN UNESCO has declared polytheism is not faith of spiritual worships under appropriate guidances rather it  is a traditional heritages culture, earlier descendants' ancient practice, history. [Truth&False comparison Idols v Sacredness Surah Al-Isra -17:81,9, Surah: As-Saff-6; (Islamic call: Muslim, Hadith: 387)][(Surah Saba 13-14, 16,28) (Sura Ankabut: 17) (Sura Shura: 71-74) (Sura Nisa: 51) (Sura Al-Maida: 60) (Sura Al-Imran: 159)(Sura Hajj 6, Yunus 25)]; As part of the development, Hinduism Buddhism has also reformed their rituals and faith leaving away from earlier polytheism of idols God worships and even throwing idols into water-Ohi after exhibition transformed like confessing sacredness simile Jesus lessons(Injil-Zabur) with one invisible almighty creator where some Buddhist just represent Buddha like Jesus Christ under early stage of Sufism where iconic Hinduism scholar Sri HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaj trained his followers clearly stating Muslims' Quran recognised Allah is our & Buddhists' creator  Vaguban or worshipping being where adding also Buddhist made different sect from Hinduism deferring its lessons and rituals. Denial presentation of polytheism complies the jurisprudence of Kufr despite polytheism exhibition in worships under Sufism training phenomena.

Allah Almighty says, 'He is the One who sent His Messenger (Muhammad) with guidance and truth. So that he makes it victorious over all the two. But the partisans don't like it.(Surah: As-Saf, Verse: 9)


Acquiring the knowledge of the correct Islamic creed, process is the only way to develop oneself as a true believer and Muslim servant of Allah. Allah Almighty says, 'Those who reject My signs are deaf and dumb (to guidance). Allah leads astray(Ghumra) whom He wills, and guides whom He wills, ( Surah Anayam-39). When a person doesn't perform full worships with full rules without legitimate grounds treated less standard treated astray(Fasiq Ghumra-shortcoming) Gafil-lazy faith(Aqidah) and Manhaz(styles of rules). Currently nonMuslims are practicing own designed worships under Kiyaz-Ejma(experts opinions) with as much as possible faith and process of application showing numerous grounds having individual Sect Mhazab instead of nonMuslims(anti creator of Islam or full Infidel) where many Muslims sects also have differentiated showing also shortcoming. Therefore, entire mankind should be Muslim identity with few mandatory reforms on worships full or less standard or equivalent reformed faith having peaceful brotherhood with preaching full form of worships gradually training within entire mankind instead of chaos as Spiritual worships and governance both have developed often nearer full standard averagely within entire mankind under Quran Sunnah except openness expression with few development. Prophet of Chief for time period hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) must be highest priority for entire mankind setting up spiritual worships' Fard , less Fard norms for more virtue but many Nafl(extra) norm can be also added e.g. some sects have designed their worships academic theoretical parts and vocational parts where people will recite verses with express Ruku Sejda(obedience confession) and listening understanding the Surah verses e.g. build unity within Ummah groups over Allah's guidances what is called Sunni Shia Ahmediah Salah norm and Khutbah for Jumah speech including good dress including foods. On the other hand, Christian-Jews have designed it for their own  people  culturally recitation, music(Eid Dub Piano), speech, and ''obedience the verses guidances' vocational practical training 'unity communion of people' like dinner, cleaning homes, rest holyday, candles lightening expression'' where Quran Surah is recited, it is like doctor(doctor dress of priests) often mostly complied equivalent norm under grounds including their identity Abrahamic prophets' norms of faith narrations like Psalm styles Zikir(3 words remembering more virtue) including Sunnah Nafl Salah at home norm or worshipping place where speech Khutbah can be even scientific exhibition guidances or video, audio presentation with Fard Quranic  recitation. So Christian-Jews Salah prayer can't be treated fully beyond Mohammad(pbuh)' norm as nonMuslims as beginners seek truth of logic within prayers what analytical worships have expressed everything to them by scholars with short time(Qasr) where now they can be adapted like Muslims Sunni Salah performance and knowledge seeking in research lab or at homes with separating time. Therefore, group of people's era's necessity reforms based on fundamental principles are always justified  where Sufism strategies permit to impose less strict rules having more reliance towards Allah for people's attraction towards worships prioritizing surrendering towards Allah but original Salah prayer is best following due to not chances of mistake as Prophet has made original Salah purely but necessary reform also are welcomed with scrutiny with dignity instead of chaos having gradually adaption the full norm of similar prophet Mohammad Salah style literally. Iqamatis-salah (“Prayer has been established.”) is not only reciting Quran with express Ruku Sajdah in mosque under Imam congregation but only people have to implement guidance of Surah or Quran Sunnah after Salah period in practical life by good deeds but they training methodology are different from different groups over grounds what has been arisen Muslims sects and nonMuslims sects what I have suggested for Muslims to recite translation of Surah before prayer with Arabic language for understanding the guidances as people asked questions Imam or others after Salah for interpretation understanding of Surah recited in prayer during prophet time. There generally are seven Fard external duties and six internal Fard duties in Salah prayer treated  Ahkam and Arkan as well as 21 Sunnah, 14 Wajib, 7  Mustahaf under Islamic scholars' Ejma.


''Kafir'' is an Arabic term in Islam which refers to a person who disbelieves the God in Islam and His Messenger, denies his authority, rejects the tenets of Islam, or simply is not a Muslim—one who does not believe in the guidance of the Islamic prophet Muhammad where he is the last successor Adam to Abrahamic rituals and jurisprudence dynasty. In fact, denying equivalent someone with one invisible supreme being creator avoiding ''Shirk wrong done'', they are also training their sects attracting into non idols Temples, Pagoda Hymns recitation prayers that complies Abrahamic Kufr avoiding deity idols Gods where entire nonMuslims have faith one invisible almighty creator, Mohammad is a messenger and  Quran is the holy book from creator that has almost established Kufr(Iman disbelief) avoidance though they aren't practicing messenger Mohammad's time period lessons fully. (Surah Qisas-50, Jasiah 23) (Bayyinah: Verse: 6)


Arabic word Munafik(hypocrite sins) has given to aware Muslims and mankind over some characters ie. sinful acts to be amended ownself e.g. laziness in salah or worships, telling lie, mocking on  prophet's activities,  salah non congregation,  promise breaking habits, etc. Munafik is absolute sinful who will have full Iman and full worshipping styles Manhaj with full expressions within Muslims like full Muslims AleemUlama impersonation but his intension to destroy Prophet Mohammad's  spiritual worshipping fundamental rules to destroy Islam conspiracies that is treated as enemy of Islam and who will be awarded highest punishable hill. Training has gravity degrees of standard e.g. Muslims AleemUlamas mostly preach Salafi  standard spiritual  worships having absolute standard of Islam with messenger Mohammad and others like Jews-Christian AleemUlamas preach training lesser standard of Islam with messenger Mohammad but both have faith towards  Prophet Mohammad where Pope mentioned they will fulfill full text of Mohammad after establishing governance. Current 25% Muslims all aren't willing praying Fard salah in mosque congregation having pietyness despite  1400 years passing. So how entire nonMuslims will start full Salah according to prophet standard soon holding  more pietyness despite faith-Iman towards Prophet's Mohammad's full absolute lessons. So training Quran-Sunnah or Quran-Sunnah, Torah-Injil isn't treated beyond Ummah of Mohammad over standard where Quran-Sunnah Muslims can preach calling to engage into full text Akidah-Manhaz recognising others just Arabic words ''Fasek, Jahel, Jalem, Gafil' instead of 'absolute Munafik of enemies of Islam". Therefore, Jews-Christian will firstly engage entire non-Muslims world avoiding Shirk-Kufr sins by liberal worships under Sufism phenomena. They then will start to develop them into full standard of worships having Akidah-Manjaz rules as part of the ''strategic training methodology'' e.g. that was the philosophy of worships formation scholars like Anglicans, Pope, Christs, etc. So current Anglicans, Pope, Saint, Nun, Christs, Moongs, Porohit Barron Baroness, Fathers, AleemUlams, scholars, politician leaders, preachers Daiyi, etc must have knowledge on aim of vision what was the consensus inherent vision aim of world religious forum under UN e.g. churches shrines pray nonMuslims' Ahle Kitab styles prayer avoiding Shirk-Kufr norm alongside showing common unity nose forehead touching RukuSejda full Rak'ahs Salah prayer Jamayat-congregation under full Muslims Imam's leadership in Europe American mosques showing confession towards full text of prophet Mohammad's Shariyat-text lessons like Sahaba Christian  King Negus' unitedly grasping creator's guidances deal, even in Bangladesh Hinduism Puruhit scholars(like King Haider Ali Khan & Hindu scholar Ramcharan Punia led Islamic emperorship-Caliphate like Middle East Arabic Caliphate by Gen Lawrence) say we aren't doing idols worshipping rather one invisible creator Vagoban Allah but showing idols simile exhibition rituals only to understand general people called Sanatan-Old style teaching class, even USA chief Church Christ father being reverted into Muslim giving righteousness guidance as part of the training stating both Muslim and less Muslim routes. So Ahle Kitab Muslims aren't destroying full Muslims' spiritual fundamental worships being Munafiq of enemy of grievous sinfulness. (Surah Baqarah: 13)(Surah Al-Munafiqun-2) (Surah An-Nisa, verses: 143-144) (Surah Al-Munafiqun, Verse-6) (Surah Al-Baqarah: 16, 43) (Surah Al-Munafiqun-1)(Surah Luqman 6, 8, 9)

Earlier Jews Christian and Polytheistic have reformed currently being Muslims grasping route like King Negus. Surah Al-Maidah (5): 51-Surah Tawba (9): 71-Surah Nisa (4): 144-Surah Al-Imran (3): 118-Surah Al-Maidah (5): 82 (O Muslims!) Your friends are only Allah and His Messenger and Believers, those who humble themselves (before Allah) and perform prayer and pay zakat. - Surah Mayida (5) : 55 Surah Mayida (5) : 56 (Al Baqarah: Verse: 144)(Al Imran: Ayat: 64)(Al Imran: Verse: 110)(An Nisa: Verse: 159)(Al Mayidah:Verse: 65)


"Masjids should not do anything hurtful or impure, they are places of prayer and recitation of the Qur'an." Bukhari, Hadith No. 6025.

"Invite yourselves to the way of the Lord with wisdom and good advice, and argue with them in the best way. Surely your Lord alone knows who has gone astray from His path and He knows well those who are guided”. [Surah: An-Nahal: 125][Surah: Al-Ankabut: 46]

Prophet Mohammad to Caliphate Rashidin period was like modern termed emergency and marshal law situation where modern developed era peacefulness has opportunity to adapt gradually preserving peace in the world. (Surah An Nahl , Verse: 101; Al-Baqarah 2:256) (Ibn Majah, Hadith 3085 Ibn Hibban, Hadith 1011)Al-Baqarah 2:256

And they will say, "Our Lord, indeed we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries, and they led us astray from the [right] way. (Surah Al-Ahzab-67) (Surah Qisas-50, Jasiah 23) 


It is noted that historically Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Isa Ibn Mariyam and the man largely credited with bringing Christianity to India through the Malabar coast in 52 AD where Jews((Bene Israel ("Sons of Israel"), the Cochin Jews, and the Baghdadi Jews)) also came in India-China Asia having Abraham-Ishmael-Isaac-Moses-Zulkifal Buddha-Dawood-Suleiman disciples and Nuh-Noah&his sons, Adam before them in Sri Lanka, Mecca, Afghanistan, Turkey, world where they are named differently Hinduism and Buddhism and Muslims despite prescribed by similar lessons text holy book Islam with few different styles worshipping norms. As part of the continuous reform process, Sri Biśbambhara Caitanya Mahaprabhu(1486-1533) was a great scholar, omniscient scholar, poet, philosopher, religious guru, self-sacrificing monk and social reformer like others like Sri Chanakya, Sri Raja Ram Mahan Ray, Sri Ram Charan Punaia where he established Mariuam, Yahia, Zakaria, Moses, Suleiman, Dawood Messengers' life and lessons within here eradicating sinful Shirk Kufr idols worshipping norms. After Christ Jesus disciples and Prophet Mohammad's disciple Sahaba King Cheraman Perumal-Malik bin Dinar and subsequent Emperors, Indian subcontinent Hinduism, Buddhism has been reformed curing appropriate guidances as much as possible consisting with era and society under Islamic sacredness. Later, British trade deal in India by Queen Elizabeth 1 in1600 and war winning in1857, British started preaching Christianity of Sufi liberal Islam to Indians under reform and became even the Principal of Madrasha, Islamic school where tried to establish Islam  within nonMuslims correcting them including making Ahmedia Jammat sect by Pir saint Oli reformist Mirza Gulam Ahamd Kadiyani like as Safi Hanafi Imam as people are illetered over religious knowledge where British Saints, Barron-Baroness are still training to establish Islam under Quran Sunnah with Sufism ideology within Hinduism Buddhism with appropriate sacred manner eradicating sinful norms as much as possible making understand people though ancient people living in even jungle areas used idols as statue of Imam, Prophets worshipping almighty Allah with also errors due to eras' difficulties consequences though Sufi scholar writer Ibn Al Arabi also preached Sufism in Spain to Christian Jews. Now modern era in 2021, new reform has been experienced for entire mankind Muslims and nonMuslims-Ahle Kitab Muslims by directly entire mankind's only complete holy divine book ''Quran Sunnah full virtue standard with first class heavens'' vision Iman-faith having brotherhood, sacredness, peace, often common Sect Majab Akidah Manhaz rules regulational divine norms eradicating sinfulness as much as possible engaging also Sufism under Abrahamism ideology despite practically less practices. 


The earliest evidence of Quranic Islamic influence in England dates to the 8th century, when Offa, the Anglo-Saxon king of Mercia, minted a coin with an Arabic inscription, largely a copy of coins issued by a contemporary Abbasid ruler, Caliph Al-Mansur. Zaida, a Muslim princess living in 11th-century Seville, is one of the most extraordinary ancestors of the earlier Muslim Ahle Kitab British royal family. Zaida’s bloodline reached the English shores through her engagement to Alfonso VI, king of León-Castile. From their offspring descended Isabel Pérez of Castile, who in the 14th century was sent to England to marry Edmund Duke of York, son of King Edward III of England.

Their grandson, Richard, Duke of York, led a rebellion against King Henry VI which developed into the Wars of the Roses. Richard’s second son Edward took the throne in 1461. Thus the legacy of Islamic Spain – better known as al-Andalus – found its way into the Plantagenet royal court.

This lineage has been of recent interest both in the UK and in the Middle East, as it purportedly proves a family relationship between Queen Elizabeth II and the Prophet Muhammad himself. Respected experts and commentators such as Burke’s Peerage and Ali Gomaa, the former Grand Mufti of Egypt, have suggested that Zaida was the offspring of al-Muʿtamid, ruler of Seville and a descendant of the daughter of the Prophet, Fāṭima and her husband ʿĀlī. As a member of the Hashemite family, the descendants of Fāṭima and ʿĀlī, the Queen would count as relatives, among others, the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, or the Aga Khan IV, Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, a close friend of the current Royal family.


Quranic Islam has been a part of German culture for hundreds of years, and the history of Islam in Germany can be traced back to the 8th century: Charlemagne established diplomatic relations with the Abbasid ruler, Caliph Harun al-Rashid, in 797 or 801. Both sides agreed to guarantee freedom of belief for members of the other religion.  The history of Quranic Islam in Germany goes back as far as the 8th century. From the reign of Charlemagne, to Goethe's literature, to the Turkish guest workers. Quranic Islam has been present in Italy for over 1,300 years, with the first wave of Muslim influence beginning in the 8th century: The Umayyad dynasty conquered Pantelleria, the first Italian island to be influenced by Islam. Quranic Islam came to Spain in 711 when an army of Arabs and Berbers from North Africa crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and defeated the Visigothic Kingdom: The conquest: The army was led by General Tariq bin Ziyad(R), a young general, and was sent by Musa ibn Nusair, the governor of North Africa. The traditional story is that Julian, an oppressed Christian chief, asked Musa for help against the Visigoth ruler, Roderick. Muslims have been in France since the 8th century, when the Moors occupied Spain. Quranic Islam in the United States can be traced back to the 16th century when African slaves were brought to the United States of America. Historians estimate that between 15% to 30% of the enslaved Africans were Muslim. Islam, thus, first appeared in Jamaica not with the help of the so-called Islamic sword, but with Muslim slaves who were brought in chains by the European Christians. Thus Islam was introduced in the British Caribbean Latin America by the European Christian slave traders. Quranic Islam was introduced to Palestine in the 7th century during the Rashidun Caliphate's conquest of the  region: The Rashidun Caliphate, led by ʿUmar ibn al-Khattāb, conquered the Shaam region from the Byzantine Empire. “Quranic Islam came to Russia in the seventh century. Followers of our Prophet Muhammad came to Russia 22 years after he left earthly life.” “They came to a city that is currently known as Derbent, it is in Southern Dagestan. Africa was the first continent into which Quranic Islam spread from the Middle East, during the early 7th century CE. Almost one-third of the world's Muslim population resides in Africa.  Quranic Islam has been in Australia since the 1700s when Makassar traders were long-term visitors to Arnhem land (now Northern Territory). A dance among the Warramiri people refers to a dreamtime creational being is given the name, Walitha Walitha, which is an adaptation of the Arabic phrase Allah ta'ala (God, the exalted). While the Pakistani program at Jinnah Antarctic Station brought Muslims to Antarctica in 1991, there are no mosques on the continent or on any of the outlying islands, as there is yet no consensus as to observing Islamic religious customs. Quranic Islam was revealed in Universe during Prophet Mohammad(pbuh).

Mankind's Kalima-(Faith-Iman) English Translation for current time period of following guidance order Faith: I bear witness that no-one is worthy of worship but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and last Messenger. 

Khatme Nabuwaat is a proven belief. Below is the document:

Allah mentions in the Quran,

‎"Muhammad was not the father of any of you men. But he is the Messenger of Allah and the last Prophet." - Surah Ahzab, verse 40, Quran.

English Translation of one within six Kalima: O Allah! Certainly I seek protection with You from, that I associate partner with You anything and I know it. And I seek forgiveness from You for that I do not know it. I repented from it and I made myself free from disbelief and polytheism and the falsehood and the back-biting and the innovation and the tell-tales and the bad deeds and the blame and the disobedience, all of them. And I submit and I say (there is) none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the last Messenger of Allah. Mankind have to practice Quran-Sunnah based on prophet Mohammad but also they have to love equally & acknowledge all prophets(124,000). 

''Full Faith of Iman Confession'' means Supreme being of Arosh Creator Allah, last time period prophet hazrat Mohammad(pbuh), all prophets acknowledgement(124000), Holy books-104, Angels, Luck, Hereafter.

Universal Kalima Iman-Faith :I bear witness that no-one is worthy of worship but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and last Messenger as well as numerous Messengers(like Hadith124000).[(Surah Baqarah 2, 129), Surah Fatir: 24, Surat Taha: 123-124, Surah Ahzab, verse 40, Maida 3)(Surah Fatir: verse 24 Surah Yunus: verse 47) (Ibn Hibban, As-Sahih 1/76-79),(Surah (5) Nisa: verse 164, Surah (40) Kafir/Mumin: verse 78)]. Interpreting meaning of Kalima ''we will follow his guidance and training under Quran&Sunnah as supreme priority as much as possible our capacity with full faithful despite earlier holy books as part of the supplementary knowledge & research books based on justified conditions consistency scrutiny examination of truthness with Quran Sunnah under Ejma-Kiyaz norm.''(Surah Baqarah 2, 129, 151,213, 252, 285, Al Imran 81,144,164, 64,48, Nisa 14,59,64,69, Maidah 48); According to Quran full Muslim means practicing People of the Quran-sunnah worshipping route treated full virtue standard route termed "Muslim" under time period guidances based on full Shariyat lesson confession. And less virtue Muslim route states People of the earlier holy Books with Quran-Sunnah worshipping route called appropriate Ahle Kitab named earlier Muslims with optional correct route termed "Ahle Kitab Muslim", one of the followers of Islam under time period guidances based on less Shariyat-lesson confession Iman. BUT full Shariyat-lesson confession Iman termed Quran-Sunnah worships commitment where earlier holy books can be read only learning knowledge including what is beyond Quran-Sunnah worships, (Surah Nahl 106). But someone practice less Shariyat lessons having full Shariyat lessons with Tawbah like we will try future gradually full lessons termed full Iman faith of Muslim over two count of rules ''Iman-Faith and Practice'' run since Adam/Noah period where Muslims sects always try to at least perform 3rd Juma Salah prayer or Zahur Fard Salah replaced including good deeds to keep effectiveness of Iman-faith refresh what Ahle kitab Muslim sects also are doing good deeds like donation, prayers . When one does good deeds believing one almighty creator leaving forbid evil deeds sinfulness treated time period  ''Ummat e Mohammad or Ummat e Muslim-Ummah/Community of Muslim'' automatically recognized only higher piety or lesser piety based on practicing worships. (Surah Al Hujurat 13-14, al Maida 48, Shura 13,15, al Fath 4, Maryam 76, Al Kahf 13, At Tawbah 124,66, al Imran 179, 90-91,95, Hajj 54-57,50,23; Al Muminun 101-103)


   And We have certainly diversified for the people in this Qur'an from every [kind] of example(simile), but most of the people refused [anything] except disbelief, (Surah Isra 89,106,81-84). O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. 

And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and your colors. Indeed in that are signs for those of knowledge,(Surah Al Hujurat 13, Ar Rum 21-22, 29-30, 26). Musa (a.s.) said, 'O my Lord! Expand my chest and make my work easy. Remove the stuttering of my language, that they may understand me. Make for me a helper from among my relatives; To my brother Aaron; Strengthen my strength through him and make him a partner in my (preaching) work, so that we may describe Your holiness and glory more and remember You more; You are our all-seeing.'(Sura Tuha 25-36) Narration of the Qur'anul Karim: 'Allah the Most Merciful! taught the Qur'an; He created man; He taught him to speak the language.' (Sura-55 Ar Rahman, verses: 1-4)Allah Ta'ala says: 'I have sent every Messenger as a speaker to his people to explain clearly to them.' (Sura-14 Ibrahim, Ayah: 4)(Surah Al Araf 73)

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, 'You name my name; But don't take my nickname. Verily I am the Qasem or the Distributer. I distribute among you e.g. Surah Maidah Restaurant i.e. Ahle Kitab Muslims route alongside Muslim route. (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2133)


Therefore, I urge entire nonMuslims to revert into Islam soon like within couple of years being full Muslim or practice Quran-sunnah worship being minimum Muslim less standard quality and quantity worship based on your own risk desire with Tawbah-repented(mercy petition with Future full Shariyat-Quran Sunnah practice commitment) ensures threshold of Muslims(full standard, newly Muslim, Ahle Kitab newly Muslims' Sects) criteria even ongoing different different religious identity as earlier holy books' virtue is in current period less functional though having some of Sunnah practice of other prophets with appropriate Darse programmes will recover deficiencies(risk) of last prophet's Sunnah practices ensuring often equal Shariyat(specific number of worships with rules) of Ummati Mohammad(pbuh) despite different different name of sects(Mahzab) where sects some times are needed for group of people's necessity of culture, grounds of necessity, tradition, custom, adjustment, etc. Always remember, there is no time even second for you earning virtue, anytime death angel Malakul Maud hazrat Azrael(A) will come with preparation or without preparation for hereafter with virtue though he comes regularly 5 times in a day to visit everyone [Surah Araf: Verse 34, Surah Nahal-61, Surah Younus-56, Surah Al Imran-145, 185, Surah Fatir: 11, Surah Al-Ankabut 57]. So if you don't want to revert into Muslim sects keeping your own standard identity Standard Christian, Standard Jews, Standard Hindu-Buddha Sects, you must practice Quran-Sunnah worship according Creator's guidance for current time period since 610AD. Through chief of Angel hazrat Jibrael(A), 124,000 prophets handed over their followers' responsibility and their official duty to prophet Mohammad(pbuh), president of prophets in Baitul Mukaddas mosque al Aksa in Palestine during Meraj night that means all prophets are now working Quran-Sunnah working for entire mankind. And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.[Surah Baqarah 115] Mecca's Al-Masjid al-Haram Sharif(including the Kaaba Sharif), Al-Masjid an-Nabawi in Medina Sharif and Al-Masjid al-Aqsa Sharif are three holy mosques united for entire mankind. So from wherever you go out [for prayer, O Muhammad] turn your face toward al- Masjid al-Haram, and indeed, it is the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what you do. [Surah Baqarah 149, 150]  And We have not sent you(Mohammad) except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know. [Surah Saba-28] [Surah Al Ambia- 107][Surah Araf -158][ Surah Furkan- 1] [Surah Baqarah 225, 123, 48][Sura Anbia 28][Sura Lukman-33][Sura Al Mudassir-48, Al Shuyara-100] Mankind's pious acts will be only taken into account deciding judgment for heavens avoiding hellfire [Al Infitar 18-19][Sura Hud-111][Sura Jiljal-7-8][Sura Ahzab 45-46]


It is noted prophet Isa(A)-Jesus Mashi went to Sky alive and will come again to move forward Quran-Sunnah teaching for 40 years before Kiyamat(demolition of earth) as a Nayabe Rassul(shadow Prophet) responsibility as an Imam Mahdi(righteousness leader) under President of prophet Mohammad(pbuh) for entire mankind though many Imam Mahdi leaders will also come before him with final Imam Mahdi(Mohammad bin Abdullah) for 40 or 9 years, [Sahih Hadith, Surah Zukhruf: 61, Surah Nisa: 157-159]. Even this note of guidance is also one of the Imam Mahdi. There are no enemy except Mr Iblish Sytan Azazil(Devil), Mr Dajjal Mashi(Devil), Eyajuj-Majuj(Gogg-Megog). Constitutional Governance management(mature democracy-Polity e.g. firstly(1.1): UK-Europe- USA-Canada-Australia-Morocco-Indonesia- Japan-South Korea-NewZealand; Secondly 1st(2.1):  Turkey-Kuwait-Jordan, India-Pakistan-Malaysia, Bhutan, Maldives, Singapore, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Russia, Lebanon, Somalia, Tunisia, Ghana, Bangladesh, Palestine-Israel, etc with Insaf-justice with mature state constitution; Secondly 2nd(2.2): others-China Republic, Cuba, North Korea, Arabic semi democracy structure with absolute monarchy with Insaf-justice-equity legitimacy with less mature state constitution) is now across the world established under Quran-Sunnah righteousness routes within both Muslims & NonMuslims where longstanding regular practices will gradually boost it(Polity-Higher-lower classes cooperative unity instead absorbent-absorbed class/governance's righteousness-Insaf)  but NonMuslims have to just develop spiritual worship management within them like Muslims or less standard Muslim with exemptions routes(Quran-Tawrat-Injil together) entering into one of the appropriate time period routes of religious practice[Governance formation methodology of Islam: preach, train general people on lessons(Quran Sunnah, rules, etc) to vote choosing their representative to lead them among others for their goodwill ie. people participation with governance that is fundamental process of Islam judging constitution where all candidates' intention, vision will similar establish & move forward Islamic rules Insaf(righteousness, just, justice, equity) under constitution, people can build another leadership peacefully if leadership collapses with unavoidable circumstances avoiding civil war, riot, chaos, militancy, genocide, war, etc as battle of physical armed war for religions without state process is prohibited-haram Jihad under Islam treated wordily Fetna-Fasad militancy. The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy. [Surah hujurat-10] Allah Ta'ala says, 'Invite yourselves to the way of your Lord, with wisdom and good advice.' (Sura-16 Nahl, verse: 125).[Sura Anbia 96-97][Sura Kahaf 92-99][Sura Al Imran-55][Sura Nisa 159][Sura Jukruf 61] [https://www.democracymatrix.com/ranking]


It is noted that named Monarchy or democracy isn't the problem of good governance as many Caliphate monarchs like Ottoman emperor Sultan Suleiman with popularity with people participatory served people, Islam, mankind appropriately with equity with good governance training like current British constitutional monarchy with popularity with people participatory republic(indirect) with mature democracy with Europe mature democracy, Direct republic USA mature democracy; our Muslims Arabian gulf absolute monarchies with popularity with people participatory consent(Caliph Abu Bakr to Caliph Umar's reign nomination norm) are also doing good comparing Libya, Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, few Africans, Tunisia, Palestine-Israel, Yemen, Myanmar; good governance depends on rulers and its practices with dedicational vision with democratic elements that is also Islamic elements of governance. [Good governance score Democracy index]

Caliphate Rashidun training period of governance, people asked question Caliph hazrat Omar(R) exercising freedom, liberty rights why your Panjabi dress is long than us? Caliph-ruler(President) Omar(R) answered politely he has added his son's Panjabi cloths also to make large Panjabi for him for his fat body, sent weight sack foods carrying his own back with mercy petition for late, [Sahih Hadith]; and people supported directly Allah appointed King through chief Angel Jibrael(A) Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) provided accountabilities largely to Muslims and infidels with softly with unimagine patience, even talking wife at night alone outside expressed to companions willingly for fairness, [Sahih Hadith]; but general rulers of people aren't Prophets, Sahaba-companions of Prophets where their responsibilities with accountabilities are also less than them. During Arab spring, Saudi Government also increased their people's benefits as part of the accountability to people as well as international community, they(Gulf countries) are trying to make happy people regular basis as part of the accountability & fairness for safe, secure, stability, long run but they now have to receive emails from people regularly to address people's views for boost accountability & fairness where multi parties democratic countries must boost its accountability & fairness with own standard for reaching full Islamic goal with safe, secure, stability, long run as a holy mosques management unique country like a hereditary committee for worships management priority rather than a numerous challenging governance management team-man powers where it doesn't need multi parties competitive governance management minimizing the challenges like others UK,USA or Morocco, Pakistan but it can be once monarchy with multi parties democracy constitutional governance like Morocco for an ornamental values. As a guardian of holy city, Saudi Arabia's Salah laws forcing people in mosques and Friday shops closing justified under Quran  establishing Salah and keeping it for 5 pillars of spiritual worships of instance(Salah establishment within Muslims) till Kiyamat with less population under strict approach for 5 pillars of spiritual worships preserving appropriately till Kiyamat if most of the people leaves Salah prayers, (7 years old inform&10 years old forcefully adaption Salah for children as every born in as Muslim), but other countries mostly apply school training norm instead of forcing priority; other countries 5 pillars of spiritual worships would be affected due to large population management with legitimate exemption practice like India-China.(Sahih Muslim No. 2865). As showing guardian of world Islam, Gulf countries are running absolute powerful monarchy with administration termed wordly odd "authoritarian regimes" as part of the dire unity of people(e.g. war preparation with emergency, preaching dire efforts-Jihad including being abroad travelling Jizrat Musafir) avoiding chaos, anarchy to establish Islam across the world for Spiritual training worships, Loving parents is also the biggest jihad, struggle of self reformation; Physically war of battle.  It regular basis seeks Kingdom's people's opinion and participation by survey treated one kind of democracy. It is noted FII survey 2023: Saudi Arabia reports 84% citizen satisfaction amid global decline in contentment. Saudi Arabia ranks highest in citizen satisfaction, with 84% of its residents expressing contentment with their lives. This finding underscores the Kingdom's effective governance and economic initiatives amid rising concerns about financial insecurity and political instability elsewhere in the world. Qatar Country, The country ranked 119th out of 180 countries in the 2022 World Press Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders. The 2022 Edelman Trust Report lists the UAE as the second-most trusted government in the world, with 87% of respondents expressing trust in the government.

Even they have to control riot mutiny by peacekeeping Muslim forces within Muslims sects in many Muslims countries. (Surah An'am: 65-67, Al Anfal 39, Luqman 15, AnKabut-6,8,69, Furqan 52, Nisa 95, Tawbah 41, 88, Al Hajj 78), (Kitabul Fitan); According to Malik b. Anas there are four types of jihad: jihad with one's heart (bil-qalb), with one's tongue (bil-lisan), with one's hand (bil-yad), and with a sword (bil-sayf).  He explains that a jihad with the heart means to defeat the shaytan (devil) and oppress one's lust and bestial desires. A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible. The struggle to build a good Muslim society. Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary. A particularly well-known Hadith quotes the Prophet as remarking on his return from a military campaign, 'We have returned from the lesser jihad (that is, physical, external struggle) to the greater jihad (that is, spiritual, internal struggle). (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 265-269, 257, 253, 256, 242-258)


Mankind's mandatory duty in earth life is to establish Islam within mankind on governance as well as spiritual worshipping life that is the constitutional duty of mankind but responsibilities with full duty are now divided by religious scholars and other man powers of governance including civil & military division both treated as Pir-Imam-leader for effectiveness, long run.


In Abrahamic religions, a messiah or messias (Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, romanized: māšīaḥ; Greek: μεσσίας, messías; Arabic: مسيح, masīḥ; lit. 'the anointed one') is a saviour or liberator of a group of people. The concepts of mashiach, messianism, and of a Messianic Age originated in Judaism,[1][2] and in the Hebrew Bible, in which a mashiah is a king or High Priest traditionally anointed with holy anointing oil. Prophet Isa(A) was given reign & prophecy both correction duty like Prophet king Abraham that is complied by Pope, monarch coronation under traditional & respecting Jesus IsaA & Abraham norm though both didn't hold kingship stating we have to counsel religious & governance rules, justice to general people soon instead of having directly political activities where monarch as a head of the state performs guardian role like teacher,  trainers,  advocacy people towards governance,  good deeds where David Dawud-Suleiman, Mohammad preformed as King. Ruler, Kings' properly performed state duties virtue is also shared within people called also King leads the prayer as Imam-leader. (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 265-269, 257, ,253, 256, 2242-258 , Maarij 32-34) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messiah] 

Kings Law under Bibles: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King%27s_Law#:~:text=Essentially%2C%20the%20King%27s%20Law%20stated,the%20divine%20right%20of%20kings.]  

Under Islamic Caliphate norms, British constitutional monarchy with others Europe, Jordan, Arab gulf countries constitutional monarchy, will have been going on till Isa-Jesus arrival before Kiyamat in Syria mosque if they start grasping Quran Sunnah worshipping with good governance. As they will run good governance engaging people like democracy as well as righteousness experts teams  management like administrations having patience humble including vocational or trained educated women engagement. Similar objectives for other democratic governance like USA, etc that must run good governance by righteousness manpower including riches donation mindful. And general people duty is to obey the righteousness rulers like qualified Muslim(both Muslim, Ahle Kitab Muslims routes) where all countries will have research and vision wing of state like Experts body Atlantic council-CIA to assist to common state policies balancing the different different political party government manifestos policies for unity as well as establishing Islam(worships & governance) treated mature democracy and mature governance Insaf treated as Islamic Caliphate. [Sahih Hadith, Quran; (5368-9 Tirmidhi 2266, Mishkatul Masabih Mishkat Kitab)(5382-4, Mishkat, Sahih: Bukhari 3606, Muslim 51-(1847), Abu Dawud 4244,)] And warn, [O Muhammad], your closest kindred(Kings to other rulers, intellectuals to entire mankind). Muslims have been preaching Quran including gifting Quran book to entire mankind. State provided allowance scheme facilities to martyrs, Prophet & Sahabas families for livelihood.[Surah Ash Shuara 214]. The U.S. Supreme Court honors Prophet Muhammad as one of the greatest law givers in the history as well as USA Congress. Harvard University Law School recognizes the Qur’an as one of the leading books for justice in the world including also Oxbridge Law School. 


In fact, British constitutional monarchy is an realistic example in modern time complying with mature governance democracy. British constitutional monarchy having politically neutral as non absolute power as like a guardian(Head of the State) or guardian council/President are also compiled with Islamic concept where British constitution recognises monarchy is the British monarchy, is

the constitutional form of government by which a hereditary sovereign reigns as the head of state of the United Kingdom, the Crown Dependencies (the Bailiwick of Guernsey, the Bailiwick of Jersey and the Isle of Man) and the British Overseas Territories(guardian of the country) with ''people participatory modern democratic practice' within country''. The monarch and their immediate family undertake various official, ceremonial, diplomatic and representational duties. Although formally the monarch has authority over the government—which is known as "His/Her Majesty's Government"—this power may only be used according to laws enacted in Parliament and within constraints of convention and precedent. In practice the monarch's role, including that of Head of the British Armed Forces, is limited to functions such as bestowing honours and appointing the prime minister, which are performed in a non-partisan manner. The UK Government has called the monarchy "a unique soft power and diplomatic asset". By doing so, the monarch can be a symbol of unity of the people where monarch, Prince, Princes are trained in military for Jihad, worships, governance education, charity, diplomacy, peacekeeping, soberness, restrain, experiences, and so on. The Crown also occupies a unique cultural role, serving as an unofficial brand ambassador for British interests and values abroad, increasing tourism at home, and promoting charities throughout civil society. For this reasons, British traditional historic valued monarch with sovereign is shared with 14 other independent countries within the 56-members Commonwealth of Nations realms or Christian monarchs is coronated with Jesus sacred Oil oath by Priests with automatically elected by Acts of Parliament like non sovereign President as a highest sovereign Pir-Imam-leader with Royal prerogative powers including Head of the State under written and unwritten constitutional arrangements where like ways, Head of the State President also exercises almost similar power to exempt the people and less accountability under indemnity rules rather more accountabilities lay on towards creator instead of general public under constitution that is also permitted with consistency religious views under Quran-Sunnah like Prophet hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) sometimes exempted full 5 pillars of worships for newly Muslims and mandatory-Fard Salah prayer by late-Kaja performance for protection of dam digging, liberal laws application with mercy, prisoners releases based on situations, nature, reasonableness, necessity grounds. Prophet  Mohammad(pbuh) orders as part of the leadership that elect one as guide, instructor even if you three persons are gathered but knowledged personality will always prevail like Hazrat Abu Bakr(R)'s guidance for decision making as talent guardian(Imam) like now a days boosting instructions' deepest knowledge advisors, electoral college voting,  Upper Houses,  Monarch led Privy Council,  Imam like Monarch led Guardian Council, PM-President elected by knowledged MPs again after people voting, Chief Justice led Supreme court for constitutional dispute, separation of powers with independent judiciary, parliamentary sovereignty, select committee, election commission, religious scholars, general people's elected MPs being expert elect PM and opposition leader called  shadow PM, and so on. Caliph Abu hazrat Bakr(R), hazrat Omar(R), hazrat Osman(R), hazrat Ali(R) with his sons Imam Hasan-Hossain also were elected  from general people, intellectual civil society as well as their own party endorsement both directly & indirectly norm for people's support as much as possible during that time. Following Prophet Mohammad period and his companions-Sahabas Caliphate Rashidun period's ''guidance lessons'' both are Sunnah norm, one will always sustain who will follow the guidances of them and in fact, UK has upheld this principle of Islam having good governance under mother of modern democracy like other democratic republic countries under Islamic caliphate norm .[Hadith], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_of_the_United_Kingdom]


The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God. A constitutional monarch, with a ceremonial figurehead role, may provide continuity and stability, provide a unifying non-partisan representative of the state, and reinforce democratic legitimacy with other sources of authority, including traditional and in some cases religious authority. Islam(Adam to Mohammad) and Political science both have supported the views as well as further reforms based on necessity. As Muslims and Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims both ongoing practices are correct with legitimacy under Islam with Quran-Sunnah but it needs further appropriate interpretations as interpretations have no limitations as adopting Quran Sunnah by nonMuslims needs new interpretations to run ongoing governance practices with stability for long run where UK monarchy with democracy will follow Prophet Hazrat Mohammad's monarchial training period Caliphate phenomena-philosophy Sunnah norm(i.e. Prophet endorses next duty of throne to Abu Bakr) having even Anglican norm(i.e. first child priority with other Royal members for Throne) and UK parliament-Pope-USA-India will follow Caliph Mr Omar-Osman's(R) reformist election process Caliphate phenomena-philosophy with democracy what they have been already going on as well as others including China-Gulf countries will also follow middle position like both Prophet & Omar-Osman partisan phenomena with governance elements based on necessary, religious, traditions, customs, cultural grounds. Even monarch can appoint competent family members with others like Privy Council and other state duties 'Baiat' like Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) as well as senior one hereditary is also good for discipline where Islam also approves senior with competent personality for discipline as well as a running mate is appointed favour of monarch for under age child monarch coronation under reform having Anglicanism governance Fard norm where Quran also mentions to obey, take advise senior companions-Sahaba or take advise senior experts or competent experts. It is proven adopting Islamic appropriate  worships for entire mankind, there are no bars, obstacles under governance and constitutions as following Sunnah-Hadith's practice directly from Prophet Mohammad is correct alongside reform of the Sunnah-Hadith's practice by Caliph hazrat Omar-Osman's election governance process is also correct to justify direct popularity process for representatives for sovereign parliament in absence of sovereign Head of the State authority monarch under Ejma-consensus rules of political settlements of constitutional formation aim where Islam doesn't provide any mandatory form of governance rather it has suggested to practice its guidances, elements within governance peacefully with people consensus, don't follow non Islamic philosophy that can create chaos, destruction. [Quran, Wikipedia][At-Tawba, verse: 100, Surah Al-Hadid, Verse: 10]

"Indeed, there is a better way in the Messenger of God for one who hopes in God and the Last Day and remembers God always" [Surah Al-Ahzab: 21, Surah Al-Hujrat: 6, 7,10][At-Tawba, verse: 100]; Trying to oust Islamic sovereign Caliph(monarch) who acts mostly favour of Prophets under religious philosophy that will create chaos, destruction, anarchy, curse for nation but bringing accountability from President, parliament, Cabinet showing demonstration is allowed in Islam where monarchy is also allowed to hold constructive people's opinions under reform or indirect justifiable accountability to people where constitutional reform needs intellectuals, experts civil societies' consensus(ie. Aleem means team of intellectuals called honorary Caliph status-guardian/senior citizens) and opinion with also general people's opinions contrary only general people's consensus or opinions.[Surah Al-Hujrat: 1,2,3,7,10, 13, (Surah Hadid, verse 10)] [Surah As Shuyara-192, Surah Maidah 15,16][Surah Al-Imran, verse: 102, 103][At-Tawba, verse: 100][Sahih Muslim Hadith No. 2541, Sahih Bukhari 3/12, Hadith No. 3673]. People must elect leaders directly or indirectly to justify whether their leaders are appropriate or not where monarch as a highest guardian body is mostly coronated by intellectuals classes(Aleem) favour of people with also people's participation, so monarch doesn't requires direct general elections where PM, President requires general elections receiving people's opinions, advices, participation by multi parties or independent under people's freedom, voting, liberty rights, human rights as an active regular duties performer on people's daily life policies an active regular duties performer on people's daily life policies that is called parliamentary sovereignty in modern term where monarch requires selection from traditional monarchial body Royal family members as a founding fathers norm. [Surah al Ahzab-67][Surah (76) Insan/Dahr: Verses 2-3, Surah (90) Balad: Verses 8-10, Surah (91) Shams: 8-10] [Surah Qasas: 4-5]. Everyone has justified limitation despite liberty, independence, freedom. And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers." (Surah Baqarah: 35)(Surah At-Tawba, verse 122)


Man and women both have duty & responsibility on state function. Failing in hereafter,  They will say - O our Lord! We respected our leaders and our chiefs. They are the ones who misled us.[Surah al Ahzab-67]. Women's Rights In Islam like women's full burden mostly on male, but wealthy women will share wealth for husband's necessity works like Hazrat Khadiza(R), the word 'Nisa' meaning 'woman' is mentioned 57 times and the word 'Imraah' meaning 'woman' is mentioned 26 times in the Holy Quran. It is said in the hadith, Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Acquiring knowledge-education is a fard or duty for every Muslim man and woman." (Surah al-Baqarah: 228) Verse: 9)(Ibn Majah). For example, Hazrat Ayesha(R) being a Queen Caliph, Chief of Army Staff, politician, religious leader & expert Aleem, house wife took duty and ran also war and women also took part in Battle of Siffin or numerous wars of Islam.[Sahih Hadith]


State will function by educated, knowledged classes for every class' development poor to richer that is called fairness, justice Insaf treated as economically socialism, capitalism, communism, polity, Islamic economy, welfare country. China's educated, knowledged classes governance with socialism is also comply Islam. [Surah Qasas: 4-5][(Surah al-Hashr, verse 7) (Surah at-Tawbah, verse 103) Surah Az-Zariat, verse 19 (Surah at-Tawbah, verse 34)] "So you do not obey the disbelievers and you carry on vigorous Jihad(dire efforts like preaching) with them with the help of the Qur'an (knowledge) until their correction." (Surah al-Anfal, verse 39) (Surah al-Furqan, verse 52) (Surah al-Araf, verse 179) (Surah al Hajj-78). Entrepreneur even taking Bank loans like Elon Musk, Mukesh Ambani, Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Francoise Bettencourt Meyers will invest their billion dollars, create jobs for employees with proper salary and allowances that is also appropriate in Islam. Then when the prayer is finished, spread yourselves on the ground and seek the bounty of Allah, i.e. sustenance, and remember Allah more and more, that you may be successful. Surah Juma-10, (Surah Nahl, verse: 71) (Muslim, Hadith: 1662) (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 24430)(Surah Hud, verse: 15)(Surah al Imran, verse: 14, 195)[Surah Al-Mutaffifeen, Verse: 1](Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 6050); It is said in the Holy Qur'an, 'Then when the prayer is completed, spread on the ground; And remember Allah more, hopefully you will be successful. (Surah-62 Jumuah, verse: 10)[Surah Al-Qasas, Verse: 26]


Riba-interest is haram that means poor receives 5kg golds, he returns 4kg, then he owes 4kg again with interest, returns 2kg, owes again 3-5kg, once he or his family is slaved called dire persecution by Riba but now well examined Banks provide loan for business or specific purposes like a joint business partner with both parties knowledged treaty bargained receives profits interest-percentage with mercy norm for bankruptcy avoiding persecutions named interest instead of absolute Riba with persecution alongside state welfare activities in competitive capitalist free market system under reform Ejma rule as well as Islamic banking also runs alongside with less interest profits . Creditor and debtor both must be win win situation where Creditor won't face detriment for giving loan as creditor can be get some benefit doing something like business if he doesn't give loan the money to debtor where debtor will give some justified money willingly with happiness as part of the benefit of debtor's business or benefits called interest instead of Riba e.g. 1kg Dried dates isn't equal to 1kg dates where deficiencies must be paid by debtor or Creditor will pay debtor when he gets more amount of value over exchange consideration hadith but Araya allowed the sale of dried dates in exchange by fixing the estimated quantity(value) in the purchase and sale system. 3789-(75/...) Ali ibn Hujar and Zuhayr ibn Harb (RA) ..... Narrated from Ibn Umar (RA) that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, forbade muzabanah. Muzabanah is the sale of a fixed quantity of dry dates by estimating the amount of dates on the top of the tree - on the condition that if there is more, I will keep it. And if it is less then the loss will be on me. Banks gives loan with 1-10% rate interests value with mortgage as well as justification of investment success probabilities instead of persecution including bankruptcy mercy rule taking also loss of burden but some Islamic named banking systems have showed less interest value that is different matter over free market competition showing more benefits to customers with more equitable, justice Insaf. 

(Islamic Foundation 3753, Islamic Center 3753) [Surah Baqarah 258-286,152][(Sahih: Muslim 1578, Musnadush Shafi'i 3/15,(Abu Dawud 3357, Irwa 1358), (Bukhari 2178, Muslim 1596, Nasai 4581),(Bukhari 2176, 2177, 2179, Muslim 1584, 1596, Tirmidhi 1162),(Abu Dawud 3359, Tirmidhi 1225),(Bukhari 2192, 1486, 2171, Muslim 1534, 1538, 1539, Tirmidhi 1226, 1227); Consideration contract-Bargaining position interest payment, preference dividend and payment obligations)] Allah says in the Holy Quran, “Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly, except by 'mutual consent'.” (Surah An-Nisa 29); But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the 'Hereafter'; and [yet], 'do not forget your share of the world'. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters." (Surah Al Qasas 77)It indicates over loan matter that people will give loan for both purposes virtue and profits of investment. The Holy Quran states, “Those whose trade and commerce do not prevent them from the remembrance of Allah and from establishing prayer and giving zakat, fear a Day when their hearts and their eyes will be transfixed. Allah will reward them according to the best of their deeds. Allah will increase them out of His grace, and Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills without measure.” (Surah: An-Nur, verses: 37-38) It indicates ''Money exchange'' currency business or money value business is legitimated including loan with legitimate halal profit interest including others financial institutions like NGO, Bima Insurances, etc. “O my people! Worship Allah, you have no god but Him, and do not give short measure or weight( both monetary and virtue non monetary value).” [Surah Hud, verse: 84][Surah Al-Mutaffifin, Verses: 1-3]“And O my people! Give full measure and weight with justice, and do not wrong people’s property.” [Surah Hud, verse: 85] “Give full measure when you give measure and weigh with a true balance. That is better and better in the end.” [Surah Bani Israel, verse: 35]. Even Allah orders to provide loan without mortgage with mutual justified profits including mercy option avoiding persecutions, slavery, [Surah Al-Baqarah: 278-279]. "Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury-Riba" (Al-Baqarah 275).Allah Almighty says: “O you who believe, there is no usury, multiplying it many times over. And fear Allah, that you may be successful.”[Surah Al Imran 130],"And whatever you give for interest( Zulm, persecutional, slavery economic management) to increase within the wealth of people will not increase with Allah. But what you give in zakah(full donation, piety exchanges including poor, religious acts, marriage, study loans with without interest or very less rate of interest including rights of employment benefits and loan, unemployment allowance schemes under ILO conventions) desiring the countenance of Allah - those are the multipliers," [Surah Rum 38-39]. "Establish the weight with justice and do not give short weight(value/efforts/direct or indirect exchanges like buying-selling, loan)." (Ar-Rahman 9); “Help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and oppression. Fear Allah. Indeed, He is severe in punishment.” (Al-Ma’idah: 2); And if someone is in hardship, then [let there be] postponement until [a time of] ease. But if you give [from your right as] charity, then it is better for you, if you only knew, (Surah Baqarah 280).  It is mentioned that any  persecutional, slavery economic management avoiding justified balancing proportional allocation of budge fund for welfare classes treated political and economic mismanagement or corruptions treated as Riba within global  society despite free trading market economy like justified legitimate equitable capitalism e.g. free competitive bargaining price and fixed price with profits under well market management economy. [(Muslim 5/45, Hadith No. 1600, this Hadith has been narrated by Imam Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah in various places from various sources, see, Bukhari Vol. 3, p. 253, Hadith No. 2305, Muslim 1601)][Authentic: Bukhari 5737, Sahih Ibn Hibban 5146, Sahih Al-Jami' 1548: Rent and labor sales]. Even banks' interest can be also designed for receiving interest rate varieties(FDR profit benefits, etc) like interest for loan rate like taxation classes varieties percentages(5-60%) middle incomer to super billionaire-trillioner riches.


The Arabic word ẓulm (ظلم) means cruelty, unjust acts of exploitation, oppression, deceit and wrongdoing. It can also refer to depriving others of their rights or failing to fulfill one's obligations towards them. And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.[Surah Al Imran 129] And [for] their taking of usury while they had been forbidden from it, and their consuming of the people's wealth unjustly. And we have prepared for the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. But those firm in knowledge among them and the believers believe in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed before you. And the establishers of prayer [especially] and the givers of zakah and the believers in Allah and the Last Day - those We will give a great reward.[Surah Nisa 160-163]. Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “There are seventy-three degrees of usury. The lowest(ẓulm) of them is adultery with one’s mother for 70 times(grievous sinful degree). And the worst of usury is to harm the honor of another brother.” [Mustadrak al-Hakim: 2/37]; Hadith mentions: Consuming Riba once is equal to drinking alcohol 70 times(grievous sinful degree). Salman bin Amr narrated from his father that he heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say during the Farewell Pilgrimage: “Remember that all interest during the pre-Islamic period is baseless. It is only capital for you(allowed pure assets for business with lawful profits). Do not oppress or oppress.’ Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘A time will come when people will not care whether their wealth is lawful or unlawful.’[Abu Dawud: 3334 Bukhari: 2083] Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned.. It indicates Allah has ordered richer to give loan or do business with justified ways under legitimacy jurisdiction what has approved by Allah based on your business, livelihood, earning profits, dignity, human being, capacity.[Surah Baqarah 286]


One should have the mindset of benefiting people through business. One should be careful not to harm anyone. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “It is not right to harm oneself or to harm others.” [Ibn Majah, Hadith No. 2341] By doing business, we are not only making a profit from our customers; rather, we are providing them with goods and services. If we make a reasonable profit and do not act selfishly, it is a great help to society. By providing ''good things at a reasonable price'', the people of society will be pleased, and Allah will be pleased with us. When both the businessmen and the customers feel that we have benefited, a cordial relationship will be formed. [Sharhun Nabawi: 11/09, Al Mughni: 6/51, (Mughni li Ibn Qudamah: 6/53, Naylul Awtar: 6/346-358)]

Finally, it is mentioned that Allah has allowed business with profits including loan with profits and prohibited Zulm of financial activities but he has inspired donations like Zakat, donation, assistance loan with free interest, other welfare activities, etc. 


Islam is a universal and timeless religion. Its rulings and instructions are just and fair. Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and security. Islam is a religion of brotherhood, harmony, reconciliation, sympathy and compassion. Islam is a religion of development and generosity. Its rulings and principles include simplicity and generosity. That is, a person who does not know about the conditions of the people of his contemporary era; that is, he is not aware of the way of life of the people of his own era, their temporary situation and the way of earning a living, as well as their nature and tastes is ignorant and ignorant. [ (Sharh-e-Uqudi Rasmil Mufti, p. 98)]

We have first discussed that interest is the name of something extra and excessive treated Zulm/persecutions within exchanges especially financial matters. The difference between wages or rent and interest-bearing loans is that after using this, its original(Capitals) and original nature is not lost. Therefore, it is permissible to pay rent or rent for a house or something else, and it is also permissible to receive interest on the same money including money value, land, homes, offices, companies, employments, manpower like security guards, soldiers, etc under rent or lease treaty avoiding persecutions having 'free, fair, credible and reasonable standard norm'. Therefore, it is necessary to know the principle difference between usary-Riba and rent. From this it is clear that wages or rent are called the exchangeable money, which is given in exchange for legitimate profit or benefit. Economic mismanagement with corruption with intention treated Riba where mismanagement can be arisen also from reckless, negligent or incapabilities won't be treated as fully Riba. 


But in the present era, various new methods and methods of earning have been invented and for this purpose various commercial institutions, companies, banks, etc. have been established; all of which have their grip and rights on all the economic laws and regulations of today. It has also become important for us to gain knowledge about the transactions of all these institutions and organizations and their rules and regulations. Narrowness, difficulty, complexity and hardship are not the name of Islam. Islam does not consider any corner of civilization and culture unacceptable to the conscience of its followers. It does not create any obstacle in the right path of legitimate business and investment. It does not prohibit excellence and special achievements in industry, technology and agriculture, rather Islam has determined such activities as the ladder of success and a means of happiness and welfare for the Muslim people. Islam clearly encourages honest and trustworthy businessmen and teaches that the best income for people is; Which he does with his own hands(including knowledge, assets, efforts). (Bukhari, Mishkat No. 2759).  

Moreover, New York State Attorney General on Investing in the Stock Market or Capital market Exchange, Everyone is vulnerable to investment fraud, so before you invest in stocks, bonds, or any type of investment, take the time to educate yourself on how to recognize and avoid scams over companies information. A warrant is a type of security, usually issued in conjunction with a bond or preferred stock. The warrant gives the holder the right to purchase a proportional amount of common stock at a specified price, which is usually higher than the market price at the time the warrant is issued. A warrant is typically issued as a "sweetener" to increase the marketability of certain income securities. Warrants for shares of publicly traded stock are usually tradable on an exchange and typically have a life of several years.

It is noted that safety and security of investment with profits have both higher or lesser degrees of risk within seller and buyer treated full halal or lesser degree acceptable halal legitimacy but it must be reasonable avoiding Zulm of persecutions and deceits [ (Sahih: An-Nasa'i 4648, Tirmidhi 1270, Ibn Majah 2186),] . In a nutshell, if you want to understand the matter simply, it is like buying fruit from a tree in advance before the fruit ripens, which can be a bit risky in investment but it is Halal legitimate exchange with assumed trading with reasonable price and safety, security including Terms & conditional trading of selling -buying. [(Ibn Majah 2247, Da'if al-Jami' 5501, Da'if at-Targhib 1094.), (Authentic: Bukhari 2718, Muslim 715, Nasa'i 4637, Tirmidhi 1253, Ahmad 14195.), (Tirmidhi 1218, Abu Dawud 1641, Ibn Majah 3198, Ahmad 12134, Irwa 1289), (Authentic: Bukhari 2239, Muslim 1604, Abu Dawud 3463, An-Nasa'i 4616, Tirmidhi 1311, Ibn Majah 2280, Ahmad 1937, Irwa 1376, Sahih Al-Jami' 6031=Pre-sale and mortgage)]


But is secure investment when it is certainly know the detriment comes from natural unavoidable circumstances like storm or damaged fruits as some known seasons storms are experienced where buyers can measure their security and profits treated legitimate business and investments. On the other hand, investors get available information about companies that ensures its security of investment where some bonds schemes are given warranty where share value will never reduce rather increase in certain amount as well as general bond share are given more time to sell with profits that is also treated legitimate halal business and investment despite risk. It is noted if stock Capital markets provide guarantee one's investment will never reduce at least half of the percentage that will more secure the inventors including increased more number of shareholders with attractional encourages under more Insaf-justice, righteousness norm where even 70% people of the country will invest into capital markets by small amounts as part of the extra employment like Cooperative Societies. Even Digital Cryptocurrency Bitcoin can be also permissible under legal laws despite not fully halal legitimate religiously due to lack of security and safety yet under morality, equity but it can be fully halal ensuring security and further issues like Debit, credit cards as many things can be lawful(permissible) but not religiously moral legitimate halal-Jaiz e.g. girls can be named by boys' names treated lawful but not moral halal-legitimate under ethical religious norm fully. 


Legal advisors called lawyer for companies or persons advise to settle one's taxation measure with government as middleman where government and owner of asset know the taxation where reduction amount of  settlement from full amount of taxation doesn't depend on lawyer rather fully wish of owner of wealth and govt party. As a negotiator, lawyers are fully innocent and doing fully halal position as generally wealth owners hire a legal expert to settle their taxation as much as possible from full amount or full amount based on documentations. Similar thing for lawyer for defendant or offender parties represent the party ensuring his lawful rights to assist the trial process for fair trial treated fully halal-Jaiz legitimate profession based on documentations.


What is the belief of the Deen?

The word religion, with its Latin origin, literally means faith, belief, and mannerisms. On the other hand, deen(Din) is a complete system accepting absolute sovereignty of Allah and encompasses a complete code of life with applicable social, economic, political, and religious values. Deen refers to the complete code of life provided by Islam that encompasses beliefs, worship, social customs, laws, and accountability before God. It guides all spheres of life and promotes balance. Deen is a comprehensive term that includes religion within its scope. Iqamatus Salat

The meaning of Iqamatus Salat is to regularly observe prayer. What does aqimus Salah mean?

“Indeed, I am Allah . There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and AQIMUS SALAH (establish prayer) for My remembrance”. Dīn (Arabic: دين, romanized: Dīn, also anglicized as Deen) is an Arabic word with three general senses: judgment, custom, and religion. It is used by both Muslims and Arab Christians.(Surah Al-Imran: 164,19); When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest. And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes,(Surah An Nasr 1-2)“O my son! Aqim-is-Salat (perform As-Salat), enjoin (people) for Al-Ma'ruf (Islamic Monotheism and all that is good), and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief in the Oneness of Allah, polytheism of all kinds and all that is evil and bad), and bear with patience whatever befall you. Verily! Surah Luqman Ayat (31:17 ); The Great Lord's guidance to mankind, you proclaim My excellence and gratitude. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah says, Remember Me, I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not be ungrateful. (Surah Baqarah, verse 152), Allah the Exalted says, "Allah wants ease in your affairs, He does not want complexity or difficulty." (Surah Baqarah, verse 185, Maida 3)Allah Ta'ala says, "Invite yourselves to the way of your Lord, with wisdom and good advice." (Sura-16 Nahl, verse: 125).


Din Islam establishment process and preaching purpose activities is also recognised one of the Caliphate. 

Under Rab reign, Human being is the Caliph of God, Allama Ibn Khaldun wrote in his 'Muqaddimah' that there are three types of rulership—

(a) Natural Government (b) Political Government and (c) Khilafat.


Ibn Khaldun defines natural government as follows— To run the government according to the wishes, instincts and whims of a ruler. Such was the modus, dictatorial, fascist of arbitrary kings(non functional state). 

Second type of political government. While defining it, he wrote—

To compel all the people of the country to achieve moral welfare and avoid moral harm according to their conscience. The secular class belongs to it. Because it has no eternal destiny. For this, what seems good in the judgment of conscience, that is adopted.

The third type of caliphate. Ibn Khaldun defines this type as follows—That is, to manage people according to the thoughts of Islamic Shari'ah, so that their interests in the hereafter are fulfilled and the interests of the world are also fulfilled, the goal of which is the welfare of the hereafter. (Ibn Khaldun, Muqaddimah, Chapter III, Chapter Twenty-Five: 189) So the one who establishes the truth in its proper place and obeys the rules of Allah, he will be the caliph. This is called Khilafat.


In fact, e.g. Europe, UK, USA, EU, others and UN adapt democratic(many elements with people participation or acceptance) governance for entire people of the state with equal opportunities as Caliph(honourary instead of slave) citizen of the country as well as Islamic religious preaching, training & practice freedom of religions for both Muslims and others including atheist(future correction opportunity expectation from curse of God) treated the above mentioned principles of Islamic state(Caliphate&political governance).  And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." It has been said, 'Then I (Allah) replaced you in the world after them - to see how you act. And Prophet Hazrat Mohammad is the guardian(empowered Caliph directly by Allah) for mankind with Abrahamic ideology.[Surah Baqarah 30, Yunus 14, Surah An'am, verse: 165, Surah: Sad, verse: 26, Saba 28, Al Ambiya 107]

(24:55) Allah has promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will surely bestow power on them in the land even as He bestowed power on those that preceded them, and that He will firmly establish their religion which He has been pleased to choose for them, and He will replace with security the state of fear that they are in. Let them serve Me and associate none with Me in My Divinity. Whoso thereafter engages in unbelief, such indeed are the ungodly.

(24:56) Establish Prayer and pay Zakah and obey the Messenger so that mercy may be shown to you.(24:52)

(24:57) Do not even imagine that those who disbelieve can render Allah powerless in the land. Their abode is the Fire; what an evil abode! (24:54) Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger. But if you turn away, then (know well) that the Messenger is responsible for what he has been charged with and you are responsible for what you have been charged with. But if you obey him, you will be guided to the Right Way. The Messenger has no other responsibility but to clearly convey (the command)."(24:51) When those that believe are called to Allah and His Messenger in order that he (that is, the Messenger) may judge their disputes among them, nothing becomes them but to say: "We hear and we obey." Such shall attain true success.Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur'an, "Surely Allah commands you that you deliver the due deposits to the recipients" (Surah An-Nisa, Ayah, 58, Muminun 8).


It is noted religious scholars AleemUlamas are also perform non official voluntary Caliphate duty on preaching, training, research, writing books, notes, Kitab, teaching students, social activities, management, and so on in small city, country, worldwide including Baiat duty transaction but King President Pope is the head of the state of Vatican Papal state of religion treated Holy Status of Saint OliAwliya land. It is in the Qur'an, "I (Allah) made his (Moses') brother Harun a prophet by My grace and made him a helper." (Surah Maryam, verse 53, Al Imran 110,104)


It is noted that currently named non Muslims Christian Jews identity with western development and people attracted governance including Hinduism Buddhism India China without creator's prescribed time period holy Quran as well as extremism ISISL, Militancy or few dictatorial governance of Muslims like Saddam-Ghaddafi by Quran &Hadith widely media propaganda/news reports spreading that will destroy holy Quran with Islam once as people will be far away from Quran of Islam that will bring Dajjal's devil activities across the world e.g. some people with hatred burn Quran due to lack of knowledge over Orthodox Muslims & liberal Muslim norm, equivalency, era's necessity standards from supreme jurisdiction, sects, etc. On the other hand, entire nonMuslims have developed themselves through creator final complete scripture Quran Sunnah despite nonMuslims identity as it is his one of the mandatory holy books for knowledge, guidances, examples what ever mankind practice fully or less or part of it. None(Muslims, nonMuslims or atheist) can develop in the earth without creator's prescribed holy divine book Quran and Hadith knowledge and Prophets' teachings as earthly all subjects of knowledge books have been developed from Quran Hadith, Prophets' teachings through scholars, writers, researchers, mentors, intellectuals as knowledge come from creator.   Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. (Surah Baqarah, verse: 269) (Surah Yusuf, verse: 76) (Surah Taha, verse: 114) (Surah Bani Israel, verse: 85)  


In addition, United Nations' united religious wing as guardian body will monitor Abrahamic ideology (Muslim & Appropriate Ahle Kitab Muslims) within mankind as mankind must perform creator's appropriate worships based on full standard or less standard based on capability. People donate regular basis as they can't perform all worships properly with Tawbah as donation will recover deficiencies one and his families including death relatives. [(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 254, 263-264, 271-272, 274; 110, 45)(Surah Luqman, verse 17)(Surah Hud, verse: 114), (Surah al AnAm162, Surah Adh-Dhariyat 56)(Surah Bani Israel, verse 78)]; If I establish them in the world (with power and wealth) then they will establish prayer, enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds, and the result of all deeds is (near) to Allah (Surah Hajj 22:41). Every Sect preach own sect's worships as highest justified norm for highest heavens or hereafter happiness that requires neutral United Nations' united religious wing where this wing will publish some different different scholars' opinion-Fatuwa on the subject matter as well as disputed own sect's reasonable opinion as well as final opinion on subject matter from full bodies joint decision based on scriptures with references what is like counseling prescriptions like doctor that is not binding for member state or Sect. And the body will meet different different sects scholars to pursue the appropriateness with group discussion in every years with all sects including assisting religious scholars with safety security finance about reform keeping pressure state governments to consider reform as religious scholars sometimes can't show encourage about reform due to own sect's followers persecution, contrary. Even general people can't get appropriate measure how much deficiencies they have to develop worships by them over highest standard or lesser standard for time period worships e.g. idols using polytheism(few idol-statue practice is not treated as polytheism), ultra virus Bidat(many cultural festivals like fair, 1st day year, prophets birthday, etc Bidath or not), etc as Salafi Sunni Sect has declared once Bishhaejtema, Tablig Chillah as ultra vires( Bidat) but many more of Sunni Sect's scholars have justified as valid worshipping norm under preaching equivalency ground treated as non sinful worships but non obligator worships as Nafl as Sect generally like group setup it's worships with highest standard where neutral body will prescribe only whether is sinful or not, measures jurisdiction on subject matter for people's understanding what Sects leadership can't express it easily beyond united group's unity for goodwill for the group or Sect. Different different countries or tribals, people habits, cultural or diseases Pig-Wine drinking or LGBT diseases sickness treated as sexual dysfunction disorder disease for hormonal neuron/a neurohormones disorder like other diseases like diabetes including their right to good social life including jobs based on education competency, cared treatment and safety with medical evidences(e.g. Neurohormones are involved in many aspects of the brain and central nervous system, including: Controlling emotions, appetite, memory, and reproduction, Immune system. Some examples of neurohormones include: dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and acetylcholine), Riba, Gambling, etc matters different different sects' reform e.g. less harmful ingredients alcohol drinking with Tawbah repentance is less sin can be declared in prone to cold Europe America protecting Liver diseases from excessive drinking as Prophet also prescribed treatment newly Muslims gradually adaption stating ''first leave tell a lie(Hadith)' awarded exemption of other sins having correction period'' where Sunni Aleem scholars will never declare 1% Alcohol consumption or touching is halal due to high standard faith and commitment towards Jamat-Sect despite many Sunnis drinkers as other countries or areas Sunni will arise questions. Sunni Muslims also can work wine shops including wine production or Riba-higher interest companies or Gambling or cultural(concerts, Movie drama, etc) centers due to livelihood treated for him as halal job with social dignity in dire employments deficiencies alongside caution preaching touching Alcohol is also sinful haram by some scholars though cultural(concerts, Movie drama, etc) centers activities aren't haram. Even games like Football, Marathon, WWE wrestling, Cricket, Olympics, Racing cars, Gulf, Camel-Bull-Horse riding, Gun shooting, swimming,  basketball, hockey, tennis, volleyball, table tennis, baseball, golf, good songs polite concerts and movies drama stage shows, etc are halal sports instead of Gambling where sports companies and players work as profession monthly fixed salary, allowances or funs physical exercises as like an employee of expert artists for entertainment what doesn't affect them losing or winning in games except inspiring Gift crests Cup where companies are also earning from the games like movies, cinema, stage shows drama selling cards, tickets, advertisements, TV, etc treated fully halal activities under Islamic norm but every transaction in which gain and loss is obscure/uncertain risk is known as Qimaar' and 'Maisar' in the Shar'iah terminology treated unimaginable harm of assets over acts of Gamblings(often like addiction of acts without considering right or wrong), and as 'Juwa' in the Urdu language but losing money in halal business or acts isn't treated also Gambling. Many Sects Hinduism Christianity Judaism others rival-ness like Sunni Sects faith over Ahmedia Kafir despite correcting their faith confession on last prophet with 5 pillars of worships, etc as Sunni Jamat has been established from 1400 years that can't destroy its deepness, values, morality, standard like Aqidah-Manhaj(faith, rules, customs) or other strong issues as guardian/Caretaker.  Even many Pir Sufi teaching of worships fully declared by same Sect other scholars due to few shortcomings. One almighty creator and good deeds called worships can be always prescribed globally within 10,000 religions(Sects of Islam) where somethings aren't treated as worships e.g. Shirk acts. The wing can be formed 10-15 members larger populated religious scholars like Sunni, Shia, Ahmediah, Jews, Christian, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucius, Folk, Sikh, Shinto, etc with led Chief Envoy as someone must have to world people as a guardian to prescribe minimum appropriate worships for different different sects for heavens alongside own sects' scholars prescriptions of worships as well as symbol of unity. As 9 billions world people can't practice Quran Sunnah worships unitedly with different  different cultural faith without proper well management though Sunni sect scholars are holding highest standard of piety and practices of Rules of Akidah-Manhaz. Generally, religious preachers will keep prohibition or less prohibition haram-halal subject matters as part of the people's religious devotee where state laws will be liberal based on countries cultural necessity where Europe America have allowed to people will decide consuming alcohol after 16 years old being mature and well informed about its effect alongside religious gravity where sometimes leaders are also consume inspiring workers showing sameness solidarity of their hardworking effect for fun entertainments including instrumental concert music but all Jews Christians aren't drinking wine alcohol in Europe, America as well as governments are well aware its affects consequences they are trying to produce less harmful ingredient alcohol treated ''good management'' separation of religious denotation(higher and lesser with also realist manner) and government ruling, laws at daily life with reasonable ways as people can't adapt strict religious rules at daily busy, hard working life soon as working classes are running the economic chain of the society welfare encountering famine. In fact, people are influenced by religious scholars preaching across the world where democratic government can't implement liberalism or less standard if we preach only high or full standard of Quran & Sunnah of Islam e.g. Indian Muslim religious minister can't show liberalism claiming working in bar or producing Alcohol is halal for Muslims as he will face popularity problem including AleemUlamas where united body OIC can express working in bar or producing Alcohol is halal for Muslims if Wine Alcohol is consumable goods in society of world  considering circumstances grounds of era despite less necessary or unnecessary jurisdiction over old(senior) or young citizens( generations) management and mindsets balance avoiding extremism, chaos, riot, militancy with social science(culture, economic, livelihood) adherence with like Muslims & Moderate Muslims the way of thinking(phenomena) though online websites have fulfilled few the liberal Fatuwa guidelines for entire mankind with free access like Pir-Teacher. 


‘And from the fruits of the date palm and the grapes you take intoxicants and good food.’ (Surah An-Nahl, verse: 67)

‘They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In both is great sin and benefit for men. But the sin of it is greater than its benefit.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 219) ‘O you who have believed, do not approach the prayer while you are intoxicated.’ (Surah An-Nisa, verse: 43) Satan desires to cause enmity and bitterness between you with wine and gambling and to prevent you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you not then abstain?’ (Surah Al-Ma’idah: 90-91). It suggests mankind that though it is recreational objects with some benefits for refreshment but this will cause physical, mental harm alongside consequential social chaos, worships concentration damaging, harms treated sinful objects for un peace but people must pray worships despite his habitual drinking practice. So well management is always required to deal the matter even for less strict approach but holy cities Mecca, Madinah, Jerusalem must strictly practice prohibitions halal haram religious rules protecting its religious gravity.


Prophet hazrat Mohammad won war mecca and took Baiaat like referendum people's consent as a King head of the state to run Mecca Madina as well as effort for entire world for entire mankind including Alien Jinn nations where US President is elected directly by general people as well as Electoral vote and Upper house Vote expert bodies with final Christ Pope coronation being expert bodies consensus touching holy Bible Injil Quran oath like UK monarch differently under reform under Prophet Mohammad to Caliphate Rashedin Sunnah norm as Islamic Caliphate under UN. In terms of perspective candidate currently constitutional rules are clearly established in every country consistency with Prophet Mohammad family member and party member companion- Sahaba like party senior members and equivalent senior(elderly or expert young) citizens prospective candidacy for candidacy for the posts like US President, PM including monarchy showing hierarchy many crown Princes showing as future prospective candidacy consistency reformed Islamic Caliphate. Prophet formed Majlis Al-Shura (Consultative Council) by senior & qualified Sahabas like Abu Bakr, Ali, Omar, Osman, Salman Farsi & others to run governance despite Allah, Angel Jirael(A) divine assistance where he appointed the governors in providences with Shura advisors' advices. It contains currently Upper Houses House of Lords, Senate, Cabinet, Parliamentary Debate for scrutiny, parliamentary leader of the opposition shadow PM or leader of Senate or opposition shadow leader of Senate, Parliamentary Select Committee, Commissions, Advisory Council, Privy Council, President Advisory Council-PAC, Security Forces, Armed Forces, Religious Bodies, Judiciary, Referendum, Media Press Body, White Paper reports, etc under reform. Constitutional formation has been established in every country for stability for long run form absolute constitutional knowledge of Islam for peace. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran, 'O Prophet! Take zakat from their wealth, by which you purify and purify them' (Surah Tawba: 103), (Surah Qasas: 76-83). Zakat does not reduce wealth, rather it brings prosperity, blessings. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Qur'an, "Allah Ta'ala extinguishes usury-Riba and increases Zakat, charity" (Surah Baqarah: 276) (Surah Qasas: 76-83). And if the inhabitants of the city (people of a country or society) had believed and practiced piety, I would certainly have opened for them the doors of blessings(wealth&virtue) from the heavens and the earth. (Surah A'raf: 96); And I said, seek forgiveness from your Lord; Surely He is Most Forgiving. He will send rain upon you in torrents, and will help you with wealth and children, and will give you gardens and rivers. (Surah Nuh: 10-12)

Even some countries form Tawbah-Truth Commission to receive funds of Zakat like from corrupted money under Arbitration giving acquittal over cases. Directly elected President run cabinet or Head  of the State monarch or President appoints elected MP of parliamentary party leader as PM where PM is elected from the party and MPs for government as well as competition for good deeds and 2-3 consecutively  tenure for President or PM preserved manpowers training and wise retired reserved manpowers for monitoring like guardian,  boost experience learnings furthermore, lecturing, forming library for dire affording termed Jihad by groups groups. Election Commission manpower received vote opinion from general people from their accommodation peacefully including meeting with senior leaders, senior citizens with general people during Caliphate Rashedin what is consistent with Europe, USA's election practices like Fax messages, email, letter voting, machine voting and media debates campaigning.  (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 265-269, 257, 242-258, 148)(Surah Sad-26, Maida 8, Saffat-61, Mutaffin-26 , Al Araf 179, Jariyat-56, At-Tawba-122, Bayinah-5)


Prophet also received donation from companions and Zakat from all Muslims, nonMuslims citizens for run the governance and mankind where he provides his dress treated highly valuable honourned gift-Hadiyah to Sufi Oli-Saint WiseKarni for working for Islam and Ummat mercy plea for Ummat purifying them from sins. UN has legitimate rights to receive donation funds from countries for working mankind's management where USA-UK can also receive similar donation funds from NATO countries for world management as well as negotiated funds from world Martine, natural resources wealth for research, welfare purposes ensuring world security and safety eliminating unnecessary bloody wars for peace as NATO poses 90% of world military's strength((Islamic Caliphate of MeccaMadinah Baitul Mukaddas ie. believers led British Commonwealth(including Indian subcontinent) led USA led 1000 bases including Russia china and knowledge percentage 80% or 99%)) with governance cultural influences joint security consensus with countries under ''one country World Prithibi'' but it needs joint discussions reaching good consensus with stakeholders as military competition raised costs among each other for protecting country's absolute wealth being isolated harmful as well as poses catastrophic wars, genocide. Defense Armed Forces military later will perform duties as crisis management and safeguard forces, security forces of earth, mankind, nature, creatures, science and technological research as well as discipline within provinces in one world country instead of wars as climate change, pandemic, asteroid attack, landslide, natural disasters, earthquake, famine, wildfire, volcanic, will face future problem where law enforcing agencies like police will perform cases investigation, family, social security matters like home affairs. Once weapon of mass destruction(WMD) like Nuke will be unnecessary and eradicated fully from the earth with full peaceful situation within entire mankind unity.


It is noted that Taliban in Afghanistan might continue fighting still now if they aren't empowered in power where USA led NATO also could ahead fight against Taliban due to its capabilities where peace has come handing over power to Taliban through NATO's soberness mindset for peace priority despite NATO's higher competency with strength where more competent manpower can now assist them behind the screen moving forward Afghanistan citizens and its governance that will once establish strengthen and reasonable competent leadership within all institutions with peace being trained and replaced by more competent manpower in Afghanistan governance. Similar it is seen in Chief of Joint Staff or Chief of Defense Staff where Army chief, Air Chief, Naval Chief, all are 4 star Generals but they officially accept one is their boss Chairman for coordination with discipline institutional manner what has been running for long time within military leadership avoiding 'dire power&economic competition'. Similar thing has to be established within world leadership especially UN and its 5 permanent member states as well as its allies where they can provide more power and working sectors to UN to unite entire mankind. For example, UN or EU concept are vital where UN can collect budget globally and allocate each countries various sector with proper development research even with their own growth capacity like ILO rights and countries' judiciary under ICJ like ECJ including management and appointments alongside trade and commerce like EU including workers common rights and equitable global workplace within 200 countries where if 100 Chinese work in India's industry as manager level, 1000 Indians will work in China from school teacher to as much as possible sectors treated equitable balancing manner. Even Russia, China, India, EU, UK, USA, Turkey will establish their consensus military leadership like Chief of Defense Staff forming 10-15 members military joint leadership where UN has already democratic political leadership for UNGA, UN Security Council like EU Parliamentary process with world president UN Secretary General including global media, press, accountability, etc where people participatory democratic political governance will also continue across the world like current time always excluding politician and spiritual scholars aren't equivalent partner with God Allah despite they will future provide citizen's lawful rights livelihood largely through scientific blessings as people are the owner(beneficiary) of the earth where rulers are the trustee/custodian/coordinator and sovereign creator supreme being God Allah is sector(sole perpetual sovereign owner) of earth & universe excluding current territorial integrity sovereignty norm what was very ancient concept like 1400 years ago to develop the entire mankind by training by a sovereign(powerful/dominance capacity) nation state or a group party what 21st century in modern era must be over come to further next development era unity norms gradually full one united entire mankind being 'one state country norm' treated highest piety standard of governance norm of modernization-Insaf according to Islam where UN led global community has already extended its jurisdiction in budget, labour rights, human rights, judiciary, food activities, development goal, climate, health, trade, governance scrutiny, peacekeeping, science & technologies, UN The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, (NPT), The UN Secretariat's "Securing Our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament", The UN-partnered Cluster Munition Monitor (CMC), Small Arms and Light Weapons – UNODA, The United Nations Coordinating Action on Small Arms (CASA), UN(2001) proliferation, diversion and misuse of small arms and light weapons continue to undermine peace, security and sustainable development ( PoA/ITI Reporting Database, GOAL 2025), etc within 194/200 member states excluding full sovereign, independent country rather global consensus ruling. Even when someone will meet his counterpart with gun that shows they aren't good saved trusted friends despite good behabiours. Finally, all countries will be joined in 'Common Union' like European Union where it will lead once gradually equal citizens rights one nation One country World earth-Prithibi with priority of common goal, SGD, interest, prosperous, unity, vision, peace, blessings including equal budge allocation like USA and its provinces manner under more Insaf Justice. Robots will replace manpower very near future where common budget and development are dire necessary for entire mankind where row material, industries and consumer are different different sections of areas tribe of mankind that suggest to fight against inflation, difficulties unitedly within entire mankind together taking responsibilities entire mankind as a same citizenship earth-Prithibi nation. UN will provide loan entrepreneurs to collect budget providing world citizens with 90-95% taxation-donation(Zakat) conditions partnership favour of population where people will do worships and enjoy comfortable life and Robots will work instead of people but people will participate world's necessary work activities unitedly where currently Chairman of companies as a trustee are taking salary from companies having companies' stakeholders(like one of the degrees of  shareholders) are also the employees norm. Otherwise, chaos, nuke war between nonMuslims would destroy them including others like Muslims like Afghanistan civil war, natural disasters like pandemic, famine, earthquake, asteroid, landslide, etc by devil Eblish Sytan forces under forecast of Kiyamat sign.

As of 2024, there are around 1.475 billion vehicles in the world, which is about one car for every 5.5 people. This is an increase of about 25 million vehicles from May 2022. The number of vehicles in the world includes cars, trucks, and buses. There are more than 2 billion manpowers work in this sector including manufactures. There are roughly 608 million farms worldwide, with more than 500 million of them being family farms. About 873 million people worked in agriculture in 2021. This is about 28% of the world's employed population. As of 2023, there are an estimated 20 million restaurants worldwide, with the United States alone having a total of 749,404 restaurants. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that the global labor force participation rate was 60.8% in 2023. There are millions of people working in universities worldwide. For example, in 2022, there were 240,420 academic staff working in the UK's higher education sector. In 2023, there were over 7.4 million people employed in hospitals across the United States, 23 million in Europe, 47 million in Asia, 4 million Africa, often 80 million globally. There are often 10 millions of people working in judiciary worldwide. There are often 200 millions of people working in Supermarkets and Grocery Stores, raw markets, markets worldwide. However, Once at least driver, helper, ticket counter man 3 persons run a bus where now only driver with cards run bus cutting 2 manpowers from service where now AI will also replace driver. AI auto driving bus, private car will reach officials, students, people in their homes, hospitals, schools-universities where people will call ambulances to their home where even patients will go to ambulances through wheel chair where Robot will pick patients in modified vehicles and reach to doctor in hospital where even Robots will assist doctor doing surgery, nursing patients, pusing injection, looking after, etc e.g. people will swipe card on car and make voice call stating road & home number to reach them where manager will monitor like drone sitting at office like even Robots make delivery restaurants foods to homes. In future, Robots will make foods collecting from market, open restaurants receiving customer and take order of foods taking money, serve the foods to numbered tables and close at fixed time where money will be deposited in owner's account where one restaurant owner will run his restaurant through Robots for more than one year not coming regularly in restaurant place physically through drone system control mechanism. Universities teachers will design their syllabuses using AI where Robots will provide then lecture to students including sitting at homes through Laptop with Robot security for staff, security guards including doctors, bureaucrats, research wings including consistency religious research, lawyer & judges will design their final draft from primary AI drafting, opinions. Defense, security forces will also use AI Robots and further technologies including voting from homes for governance. Raw materials will prepare Robots and provide current industrials machines for manufacturing purposes including cleaning homes like AI car will pick garbage drum coming homes. Media, news, films, broadcasts will also use Robots, AI like animation, cartoon. Road and highways, constructions sector also will use AI science technologies. Agriculture Robots will complete every thing like drone switch system from farmers, workers. AI scientific womb will also grow more healthy children in every family including after 2-3 naturally give birth as one piety children will store his parent’s virtue including state investment from his looking after, give birth, growing, training, preparing for worships and so on. People will go universe, make homes, cities in moon, Mars, other planets. Therefore, AI and its consequential science and technologies will replace more than 50-80-95% manpower from every sector within 50-100 years across the world where one from family, colony, and village will join in work for running the Robots and its offices with comfort and rest of the entire mankind receive state allowances sitting at homes.


In fact, Robots have already reaching foods delivery to people's homes, driving car, space crafts & universe colonization, cooking, surgery, etc activities in Europe, USA, China, Russia, South Korea and so on. Helmets can cut haircut within minute including other Robot machines for haircut. Robot machines are also used in critical surgery for medical purposes. It is noted that Science and Robots will develop the human's mindset increasing humanitarian and piety where people will get money, foods from state allowance alongside less physical works where they won't compete earning more money doing corruptions as one and one's families future continue similar less difficulties smooth life from state, society where even one can easily donate others without more loving asset, money as assets aren't earned dire efforts. Robot workers will even change total society order where most of the people will do regular works by machines like washing, cooking, vehicles, jobs, etc with specific necessary branding products like 4 brands of Perfume, face creams, face washes, shaving foam Gel, etc for world people taking into account allergy, oily and dry skin, day-night, weather suitable varieties under balancing controlled capitalisms system with welfare activities where they don't need to take 1000 professional graduate degrees for earning including numerous branding products like perfume by 500 brands, some groups will take some degrees for running state and some sectors with scientific technologies machines, where others(mass population) will take basic worships' knowledge, social educations and focus good enjoyable life with earning less, depositing less money for families, etc that will reduce chaos, offences, objections, violence, evil acts, arrogance jealousy, social extreme competition, rivalness, etc having new developed humanitarian piety characteristics human being society as state has taken responsibilities of population like Caliphate Rashiden manner where people will give lease their assets to state having like credit or bank cheque assets instead directly possession as large land farm has to be formed for machine agricultural productions engaging all farmers' lands. Now a days, e.g. individual entrepreneur or companies are producing perfume comparing with others at market with customers like trade warfare with free competition with own dire risk like Gambling(one of the degrees of Riba) where some are collapsed due to quality completion despite large quantities treated as waste of money, asset where state is guardian to direct all businessman and consumer to protect world asset avoiding waste though countries setup numerous investment advisory bodies for entrepreneurs. Even mass people will be trained within reasonable numbers like 100/500 sectors of industries for comfort livelihood including luxury under vocational training courses and full courses where 50% will active manpower personnel and others are reserved personnels but one will be university professor fulfilling for one post with full salary where more than 500/5000 will be shadow professor being promotion time by time despite getting only government allowances without professor's salary as educated people with same competency with only state allowances treated shadow of the post will be honoured in society encouraging education though few only will do jobs due to few job sectors with few posts but shadow service holders will be participated debate, regular competency exam where sometimes some will be appointed from shadow manpower. Even they will assist advising, visiting, auditing active manpower with awarded honorary fees where shadow professional manpower will have state allowance, family life, children education and job opportunities including their shadow title opportunities also. Now supper riches will gradually will just precise their mass industrial sectors within specific sector where few will be private owner of this sector including govt. ownerships where very few are super riches and all are middle incomer or state allowance citizen without poor people having very less inequality. Even active service holder will work properly as many more reserved personnels are prepared to take over the post excluding social chaos, civil war, riot, etc where all people will do service based on training like teacher, doctor, cleaner, officers as riches families like Generals, Professors, Secretaries children works in office from lower posts currently before senior service holders where services or workers won't be unavailable. Even agricultural manpowers will be trained and designed under their union where active personnel will be replaced also by half of shadow personnels  6 months later with keeping always more active experienced workers in industries to continue proper growth where many countries China have already decided to set up 3 days working hour in a week excluding Zulm(persecutions). Moreover, half of the world people will work and others won't work regularly reducing climate population instead of building huge unnecessary unplanned industrial sectors for employments for everyone ideologies as all will get luxury and at least basic comfortable life within planned world society excluding inflation, economic recession, other problems fulfilling fundamental demand for every citizen by state allowances including less working job sectors as we can't ensure jobs for future large population likewise building more industries like 2/3,000 billion within same earth landmass. Therefore, science is blessing mentioned in Quran Sunnah. Robot or statue is not attacked automatically by Jin(Alien) sytan devil of Eblish(some Jin nations are followers of Devil Eblish but other Jin nations are Muslims) as people doesn't use it worships treating as sacred middle object(Usila) or piety like Imam, deity, goddess where Robot is like a machines treated scientific blessing that must be used like other good acts purposes by the name of Allah Bismillah like Azan calling sound box technologies instead of polytheism.[Quran Sunnah norm].  According to science, iron was not discovered from the ground, but from the sky. Science has now proven that thousands of years ago, a meteorite from space hit(Big-Bang) the earth, due to which iron spread on the earth. However, Allah Almighty has said: ‘And We created iron, in which is the power of war and many benefits for mankind. (Surah: Al-Anbiya, verse: 30)’ (Surah: Al-Hadid, verse: 25)Allah Almighty says: And We have made the sky a secure canopy. (Surah: Al-Anbiya, verse: 32). Scientist Stephen Hawking proved in the 20th century that the universe is constantly expanding. Allah Almighty says: ‘We created the heavens with power, and indeed, I am the Expander(including earth lifespan extension).’ (Surah: Az-Zariyat, verse: 47). And how many a creature carries not its [own] provision. Allah provides for it and for you. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing, [(Surah Al AnKabut 60, 5)(Surah Nur 64)]. The Prophet said, "My Lord knows whatever is said throughout the heaven and earth, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing." [(Surah Al Anbia 4; Hajj 52, (An Nur 21-Nuke attack largely instead deterrent norms)]; O you who have believed, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. And whoever follows the footsteps of Satan - indeed, he enjoins immorality and wrongdoing. And if not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever, but Allah purifies whom He wills, and Allah is Hearing and Knowing, (An Nur 21, 41). The key to the infinite storehouse of knowledge is in the hands of the All-Knowing Allah. ‘...they (creatures) cannot grasp anything of His knowledge except what He (Allah) wills...’ (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 255)’ (Surah Bani Isra’il, verse: 85). The more mankind advances, the more research it will have to do. That is why Allah Almighty has asked us to pray to Him for knowledge, “O my Lord, increase me in knowledge.” (Surah Taha, verse: 114). The wise and the foolish are never equal. It has been said, ‘The seeing and the blind are not equal, nor are darkness and light equal, nor are shadow and sunshine equal.’ (Surah Fatir, verses: 19, 20, 21). The beneficial and special knowledge that is found in the pages of the Quran, in the sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), in the ideals of the Companions, the Followers, the Followers, in the wonderful creations of Allah, in the various books of the wise men; it strengthens faith and opens the door to intellectual research. It is beneficial and special knowledge for all the people of the world. It is beneficial and special knowledge for all the people of the world. It is said, ‘He grants special knowledge to whom He wills, and whoever is granted special knowledge, he has a great good. Only those who are wise take heed.’ (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse: 269) Finally, I conclude with the declaration of the Almighty Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, ‘Over every wise person is the All-Knower (Allah).’ (Surah Yusuf, verse: 76). On the other hand, Allah the Almighty says, “Do they not see that We are gradually shrinking the circumference of the earth, then are they the victors?” (Surah: Al-Anbiya, verse: 44) Allah the Almighty says, “We send down water from the sky in due measure, then We store it in the earth(state or state institutions will store goods favour population as earth trustee/guardian with sufficient measurement).” (Surah: Al-Mu’minun, verse: 18).  It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming. (Surah Ya sin 40), it suggests mankind must increase its own facilities with own efforts where creator will never provide automatically blessings, [(Surah Ar Rad 11),(Surah Baqarah, verse: 177, 285)]

Examples of expensive road construction projects:

Pan-American Highway: This highway connects Alaska to Argentina and is estimated to have cost over $50 billion to build. WestConnex Sydney: This project in Australia cost approximately $28 billion to build. Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel Project, nicknamed the Big Dig, is widely considered to be the most expensive highway ever built. Official sources put the total cost at about $14.8 billion, though some commentators argue the figure could be as much as $24.5 billion. Construction of a four-lane road costs $1.1-1.3 million per kilometre in India, $1.3-1.6 million in China, and $2.5-3.5 million in Europe. The United States has the world's largest road network, stretching nearly 4.1 million miles (6.6 million kilometres). This extensive system includes a vast interstate highway network, as well as state, county, and local roads, providing access to nearly every part of the country. There are about 120 million miles (193 million kilometers) of roads in the world. The Pennsylvania Turnpike is the most expensive toll road pay such as $112.91, but it can cost trucks over $200. However, as every lane-mile of road costs approximately $24,000 annually in operation and maintenance, roadway expansion can be more costly and less efficient than operational changes. Last year, the typical U.S. driver lost 42 hours to traffic congestion—that's a full work week — and $733 worth of time lost. Congestion cost the U.S. more than $70.4 billion in 2023, a 15% increase from 2022, according to the latest Inrix Global Traffic Scorecard. China beats everyone for road tunnels with over 16,000 tunnels spanning over 15,000 kilometers. There are four hundred fifty three billion, two hundred seventy six million, seven hundred and eighty four thousand, three hundred and twenty six bridges in the world such as Arch bridge, Truss bridge, Beam bridge, Cable-Stayed bridge, Tied-Arch bridge, Suspension bridge, Cantilever bridge.. About 600,000 bridges are in the world. The Padma Bridge in Bangladesh cost Tk 30,193.39 crore/ 3 billion USD to construct where Dhaka Metro Line 1, Bangladesh  project is estimated to cost $4.7 billion.  A report estimated that an underground mass transit network would cost between £15.5bn to £18.3bn. In general, the cost of building rail infrastructure can range from $2 million per mile in flat rural areas to $300 million per mile or more in urban areas. World's longest underground train network Shanghai's metro network cost £142 million to build and transports more than 3.6 billion travellers every year.

The most expensive airport construction project in the world is the expansion of Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai estimated to cost $33 billion was stalled due to the COVID-19 pandemic will serve 260 million passengers annually. The world’s most expensive airport is Hong Kong International Airport estimated construction cost: $20 billion. Long Thanh Airport in Vietnam: In 2021, this airport was valued at $14.5 billion. Solidarity Transport Hub in Poland: This project is estimated to cost $8 billion and is expected to be ready by 2027. John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City: This airport is undergoing an $18 billion makeover. In May 2019, Responsible Travel reported that 423 new airports were planned or under construction globally. There are over 40,000 airports in the world with only 9,000 served by Commercial Airlines in the world.  With a staggering number of 15,873 airports, the United States tops the list. India recently inaugurated the Surat Diamond Bourse, the world's largest corporate office hub, on a sprawling 35.54 acres at a cost of ₹3,400 crore. The Great Mosque of Mecca: $100 billion ($115.2 billion in 2022 dollars), Abraj Al Bait: $15 billion ($19.5 billion in 2022 dollars), Marina Bay Sands: $5.7 billion ($7.79 billion in 2022 dollars), Resorts World Sentosa: $4.93 billion ($6.74 billion in 2022 dollars), SoFi Stadium: $5.5 billion ($6.33 billion in 2022 dollars), Apple Park: $5 billion ($6.08 billion in 2022 dollars), The Cosmopolitan: $3.9 billion ($5.33 billion in 2022 dollars), Wynn Palace: $4.2 billion ($5.22 billion in 2022 dollars), One World Trade Center: $3.8 billion ($4.93 billion in 2022 dollars), Palace of the Parliament: $2.5 billion ($4.64 billion in 2022 dollars). There are an estimated 94,000 office buildings in the world. The United States has more than 19,000 office buildings, followed by China with 11,000. Japan, India, and Germany are among the top five countries with the most office buildings. Since there is one CEO in every corporation in the world, a Google search will indicate more than 1.7 million. Apple is the largest company in the world, with a market cap of $3.68 trillion. It's followed by Nvidia ($3.54 trillion), Microsoft ($3.15 trillion), Alphabet ($2.36 trillion), and Amazon ($2.36 trillion). The price of a car can vary widely, depending on the model, brand, and other factors. Some of the most expensive cars in the world include: Rose Noire Droptail: A two-seat roadster by Rolls Royce that costs around $32 million, Rolls Royce Boatail: A grand tourer hand-built by Rolls Royce for three of their closest clients that costs around $28 million, Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta: A tribute to the legendary Pagani Zonda that costs around $18.5 million, Bugatti La Voiture Noire: A one-off hypercar that costs around $16 million. Almost all cargo shipments will cost between $0.50 and $2.00 for each mile traveled. Typically, manufacturers and shipping companies load 6000 vehicles on a carrier ship, but the biggest carrier ship in the world is the Höegh Aurora, which can carry an impressive 9100 cars. The thousands of cars are loaded across nine to 13 internal decks on a ship over 800 feet (250 metres) long. The amount of oil used by vehicles worldwide is large, accounting for over 64% of the world's oil consumption in 2020. Some cars use 1 liter of oil every 1,500 km, while others use 1 liter every 5,000 km. The amount of oil used by vehicles worldwide is large, accounting for over 64% of the world's oil consumption in 2020. Some cars use 1 liter of oil every 1,500 km, while others use 1 liter every 5,000 km.The vast majority of the 1.5 billion cars on the world's roads are powered by gas engines was $1.33 per liter – or $5.02 per gallon, but their stronghold is being challenged by electric vehicles. Diesel-Powered Trains: Diesel locomotives are commonly used in many rail systems. On average, a typical freight diesel locomotive can consume 3 to 5 gallons of diesel fuel per mile. Electric Trains: Electric trains rely on electricity rather than fuel. In India, the cost of a new train can range from around Rs. 75 crore (for a high-speed Rajdhani express train) to Rs. 115 crore (for a Vande Bharat train). In India, the cost of a new train can range from around Rs. 75 crore (for a high-speed Rajdhani express train) to Rs. 115 crore (for a Vande Bharat train).The cost of jet fuel for planes varies daily and is closely tied to the price of oil. In January 2022, Jet A1 cost about $816 per metric tonne, or about $0.82 per kilogram. However, this price doesn't include the cost of delivery or refueling. Major Expenses: Fuel Costs: $72,354. Labor Costs: $67,586 for The 10-Hour Flight Example, A Boeing 747-400 burns around 10-11 tons (approximately 22,000-24,000 pounds) of jet fuel per hour. Shorter flights using a Boeing 737-800 use about 2.5-3 tons (5,500-6,600 pounds) per hour. As of January 2025, there are 50 active aircraft carriers in the world operated by fifteen navies (U.S. Navy's Gerald R. Ford-class, cost around $13 billion) where It costs $1.5 million per day to keep an aircraft carrier operating. In 2023, global military spending was $2,443 billion/ $2.44 trillion, which is a 6.8% increase from 2022 where operation and maintenance, which cost for USA $318 billion in 2023. The amount of raw materials consumed by the world each year is over 100 billion tons. The cost of raw materials can vary depending on the type of raw material, the demand for it, and the global economy where Labor cost percentages average 25% to 30% of company revenue. In 2023, the average hourly labour costs in the whole economy (see methodological note) were estimated to be €31.8 in the EU and €35.6 in the euro area. In 2021, 91.4% of the world population had access to electricity 24,398 Final consumption (TWh) of world. The world's electricity consumption has continuously grown over the past half a century, reaching approximately 25,300 terawatt-hours in 2021, almost exactly three times the amount of consumption in 1981 (8,132 TWh). That translates to approximately 900 kWh a month and 30 kWh per day. To meet the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, the share of fossil fuels in electricity generation needs to drop to below 30% by 2030. The world's electricity consumption has continuously grown, reaching approximately 27,000 terawatt-hours by 2023 In its report titled Electricity Mid-Year Update, the IEA claimed that global electricity demand will increase by 4% in 2024, up from 2.5% in 2023, representing the highest annual growth rate since 2007 when factoring out the intense but short-term rebounds seen in the wake of the financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic.Global electricity demand in 2024 and 2025 is set to grow at the highest levels in the past two decades,  thanks to robust economic growth, intense heatwaves and increasing uptake of technologies that run on electricity, according to a report released by the IEA. Damages from climate change will set the global economy back an estimated $38 trillion a year by 2049, with a likely range of between $19 trillion and $59 trillion, warned a trio of researchers from Potsdam and Berlin in Germany in a peer reviewed study published in the journal Nature. In 2024, the United States experienced 27 separate weather or climate disasters that each resulted in at least $1 billion in damages. In 2024, the World Bank Group provided $42.6 billion in climate finance, which was a 10% increase from the previous year. In 2021 alone, global spending on health care reached a staggering $9.8 trillion, accounting for 10.3% of global GDP. The cost of medical care globally in 2024 is projected to be around 9.9%. This is based on the WTW Global Medical Trends Survey, which found that the cost of medical care increased from 7.4% in 2022 to 10.7% in 2023. The cost of education in the world varies by country and type of education. From 2023 to 2030, it was estimated that transforming education in 48 developing economies would cost $5.9 trillion annually.This would be 19% of their collective GDP. The annual cost per person would be $1,300.  One year in China or France costs around €8300, in Brazil it is €9500 and in New Zealand – more than €15 000. Government expenditure, percent of GDP, International Monetary Fund, https://www.imf.org › external › datamapper: United States 36.26, France 58.34, Japan 44.09, United Kingdom 44.3, Sweden 47.32, Spain 47.11, Italy 56.74, South Africa 32.47 In FY 2024, the federal government spent $6.75 trillion with total GDP $28 trillion. The average cost of a healthy diet was $3.96 per person per day in current purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars, compared with $3.56 in 2021. The largest industry in the world by revenue is the oil and gas industry. This sector encompasses the exploration, extraction, refining, transportation, and marketing of oil and natural gas products. Between 2019 and 2023, oil and gas explorers and producers logged the highest total revenue worldwide, reaching 5.3 trillion U.S. dollars. Life and health insurance carriers followed behind.The life and health insurance industry is one of the world's largest and most costly industries. It plays a vital role in the lives of billions of people and is a significant part of the world's financial activities. In 2024, the global life and health insurance industry was estimated to have a revenue of $5.531 trillion. In 2021, more than 42% of the world's population couldn't afford a healthy diet. In 2021, Africa had the highest proportion of the population unable to afford a healthy diet. In 2024, Argentina, Palestine, Zimbabwe, and South Sudan had some of the highest food inflation rates. The world produces enough food to feed all of its 8 billion people, yet 733 million people (1 in 11) go hungry every day. Hunger rates in Africa are especially high, with 1 out of 5 people going hungry each day. 2.8 billion people around the world cannot afford a healthy diet — 35% of the global population. In the United States, people waste 92 billion pounds of food annually, equal to 145 billion meals. They throw away over $473 billion worth of food annually. Shockingly, they waste 38% of all the food in America. Worldwide, the three highest food waste countries in 2022, namely with the most food waste originating from households, were China (more than 108 million tonnes), India (more than 78 million tonnes) and the United States of America (more than 24 million tonnes). For more information on the topic, 2022 Poverty and Shared Prosperity Report. 648 million people in the world, about eight percent of the global population, live in extreme poverty, which means they subsist on less than US$2.15 per day. South Koreans recycle nearly all of their food waste by composting it into fertilizer, feeding it to livestock or turning it into biogas. The National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study reported that: Food waste costs the Australian economy around $36.6 billion each year. Each year Australians waste around 7.6 million tonnes of food across the food supply chain. This equals about 312kg per person and can cost up to $2,500 per household per year. As for the country with the least waste produced annually per person, this is Colombia with 243 kg per capita. It is difficult to estimate the exact amount of money that is spent each day in the world. According to estimates, it is estimated that spending worldwide could exceed $100 trillion a year, which works out as roughly $274 billion a day. Do we produce enough food? Global agricultural systems produce 4 million metric tonnes of food each year. If the food were equitably distributed, this would feed an extra one billion people. According to estimates compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), by 2050 we will need to produce 60 per cent more food to feed a world population of 9.3 billion. As of 2021, there(five major types of houses: single-family houses, manufactured houses, condominiums, cooperative housing, and apartments) were approximately 2.3 billion houses in the world. This estimate is based on the average global household size of four people and a 7% demographic factor of the world's population. Currently, the top 10 most expensive countries are Switzerland, Bahamas, Iceland, Singapore, Barbados, Norway, Denmark, Hong Kong (China), United States, and Australia. The lowest cost of living countries are Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, India, and Bangladesh. By that standard, 31.3% of American households were cost burdened in 2023, including 27.1% of households with a mortgage and 49.7% of households that rent, according to 1-year estimates from the Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS). Consumer prices in the UK are 15.9% lower than in the US, not including rent. When rent is included, UK consumer prices are 23.1% lower than in the US. UK grocery prices are 33.6% lower than in the US, and UK restaurant prices are 7.2% lower than in the US. 1 in 10 people in the US do not have health insurance. People without insurance are less likely to have a primary care provider, and they may not be able to afford the healthcare services and medicines they need. According to analysis by the Commonwealth Fund, the UK healthcare system is ranked better than the US system, with the US ranking 11th and the UK 4th in their latest report. The world's most expensive fabrics are Cashmere from the Himalayas, Vicuña fabric from South America and Silk woven by artisans in Asia. The Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur is a staggering $30 million dress created by Malaysian designer Faiyzali Abdullah in 2009. The average cost of a prom dress ranges from $100 to $600. Designer dresses can exceed $1,000. The global furniture market size was valued at USD 677.09 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9% from 2023 to 2030. The Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond is one of the most expensive phones in the world, costing $48.5 million. The Vertu Signature Cobra is another expensive phone, costing $310,000. It's made of gold, white diamonds, emeralds, and rubies. Banks (Money Center) The banking industry (money center) ranks first on our list of the most profitable industries in the United States in 2024. Which sector is rich? Finance and investment management win by a country mile. Investment management produced 148 billionaires and other 'finance' a further 78, followed by retail at 146, and real estate at 129. Technology comes in sixth at 95. Who runs the world economy?

Many people think that the global economy is controlled by governments of the largest economies in the world, but this a common misconception. Although governments do hold power over countries' economies, it is the big banks and large corporations that control and essentially fund these governments. The 10 Global Biggest Industries by Revenue

Industry Revenue for 2025

1.Global Life & Health Insurance Carriers $5,531,9B; 2.Global Car & Automobile Sales $4,357,5B; 3.Global Commercial Real Estate

$4,329,8B; 4.Global Pension Funds $4,296,9B; 5.Global Oil & Gas Exploration & Production $4,233,8B; 6.Global Direct General Insurance Carriers $2,858,5B; 7.Global Auto Parts & Accessories Manufacturing $2,721,2B; 8.Global Car & Automobile Manufacturing $2,668,9B; 9.Global Coal Mining $2,542,6B; 10.Global Tourism $2,029,7B.

As of 2023, there were at least 187,000 hotels in the world, with an estimated 17.5 million guestrooms.There are over 1,100 skyscraper hotels around the world.Generally, a basic skyscraper costs an estimated $300 million to $1 billion.Saudi Arabia's Rawabi goes to the Abraj Al-Bait towers, which cost $15 billion. The total construction cost for the Burj Khalifa is reported to be $1.5 billion. Some of the most expensive hotel rooms in the world include:

The Lover's Deep Submarine in St. Lucia: This submarine-shaped hotel has a room rate of up to $292,000 per night. It includes a captain, butler, and champagne breakfast.  The Empathy Suite at Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas: This suite costs up to $100,000 per night. The Royal Mansion Penthouse at Atlantis the Royal in Dubai, The Muraka Suite at Conrad Maldives Rangali Island, The Royal Villa at Grand Resort Lagonissi in Athens, Ty Warner Penthouse Suite at Four Seasons Hotel New York. Other expensive hotels include: The Penthouse Suite at Grand Hyatt Cannes, Hôtel Martinez Cannes by Hyatt, and COMO Laucala Island in Fiji. Now let’s move from Kendal Jenner’s singular bathtub to these gold-plated bathtubs, basins and even toilets found throughout a five-star hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam in  in the world's first 24-carat gold-plated hotel, from $200 (£162) a night. This eye-wateringly shiny toilet is made of solid gold, and was designed by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. In 2019, the artwork, so-called ‘America’, was moved to Winston Churchill’s birthplace in Blenheim Palace, where it was shockingly stolen. Three years later the culprits have still not been found and the mystery of the $4.8 million (£4m) toilet goes on.  lavish bathroom is found within former heavyweight boxer, Mike Tyson’s controversy-ridden   mansion in Southington, Ohio with luxury features such as plentiful marble, crystal and this bathtub reportedly worth $2 million (£1.6m). There are thousands of ports around the world, but the exact number is difficult to determine. Marine Vessel Traffic: In 2013, there were 4,209 ports in 170 countries . Lloyd's List: In 2023, Lloyd's List ranked the top 100 container ports  Statista: In 2022, there were 1,125 sea container terminals, with most being small terminals. The ten most expensive port projects of the last year have a combined cost of around $22bn. Since the beginning of 2021, 84 major port construction projects have broken ground at a total cost of over $39bn, Sever Bay Oil Terminal, Russia: $1.2bn. As of December 2024, there were 323 cruise ships in operation worldwide. The cost of a world cruise can range from $16,000 to over $800,000 per person. World's Leading Cruise Lines is a part of Carnival Corporation & plc, the largest cruise vacation company in the world. A 2021 cruise ship that was listed for $74,106,135. The price of a cruise ship for sale can range from a few million dollars to tens of millions of dollars. Generally, the construction cost of these large vessels ranges from $150 million to $200 million or more, depending on features like propulsion systems, fuel efficiency technologies, and environmental standards.

In the words of Dr. Tim Fox, where 1 billion people in the world go to bed hungry every day, this waste is unacceptable. For example, 30% of the vegetables produced annually in the UK are not picked from the field simply because of their size, because supermarket shoppers will not want to buy these vegetables just by looking at their appearance. However, developing and poor countries are not lagging behind in food waste, where the main cause of waste is harvesting, processing and the old methods of storage. At least thirty to fifty percent of the food produced in the world every year is wasted. The amount of this wasted food is about 2 billion tons. This information was given in a survey report published in Britain on Thursday.

The earth does cost around $5 Quadrillion. In 2020, astrophysicist Dr. Greg Laughlin calculated Earth's value at $5 quadrillion, considering factors like its mass, temperature, age, and potential for life.

However, In 2021 reform proposal, we now have to design world country replacing considering all grounds, maturing appropriately based on needs, growth, distribution and consumption. First of all, we have to make sovereign 1 state  with 45-50 cities with high rise buildings accommodating current 200 countries having one world Prithibi country for 10 billion populations with sects' autonomic tribal cultural rights excluding natural disasters like volcanic, flood, earthquake and wildfire areas and rest of the areas will be used for agriculture, industries, fruits gardens and forest with animals where 2/40-50 million buildings will cover 10 billion population's accommodation where 200 million population with 30-40-100-200 stored 100,000/20,0000 high rise buildings Skyscrapers with safety sound fire proof |& spring system anti earthquake with cost of $66 billion dollars are accommodated in 306.4 km² Dhaka city that is 0.18% of its geographical total areas Bangladesh where rest of the lands will be used for other purposes where AccuWeather estimates more than $250 billion in damages in the Los Angeles wildfire(Natural disasters: Bangladesh loses $5.8 billion in floods every year, BD Tropical Cyclone Sidr $2.31 billion, the Sundarbans $2 billion, Cyclone $4 billion in India with $50 billion per year; In the past 20 years, nearly 500,000 people have died worldwide and $3.5 trillion in damage has been caused by extreme weather events) where Indian subcontinent 2 billion 80 million populations within 10 cities named Abrahamic Union 1, 2,3-10 need $6,000-$660 billion/6 trillion dollars by 300 millions for one Skyscraper(e.g. BD GDP $455 billion, India GDP $3.89 trillion was supposed to $8-10 trillion, Pakistan GDP: $375 billion, Nepal Bhutan Maldives Sri Lanka Myanmar Afghanistan Iran $1 trillion, SAARC regions Indian subcontinent GDP $5 trillion; China GDP $18.28 trillion, Russia GDP $2.01 trillion , Thailand $545.8 billion, Japan $6.303 trillion, SK $1.87 trillion, Vietnam $506.43 billion, Malaysia $488.7 billion,  Colombia 363.5 billion USD, Laos $14.44 billion,  Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Tajikistan Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Brunei GDP $700 billion, Singapore $548.15 billion, Taiwan $775 billion, Indonesia $1.492 trillion, Australia $1.802 trillion)  that is 5%(3060 km² ) of total total areas Bangladesh where it needs $3-30 trillion/$30,000 billion dollars for 9 billion populations that is 0.29% of GDP of USA $29.167 trillion where it is 1.05% of world GDP $105 trillion. Though people learned making brick concrete building since 6 thousand years ago but entire world population don't have yet homes though all household iron, steel, concrete raw materials are also produced in Bangladesh where collective works will estamite less cost like $1.60 trillion dollars for 20,000- twenty thousands 100 stored Skyscrapers. Even 2 billion populations within 10 cities of Bangladesh can manage livelihood by agriculture, fruits gardens, Sea foods and industries where rest of the Indian subcontinent are useless empty but people are now killing other for only foods, money, war with mass death & casualty in the world where current world military budget spending is $3 trillion or more war casualties including consequential losses, world countries election cost often $10 trillion[(Oil Gas, paper, ink, arms, etc 2 trillion raw materials production to election days)(e.g. India $1.35 trillion & USA $1.20 trillion)] where 9 billion populations with 14,000 km²(11.42%) will be accommodated in full landmass(160,000 km²) of Bangladesh with 1000,000 Skycrapers buildings where world is 510,072,000 km² as world populations have already reached developing their culture, characteristics, governance, laws, rules, religious faith, almost similar or equivalent standards under developed ''common era vision'' for unity & peace having solids density instead of gases density with unity(mind&physical also keeping more forest areas) against dangers(natural). In fact, people can also get quality environment spending time staying at homes where flat will be designed by staircase between two floor keeping dining and drawing room on ground including few bed rooms and rest of the bed rooms will be upper floor where people, child must come and get together in coffee, tea, eating regularly that will also ensure physical exercise including child play zone. There will be very limited roads and highways with stadium, fields excluding expensive underground train, airports, ports, flyover, mass private cars, tunnels to reach industries, agricultural farms land, fruits gardens through AI Robot cars, flying cars, helicopter, drones, cargo vehicles, bullet train where farmers will AI Robot machines, workers to cultivate farm lands as well as similar things for limited necessary industrial sectors. 50-100 nuclear power plants will produce electricity for mankind and industrial sectors. 9 billion population don't need to be engaged actively in works treated as indoor and outdoor  religious people where children will work for few months, weeks, hours as part of the Zakat(taxation & donation) where doctors children must adapt doctor education despite difficult subject with more labour efforts as part of the Zakat of wealth(knowledge, health) hereditarily norm as children own monetary wealth hereditary norm and provide zakat taxation. Similarly, child will be educated in schools for all sectors like agricultural, industrial as they will only run AI Robot machines including drone systems instead of hard labour where family zakat system will continue for children to be trained as family norms as well as Text tube babies will be allocated in necessary sector as part of the state children despite living in family where couple will take more test-tube children with healthy brain after taking 2-3 natural give birth children. Even family who clean dust using AI Robot cars sitting even AC office rooms showing computer monitor like drone, they can admit their children for Vice chancellor post for running universities as giving more zakat having pietyness taking hard effort educational training for society, state is more Virtus where all professionals will get similar homes, foods, clothing, treatment facilities where they will work in different different sectors taking training as part of the duties e.g. judges of high court perform civil suits or criminal cases despite similar rank, wages, allocation, dignity. Voting from homes or obeying governance is also giving Zakat where existing monarchs will be the autonomic chief of Abrahamic union's of own sect with British monarch chief of monarchs including directly elected President of union within world Abrahamic union's 50 cities based on consensus of populations for any suitable & mature constitution including United Nations' Secretary General as an union's President or UK Monarch head of the state with privy council with elected PM of world country with multi parties parliament for polices, laws debates with voting rights with upper house though few cities with high rise buildings have been already built in the world that can be also taken into account for reduction of expenses as an initial part as hypersonic vehicles are now available as there are no political, monetary dire completion and misconducts within this social economic system where state bodies will only ensure accountability, management, justice, and further developments based on necessity as all people's consumption are almost similar, there are no extra or luxury products in markets , why people will run for money or corruptions?. Citizen will get ownership flat(1/2 with 10-20 rooms with guest rooms including apartment common guest rooms & mosque-church/worshipping prayer floor) considering family members with awarding their current wealth non liquid bank credit under landmass acquisition norms where they will stay China permanently but his work in India, they will stay in India during working time where people will stay in their flats as well as borning people anywhere will stay anywhere across the country getting ownership of flat gradually like winter, summer weather with their choice as more than 20-30 Chinese cities are already built in modern ways to be served current purposes where all people can't go outside together without necessity but every apartment will get outside like for walking, sports, stadium, park, tour with specific time even taking permission from management officials where 100-500 stored building with duplex flats design will be surrendered by park, walking roads, garden trees, sitting chair for hang out with winds & sun light, etc for 2000-10,000 thousand people having mature density and architecture norm like Hong Kong Qatar excluding landslide from another apartment within city where people will go out at grounds through flying jackpots, lift during fire, earthquake including quick rescue planes, helicopters service where currently high luxury apartments flats will be given richest people of the world where poor classes gradually will be shifted for equivalent luxury apartments gradually despite working including good result discovery gifted flats and marrying other union apartments reshuffling but they will get luxury treatments, foods, household goods, tours, general flats with AC-room heater, other state facilities ensuring justice-Insaf with comfort including e.g. two design phones with same charger under two brand companies, effective two types of tablets and liquid medicine of adult-child with doses like two types of Covid 19 Vaccines instead of 200 types of tablets worldwide for fever for entire mankind population number with less reduction & waste where gradually working people will get luxury apartment or gradually replaced all apartments by luxury having remaining working for society for state necessity treated as non discrimination where crown prosecution services for plaintiff including defendant lawyers by defendant choice with free cost from state law service with fair trial will be conducted for professional misconducts with imprisonments or warning sentences for correction under ethics professional code conducts e.g. professionals will serve avoiding laziness, negligence where prophet mostly inspired healthy young to do work instead of taking donation of zakat largely as Professor Stephen Hawking served willingly properly until his death, despite his physical disability as part of the human responsibility, duties called Zakat as Ashraful Makhluqat is an Arabic phrase that translates to "the highest form of creation" or "the noblest of all creatures". There are no prisons in the Vatican, the Holy See, Netherlands(a population of 17.2 million), Switzerland Norway and Monaco.  Even state will make safe city for riches in other areas acquiring people's lands that must be given value from riches to poor classes giving them also good monetary credits with value(safety, unity, new reforms benefits, etc) where poor classes of areas will get general apartments under reshuffle norm where persons' rest of the wealth(70-60% of total) will be given banking credit to state where state will just acquire few percentage of wealth(30-40% of total) from citizens and poor  classes including beggars will get flats from them based on assets value of person  to persons where few percentage of asset with consensus will directly acquire under zakat taxation. Discovering new AI Robots, science technologies with courageous excluding only duty performance for state as part of Zakat, notable people will be awarded honorary rank like Nobel laureate or General rank, pietyness rank where general people will arrange Dowa prayer for every month in worshipping places for these rank notable persons in order to courage, competition for new developments as all good thinking, physical, monetary acts are only for Allah treated as worships excluding slavery(Zulm). People will collect necessary goods using ID card with value credit(e.g. 10 piece shirts for 1 year) from shops where even people don’t need to distribute treated as scitific machine weight measuring without discrimination or corruption where ID Card won’t be releaced from machine if one takes more goods beyond card limit as machine doesn’t know religion, race, colour, atheist, minority, etc except justice based on software inputed rules that will fully remove social discrimination accusation against govt. officials. Even Salah prayer will be in apartment's one floor mosque-churches but other people will take part sitting their own flats opening microphone listening surah like Anglican congregational Salah style due to space shortage and Qurbani animals will be given to all people measuring its necessity instead wastefulness with mass slaughtering including Aqigah. As now a days, people mostly work for money, social status where state will provide all necessary things like community buffet dining with more foods by same money but 20-10% people will work only work to run the state, industrials, agricultural sectors under zakat rules to be trained in educational institutions despite luxury life allowance from state. Family people will provide food items and fruits, household necessity goods and quantity for every month, weeks sending email to Household department officials where people will collect these from office or Robots will deliver these at homes measuring city budget quantity where refrigerator will be given for saving foods from waste where China currently abandoned many luxury housing cities like Tianducheng for high livelihood cost inflation. Most of the people will stay at homes where AI Robot police with non lethal weapons will monitor where one family is in quarrel getting automated call to police station from homes and Robot police staying under apartment will enter room to resist offences like murder where murder would be mostly non intentional, manslaughter, will be awarded 5 years jail for corrections where even some religious laws will be changed where most of the person will marry two wives without even first wife's permission where husband can't divorce first wife if wife doesn't seek divorce where wife will seek her friend as sub wife/2nd wife partner like Abraham(A) and temporary marriage will be conducted if first wife gives resistance marrying 2nd wife as some women also will work in many sectors alongside males where wealth will be awarded half both male female under equal succession rights from state where everyone will marry Mutah marriage for few month alongside his permanent wife if women ration is less where people have to pass his physical sexual capacity test in machine if he wants to marry more if women are available under laws where women will be two types such as permanent wife or mutah wife where wife can seek divorce from sexually harassments treated as needed dire love affection family husband wife bonding as well as mutah wife with her children must be treated as equivalent manner with permanent wife’s children under love affection justice competency test norms where one piece date or 2 raqah Salah is Mahr dowry norm though women brain or conducts are sudden violent taken into account also that will be also tested into scientific AI machine whom is liable husband or wife on divorce dispute cases. People will apply to marriage centre like divorce women, unmarried women who like him to marry based on his CV characteristic certificate for permanent or temporary period 3-6 months as well as women can seek divorce with grounds where parents, relative, family, state. Social bonding, heaven & hellfire, daily prayer with daily duty, family conduct, sexual conduct, social& neighbor conducts, duties and responsibilities for state and society subjects for study syllabus from childhood educational training as well as TV movie, Drama series, etc for general people where specialized education will introduced under universities like specilised educational institutions for only state, social, production, governance managements manpowers. Police will arrest children to be trained in educational sectors with counselling if parents don't send children in schools providing zakat zakat under taxation violation laws where manpower will be taken from zakat, counselling arrest education, voluntary families for any sector, Test Tube babies without shortages of manpowers. Most of the population will be trained watching educational lessons from TV, video, audio classes treated films, movies, drama series with expert professional teachers, trainers, actor, actress what will be going on for adults, children, old for their entire life as part of the entertainment and education. People must attend worshipping places in week, month, daily including health exercises Gym, sports that will be monitored by Imam, officials as well as family members duty. Offences will reduce largely with sins as well as rising comfort life for entire mankind riches with knowledge and monetary luxury including collective virtue earning with individual worshipping performance that will reach most of the people but special ran manpowers can be given some especial homes, car under small capitalism labour and entrepreneur norm under state hold partnerships with private beginning to be reached full stage of civilization with Insaf justice having labour and entrepreneur similar benefits with status norms like 50-100 years scheme, 200-300, 300-500-more years development schemes ie. gradually adaption norm where all villages people can be shifted within district cities building within 1-2 years and gradually all buildings will be made within 50 years with luxury as scientific luxury has no limitation era to era. Therefore, 2000 billion population need only 50% of landmass where the rest of are forest eliminating carbon emission, climate disasters where even 10 trillion population have no problem at all.  Even people can build universe cities into universe as well as travels. The total land area of the Earth is about 196,900,000 square miles (510,072,000 square kilometers). This is about 29% of the Earth's surface area, while the remaining 71% is covered by water, Oceans cover an area of 139 million miles2 or 361 million km2.  5% world population live in 50-60% world areas where half of the population live in 5% world areas with complex density norm with weaken unity normIt is noted that holy cities with religious manpowers including Itikaf(voluntary stay)  with field congregational grounds with date palm, Olive oil garden trees, museum like Baitul Muqaddas, Mecca, Medina including even surrounding  Syria areas will be used for worshipping purposes including religious research centers excluding residential living places its nearby areas where general people provide Salam to Hajj pilgrimers to their phones treated as taking part into Hajj favour of them giving few portion donation money where active working classes families will get priority to go to Hajj & Aksa mosques prayer like 10 million at a time per year as well as tour festival with free state service including volunteers teams management for entire mankind where people will rotate through plane, Mina Etekaf at homes, few people rotation favour of entire people, watching TV live with Dowa prayer sitting at homes, etc where people will also serially perform physical Hajj gradually by 5-30 million per year. But every city will have also stadium for Eid prayer for large gathering or few worshipping places within apartment floor mosques. Government & state officials, monarch, head of the state, PM, ministers, state chief minister/governor, etc mostly need few separate building or homes due to security matter but they will live their own booking apartments after retirements. In fact, there are already 10-20 thousand/2 million buildings in the world, roads, highways, industries, agricultural land, gardens, within $105 trillion dollars GDP per year where united world population only needs $3-20-30 trillion GDP per year for luxury life e.g. 1kg beef with fruits per day = 20 pound, 9 billion needs highest $20 billion dollar, electricity, household goods often total production cost for luxurious common consumption highest $1-2 trillion per year instead of $105 trillion GDP with dire labour & resources waste as there are no roads, airport, port construction, renovating cost, gas, oil cost, except few for production purposes. Even people except old age-child won't be sick due to clean weather and nutritional foods with comfort livelihood where Muslims & nonMuslims currently live together brotherhood in every country treated as now fully waste with sins for wasting more than $100 trillion money per year despite common wealth norm. Even Indian continent, China Korean continent, Europe Russian continent, American continent plates can be also built few cities for one world country for entire world populations where agriculture machines, goods will be supplied by hypersonic Cargo plane vechiles where cities people will produce necessary amount of goods collectively e.g. Bangladesh Garments, Taiwan computer supplies, China constructions & households supplies growth, India Pakistan agriculture & households supplies growth, Russia Israel Japan Europe UK USA Korea Australia machines science technologies Robots & energy as well as further development research educations including all others suggestions including health care services, USA Pakistan & Africa distributions & fruits Gardens Sea agriculture fishing including health care, UK Arab mosque or worships preaching & management with engaging others and Oil Gas energy sectors including health care |& educations with tour intertainments and households life lessons educations, Iran marriage management & social unity peacekeeping, etc where all nations, tribes people will be engaged within all works collectively as groups where Royal families, business classes, religious & intellectuals groups engaging general people will run governance and counselling management teams, people’s unity with peacefully dispute resolving avoiding chaos, anarchy where individuals can reach his/her problems to judicial team for 24 hours active duty services by several hundred thousands with quick response including local and central teams communication opportunity through video, audio methods where mobile phones will provide TV, Radio, internet services both offline & online system, security and safety including health care emergency wireless teams treated 4 member states UN country cultures where current general people are owner of the homes including earth & universe as well as livelihood from state as citizen where rulling classes are rulers, management managers, armed forces defense security and management club, lawyers judiciary club, and entrepreneurs businessmans including weapons industries are also owner of their wealth as trustee and upper house hereditary members despite leaving many products including mass weapons productions where political rights of governance for all including general people to Monarchs under different different duties and responsibilities having appropriate peace and unity where all groups will get similar luxury flats and household supplies with buffed foods-fruits where there are no losses for businessmans, rulling classes, working classes rather collective perpetual benefits, profits. Even two businessman own 50 billion and 100 billion dollars where removing their goods like weapons or perfume value is only fixed 60 billion within 150 billion but both are the owner of the 60 billion where they will run the business duties being elected as business groups President and secretary with directors where they will be accountable to parliament, elected government from their general members and general people where supreme court finally will make decision giving judgment if any dispute is gone to court like weather they remove necessary goods or not from production, if they perform negligence duties will be given warning sentence, manipulation in their election for 5 years imprisonment or removal suspension, parliamentary debates will also be needed to priority products growth with necessity where sentences are soft and less always despite serious offences as there are no private competitive greedy rivalness profits growth norms rather collective duties and responsibilities for family, society and state under piety human characteristic manners. People will be united fast as there are no extra luxury products what one can’t consume buying from huge money as there won’t be unauthorized products that will lose competition for money rather all will hold collective value of sector of industries suspending global trade having global growth, distribution and consumption called social business instead of warfare situations famil within families, neighbours, villages, cities, country to countries entire world within mankind. Extinct fruits, plantations, agricultural crops, animals also will be grown and looked after as part of the hobbies despite not necessary regular basis but it can be needed future e.g. Royal Bengal Tigers, Lion, medicine trees species will also rise in world forest with camera monitoring from long distance under plantation and garden management. In future, it doesn’t need tribe nations identity like American, European, Bengali, Indian, Japanese, etc being full developed unity treated as named only children of Adam, Noah, Abraham where now Abrahamic union 1, 2 , 3445679 numbers identity, English & Arabic language(writing English Alphabets are easy with huge vocabulary and interpretations treated rich language to world people), religiously also same Muslim and servant of Allah identity, Insan-mankind identity, clubs/groups identity from every sects/tribes like science, math, industries & entrepreneur businessman, farmer, teacher, lawyer, rulers service governance, religious, constructions & architectures, households affairs, media journalism, cooker cuffs, cloths, security defense, food experts, doctor nurse, economist, management, culture, education, intellectuals, experts, active manpowers, citizens, etc from all current sect populations combination gradually to be one united developed educated skilled Insan mankind earthly nation alongside another Jinn nation with boost democratic governance rights opportunities where later current nations, tribes, geographical location, names must be erased forever from history for unity forever for next kins having only Insan mankind recognition erasing discriminations. In 2025, even 50% world populations are always stayed already in homes or building offices where 27% agriculture workforce and 20% workforce for half day outside homes workers. Strategically use few goods materials are reduced automatically large materials e.g. Cotton yarn for clothes from Bamboo instead of Cotton trees, Banana trees; wood, furniture, glass dishes, pipe, paper, train coaches, rope, homes, roof, bed, sticks, etc useful products from Bamboo treated as Proxy/equivalency, fit for purposes use of other goods under fusion reaction processes. Remote controlled agriculture machines like tractors-harvesters, fruits harvesters can easily grows crops without people's working physically in land farms. Thousands miles long 100 stored Solar panel wall will meet up world energy demand easily. 

Therefore, Allah He is the One who frees people from poverty and enriches them with wealth. Allah says, ‘If you fear poverty, Allah will, if He wills, relieve you of poverty out of His mercy. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Wise.’ (Surah At-Tawbah, verse: 28). The verse states, ‘He found you in poverty, then He made you free.’ (Surah Duha, verse: 8)(Surah At-Tawbah, verse: 28).

Allah the Almighty declares: “Then, on that Day, you will be questioned about the blessings(wealth).” (Surah At-Taqwa: Verse 8). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “On the Day of Resurrection, no servant will be able to move his feet until he is asked about the following: How he spent his life; what he did with his knowledge; where he obtained his wealth and how he spent it; and how he used his body.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith, 2417). And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces [dissension] among them. Indeed Satan(devils) is ever, to mankind, a clear enemy. Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has Satan been to his Lord ungrateful. O children of Adam, take your adornment at every masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He likes not those who commit excess.[Surah Al Isra 53, 27; Al Araf 31]. Satan only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred through intoxicants and gambling and to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. So will you not desist? [Surah Maidah 91], It directs that processing halal fruits like date, gripe wrongly treated as alcohol wine, similarly designing wrongly economic structure called mismanagement treated as Riba that is like wine drunken/lack of knowledge haram prohibited and continuing it treated as gambling ie. disease as it is harmful for human being created through sins creator Mr Eblish Sytan's influence, incitement. It is noted that reducing large economic sectors in small effective size treated religiously righteousness called Imam Mahdi norm where Isa Jesus norm is eating foods from single dishe unity-harmony being united by entire mankind brotherhood and appropriateness treated as blessings kind mercy RahmatBarkat treated as also Ali, Fatema Mariyam, Prophet Moses, Yusuf, Zulkifal, Suleiman, Mohammad’s (sw) collectiveness brotherhood Zakat norm under common era with era's consistency reform norms treated a Vaccine for diseases. In fact, people will be unemployed forced staying at homes that will force govts. to provide livelihood that will automatically reduce many consumed goods demand that will collapse industries with unemploying workers. Like this, once 90% people will be unemployed population where few workers with Robots will produce necessity goods but independent countries will face difficulties to supply necessary facilities to unemployment population due to global separated economic structure as some countries depend on some expert goods getting GDP revenue remittance to provide livelihood where e.g. Cuba isn’t self sufficient to provide all facilities for population where dollar is needed to buy goods from abroad where non experted goods countries will get dollar or money for buying goods?. It is assumed all countries won’t be successful to provide livelihoods to unemployment population own earning economy(e.g. Sri Lanka failed to provide medicines, foods, oil, gas, electricity, necessary goods) under dire capitalism norm lack of trade, commerce with less exported production e.g. gold jewellery consumption reduction will lose jewellery production with workers and gold mine production treated as automatically shut down the gold sector. For this reason, UN ILO or human rights, Foods, development wings take burden and responsibilities for the unemployed world populations that will protect the poor countries population from civil war, anarchy, famine, hunger, diseases, pandemic, etc; otherwise independent countries with its independent economy will fail to protect its population due to its non sufficiency of wealth where countries, world wings won’t get money without loan where countries will be bankruptcy, who and how bankruptcy countries will be sustain long time by other donation, loans without effective measures. Therefore, common wealth norm will protect all entire mankind with common growth with demand, distribution and consumption treated as vaccine norm without costs of waste. In curren waste is like e.g. 10 kg Mustard seeds are produced in land of 10 people where they keep it few day in their homes and waste it 9 kg to send it 1 kg to industry for 1kg oil production but if it is grown in land 10kg and send it from land to industry, it produces 10 kg oil where we have named wasting 9kg seeds stating it is also consumption of ownership faith as we have occupied seeds in our own homes and waste it as part of the rights consumption. Now if we leave this rights consumption, we can consume 1kg oil directly from 1 kg Mustard seeds. Even people don’t have enough training to use money properly like seeds where they make or consume unnecessary goods, execisive luxuary goods like golden toilet, golden car, etc treated as wasteful instead of taking prioritise proper healthcare, fruits, foods, Gym instruments, necessary books & counselling, environmental residences, etc. Therefore, multi political parties will ensure all necessary measures, lessons, steps, further development plans in their manifesto towards people to be elected for governance like now a day ensuring entire world population rights, benefits, facilities, etc where riches being trustee will be Upper House members as hereditary peers/members alongside others like scientists, Professors, intellectuals, worker union leaders, religious preachers, women, disable, LGBTQ, etc representatives. Laws will be passed likewise with debates, expert opinions drafting including public hearing, referendum, autonomic sects’ cultural special rights, etc elements considerations. Every apartments skyscraper, few apartments skyscrapers with educational institutions, officials, etc can be also autonomic governance like province/city as part of the official state duties and responsibilities treated as religiously zakat. AI technologies focusing matters: First develop auto driving, Robots for delivery, Robots workers for raw materials preparation for machines processing for industrial goods and agricultures, officials and corporate areas decisions making cases judgement,  drafting, researching, teaching, preparing lectures, healthcare treatment, selling Robots, voting, security, Hypersonic cargo planes vehicles, etc priority sectors development for keeping people at homes. It is noted that Europe will build 1000,000 Skyscrapers buildings for 10 billion world populations within 20 years and they send planes calling people to come willingly where some people will come later willingly after observing benefits where 99% world populations will go willingly at first stage hopefully. And under physically active military with trained manpowers initiatives, abandoned areas buildings will destroyedyed and put concrete dusts in deepest holes in collecting few buildings dusts where fruits gardens, plantation, agriculture, industries will be run above soil of concrete dusts where goods will be exchanged with confused 1% population until engaging in the country like mature modern civilization v Andaman Nicobar ancient tribal civilization comparison though ancient tribal civilization isn’t destroying forest, environment and they are united society where they eat foods from collective hunting animals including unity&peace despite not getting institutional modern scientific educational knowledge, culture. Europe is the safest place in the world as well as Sea beach, travel Sea and worshipping places Hajj pilgrim and Aqsa mosque areas are nearer from the Europe including Asian, African plates agricultures, industries, plantation areas through roads, sky roads, and Ocean roads. It proverb is that ''Many a little makes mickle/ A stick of ten is a load of one''.

In fact, as priorities sectors, people need firstly education & training; spiritual ritualistic worshipping including atheism; scientific hybrid agriculture including farming, Oceanic fishing, gardening, foods productions including restaurants;  accommodation housing; health care; industries and materials; community service centre including Gym haircut, hotels, corporate offices with jobs investment, research and debating clubs & necessity commodities' markets; governance(executive, legislative, laws & judiciary); Media, Tourism, sports, entertainment and journalism with preaching like educations, management & security(defense departments including forest, disasters, climate, earth safeguards forces & interior like police departments); communication including advanced video conferencing mobile computer, transportations and roads; research and developments including rewards, reforms, sacrifice veterans, welfares & salary, state banking with budget&planning with investments, science and technologies including AI, and so on. Though few manpowers will work for these necessary sectors but their salaries would be almost similar alongside similar modern housing, nutritional habitual foods goods supplies with household necessary goods supplies including common tour facilities, treatment, clothes, educational & worshipping facilities though some monetary salary is only for inspiring into works having rich community-state wealth charity-trust norm instead of directly dire personally riches norm with liquid money as well as few individuality like buying few things clothes, special foods like cooked packets, furniture, dishes, cosmetics, laptop & phones , couple severally tour tickets including planes, ships, universe, golden watch, golden dises, diamond-golden sunglass and pen chair table crasts for Nobel laureate, etc like community gifts reducing mass mental and physical stresses though these items will be very limited production with marketing excluding  inflation & recession norms under ''production, distribution and consumption with 'need norm'' under Islam having prosperous and higher prosperous norm curing social poverty diseases where mass destruction weapons including ICBM-Nuke will automatically be abandon and destructionEven developed countries can provide science technology including AI Robots to poor nations for productions and distribute to entire mankind where current countries will run autonomic governance with their own culture, religious faith, characteristics excluding war, trade war.  Even if 2 million childs are trained from schools gradually selected half of the million students for higher scientific development research like Nobel Laurate standard that is also possible within university training process instead of dire free market competitive economy including foods to all basic needs. Even autonomic culture sect or individual also will be taken into account like alcohol wine drinking, cigarettes, smoking, Betel leaf Zarda , etc production & consumptions gradually will reduce adult and old individual community voting choice considering bad side, good side tolerance bad habits with gradually curing manner of state laws(e.g. 1 bottle wine from sate for month with license with doctors consumption capacity limit with parent guardian permission) as mature aged people are Caliph-free choice over sin or non sin balancing only state guardian & family guardian norm for ruling individual within family, social and state norm for laws' application and legislations treated as full justice Insaf instead of religious extremism under freedom of religion. The necessary manpower will be used only for proper production &  distribution norm instead of waste(e.g. 1000 products are enough within trillions), as currently 10 pound is consumed after using  500-1000 pounds by providing huge manpowers' efforts for mass number of products' production e.g. one date palm tree gives fruits with 500 trees date garden despite wasting money, labour, time, fertilizers for large garden treated as wasteful economy structure-order. It is assumed that only electricity can replace gas, oil, petrol, diesels, octane, coal, etc that will save environment with positive climate change consequences reduction of diseases and natural disasters with its losses. There are five basic human rights: food, clothing, housing, education, and medical care treated as economic need of community excluding slavery.  

In the days of Ayame Jahiliyyah before 1400 years ago, it means the dark age. People were economically dire corrupted, greediness, revenging, cruel, jealousy like other characters with mismanagement(Riba) consequences slavery, perverted social consumptions were arisen. In order to develop them curing gradually from this diseases, Islam introduces just, realistic rules, norms, rising collectivity unity, equality, justice, social justice, rights dignity including labour- owner like good wages with same foods & clothes ie. equitable manner, prisoner-state, etc. e.g. people got opportunity to invest with trading and provide wages to labour including Zakat/taxations to state funds being riches or productive capitalist owners like businessman/entrepreneurs where investments were state monitored like current time with state permission having vision zero discriminations with middle classes with riches excluding poverty gradually developing people's characteristics like donations, voluntary social works, non greediness&jealousy where state didn't captured entire economy with landmass asset due to realistic manner gradually adaption remaining riches, and less riches employments and donee Zakat receivers but Islam provided ''economic scheme mechanism aiming for collective growth with needs, distribution and consumption'' what has developed now UN one state manner due to long standing practice within nations reaching common interest with prosperity with peace being unity union like final/highest step family norm(parent & children expense differently from family fund with equal care & bonding on earn & cost for entire mankind) developing earlier steps norms friend-relative with trading- Zakat taxations world economy transition  like common wealth after 1400 years that wasn't possible before 1400 years ago within entire mankind with enemy standing mindset. Similar all people don't need congregation like high rise building mosque manner rather residential home flats will be used as mosque connecting one floor mosque congregation in high rise apartment building where entire people don't need full mosque room floor. In fact, united world people will need only 20-30 professions and 1000 products instead of more than 1000 professions and trillion products. In economic norms of Islam since Prophet Adam to Mohammad, as people will come to be skilled manpowers from duties and responsibilities with necessity encourages(Zakat taxations) for family, relatives, socity and state for peace and unity instead of forced slavery, greedyness, wasteful luxury like healthy youth should work for growth instead of donation suggested Zakat quotation of Prophet Mohammad where growth will be distributed with just and Insaf, justice, equitable, necessity considerations grounds(e.g. more goods for large family members) avoiding jealousy and rivalness chaos characteristics as well as this effective growth and distribution will ensure appropriate comfortable luxury that is righteousness where AI and scientific machines can replace manpowers dire physical labours, efforts alongside improving human being characteristics with pietyness avoiding devils. Even state favour of people will exchange goods with other states e.g. 1kg gold for 10 watch lock until uniting entire mankind within one common state system with united growth like Vaccines, musks, handwash, handcleansers, kids, Oxygen syllenders, gown clothes, medicines, doctors nurses, funeral grave services, foods, etc provided exchanging freely necessity supplies norm within all countries, nations during Covid 19 pandemic under united globally collective living norm.

 Allah says, We have not sent down to you the Qur'an that you be distressed. To Him(Allah) belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and what is between them and what is under the soil. Go to Pharaoh. Indeed, he has transgressed."And ease for me my task. And appoint for me a minister from my family .Increase through him my strength. And let him share my task.That we may exalt You much. And remember You much. [Surah Taha 2, 31-34, 46]; Indeed, my protector is Allah, who has sent down the Book; and He is an ally to the righteous.(Surah Al Araf 196). [The Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you book and wisdom-science and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, "This is not but obvious magic." [Surah al Maidah 110]; He said, "You will not receive food that is provided to you except that I will inform you of its interpretation before it comes to you. That is from what my Lord has taught me. Indeed, I have left the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah, and they, in the Hereafter, are disbelievers.(Sura Yusuf 37, 43-49,55). After returning from prison, at one stage of the conversation with the king, when the king was expressing his helplessness about where to find a skilled and trustworthy person to deal with the famine, Yusuf (AS) offered himself for this purpose. In the words of the Holy Quran, ‘Yusuf (AS) said, “Put me in charge of the treasury of the land. I am a trustworthy guardian and a knowledgeable one.” (Surah: Yusuf, Verse: 55). Allah the Almighty says, "And We have sent down iron, in which is great strength and much benefit for mankind." (Surah Hadid, verse: 25). [We said], "O David, indeed We have made you a successor upon the earth, so judge between the people in truth and do not follow [your own] desire, as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah." Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the Day of Account. [Surah Sad 22-26][Al Anbia 78]. [This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.[ Surah Sad 27, 29]. Allah knows what every female carries and what the wombs lose [prematurely] or exceed. And everything with Him is by due measure.[Surah Ar Rad 8]. Allah Almighty says, ‘O children of Adam, wear beautiful clothes at every prayer. And eat and drink; but do not be wasteful. Indeed, He does not like the wasteful.’ (Surah: A’raf, verse: 31), The Almighty Allah says, ‘Do not be stingy in spending, nor be generous in spending, for then you will remain condemned and destitute.’ (Surah: Bani Israel, verse: 29), And Allah says, Those who do not thank Allah for His blessings, He will restrict their blessings. (Surah: Ibrahim, verse: 7). "Know that this is your community, one community (the community of Tawheed), and I am your Lord. So worship Me. But they have divided their religion among themselves. (Then) to Me they will all return." - [Surah Al-Anbiya (21): 92-93; Al Muminun 52-53]. He has ordained for you the religion which He enjoined upon Noah, and that which We have revealed to you, and that which We enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: that ye establish it, and make not divisions therein. "Let there arise among you a group of people who invite to goodness, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And it is they who are the successful." "And be not like those who became divided and differed after clear proofs had come to them. For them is a severe punishment." "This (Quran) is a compilation of true knowledge for all people and a guidance and a mercy for those who have faith." - Surah Al-Jathiyah (45): 16-20. “Eat of their fruit when it ripens, and take their dues on the day of harvest. And do not be wasteful. Indeed, Allah does not love the wasteful.” (An’am 6:141). "The believers are but brothers. So make peace between your brothers. Fear Allah that you may receive mercy." Prophet Caliph Mohammad(pbuh) like Isa Jesus went to Ali(R)'s home and took initiative to produce foods with his miracle power step, then ordered to take food from dish with Bismillah where large people ate from the dish. Now Caliph/rulers will produce foods collectively by his steps for citizens. Isa Jesus also knew through his miracle power,  If a person came home and ate something and left something at home, he could tell like Caliph Omar & Harunur Rashid looking after people at night resolving their problems as well as collectively producing foods.

The purpose here is not the thoughts and ideas of humans, which come to mind when we look at something, but rather deep thought and research—which is achieved through experimentation and investigation. Why do believers benefit the most: Believers benefit the most through contemplation and research. Because they are more aware of the identity of the Creator of the universe and the secrets of creation. It has been said, ‘Indeed, there are signs for the believers in the earth and in yourselves. Will you not then understand?’ (Surah: Al-Dhariyat, verses: 20-21). Benefits of contemplation and research: Muslim scholars have mentioned several benefits of contemplation and research on the nature and attributes of Allah and His creation. They are: 1. Faith becomes firm, 2. Interest in action is born, 3. Doubt is removed, 4. It becomes easier to abandon sins, 5. The heart becomes soft, 6. Insight opens, 7. One can gain the knowledge and love of Allah, etc. [(Surah: Al-Ghashiya, Verses: 17-20) (Surah: Luqman, Verse: 29) (Surah: Al-Dhariyat, Verses: 20-21) (Surah: Al-Tariq, Verses: 5-8) (Surah: Al-A'raf, Verse: 179)]

Even religious architectural expense is even higher comparing religious preachers' salary, livelihoods, research, training, preaching e.g. Ram temple Rs 1,800 crore, Golden Buddha (statue) 482 million dollars,  the Spring Temple Buddha cost $55 million,  Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum Singapore cost $75 million dollars, The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi costs $545 million,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints USA cost billion $265 USD, Catholic Church in Germany costs $47.24 to 265 billion, Indian Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD)costs $31.11 billion, Organization trinity Church own $6 billion in United States, Catholics in Brazil, and its estimated cost is around 100,000,000 million dollars, Shwedagon Pagoda 3 million dollars, Wat Rong Khun Thailand 22 million dollars, Hagia Sofia $35 million dollars, St. Peter’s Basilica Buildings $1 billion dollar, Notre Dame Paris 1 billion dollars, Cambodia, Angkor Wat 50 million dollars, Golden temple Harmandir Sahib 2 billion dollars, Russia  spending 150 billion rubles (2.5 billion US dollars) on the construction of Orthodox Churches, etc. 

Abyssinia is a region in Africa. The present-day region is Ethiopia and parts of Sudan, which is the birthplace of King Negus (Najjasi) and the famous companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Bilal (RA), and the wise man mentioned in the Quran, Hazrat Luqman Hakim (AS), was also a resident of Abyssinia. A wise person can be born in any region, clan, or caste of the world. According to Wahhab ibn Munabbeh (may Allah have mercy on him), Saint Luqman (peace be upon him) was the nephew of Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him). He lived a long life. According to Imam Bayzabi (may Allah have mercy on him), he was also alive during the time of David (peace be upon him). The 100 pieces of advice that Luqman (a.s.) gave to his son are very important. Here are some of his advices:

1. Luqman (a.s.) said to his son, ‘O my son, do not associate partners with Allah(earth is for sovereign almighty Allah). Indeed, associating partners with Allah is a great injustice.’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 13) In human life, Tawheed is the acceptability of all actions, the criterion of purity, and the condition and step of salvation in the hereafter.

2. ‘And We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents(community/relatives of entire mankind). His mother bore him in hardship after hardship. His weaning is in two years. We have enjoined on him that he be grateful to Me and to your parents. To Me is the final return.’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 14)(Surah Luqman, verse: 15)

3. Regarding prayer, Luqman (a.s.) said, ‘O my son, establish prayer( thinking, physical, monetary). ’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 17 (first part),  . Advice from Luqman (peace be upon him): ‘Be patient in times of danger. Indeed, that is an act of bravery.’ (Surah Luqman: 17, last part).

4. Advice on arrogance: ‘Do not walk in the earth with arrogance(jealousy, Wastefulness parts instead of comforts). Indeed, Allah does not like any arrogant boaster. ’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 18 (last part)

5. Teaching his son humility and modesty treated as fasting, Luqman (peace be upon him) said, ‘Enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. ’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 17 (middle part)

6. Luqman (peace be upon him) advised his son to be modest( preaching): ‘Adhere to moderation in your speech. ’ (Surah Luqman, verse: 19 (first part)

Attractive language seduces people(peace, pilgrimage). Luqman’s (peace be upon him) advice: ‘Lower your voice. Indeed, the braying of a donkey is the most unpleasant of all.’ (Surah Luqman: 19 (last part)

Language translator technology will be applied within buildings flats to connect mixed sects' understanding and brotherhood with relatives with other sects families like immigrants native friendships under equal citizen where who doesn't want to separate will live own sect colony buildings together developing themselves gradually like Indian continent e.g. Muslim and nonMuslims live together standing beside homes as nearer neighbour.

English Language Day at the UN is celebrated on 23 April, the date traditionally observed as both the birthday and date of death of William Shakespeare. The event was established by UN's Department of Public Information in 2010 to celebrate multilingualism. English Language Day, observed annually on April 23, is a significant United Nations (UN) celebration that individuals worldwide commemorate. In 2012, UNESCO, one of the United Nations cultural and scientific organizations, declared December 18 as International Arabic Language Day. Arabic is a timeless language. This language is stable and dynamic. The Arabic language has a special role in the promotion of human civilization and culture and the preservation of knowledge and science. The language of the Quran and Hadith is Arabic. In fact, most of the books of Islam are in this language. And the language of Paradise will also be Arabic where all automatically can learn it in hereafter. Original(ancient) language

When the first human, Adam (peace be upon him), came to earth, his language was Arabic. According to linguists, no other language is found on earth that is more ancient than this language. [Al Mazhar/Allama Suyuti (may Allah have mercy on him) Vol. 1, Page 28]. English is now world wide largely popular speaking language that has given such manner that it is global communicating & understanding language treated fully Islamic norm. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messengers(Prophet Mohammad led all prophets on Quran Sunnah:124,000) - that you may receive mercy. (Surah An Nur 56)


And We placed between them and the cities which We had blessed [many] visible cities. And We determined between them the [distances of] journey, [saying], "Travel between them by night or day in safety." (Surah Saba 18)Say, [O Muhammad], "Travel through the land and observe how He began creation. Then Allah will produce the final creation. Indeed Allah, over all things, is competent."(Surah Al Ankabut 20)"Then do they not travel in the land so that their hearts may understand and their ears may hear?" - (Surah Hajj, verse 46)"Say, 'Travel in the land and see what was the end of those before you! Most of them were polytheists.'" - (Surah Rum, verse 42), In the Quran, it is narrated that, “The love of the Quraysh, their addiction is winter and summer travel. So let them worship the Lord of this House (the Kaaba), Who feeds them against hunger and provides them with security against fear.” (Surah Quraysh, 106:104), Indeed this, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me. (Surah Al Anbiya, verse 92)


The question "How many products exist in the world?" is a challenging one to answer definitively due to the sheer volume and diversity of products across all industries, categories, and markets. Additionally, the definition of a "product" can vary—are we talking about consumer goods, physical products, or digital products? The total number of products would include everything from every kind of consumer good to industrial parts, services, and digital products.

Here are a few perspectives on approaching the question:


1. Physical Consumer Products

The number of physical consumer products—things like electronics, clothing, food, home goods, etc.—is constantly changing as new products are created and old ones are discontinued. Global retailers like Amazon, Alibaba, or Walmart list millions of items in their catalogs, but the total number of individual products in the world across all e-commerce sites and physical stores would likely number in the hundreds of millions (if not billions), especially if we consider:


Unique SKUs (Stock Keeping Units): These are the distinct variations of products sold. For example, if a company sells a phone in different colors, storage sizes, and models, each of those is a different SKU.

Brands and Manufacturers: There are countless companies, big and small, producing a vast array of products. Even within a single category like electronics, there are thousands of brands and variations.


2. Global Product Databases

Some global databases of products aim to catalog every product in a specific market, though they are still just a subset of the total number. For example:

GS1: The global barcode organization GS1, which assigns UPC (Universal Product Codes) to products, tracks over 2 billion unique barcodes.

Amazon: As of 2021, Amazon reported having over 350 million products listed globally across various categories, but this is just one e-commerce platform.

Alibaba: Alibaba, a massive online marketplace, also hosts millions of products from manufacturers and wholesalers.


3. Digital Products

The number of digital products—apps, software, online services, and digital content—is also vast.


App Stores: For example, the Apple App Store and Google Play Store combined offer millions of apps, each representing a digital product. As of 2024, there are roughly 5 million apps available across both platforms.

Streaming Content: Services like Netflix or Spotify offer thousands of movies, shows, and songs—each one a unique "digital product."

E-books, online courses, and digital subscriptions: These, too, represent millions of digital offerings.


4. Industrial and Manufacturing Products

Beyond consumer goods, industries produce a vast number of parts, materials, and machinery. For example:

There are countless parts and components used in the manufacturing of cars, airplanes, machinery, and electronics.

Raw materials such as metals, minerals, plastics, and chemicals are considered "products" in industrial contexts.


5. Food and Beverages

The number of food and beverage products worldwide is staggering. Each food type (e.g., cereal, snacks, beverages) has hundreds or thousands of brands and variations. In supermarkets and restaurants globally, it's safe to say there are millions of different food products available at any given time.


6. Services as Products

Many businesses provide services that are considered "products" in a broader sense. These range from consulting and healthcare to financial services and subscriptions. In terms of service-based offerings, the number would likely be billions, especially if we consider the variation in service types available in different countries and markets.


Estimating a Rough Total

If we tried to estimate, we might look at the total number of products sold globally:

There are ''billions of unique products'' across all industries (consumer goods, industrial products, digital products, services, etc.).

Global marketplaces like Amazon, Alibaba, and eBay list hundreds of millions of unique items at any given time, but this is still a fraction of all products, considering local markets, smaller suppliers, and physical stores.

Adding in industrial components, raw materials, software, and services, the total number would easily reach into the ''trillions of unique products or product types''. There are around 45,000 big companies that are listed on the stock market with figure rises to 1.2 million significant brands worldwide. According to Statista, the estimated number of companies is approximately 358.7 million worldwide in 2024.


Therefore, entire world societies have been warfare in every day basis for every person where world state budget are going to facilitate these sectors' logistics like waste of growth where basic demands like foods aren't even fully possible to supply for people from state where natural resources are limited as well as dire risk of climate and environment what suggests us to rethink about the world socio-economic manner by new reformed social orders excluding negative dark energy Arabic word Riba(mismanagement/mass shortcomings/uneffective). 


In fact, The European Commission estimates that standardizing charging ports could save the EU €250 million (around $338 million) in e-waste each year what can provide unemployment allowances 6 hundred thousand claimants. The commission also expects the law to: 

Reduce the amount of electronic waste in the EU by more than a thousand tonnes each year

Improve charging technology

Make it easier to find the chargers you need.

A common charger for electronic devices has started to apply ...

The USB-C charging standard has been mandatory in the EU since December 28, 2024. This means that all smartphones sold in the EU must support this type of charger.

Economist Mr Wahiduddin Mahmud: There is widespread dissatisfaction with the current global economic system. The instability of the financial sector, the abundance of wealth, as well as extreme inequality and the growing dominance of multinational companies have called this system into question. Even in the United States itself, a recent survey showed that almost half of the young people in that country have a positive view of socialism as opposed to capitalism. What is needed is appropriate policies and political will to make the market economy more welfare-oriented. Mr. Mahmud's much-discussed book Markets, Morals and Development highlights the global anger against the current capitalist economy, but does not offer much in the way of solutions to the problem. However, he emphasizes the need for appropriate policies and political will to make the market economy more welfare-oriented. There was a competition going on in the industrialized countries of the West to present capitalism as 'humane' as possible. Various social security programs, income redistributive taxation, antitrust laws to prevent monopolies—these were part of this effort. It is noteworthy that from the Second World War until the 1970s, wealth and income inequality in the Western world, especially in the United States, did not increase, but rather decreased. In this situation, what could be the main goals of democratic socialism?


What could be the main goals of democratic socialism, such as: Some general ideas about the goals are generally applicable. Such as meeting the basic needs of education, health and housing for all citizens, ensuring employment for all working people, and universal social security for a minimum standard of living. In addition, democratic values ​​such as human rights, freedom of expression, etc. are desirable for a welfare society. In addition, an additional argument in favor of democratic socialism is that a democratic liberal environment is more conducive to the encouragement and development of individual enterprise than an oppressive and strict regime.


You also mentioned the issue of social equality and justice. What is the explanation for this? However, from a socialist perspective, two conditions for fairness can be given. First, all citizens must have equal opportunities and second, the most disadvantaged must be given additional benefits. Financial failure and poverty can also be the fault of fate, and in that case the state has a moral responsibility to provide social protection. He can buy shares in private profitable companies to raise revenue and set up a trust fund from the profits of the shares, which can be used to finance government social spending. In the 1980s and 1990s, the young progressive wing of the British Labour Party tried to include such a proposal in their party's election manifesto, which they called "wealth-sharing democracy." During the recent financial collapse in the United States, the Obama and Trump administrations saved large financial and industrial companies from bankruptcy by buying shares in companies with government money. Some companies must be run commercially under public ownership for the public good. In particular, it is necessary to keep the energy, transportation, electricity, technology, etc. sectors at least partially under government ownership. The government now receives more than 10 billion US dollars in profits annually from Petronas, the fully state-owned oil and gas company of Malaysia, established in 1974. In South Korea, the iron and steel manufacturing company named 'POSCO', which the government established in 1973, has played a major role in the industrialization of that country, and the government receives a large amount of income from the current 70 percent ownership of this company. It is necessary to create human resources through the education system that are consistent with the needs of economic development. Universal quality basic education and the right to merit-based higher education are essential conditions for creating equality of opportunity. The fact that South Korea was able to achieve rapid growth without increasing income inequality was largely due to its developed human resources. The socialist goal of ensuring employment for all working-age citizens is directly related to education planning. It is necessary to create human resources through the education system that are consistent with the needs of economic development. To reduce inequality, it is necessary to consider introducing a tax system that collects revenue and redistributes income, and making the market system socially oriented. There are various socially oriented models of commercial organizations. In Yugoslavia, the model of production run by factory-based labor unions was quite successful. The most important thing to establish economic equality and fairness is to organize the weakest groups. If democracy is allowed to run like democracy, people-oriented programs will not be able to be completely canceled even if others come to power. It is seen that some profitable businesses of large industrial groups default on their bank loans. In this case, to keep the industrial enterprises alive, they have to repeatedly provide facilities such as loan rescheduling, interest waiver, etc. But instead, the government can buy some shares of the profitable companies at ‘par value’, that is, at the price mentioned in the share certificate, as a condition of financial assistance. In addition, if a good company issues shares in the market, the government can buy some of them on a preferential basis by law at a suitable price. It is true that Norway and Sweden have the lowest income inequality in these countries and are also the most advanced in providing civil services. However, the biggest limitation to achieving socialist goals in a market system is sufficient income and wealth under the authority of the state. Because, although a large part of the economy is in the private sector, the government needs sufficient revenue money to spend on social welfare. It is noted by scholars that Europe, USA practice Islamic elements of socio economic political norm within their society largely where they have established successful imperialism across the world with its allies including Russia-China-G7-20 due to globalization instead of taking responsibility of entire world people with intention or reckless or negligence as they may have limitations that is debatable matter though UN has taken world people's responsibility what Islamic Caliphate took entire mankind's equal responsibility what they have succeeded to take over in the earth. It was once said that globalization would be the world economic system. The political and economic policy of conducting trade without any hindrances worldwide is called globalization for common prosperity. Scholars, critics, researchers say now a days, Imperialism is going on in the name of globalization. This is the current world and the dictatorial group that is residing in it is called capitalists in globalization. In reality, most rulers almost everywhere are cruel dictators and those who are fueling them are capitalists. These imperialist countries are trying to destroy both sides and take the state to the private sector. Globalization has given capitalists the opportunity to increase their capital. Through globalization, they have been able to create new colonies. In the name of globalization, capitalists have gained legitimacy to control world politics, economy and culture. Instead of using military power, the entire world is now being ruled from one center using globalization. The commercial and political relations between these countries are very good. They can travel between these countries without visas. They come forward in each other's danger. These states work together. And all the difficulties are suffered by the poor and underdeveloped countries. It is characterized by environment pollution, climate changes such as  extreme heat, low humidity, dusts, very hot winds and thunderstorms in India, China, Pakistan. Therefore, World must be designed applying norm global village with common management, goal and prosperity for entire mankind. Globalization has also many benefits, including: Economic growth,Job creation, Cultural exchange,Lower prices,More choice, Access to resources,Business advantages ,Access to global information, Cultural tourism and so on.


Socialism and capitalism are economic curses, according to many scholars now a days considering world socio-economic practices though countries are doing welfare activities with soft controlled capitalism, socialism, communism with democratic pluralism world management ensuring freedom of people(honourary Caliph) treated also one of the practices of Islamic economy despite numerous difficulties and challenges for day by days. Socialism turns free people into subordinate, mechanical and other objects. On the other hand, capitalist economy makes people unbridled, independent, oppressive, selfish and arbitrary. The first foundation of capitalist economy is the unlimited right of private ownership. In it, not only is it possible to own daily necessities, but also to use and apply all kinds of production methods and machinery as one wishes. A person can earn money by any means and means he chooses, and he can spend and use it in any way he wants; he can set up factories wherever he wants and can plunder profits as much as he wants. Just as there is the opportunity to hire workers, there is no obstacle or hindrance in the way of exploiting them and plundering profits unilaterally. No individual or the entire society, even if they come together, can stop anyone from doing any kind of work - no one has that right. This type of financial system creates usurers, moneylenders, exploiters, factory owners and oppressive landlords on the one hand. On the other hand, it creates a class of proletarians who are greedy for money. In a society where such a financial system is effective, there will naturally be no trace of humane ideas such as sympathy, goodwill, compassion, mutual help, etc. Every person will be forced to live a self-reliant life, no one will be a friend or helper of anyone. The lives of the needy and greedy will become narrower. 


As a result, every person in the society will be forced to adopt an extremely selfish and vindictive role in confronting others in order to survive. Since capitalism is an experimental human-made doctrine of the era, it is natural that it will have its flaws and deviations because from the Prophet, one financial social state system after another has gradually advanced and globalization has reached this stage today where reform is always continuous process what has to be also achieved future. The flaws of capitalism are briefly highlighted below.-


1. Wasteful competition-materialistic populistic luxurious 2. Economic instability and unemployment 3. Faulty distribution of wealth. 4. The emergence of monopolies and the consolidation of their economic power. 5. The periodic appearance of the business cycle and 6. The gradual spread of extreme moral and social disasters. 7. Completely imperialistic. 8. The achievement of absolute individual ownership through unrestrained freedom of thought and an open and free economy, where opportunities for bourgeois class' selfish rule are created within democracy, hinders the progress of a more just, people-friendly and welfare state. Extreme economic inequality exists (cost of living index between rich and poor)


Characteristics of socialism:

1. Elimination of individual freedom 4. Controlled economy 5. Absolute state ownership 6. Subjugation of thought 7. less democratic One-party rule in the name of the proletariat  8. Theoretically anti-imperialist but in reality imperialist.


Defects of socialism:

1. Wrong ownership and unequal distribution of wealth 2. Failure to determine real needs and determine correct prices 3. Incentives are ineffective due to lack of opportunity to fulfill individual interests 4. Deprivation of consumer freedom and sovereignty 5. Failure to achieve desired economic development despite central planning and 6. Failure to overcome moral and social disasters.  


Property: In socialism, private property is allowed, but resources are redistributed through taxation and social welfare programs. Income: In socialism, income is divided more equitably through taxation and social programs. Decision making : In socialism systems use democratic or participative decision making. Government: In socialism, the government is democratically elected and allocates resources to citizens. Compatibility with democracy: Socialism is compatible with democracy and liberty, whereas communism is not.


On the other hand, the philosophy of Islamic economics is a philanthropic, balanced and universal philosophy. And Islamic economics plays a role in building a prosperous, universally welfare-seeking society by achieving harmony between these two poles of the financial system. Islamic economics ensure all classes' prosperity poor to riches excluding shortcomings.


Introduction to Islamic economics:

Islamic economics is the overall and welfare-oriented management of all worldly resources for the care of creation, following the principle of Allah's world-care. ''Islamic economics is the analysis of the maximum productionfair distribution, and equitable consumption of resources for the welfare of creation''. It noted that Islam permits private ownership, business, trade and commerce, profits, state ownership, welfare funds for poor & middle classes, human rights, people's participation to state management like democracy, employments rights, revenue, budget, middle ways norm Insaf, reasonable market management like free market with justice, justice, fairness, credible, equitable & equality, accountability, planned growth & consumption, mismanagements like Riba deceits & corruptions avoidance, balancing inflation & recession, developments, freedom of lawful capital investments, freedom of religious spiritual worships performance, unity of mankind with justice, environment, etc treated Islamic socio economic state principles that dividedly remains within capitalism, socialism, communism, etc where practice of full elements will uphold Islamic norm. [Prophet Hazrat Mohammad life to Caliphate Rashedin period norm since 610-662 AD]


It is noted that if Mr Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett and many more invest to government projects for developing entire American people's basic comfortable life like accommodation, nutritional foods, education families children, necessary needs for comfortable family life, health, etc where government will own the project taking loan from them and then provide it to general people with their own assets' contributions including govt. favour of beggars where these riches are the inherent owner of the projects with reasonable Zakat system but they can't exercise their sole rights on the projects with their desire excluding people's rights where people as  the owner of the state with freedom, liberty, will elect government from citizens under democracy and people as government soldiers or manpower will work in the govt. owned(5-10%) & riches owned(90%) partnerships' industrial sectors as service holders like soldiers, public school teacher helping among each other by service of works where they will get also holiday, leave, etc all rights likewise but riches will be just trustee of the assets with government but they can't modify their investment without government's permission like non benefits projects for people under control/balancing capitalism with welfare manner under democratic governance but they will be riches likewise getting just value or credit of their assets day by day without sole rights to spend, damage, wastes, modifiable investments of their assets for unnecessary projects of investments but they will have some rights to spend their certain percentage of assets for personal more luxury purposes like luxury priced car like Limousine, garden homes, golden water glass plate, etc including protocol reward like first, second top riches awards where general people will be middle incomer with comfortable life without poverty where people take any subject or posts' education freely based on educational knowledge, score, etc without discriminations preserving fundamental rights, human rights that is appropriate Islamic manner like line(Qatar) discipline of Salah prayers. Even creditors can't get capital forever as his assets will rise with 1% interest or free of interest under charity with pietyness win win manner with both parties' compromise for state forever with his partnerships rights with personal luxury using rights under welfare manner excluding Zulm(Riba) as manpowers will work govt. projects(including riches partnerships) forever under consideration where states preserve literal rights 20% Zakat of its natural resources or equivalent manner. Entrepreneurs who have already invested and spent money, resources in less important, beneficial projects must be abolished where they will be engaged with beneficial projects fulfilling their damages by rewarding their value adding credits having equivalent riches though state will only allow currently few portion amount for luxury livelihood purpose, rest of the amount will be preserved. And spiritual ritualistic worships will be going on likewise based on their desire, freedoms like Full or Qasr norms where they will give zakat donation to religious scholars including state allowance for religious scholars. Even rising riches competition including scientific developments won't be damaged where riches aren't capable eating more than general people including using two car at a time but current investment in less prioritize sectors will replaced by dire priority sectors for new order of standard mature civilization for people's employment differently with justice excluding Zulm(persecutions/anarchy/dishonesty/unemployment/etc) as currently riches have been giving taxation & donation of Zakat but poverty isn't eradicated yet under current system due to mismanagement or ineffective of era's standard. And mass population will work in small or less industrial sectors where manpower will work dividedly 6 months shifts where people provide service the state & society despite state good livelihood allowances with own assets ownerships as riches family's one brother being doctor will provide treatment and other brother being not doctor competitive education will serve cleaning in hospital with well equipments including Robots future based on also taking into account disability rights where many riches children are now died in military's war including hard labour where riches children don't have scope to show objection on it and riches aren't currently fully free to invest any where or unnecessary prejudice projects under state investments control norm where it needs like 5-20 years like democratic governance establishment worldwide if it is started from tomorrow as people have already invested many where, so it has to be achieved gradually reserving people till 50% regular work force with 50% reserve like govts. must take into account to newly investment with fundamental priority basis with worldwide plans, vision, manifesto with stability excluding sudden world anarchy. Allowances awarded reserve manpower will even take loan from state banks if they don't get jobs within 1 year where everyone will join for at least 6 months within 1/2 years comparing population numbers despite always running few more competent manpower in jobs. Even European developing countries manpower also work for only a week for one month livelihood where he has on jobs and livelihood security where state like his family has taken responsibility in reform system where he just will serve his like family business treated not force for work rather stress eradication with security & comforts where more than 99% world population are in mental stress in personal and working life and even luxury family children without dire jobs necessary are providing good and standard service that has already proven in all societies, good allowance livelihood manpower won't provide standard service in industries that is now wrong thinking at all. Even govt. as a partner will provide skilled board of directors in companies even if company owners next kin as one of the BoD is less competent with negligence to move forward the growth of companies as people are now serious and mature about their duties due to education and training what will be going on also future. On the other hand, one country can't resolve the world's problem where UN led all member states' united initiatives can resolve the problem reaching the goal under globalization manner one earth country with common vision and prosperity where AI Robots and other technologies will reduce pressure from manpower where citizen of earth will receive only state funds' allowances, necessary things and few people being trained will run state, industries, etc sector where others will do worships, family life, fun, enjoy, debate, Gym, research, governance, social, civilisation, etc education & training excluding traffic jams, huge roads-high ways with mass manpower, road accidents, etc troubles(mismanagement ie. one of the degrees-percentages of Riba). Once people worked in rulers' industries but they didn't get fundamental rights and democratic governance rights having free, freedom, liberty, reasonable choice, good wages with livelihoods, participatory inclusiveness with policies and decisions making, etc. [Welfare Zakat comfortable economic manner: Surah Al-Baqarah verses-268-273, Nisa 31, ((Surah: Ash-Shura, verse: 27) (Surah: Zukhruf, verse: 32) (Surah: Al-Baqarah, verse: 273))]


The renowned economist Dr. S.M. Hasanuzzaman said, Islamic Economics is the knowledge and application of injunctions and rules of the Shariah that prevent injustice in the acquisition and disposal of material resources in order to provide satisfaction to human beings and enable them to perform their obligations to Allah and the society.

That is, Islamic Economics is the knowledge and application of injunctions and rules of the Shariah that prevent injustice in the acquisition and disposal of material resources in order to provide satisfaction to human beings and enable them to perform their obligations to Allah and the society.


The goals and objectives of Islamic economics are as follows:

(1) Encouraging the production of wholesome goods and prohibiting the production of unhealthy goods: One of the goals of Islamic economics is to ensure adequate production of healthy goods for the benefit of the people and to prohibit the production, import-export, and trade of all unhealthy and unhealthy goods. Allah the Almighty says, “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, idols, and divination are only an abomination and a work of Satan. So avoid them that you may be successful.” (Al-Ma’idah 5:90-91). Allah Almighty says, “O children of Adam, wear beautiful clothes(standard norm instead only higher price) at every prayer(mankind's thinking, physical & financial matters for Allah's happiness treated also establishment of Salah). And eat and drink, but do not be extravagant. Indeed, He does not like the extravagant.” (Surah: A’raf, verse: 31). Allah the Almighty, while describing His chosen servants, says, ‘And when they spend, they are neither extravagant nor stingy; but they are in a middle position.’ (Surah: Furqan, verse: 67). The matter is mentioned in the Hadith Sharif as follows: ‘Eat, drink, give charity and wear clothes, as long as it is not mixed with waste and pride.’ (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 3605).It is said, “Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of Satan.” (Surah: Bani Isra’il, verse: 27). Allah does not like wasting the wealth that Allah has given you. It has been said, ‘Allah loves three things for you and hates three things. The things that Allah loves are: worshipping Him, not associating anyone with Him, and being united and not being divided. And the things that Allah hates are: unnecessary talk(non constructive debate), unnecessary questions, and wasting wealth unnecessarily.’ (Muslim, Hadith: 1715).And do not make your hand [as] chained to your neck or extend it completely and [thereby] become blamed and insolvent.(Surah: Bani Israel, verse: 29). Allah the Almighty also says: “And consult with them in all matters” (Surah Al-Imran: 195). “Their affairs are based on mutual consultation through them” (Surah Ash-Shura: 38).Allah Almighty reduces the yield of crops and causes famine as a result of giving less in measure and weight. Allah Almighty says, ‘Woe to those who give less in measure(measurement&management affairs), and who take full measure from people when they weigh, and when they give to people, they give less.’ (Surah Al-Mutaffifin, verses 1-6). In another verse, Allah Almighty says, ‘Establish the right weight and do not give less in weight.’ (Surah Ar-Rahman, verses 7-9). In another verse, it is said, ‘Give full measure and weight with justice(appropriateness). We do not burden a soul beyond its capacity.’ (Surah Al-An’am, verse 152).

(2) Establishing Justice in the Economy: The main goal of Islamic economics is to establish ‘Adl and Ihsan’. Allah Almighty says, “Indeed, Allah commands justice, doing good, and giving to relatives, and He forbids indecency, wrongdoing, and transgression.” (An-Nahl 16/90)


(3) Establishing good morals in the economy and eradicating corruption: The general principle that Allah Almighty has stated in this regard applies equally to the economic sphere. Allah Almighty says, “Those who, if We establish them in the land, establish prayer, give zakat, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of all affairs.” (Al-Hajj 22:41)


(4) Protecting the interests of the oppressed and deprived: The interests of the oppressed and deprived are protected in the Islamic economy. Man is not the sole owner of his wealth. Rather, the wealth of the wealthy has the right of the poor, the oppressed and the deprived. Allah the Almighty says, “And in their wealth is a right for the beggar and the deprived” (Dhariyat 51:19). In another verse, Allah the Almighty says, “And We intend to show favor to those who are oppressed in the land and to make them leaders and to make them heirs.” "To make them leaders and to make them inheritors of the land" (Qasas 28/5).


Equitable Distribution of Wealth:

Islam emphasizes the equitable distribution of wealth means even more money for poor despite one less consideration if it is justified necessary grounds  allocating allowance for like big members poor family instead strict equal treating norm. Allah Almighty says, “Let there be no state among the wealthy among you” (Al-Hashr 59:7). In light of this verse, the goal of Islamic economics is to ensure the expansion and equitable distribution of wealth through laws and policies. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Indeed, Allah has enjoined upon them charity, which is taken from their riches and distributed among their poor.”


Introduction of a business-based financial system: One of the methods and strategies that people use to deceive others is fraud. This is a heinous crime. It destroys harmony in human society. Islam has prohibited making money through fraud in business and commerce. Islam has introduced a business-based financial system that seeks the welfare of humanity by eliminating the destructive tools of human civilization, such as usury, bribery, gambling, and lottery. Allah Almighty says, “And Allah has permitted trade and forbidden usury.” (Al-Baqarah 2:275). Regarding bribery, Allah Almighty warns, “Do not devour one another’s wealth unjustly.” (An-Nisa 4:29).The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The best earnings are those that a man earns by working with his own hands(contributions/inclusiveness) and by trading lawfully.”[sahih Hadith]


Full utilization of resources:

Islam wants full utilization of resources for the welfare of the people. That is why Islam does not support leaving fallow land. Whoever produces crops on land without ownership will enjoy it. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever cultivates land that is not owned by anyone, he is entitled to it.’ Urwa ibn Zubair Tabi’i said, ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) also gave this order during his caliphate.’ The same principle should be considered applicable to all areas of the economy.

In addition, the abolition of usury-bribes, exploitation-oppression, hoarding, etc.; the introduction of the system of Zakat-Ushr-Jizya(taxations&donations), Karye Hasanah(loan with profits), etc. and above all, the full implementation of Islamic Sharia in all types of economic activities is one of the goals and objectives of Islamic economics. It is the duty of the Islamic government to implement these principles. The real peace and welfare of the Muslim world depends on the implementation of these.


In fact, those who want to follow other than the Book and the Sunnah worship their desires and follow their own desires(without standard, necessary norms). Allah Almighty says, meaning, if they do not respond to you, then know that they are only following their own desires. And who is more astray than one who follows his desires without guidance from Allah? (Surah Al-Qasas, verse 50). Meaning, they are only conjecture and following their own desires. While guidance has come to them from their Lord. (Surah An-Naam, verse 23). Meaning, have you seen him who has taken his desires as his god? Allah has led him astray knowingly, and has set a seal on his hearing and his heart, and has put a covering on his sight. So who will guide him after Allah has led him astray? Will you not then take heed? (Surah Al-Jathiyah, verse 23).


Allah Almighty created everything on earth with different colors!

Allah Almighty says: And whatever He has created for you on the earth is of different colors(diversities, equivalency). Indeed, in that are signs for a people who reflect. Surah An-Nahl 16:13

Allah Almighty says: “Run towards forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the righteous.” (Surah Al-Imran: Verse 133) “O mankind! Worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may attain piety.” (Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse 21) “I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Surah Al-Dhariyat: Verse 56). When they are told, “Do not spread corruption(difficulties/warfare) in the land,” they reply, “We are only peace-makers!”[Surah Baqarah 11]. Allah says, he has created everything with proper measure. Allah the Almighty also says, “This is the decree of Allah. And the decree of Allah is final and established(always more standard norms with era's consistency manner justifications, Insaf).” (Surah Al-Ahzab: 38); And He created everything. Then He determined for it a destiny or measure.” (Surah Al-Furqan: 2); “Who created and fashioned. Who established destiny and then guided.” (Surah Al-Ala: 2-3)(Surah Al-Qamar: 49). Man was created of haste. I will show you My signs, so do not impatiently urge Me. [Surah Al Anbia 37]. It indicates that mankind will do mistake, wrong done, ambiguous but reformists will resolve again keeping them on appropriate paths.[Surah Al-Isra: 11]  


"He created for you all that is on earth; then He turned His attention to the heaven and divided it into seven heavens; and He is fully aware of all things." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 29). It suggests mankind must design world management with well planed ways setting up fundamental priorities basis with chronologically & gradually adaption to be reached full vision. 


Therefore, it is mentioned that polices makers must take into account reality, circumstances, grounds, defenses, and alongside religious guidances consistency management to set up appropriate jurisdictions and solutions as much as possible manner excluding Yajuj-Majuj, Dajjal, Fetnah-Fasad, devil Azazil Eblish Sytan characteristics treated Zulm(persecutions/injustice) from the civilization. Mass people will spend more time of his life only meeting up livelihood without getting time for worships treated as modern modified slavery termed as 'Zulm' within civilization. When we examine our own research knowledge, books, plans with jurisdiction of Quran Sunnah that will provide us appropriate, modern result, outcome treated as pure fruits of tress made by our scholars. Oppression is a great sin. Its destination is hell. Today, a terrible competition of oppression is going on all over the world, transcending the boundaries of family, society and state. The oppression of the strong on the weak is being revealed everywhere. From individuals to groups, from groups to the state apparatus, today we are involved in this oppression. The consequences of which are very bad and terrible. By doing injustice and injustice to others, the oppressors bring about their own downfall and destruction. Depriving someone of their rightful rights is called oppression. Taking away someone's rights, torturing them without any reason, causing financial, physical and dignity damage, defamatory slander, atrocities against the weak, torturing, unjustly taking away someone's wealth, using obscene language, harassing or tormenting them, etc. are all acts of oppression. Allah Almighty says, "The wrongdoers have no friends, nor any intercessor whose intercession will be accepted." (Surah Al-Mu'min, verse: 18).Warn mankind of the Day when their punishment will come, the Day when the wrongdoers will say, "Our Lord! Respite us for a while, we will respond to You and follow the Messengers." (Then it will be said to them,) Did you not swear before that you would not fall? (Surah Ibrahim, verses 42-44), (Surah Al-Kahf, verse: 29).  Allah Almighty says, "We destroyed Qarun, Pharaoh and Haman. Moses came to them with clear signs, but they were arrogant in the land. They could not escape Our punishment. Each of them We seized for his sin; some of them We sent upon them a storm of stones. Some were struck by the Great Shout. Some We made the earth swallow and some We drowned. Allah did not wrong them in the least; they wronged themselves. ...We set forth such parables for the benefit of mankind, but only the wise understand." (Surah Ankabut: 39-40, 43). Allah the Almighty says, “And who is more unjust than he who prevents the mosques of Allah from being remembered in them, and strives to destroy them?”And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed(jurisdictions/priority ie. worships first with luxury secondary priority), they are the wrongdoers.” [(Surah Al-Ma’idah: 45)(Surah Al-Ahzab: 38)]. “And who is more unjust than one who invents a lie against Allah or denies His verses? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not prosper.” [(Surah An-Am: 21) (Surah Al-Baqarah: 114)(Surah A’raf, verse: 127). (Surah Al-Qasas, verses: 39-40). (Surah Al-Qasas, verses: 76, 78, 81, 83). (Surah Hud, verse: 113)]. Allah Almighty says, “And Allah does not love the oppressors.” (Surah Ale Imran: 57 and Surah Ash-Shura: 40) Generally, in the world, the rich oppress the poor, the employers oppress the workers, the strong oppress the weak, the superior oppress the subordinates, and those in power oppress their opponents. There are frequent incidents of the weak being oppressed by the strong everywhere in the world. All those who oppress are descendants of Pharaoh, Nimrod, Haman, Qarun, Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Utbah, and Shaybah. Even the elderly, pregnant women, and children were not spared from the oppression and torture of the previous oppressive rulers. “And indeed, We destroyed many generations before you when they were unjust.” (Surah Yunus: 13)The Quran also states, “And it will be said to the wrongdoers, ‘Taste what you used to earn.’” (Surah Az-Zumar: 24). Regarding the fate of the wrongdoers, Allah also says: “The blame is only on those who wrong people and rebel in the land without right. For them is a painful punishment.” (Surah Ash-Shura: 42). “And incline not towards the wrongdoers, lest they also seize you in the Fire. And you have no protector besides Allah, so you will not be helped.” (Surah Hud: 113). Those who do not judge and decide according to Allah's laws(orders, norms), but rather take a stand against Allah's commands and laws, and oppress those who work in the path of Allah's religion unjustly, are the wrongdoers. And Allah Almighty does not guide these wrongdoers. Regarding this, Allah Almighty says: "Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 258, Aal Imran: 86). It suggests that mankind must judge, decide everything Allah's jurisdictions, norms termed as Laws of Allah that poses to take into account the priorities like firstly worships & secondly luxury livelihood. Allah says with caution, Competition in [worldly] increase diverts you , Until you visit the graveyards. No! You are going to know. Then no! You are going to know. No! If you only knew with knowledge of certainty.. You will surely see the Hellfire. Then you will surely see it with the eye of certainty. Then you will surely be asked that Day about pleasure.[Surah At Takathur 1-8]. Allah Ta'ala has created all creatures for humans in this temporary life of the world. He has created everything according to the needs of humans from birth to death. So that humans may serve their true owner, Allah Ta'ala. He has created good and evil, lawful and unlawful pleasures and entertainment, weaknesses of instincts, and attractions. And He has poured all of them into the hearts of humans. Along with this, He has revealed the Holy Quran to guide life. He has told us how to lead this temporary life of the world.


Allah says, Let them eat and enjoy themselves and be diverted by [false] hope, for they are going to know.(Surah Al Hijr 3). [Some angels said], "Do not flee but return to where you were given luxury and to your homes - perhaps you will be questioned.''(Surah Al Anbia 13). And [all] faces will be humbled before the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. And he will have failed who carries injustice.[Surah Toha 111]. Do not extend your eyes toward that by which We have given enjoyment to [certain] categories of the disbelievers, and do not grieve over them. And lower your wing to the believers(Surah Al Hijr 88). It suggests that if we build mass industrial sectors for only prioritizing employments instead of worships time that is wrong rather doing harm(Zulm/ injustice) for them.

It is noted that we are increasing mass industrial sectors day by day largely to make employments erasing Zulm ensuring all rights to works with financial security that now must be rethink about the consequences rather we have to build reformed and standard social orders excluding Zulm with well planned management excluding inflation with economic recession including people's reluctant mind towards worships for tension-difficulties. The feeling that even the slightest disobedience to Allah's command(Transgression by doing wrong done treated prohibited trees' fruit) is an injustice to oneself was awakened in the holy heart of the main center of man, the father of mankind, Hazrat Adam (AS). Therefore, he said - Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the wrongdoers. -[Surah A'raf (7): 23, Surah At-Talaq (65)]. So that they deny Our favors upon them and indulge in pleasures. Soon they will come to know. [Surah Ankabut: 66]. Allah has gifted natural resources, science, technologies and donation Zakat for mankind for luxury(necessary with comfortableness) livelihood instead of leaving worships doing more works for wasteful civilization e.g. wine is prohibited for excessive modification from halal date, grape where 'excessive works' are also haram prohibited. Allah Almighty forbade the Children of Israel from going to extremes in their religion. He said, “O People of the Book, do not go to extremes in your religion(spiritual worships & governance civilization/code of conduct of life).” [Surah An-Nisa, verse: 171][Surah Baqarah, verse: 177].  Every century people must take into account their own difficulties instead of ancient literal practices e.g. capitalism with democracy where people now a days must adopt reform norm having ''control-balance capitalism with democracy & welfare'' as unplanned excessive industrial sectors will damage the civilization. [Surah Al-Baqarah - 134 , 141]


 In fact, ''Aqeemus salaah'.. 'establishing the prayer means: • Praying consistently, regularly : Praying ALL the 5 obligatory prayers without missing any one, to preserve punctuality(Mankind's mindful, physical, financial prayer is for Allah)''.  

Sunnatullah is an Arabic term that means the laws of Allah, or the pattern of Allah. It is a term from the Noble Quran that refers to the laws that Allah created to maintain nature and order social life. Sunnah: An Arabic word that means "tradition" or "way". In Islam, Sunnah refers to the traditions and practices of the Prophet Muhammad, and is considered the ideal way of life for the Islamic community. Even Salah prayer is training of life with Quranic Surah guidance understanding where Allah has designed jurisdictions like Fard(mandatory), Sunnah(less mandatory), Wajib(near degree of Sunnah), Nafl(desire of pietyness Extra), Mustahab, loud sound recitation, silence less sound, etc varieties of Raqah combined prayer with Niyat(intention) for Owakt(time) treated as training of code of conduct of life where even Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) sometimes performed Sunnah at home before Jumah 2 raqah Fard at mosque, later 2 raqah Sunnah at mosque or at home treated as degrees balancing training process-code in life lessons including other benefits awarded virtue e.g. sometimes Zakat taxation or donation will rise 60% or 2.5% or 20% based on circumstances for society though all Muslims don't have idea about Salah degree of Raqahs where they are just following Imam but Qasr worshipers are also similar including belief on raqahs degrees for knowledge when they will recite like 10 minutes. Quran orders(5 rights) full faith on Quran, understanding it with analytical knowledge and own mother language, obedience these in personal life, and preach to others these treated as Arabic word Muslimin or Muslim(surrender towards Allah accordingly) where Shariyat-syllabus lesson is remained within this where both Qasr norm including even Quran-Tawrat-Injil consistency practice is also one of the Muslims. It is mentioned that Islam doesn't confine to industrial sectors'  minimization where it is fully my own expert opinion under Kiyaz norm. If large scale industrial sectors can ensure justice in world socio-economic areas for entire mankind, it has no problem at all. Have you not considered how Allah presents an example, [making] a good word like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and its branches [high] in the sky?[Surah Ibrahim 24]. It has suggested that rules, laws, process, procedure, jurisdiction, examples, knowledge are treated as good tree instead of natural botanical tree.  Avoiding waste in food and drink: Waste and extravagance are forbidden. Allah says, “Eat and drink, but do not be wasteful. Indeed, Allah does not love the wasteful.” (Surah: A’raf, verse: 31).  


[Are] men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of zakah. They fear a Day in which the hearts and eyes will [fearfully] turn about . That Allah may reward them [according to] the best of what they did and increase them from His bounty. And Allah gives provision to whom He wills without account. [Surah Nur 37-38]. Allah is so close to the servant that the servant can directly submit his request to the Creator Allah, everywhere and at all times, without any intermediary or intercession. The Holy Quran states this in this way: ‘All that is in the earth and the heavens prays to Him for its needs. He is busy with new activities every moment.’ -[Surah Ar-Rahman: 29, ' -Surah Al-Baqarah: 186, 255]. Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah, and for them is a great punishment; [Surah Nahl 106]

[And they are] those who, if We give them authority in the land, establish prayer and give zakah and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of [all] matters.[Surah Al-Hajj 41]. It suggests mankind must perform Salah prayers as well as code of conduct of life like sober, honesty, donation, good behabiour, happy family life, entertainment, social works, earning, etc what is mostly duties to be established by leaders within society. Allah Almighty says, “And make your houses facing the Qiblah for prayer, and establish prayer, and give good news to the believers.” (Surah Yunus, verse: 87) [ dire love affection for Earthly luxury with wastefulness avoidance manner being having instead worships with good life: (An Am 19)(Surah Yunus, verse:  24)(Surah Kahf, verse:  45)(Surah  Al Hadid, verse:  20)]


Praying home and spend time at home with family members: Allah Almighty says, “O you who have believed, when the call is made for the Friday prayer, hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trade. That is better for you, if you only knew.” [Surah Jumu’ah, verse 9] . If you have a specific place for prayer in your home, you will feel a special peace when you pray there. It creates interest in prayer among everyone in the family. Through this, a habit of regular prayer will be developed among everyone and countless mercy and blessings will descend on our families. Because the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave the good news - 'Allah Almighty showers blessings and goodness on the house where prayer is offered' (Muslim: 778). May Allah grant everyone the ability to understand and act. After entering the house, he asked without sitting down, 'Where do you like to pray in your house?' He said, I pointed to one end of the house. Then the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) stood and said Takbir. Then we also stood and lined up. He prayed two rak'ahs and returned the salaam (Bukhari, Hadith: 425). In addition, hadiths related to home mosques have been narrated from Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and Aisha (may Allah be pleased with him). Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) called everyone and said, “I have seen what you have done in imitation of me. Pray your voluntary prayers at home. For the best prayer for a person is that which he prays at home, except for the obligatory prayers.” (Muslim: 781). On the other hand, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has forbidden the house to be used only as a place for sleeping, but also as a place for worship and remembrance. In a hadith, he said, “Do not turn your houses into graves” [(Tirmidhi: 2877)(Fathul Bari: 1/529)].


Advantages of Capitalism, One of the main advantages of capitalism is that it drives people to innovate and improve products and services. In capitalism, businesses can be superior and, therefore, provide better services. Consumers are always ready to cash out more for quality products. It is a win-win situation for both parties. Human capital, intangible collective resources possessed by individuals and groups within a given population. These resources include all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed individually and collectively, the cumulative total of which represents a form of wealth available to nations and organizations to accomplish their goals. Islam encourages Muslims conducting halal business be entrepreneurs as virtuable even like worship. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) said Sahabas inspiring earning money, You should conduct businesses, for in it is 9 out of 10 livelihoods.” “9 out of 10 of sustenance are from business though numerous business, professions are halal in Islam.” Even as part of the good intention, trying to reduce high poisonous ingredients in alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, battle leaf Jarda Masala, etc what people consume as part of the entertainment as well as providing taxes,  zakat, charities from profits treated as also good employment and entrepreneurship businessman under also more growth inspirational privatization norm. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) also was successful businessman in early life, later he also used to work homes like assisting wives, cooking, washing cloth dishes, binding hoses, cleaning homes, yard, looking after cows, gods, sheep herding, agriculture farming, plantation, serving old sick woman, etc in early life to prophecy life alongside others like Prophecy and governance as head of the state.  


Our Prophet (PBUH) also did business. Those who do business with integrity have a special status in the eyes of Islam. It has been mentioned in Hadith Sharif, "An honest and trustworthy merchant will be with the Prophet, the truthful and the martyrs on the Day of Resurrection." (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1209)

When business is done with trust, honesty and integrity, it becomes good practice. But if one resorts to dishonesty in business, he will be the greatest of sinners on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, honesty and piety must be adopted in business. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, 'On the Day of Resurrection, the traders will be raised as sinners; But businessmen who fear Allah Ta'ala, act accurately and have integrity are exceptions to this, (Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1210).


Doing business according to the instructions of the Prophet (PBUH) can be a means of gaining the mercy of Allah. Those who seriously worship Allah Almighty and do halal business and trade, are generous to customers, Allah Almighty has announced that they will be rewarded with great rewards. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "Those houses, which Allah has commanded to be raised in dignity and in which His name is remembered, proclaim His holiness and glory in the morning and in the evening." Those people, whose trading and buying and selling do not prevent them from remembering Allah and from establishing prayer and paying zakat, fear the day when their hearts and eyes will be disturbed, Allah will reward them with the best of their deeds. That is, not only the reward of action; Rather, Allah will give them additional blessings by  his grace."     


Global According to a study from 2015, Christians hold the largest amount of wealth (55% of the total world wealth), followed by Muslims(5.8%)  , Hindus (3.3%), and Jews (1.1%); Irreligion and other religions (38%). In percentage terms, the US hosts 38% of the world's millionaires, Western Europe 28% and China 10%. Wealth distribution in the United States is gap between the rich and the poor, with the top10% of households holding the majority of the country's wealth like China,Russia,UK,EU,Africa,India.Who has 50% of the world's wealth? The richest 1% own almost half of the world's wealth, while the poorest half of the world own just 0.75% In fact, they have acquired nearly twice as much wealth in new money as the bottom 99% of the world's population.  Total household wealth by country * United States (30.8%) * China (18.6%) * Japan (5.0%) * Germany (3.8%) * United Kingdom (3.5%),  France (3.5%), India (3.4%), Canada (2.5%), Italy (2.4%), South Korea (2.2%), Russia: $2.24 trillion GDP. Top 10 countries by total wealth 76%, in 2022 where Rest of the World (24.4%) in 190 countries. Liquid investable wealth: The US accounts for 32% of global liquid investable wealth, which is valued at USD 67 trillion. 

Who has 90% of the wealth?

The pyramid shows that: half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1%, top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's total wealth, top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth. Russia is the world's 11th-largest economy, The GDP value of Russia represents 1.92 percent of the world economy. Orthodoxia(ancient without era consistency reform norm) economical time with state management during that time, 2.5% Zakat including(few hours for knowledge percentage like free preaching, counseling, welfare research and 20% natural resources) is treated as donation where taxation for business is currently setup across the world is also consistent with economic system under Islamic norm under ongoing reform e.g. even 45% of taxation to business community in USA as well as numerous charitable organizations formation. [Google reports]


Moreover, [Google reports], As of December 2017, the unemployment rate in the U.S. was 4.1%  or 6.6 million people. The unemployment benefit allowance calculator will provide you with an estimate of your weekly benefit amount, which can range from $40 to $450 per week. The UK unemployment rate was 4.3%, and 1.51 million people aged 16+ were unemployed. From 8 April 2024, the weekly rate for the new style Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is: Under 25 - £71.70 Aged 25 or over - £90.50. The amount of Universal Credit you get depends on your own personal and family circumstances. You only get one standard allowance per household. The standard allowance rate (April 2024/25) is:

Single claimant under 25: £311.68 per month.

Single claimant aged 25 or over: £393.45 per month

Joint claimants both under 25: £489.23 per month between you

Joint claimants both aged 25 or over: £617.60 per month between you. In UK, People need at least  £210 for week if one wants to eat in restaurant like Chicken fry £10 for 10-12 pieces though egg with Khichuri rice is eaten possible within £71.70 for a week where wages is at least £10 per hour in London.


Saudi Arabia's Job seeker benefit program The Job Search Subsidy Program is designed to assist job seekers by providing cash benefits starting at 2,000 riyals and lasting 15 months. Unemployment Benefit Payment (SANED). Social assistance and financing programs

Social allowance

Financial social allowances will be provided to subsidize families on the basis of caring for one or more disabled persons, orphans or persons under their control whose care responsibilities are entrusted to the Ministry's Department of Welfare and Social Development. These allowances include the following categories:


Families of people with disabilities

Orphan family

Sponsorship expired.



Disabled people: Providing wheelchairs and equipping vehicles.Target groups for social welfare programs

Social welfare programs are designed to provide needed assistance to various groups, including:

Widow, Divorced woman, Disabled person, Old man, Orphan, Anonymous descent, Unemployed, Poor and needy, Affected by disasters and epidemics. 19th economic Saudi Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$1.1 trillion with 36.95 million population and  (UK: US$3.3 trillion) with 68.35 million population. The United States' nominal GDP in 2024 is $29.017 trillion, with 334.9 million population which is the largest economy in the world. 


Italy offers several unemployment benefits, including: 

NASpI: A monthly allowance for workers who have lost their jobs involuntarily 

Repatriated unemployment benefit: A benefit for workers who return to Italy after working abroad 

Agricultural unemployment: A single payment for employed agricultural workers 

Anticipated NASpI: A lump sum payment for workers who were made redundant from May 1, 2015 

Citizens' Income and Citizens' Pension: A benefit for family units that meet certain requirements 

Inclusion allowance (ADI): A benefit for economically vulnerable users to help them find active employment or training courses 

Support for Training and Work (SFL): A benefit to help people who are at risk of unemployment or social exclusion find work.  The amount of unemployment benefits in Italy is calculated as 30% of the contractual remuneration, which is set by the Ministry of Labour each year. The benefit can be paid for up to 180 days. [ One of the practices of Caliphate Rashidun's budget norms]

[Saudi Arabia's boost social protection programs: https://www-my-gov-sa.translate.goog/wps/portal/snp/aboutksa/SocialProtection/!ut/p/z0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zivQN9DDycTAz9LZxCHQ0CA91MQyzMgo0NjMz0g1Pz9AuyHRUBHB5JZg!!/?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=bn&_x_tr_hl=bn&_x_tr_pto=rq#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20social%20protection,an%20improved%20standard%20of%20living.]


Baitul Mal is a term used to describe the modern state treasury or state bank. The rights of everyone, from the head of state to state officials and employees, and even the general public, are equally recognized in the assets deposited in it. The first and main responsibility of this financial institution is to ensure that no citizen within the boundaries of the state is deprived of his or her fundamental rights. Poverty alleviation is one of the public welfare sectors in which the money of Baitul Mal was used at every stage of the Islamic governance system from the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) to the fall of the last caliphate. The state of Caliphate Rashidun was on the path of economic prosperity. During the caliphate of Abu Bakr, the state was economically weak. However, during the reign of Umar, revenues and other sources of income increased. To reduce corruption, Umar arranged for high salaries for state officials including judges. As a result, Umar adopted a policy of strict discipline among officials to keep them away from greed and corruption. He himself strictly adhered to these policies. An account of the individual's wealth was recorded at the time of appointment. If an abnormal increase in the wealth of an official was noticed, he was immediately called to account and the illegal assets were confiscated. During Caliph Omar's reign, every official had to take the following oath when he was appointed:

Never ride a Turkish horse. (It was considered a luxury item at that time).

Never wear fine clothes.

Never eat flour sifted through a sieve.

Never have a doorkeeper at the door.

The door must always be open to the public.


He himself strictly adhered to these principles. During the caliphate of Usman, the state became economically stronger increased revenues and other sources of income. The allowances allocated to citizens(Muslims&nonMuslims) were increased by 25 percent(%) and the economic condition of the common people became more stable though nominal fee Jizya tax ie. less amount of Zakat was collected from nonMuslims including awarding exemptions like non binding clause of war participator for nonMuslims citizen's allowance & other benefits' cost giving them more opportunities to be reverted into Islam. And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend. Social welfare and pension provision began during the reign of Umar. Taxes collected were used to provide income for the poor, the elderly, orphans, widows, and the disabled. Umar (according to some sources, Usman) introduced coin the dirham of six dangs. Umar decided to establish a central treasury in Medina. A separate building called Baitul Mal was built to store the treasury's money with 400 security guards. Later, provincial treasuries were established in the provinces. After meeting local expenses, the surplus money of the provincial treasuries was to be sent to the central treasury in Medina. According to Yaqubi, the salaries and other allowances under the central treasury amounted to more than 30 million dirhams.Because of these policies, the Caliphate is considered an early welfare state.[Surah As Shura 38, Saba 37, Al-Hashr 59:7


The Rashidun Caliphate made a list according to clans. The Banu Hashim were considered the first clan. Then the clan of Abu Bakr was considered the second and the clan of Umar was considered the third in 640 AD.

The final annual scale(Budget) of the amounts allocated by Caliph Umar(R) was:        

Muhammad's wives received 12,000 dirhams each(currently £3300 GBP).

Muhammad's uncle Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib received 7,000 dirhams annually.

Hasan ibn Ali and Husayn ibn Ali received 5,000 dirhams each.

Those who participated in the Battle of Badr received 6,000 dirhams each.

Those who converted to Islam up to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah received 4,000 dirhams each.

Those who converted to Islam at the time of the Conquest of Mecca received 3,000 dirhams each. Those who participated in the Battle of Ridda received 3,000 dirhams each. Those who participated in the Battle of Yarmuk and the Battle of Qadisiyyah received 2,000 dirhams each. Under this, Umar's son Abdullah ibn Umar received 3,000 dirhams. On the other hand, Usama ibn Zayd received 4,000 dirhams. Ordinary Muslim citizens received between 2,000 and 2,500 dirhams(currently £800 GBP). 


How much do UK royals/Caliph get paid?

The monarch's main source of income comes from a taxpayer-funded settlement known as the Sovereign Grant, which is paid annually. The Sovereign Grant was worth 86.3 million English pounds, or the equivalent of nearly $113 million(2024-25 to £132m in 2025-26), for the 2022-2023 year, per BBC. The same amount was granted in 2021-2022. The monarchy has multiple sources of income, including: The Sovereign Grant, The Privy Purse, The Duchy of Cornwall, The King's personal wealth and income. The monarchy is also estimated to generate trade for the UK: Brand Finance estimates that in 2017 the Monarchy generated a gross uplift of £1.766 billion to the UK economy. The contribution includes the Crown Estate's surplus as well as the Monarchy's indirect effect on various industries. The monarchy also benefits from royal warrants, which are estimated to have provided a £193.3 million annual uplift to the UK economy in 2017. Surah Al Anfal 41 & Al Hashr 6 define Arabic word '' Fai: War Booty/Trade fiscal/natural resources'' fiscal fund is treated as charitable state fund for head of the state, monarch, President, PM, Governor from total budget allocation including personal expenses for family members including employees. It is noted historic traditional British monarchy is contributing directly rising people's fund instead of taking benefits from state funds as well as extra value providing head of the state duties including others. US President receives a $400,000 annual salary. The President's compensation includes allowances for expenses, travel and entertainment. The total package is around $569,000. The President also receives benefits like housing, transportation, security and healthcare. Former presidents receive a pension, healthcare, office space and travel coverage. These allowances bring the total compensation package to approximately $569,000 annually. Expense Allowance: The president receives a $50,000 non-taxable allowance for personal and official expenses.

Travel and Entertainment Allowances: A $100,000 travel account and a $19,000 entertainment fund support the president's official duties. White House Redecoration: Upon assuming office, the president is allotted $100,000 for redecorating the White House. While this amount is substantial, it falls below the U.S. income threshold for the top 1%, currently around $788,000 a figure set by Congress in 2001 and unchanged since then. 


The Monarch and members of the British Royal Family in the UK are not legally required to pay taxes, but they have voluntarily paid some taxes since 1993:  The King pays tax. In 1992, Queen Elizabeth II volunteered to pay income tax and capital gains tax, and since 1993 the Monarch's personal income has been taxable as for any other taxpayer. His Majesty is subject to Value Added Tax and pays local rates on a voluntary basis. The Queen supported many charities and causes, including: 


The Queen was patron or president of over 600 charities, military associations, professional bodies, and public service organizations. Some of the charities she supported included: 

Cancer Research UK 

The British Red Cross 


Dogs Trust 

Raising money

The Queen helped generate at least $1.4 billion a year for charity. 

Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People

This charity supports disabled people to improve their life skills and increase their independence. 

Other causes

The Queen's charity work focused on a variety of themes, including: 



Supporting those in need 

Empowering women 



Dance and heritage and the arts 

In 2016, the Queen passed on some of her patronages to other members of the Royal Family. For example, the Duchess of Cornwall became patron of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.


In fact, The chief minister Mamata Banerjee made the announcements while addressing a conference of Imams and Muezzins at Kolkata in West Bengal in India. Imams will now get ₹3,000 monthly as allowance, muezzins ₹1,500 and the Purohits will get ₹1,500 per month. Before 1400 years, people got at least £800 GBP per year where people get £240 GBP per year in 2023 where UK PM highest salary annually is £159,584 and people's lowest allowance is £426/£850 what was £3-4000 and £800 before 1400 years and currently respectively. There are dire difficulties on growth with costs, allocation, waste in world wealth though natural resources have been risen with population growth also where Caliph Omar gave 25% budget allocation to general people including homes, treatment facilities alongside on going development for roads, market, river , etc but we have succeed to provide directly only 2-3% allocation including beyond homes, treatment alongside ongoing collective projects development like education, industries, electricity, Gas, water, etc. Projects may kill the per fiscal budget. All investment for water and sanitation, including desalination, is funded directly by the central government's budget. This level of investment in water per capita is among the highest in the world, higher than in the US, the UK or Germany, due to the high cost of desalination and the need to transport water over long distances. It corresponds to about 1.5% of GDP.

However, There isn't much information about a citizen allowance in Somalia, but here's some related information about citizenship and the economy in Somalia:


Economy GDP $25.6 billion 2024

Agriculture is the most important sector of Somalia's economy, accounting for about 65% of the GDP. Livestock contributes about 40% to the GDP and is a major source of export earnings. Other exports include fish, charcoal, and bananas. 


Somalia's tax system has evolved in recent years to help fund public services and development projects. The sales tax is a key source of revenue for the government. 


Foreign aid

The United States has provided Somalia with approximately $3 billion in security assistance and peacekeeping operations over the last decade. In October 2024, the United States and Somalia signed a $68.5 million Development Assistance Grant Agreement. In 2023, Somalia's GDP per capita PPP was estimated to be $2060. Article 6 of the Constitution of 2001 designates the official languages of Somaliland to be Somali and Arabic, though. English is actively spoken and taught in schools. and Somalilanders speak a mix of two languages - Arabic and Somali. Somalia is an emerging market with untapped natural resources and investment opportunities in areas such as oil and gas, energy, telecommunications, ports and other services. It has a market-based economy with a high rate of entrepreneurship and a strong business culture. Unlike the pre-civil war period, when most services and the industrial sector were government-run, there has been substantial, albeit unmeasured, private investment in commercial activities.  The investment has been largely financed by the Somali diaspora, and includes trade and marketing, money transfer services, transportation, communications, fishery equipment, airlines, telecommunications, education, health, construction and hotels. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Somalia, as of 2012, the country had some of the lowest development indicators in the world, and a "strikingly low" Human Development Index (HDI) value of 0.285. The UNDP notes that "inequalities across different social groups, a major driver of conflict, have been widening". According to the World Bank, Somalia's economy has suffered as a result of the state failure that accompanied the country's civil war. An International Monetary Fund mission to Somalia reports estimated GDP growth of 3.7% in 2014 and CPI inflation of -71.10%. The report notes that provided that Somalia's security situation continues to improve modestly and there is no drought, economic growth in the medium term should average 5%, but that "growth will remain inadequate to redress poverty and gender disparities".  An estimated 73% of the people of Somalia live below the poverty line in 2016. 


 How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the US give?

About $70.3 billion in aid(0.24% of total GDP $29 Trillion) was promised for fiscal year (FY) 2022, the most recent fully-reported year. The average amount proposed by the public was 10 percent of the federal government's budget be used on foreign aid. In actuality, less than 1 percent of the US federal budget goes towards foreign aid. The United States gives foreign assistance to provide humanitarian aid and support peace, security, and economic development around the world.  US foreign aid is a variety of assistance that the United States provides to other countries, including: Money, Technical expertise, Equipment and supplies , Military assistance, National security ,Humanitarian assistance ,Economic interests, etc. The US provides foreign aid through the International Affairs Budget, which is managed by several agencies, including: 

The Department of State

The Department of Agriculture

The Department of Treasury

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

The Peace Corps

The Millennium Challenge Corporation. Between 1946 and 2024, over $1 trillion, or roughly 30% of all US foreign aid, has gone to five countries: Israel ($337.0 billion), Egypt ($198.9 billion), former South Vietnam ($193.8 billion), Afghanistan ($168.5 billion), and South Korea ($127.6 billion), after adjusting for inflation.


 How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the UK give?

The UK spends a relatively small amount of its budget on foreign aid, which is in line with other wealthy countries: 


In 2023, the UK spent £15.34 billion on overseas aid(0.58% of Total GDP), including domestic refugee programs. This is about £74 per person. 

Percentage of GNI

The UK's aid spending is a small percentage of its Gross National Income (GNI): 

In 2023, the UK spent 0.58% of its GNI on aid. 

In 2022, the UK spent 0.51% of its GNI on aid. 

The UK's aid spending has been at similar levels for decades. 

Comparison to other areas

The UK spends much more on other areas, including: 

Public order and safety, which is over eight times as much as aid 

Defense, which is ten times as much as aid 

Health and welfare, which is forty times as much as aid 

Aid priorities

The UK's aid priorities include: 

Girls' education 

Climate change 

Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic 

Humanitarian aid in Gaza, Sudan, Türkiye, and Syria 

Family planning support for women globally 

The UK's aid spending has been reduced since 2020 in response to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK's economy and public finances. The UK's aid spending is expected to drop from £15.3 billion in 2023 to £13.7 billion in 2024. In 2022:

the top 3 recipients of UK bilateral country specific ODA were Afghanistan (£353 million), Ukraine (£342 million) and Nigeria (£110 million). The largest amount of bilateral ODA was focused on the sectors 'Refugees in Donor Countries' (£3,690 million), 'Humanitarian (£109 million) and 'Health' (£966 million). In 2023, the United States government donated around 9.5 billion U.S. dollars in humanitarian aid worldwide. The European Commission and Germany followed with over two billion U.S. dollars, EU Institutions ($26.93 billion), Japan ($19.6 billion), South Korea's foreign aid $2.4 billion(0.18% GDP). Non-DAC members included in the OECD's publishing are listed separately. Luxembourg made the largest contribution as a percentage of gross national income (GNI) at 1.05% and the United Nations' ODA target of 0.7% of GNI was also exceeded by Norway (1.02%), Sweden (0.99%) and Denmark (0.71%). Russia's foreign aid includes: Russia donates an average of US\$35 million annually in humanitarian aid, with donations increasing during major crises.  Russia's government says that its foreign aid is motivated by: Poverty reduction, Disaster relief, and Developing trade and economic partnerships. Russia's ODA funding has increased significantly over the last decade. In 2019, Russia provided US\$1.2 billion for development cooperation, which was 0.07% of its gross national income (GNI). How much ODA does France contribute? France was the 5th largest DAC donor country in 2023, with total ODA amounting to US$15.4 billion. When ranked by prioritization of development, France was the 11th largest donor, spending 0.5% of its GNI on ODA in 2023. The results revealed that China's foreign aid, on a grant-equivalent basis, decreased from US$6.4 billion in 2019 to US$5.0 billion in 2020. China has mobilized a large amount of funding for international cooperation on COVID-19. The sum of contributions by EU member states, considered separately from EU institutions, was $73.80 billion. Developed countries to middle developing countries to lower developing countries assistance, The OECD's Development Assistance Committee members'(39/45) total budget reached $152.8 billion dollars(0.23% of total OECD GDP) and was contributed by the following donors in 2019 where The GDP of OECD members for 2023 was $64,098.87 Billion, a 6.53% increase from 2022 and world total Gross domestic product GDP: $105.4 trillion GDP with $5.25 trillion GDP by 20% Zakat at least for world poor, middle classes fundamental needs priority development fund where each country within 200 will get $2.5 billion USD  though population percentage will be taken into account where some countries will produce clothes, some will produce software, Computer, etc that united consensus allocation and assistance are needed to move forward together where cleaner with good salary & allowance pension will do jobs under council for full time like 30 years including private sectors for contractual manner like 30 years service for Garments worker alongside vocational courses for available manpower production including kept also unemployment allowance. And OECD fund $1.7 trillion USD is estimated at least 2.5% Zakat of wealth.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_development_aid_sovereign_state_donors]. The United States has a number of trade preference programs and tariffs that affect poor countries like GSP. The UK's Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) is a preferential trading scheme that aims to reduce tariffs and improve access to the UK market for developing countries like GSP. The European Union (EU) has several schemes to help developing countries with tariffs, including: Generalised System of Preferences (GSP). It is noted that reaching consensus by good agreement can be formed under Islamic norm where exemptions is key issue e.g. Prophet didn't kill who tried to kill him including Omar(R), others. Obeying leaders, wise, capable, effective, suitable, reasonable norms, strategies following leaders, forming leadership, organizations, civilization. If it is decided for poorest countries will get justified budget value proportionately including taking into account uncountable wealth science technologies-leadership efforts instead of literal/directly equal amount of fund from world budget funds that is appropriate norm under Islam moving forward under current world leadership.


 How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the Saudi Arabia give?

Arabia has been allocating multi-billion dollar budgets for foreign aid every year, averaging $3.4 billion per year since 2000. Some say that Saudi Arabia's foreign aid is driven by geopolitics and religious ideology. Others say that Saudi Arabia uses aid to shape its external environment. Saudi Arabia provides foreign aid through a variety of channels, including bilateral, multilateral, and humanitarian organizations: Bilateral, Multilateral, Humanitarian. 


How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the OIC give?

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an intergovernmental organization that provides foreign aid to member countries and has also received foreign aid: OIC countries also provide foreign aid to other countries, with Saudi Arabia and Türkiye being the top donors in 2021. OIC countries have received an increasing amount of foreign aid, with the total amount increasing from $45.4 billion in 2011 to $78.9 billion in 2021. In 2005, OIC countries received almost half of all foreign aid disbursements. Between 2011 and 2021, the share of OIC countries in foreign aid disbursements increased from 32.6% to 38.8%.


How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the British Commonwealth give?

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is responsible for the UK's foreign aid, which aims to: The FCDO was formerly known as the Department for International Development (DfID). It merged with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) to create the FCDO. The FCDO allocated £6.9 billion in aid for 2022/23, and plans to allocate £8.3 billion in 2024/25. 


How much foreign aid(donation of Zakat) does the UNSC give?

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is responsible for maintaining international peace and security, and has taken action in support of humanitarian efforts: 

Resolution 2664 (2022)

The UNSC approved a resolution that established a humanitarian exemption to asset freeze measures imposed by UN sanctions regimes. 

Bilateral humanitarian assistance

In 2022, the UN provided more than $17 billion in bilateral humanitarian assistance. 

Sanctions reform

The UNSC adopted a resolution that reformed UN targeted sanctions, with the goal of ensuring aid reaches those in need while maintaining the integrity of sanctions. 

The UN also has a target for countries to spend 0.7% of their gross national income (GNI) on official development assistance (ODA). ODA is aid intended to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries. 

Other UN organizations that support humanitarian efforts include: 

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Works in nearly 170 countries and territories to help eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, and build resilience. 

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Supports projects like Kenya's National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth (NARIG) project. 

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

Helps people displaced by conflict, such as those displaced by World War II. It is noted that these are treated as countries wealth's Zakat donation where individuals also will pay individual's Zakat to poor including world poor people. If it is allocated under consensus taxation fund like portion of budget like EU across the world that will make earth as one country with more autonomic provinces/states. Creator faithfulness requires also to bring faith on performance of Zakat and donation including others good governance, justice, serving creatures, mankind, praying, etc. Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tried? But We have certainly tried those before them, and Allah will surely make evident those who are truthful, and He will surely make evident the liars(Surah Ankabut 1-3). And know that your properties and your children are but a trial and that Allah has with Him a great reward. [Surah Anfal 28]

Who is the biggest donor in the world?

The Indian man who outshines philanthropists Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata and Azim Premji as the world’s biggest donor. However, delving deeper into the realm of charitable giving reveals that the title of the world's most generous donor belongs to Jamsetji Tata, the founder of the Tata Group. Throughout his lifetime, he donated over ₹8.29 lakh crore/$7 billion/(US$102.4 billion), significantly surpassing the contributions of current billionaires. According to the Forbes and Bloomberg Billionaires Index, British Indian Azim Premji's net worth is estimated at $14.3 billion and $35.9 billion, respectively, as of December 2024. Premji is among the world's most generous billionaires, having given away $21 billion to his charitable foundation. Sheikh Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi is a Saudi Arabian corporate figure and billionaire. Meet The Arab Man Who Donated $19 Billion To Charity. He worked as a porter, cleaner, cook and office boy before co-founding what is today one of the world's largest Islamic banks with his brothers (Abdullah, Saleh and Mohammed) in 1945. As of 2011, his wealth was estimated by Forbes to be $5.9 billion, making him the 169th richest person in the world. He also donated $16 billion (60 billion riyals) as Waqf throughout his lifetime. The United Nations Population Fund welcomes a $2.2 billion donation from Bill and Melinda Gates for global population and health activities. Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates, who coach the board, are the largest donors—they have contributed $59.1 billion through 2022. Michael Bloomberg Tops the List of America's Biggest Donors in 2023. The 50 donors gave a median of $100 million and a total of $11.9 billion. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust donated an average of $507 million a year between 2018 and 2022, making it the largest philanthropic organization in Asia, according to Bridgespan. That boosted his giving to more than $58 billion since 2006, when Buffett pledged , opens new tab most of his fortune to the foundations and to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has received more than $43 billion. He has donated 56.6% of his Berkshire shares. The American government contributed the most core funding to UNICEF in 2022, at 134 million U.S. dollars. The Japanese Committee for UNICEF followed closely behind at 133 million U.S. dollars. the notable billionaires who give away(donate) the most money, according to Forbes such as Mr George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, MacKenzie Scott, Jim and Marilyn Simons, Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan, Steve and Connie Ballmer. The charitable Haji Muhammad Mohsin was notable donor. Al-Tai lived in Ha'il in the present-day Saudi Arabia and was mentioned in some Hadiths attributed to Prophet Muhammad.  The charitable Ḥātim al-Tai bin ʿAbd Allāh bin Saʿd aṭ-Ṭāʾiyy was also notable donor. His son was Adi ibn Hatim, who was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) and his wife Khadiza(R) is the highest donor including notable Sahaba. However, now a days Christian, Muslim households top in donations for charity, the per-household religious contribution of Christians is the highest among all communities, as per data from the 72nd round of National Sample Survey (NSS) on Household Expenditure on Services and Durable Goods in India. Hindus donated a little over ₹15,600 crore as religious contribution in 2014-15 — six times the quantum donated by Muslims — but the per-household contribution of Muslims is marginally higher than that of Hindus, as they are enjoined by religion to give to charity. Mormons are the most generous Americans, both by participation level and by size of gifts. Evangelical Christians are next. A new study found that more than two-thirds of the world's millionaires are affiliated with a religion, with more than half identified as Christians. Nearly three-quarters of Indians gave money to charity last year The CAF has released its India Giving Report. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of Indian adults gave money to a good cause in 2019. This means that millions of Indians have donated to a charity, religious organisation or sponsored someone. However, despite so many Indians donating to their care, the report found that fewer people in this year's survey took part in charitable activities in general – including donating money, volunteering and giving food or goods. Within 51 charitable Wealthiest foundations by endowment value world top such as Novo Nordisk Foundation(Denmark), Tata Trusts(India), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(United States), Wellcome Trust(United Kingdom), Stichting INGKA Foundation(Netherlands). Jun 24, 2022 — Gautam Adani and his family have pledged to donate 600 billion rupees ($7.7 billion) to a range of social causes to mark his 60 th birthday on Friday. Mukesh Ambani, India's richest man, pledged ₹500 crore ($66.7 million) to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's coronavirus emergency fund. Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma donates $14 million to develop coronavirus vaccine. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, recently pledged to give away 99 percent of their lifetime net worth, or about $45 billion in Facebook shares. There are many charity organizations in Bangladesh, including NGOs, Catholic organizations, and organizations that focus on education: BRAC, Grameen Foundation, Grameen Bank, World Vision International, Aims Development Foundation - ADF, Ad-din Foundation, Amnesty International, etc. 5 Charities Operating in Vietnam like Action Aid, The Global Village Foundation (GVF), The Vietnamese Hope Foundation (VHF) supports elementary school children and their families by providing school supplies, clothing and health items. They also provide a trade and work opportunities for underprivileged women and give women financial assistance to help establish an environment suitable for a family.


The verse of competition in good deeds(donations); Allah Almighty praises the righteous people of the Book, saying, “They believe in Allah and the Last Day, and enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong, and strive hard for what is right. And it is they who are the doers of good.” (Surah Imran, verse: 114). “They used to compete in good deeds, and they used to call upon Me with hope and fear, and they used to be humble before Me.” (Surah Al-Anbiya: 90). "Those who spend in prosperity and adversity, and restrain anger, and forgive people. And Allah loves the doers of good." (Surah Al-Imran: 133-134). If you disclose your charitable expenditures, they are good; but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you, and He(Allah) will remove from you some of your misdeeds [thereby]. And Allah, with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted. [Surah Baqarah 271- 272]


It is known, The richest 1 percent of the world's wealth was owned by 82 percent of the wealth created in the past year. In contrast, the poorest half of the population received nothing. Such inequality in the management of wealth in the world has been revealed in a report by the international charity Oxfam. As a result, 8 out of every 10 dollars newly created in 2017 went to the pockets of the richest 1 percent. Earlier, in a report last year, the British charity Oxfam said that the wealth of half the world's people and the wealth of the richest eight people were the same. The organization said that this is a reason for global discontent.


However, Caliph Umar(R) decided that the wealth earned in a fiscal year budget would be distributed. Regular annual allocations were given only to the state connected populations because they played the role of the economic backbone of the state as independent separated desert tribal people like indigenous had enough wealth during that time like domestic animals, foods without Zakat as well as any state or state government duties like even voting due to their strict autonomic norm. He adopted the policy of distributing to everyone based on his contribution to Islam, that is, the amount of allowance based on his participation in state and social, trade, economic work eradicating poverty. This economic measure indicated the improvement of the standard of living of the people. With the increase in trade, the citizens of the Islamic empire became more prosperous. As a result, they were able to contribute to the Baitul Mal and more revenue was earned. The permission to build two-story houses led to the construction of numerous beautiful buildings throughout the empire. Usman built a large house for himself in Medina at his own expense. It was known as Al-Jawwar.


Every street in the city led to the Jama Masjid located in the center of the city. Markets were established at convenient locations. These markets were under the control of an officer appointed to supervise the markets and his job was to manage the markets properly and control the quality of the products. Cities were divided into different quarters, each of which was specific to a different tribe. Caliph Umar banned the construction of luxurious houses for the wealthy and elite, reflecting the principle of equality of all people in Islam. Later, Caliph Usman lifted this ban because the economic condition of the common people had improved greatly.


Many buildings were built for administrative purposes. In the Dar al-Amarat quarter of the city, houses were built for government offices and officials. A building called Diwan was built to store official records. Bait al-Mal was built for the treasury. The first prison in Muslim history was built to detain convicted persons. Rest houses were established for traders and merchants coming from distant places. Roads and bridges were built for public use. Shelters, wells, and dining halls were established on the route from Medina to Mecca to facilitate the journey of those coming to perform Hajj.


Cantonments were established at strategically important locations. Permanent stables were provided for the cavalry. These stables could house up to 4,000 horses. Special pastures were allocated for the animals of the Baitul Mal. Canals were dug for irrigation and drinking water. The governor of Egypt, Amr ibn al-As, proposed digging a canal to connect the Red Sea with the Mediterranean during the reign of Caliph Umar. However, for unknown reasons, this plan could not be implemented. After 1200 years, such a canal was dug, which is known as the Suez Canal. Shuaiba was the port of Mecca. It was inadequate, so Caliph Usman chose Jeddah as the new seaport and a new port was built here. He also reformed the city's police department. The sources from which revenue was collected during the Umayyad era were Kharaj, Jizya, Zakat, Ushar, trade duties, taxes received from the Qadr kingdom(autonomic provinces/protector state), Fai, special taxes, vat, etc. During the Abbasid period, the name of Baitul Mal was 'Diwanul Kharaj'. During this period, the main sources of revenue were Kharaj, Jizya, Zakat, Ushar, trade duties, import taxes, Farms, salt tax, fish tax, Grape and date orchard, etc. In the modern state system, the institution similar to Baitul Mal is the 'Public Treasury' or the central bank. Currently, its sources of income and expenditure are diverse. The modern state earns income from many sectors, such as the government's revenue department, foreign donations and grants, foreign loans, VAT, import-export duties, natural resources, etc. Large sums of incentive scholarships (Inam) and salaries were given to artists, inventors and craftsmen, doctors, poets, writers and scholars. All educational expenses of the empire were met from the revenue. Cities, towns, forts, mosques, madrasas, inns, bridges, canals, etc. were built for public welfare. After meeting the necessary expenses of the caliphate, the excess money was distributed among the common people. 


Only Islam has provided such a balanced labor policy that guarantees the rights and human dignity of the worker and the service the employer deserves.

In this hadith, Islam has essentially abolished class discrimination by addressing the worker and the employer as brothers. However, Islam has not denied the talent, labor, and social status of the owner and entrepreneur in the name of abolishing class discrimination. It has not imposed any oppressive system. Rather, it has tried to awaken human values ​​and compassion for the worker within them. Even working in earth any way including any employment like cleaning road is also treated as working for Allah awarded virtue where who is pious will be awarded more virtue with dignity religiously despite labour, even prisoner or employee can be Imam of mosque where labour and owner employer assist each other. [(Surah An-Nahl, verse: 71) (Surah Al-Ma'idah: Verse 2)(Surah At-Takathur: Verses 1-2)(Luqman 12, 26)(Al Mumtahina 6)(Fatir 15)(Al Hujurat 13) (Kasas 78)]. As a result of asking for forgiveness, people's livelihood, children and wealth increase. The Holy Quran states, "Then We said, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord, for He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send down rain for you in abundance, and will enrich you with wealth and children, and will establish for you gardens and will cause rivers to flow for you.'" (Surah Nuh, verses 10-12)(Surah Hud, verse: 52)


The Holy Quran describes the characteristics of Hazrat Musa (AS) as an ideal worker thus: O father! Hire him as a worker. Indeed, the best of your workers is the one who is capable and trustworthy (Surah Al-Qasas-26). The excellence and uniqueness of Islamic labor policy lies in the fact that Islam has provided equal foods, clothes provisions for the employer and the worker(rights: good salaries with allowances, pension, etc benefits).


The Prophet (PBUH) said: They are your brothers, Allah has made them subject to you. So whoever subjugates his brother, he should feed him what he eats. He should wear whatever clothes he wears, and he should not be given any work beyond his capacity, but if he has to do it, he should help him (Bukhari). Islam also demands good treatment of slaves(prisoners for corrections). The beloved Prophet, Hazrat Rasulullah (peace be upon him), warned his Ummah about two things in particular before his death. He said, "O my Ummah! Be careful about prayer and be kind to your male and female slaves(UN for world populations & states for citizens including refugees)." In another hadith, he said, "Whoever is employed by us should get a wife (at the expense of the institution), if he does not have a servant, he should get a servant, and if he does not have a place to live, he should get a place to live. Whoever takes anything more than this is a cheat or a thief." (reasonable Family life livelihood for citizens: Abu Dawud, Hadith: 2945). The Prophet (peace be upon him) warned in this regard, saying, "A nation whose weak people cannot pay their debts without force(movement, strike) can never be pure." (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 2426). As members of society, workers have the same basic rights as other people in the areas of education(training), health, medical care and housing. It is the sole duty of employers to ensure these rights. It is inappropriate to take from them work that will deteriorate the health of the worker. In this regard, the renowned Islamic thinker Ibn Hazm (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "The employer should take from the worker as much work as he can do easily and fairly according to his ability. He cannot be forced to do any work that will cause damage to his health or harm him."

(Surah Baqarah 286, 267, 148)


[He is] the Exalted above [all] degrees, Owner of the Throne; He places the inspiration of His command upon whom He wills of His servants(Oli-Awliya friends) to warn of the Day of Meeting.(Surah Ghafir 14, 15, 16)(As Shuyara-51) 

Every news has its appointed time and soon you will know (it), (Surah An'am: 65-67). Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian(Surah al Hizar 9)[Surah Al-Qiyamah: 17-19]. It is noted that Reform will come regular basis to meet up the deficiencies after 12 years, 20 years, and 100 years for righteousness [Quran, Hadith]. The 21st century in the Anno Domini of the 3rd millennium or 'Common Era', began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100 in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. Monarch of the United Kingdom, King George V was admirable to Royal family and general people due to study reformed curriculums for next century to run the world governance including ''Common Worshipping phenomena'' that is now ''Quran & Sunnah'' Ibrahamism-Arahamism including allowing few Sunnah norms of earlier Prophets under Ahle Kitab Muslims(Quran, Tawrat-Injil) e.g. unmarried Saint Sufism Yahia(A), Isa(A), Marium(A) with  married Sufi Saint norm. Therefore, all world leaders, politicians, bureaucrats, intellectuals, religious scholars, educated people must have knowledge of the future century's reforms to meet up the world societies' deficiencies to run the world smoothly with righteousness. After passing 100 years of  Ottoman Empire(1923-2023), Muslim Sunni spiritual worshipping route for Muslims & Sunni Christianity Ahle Kitab Muslims spiritual worshipping route(QuranSunnah with Tawrat-Injil) at least including Sunni route(QuranSunnah) both for nonMuslims have been started largely alongside ongoing governance under next century's reforms for righteousness under highest priority. (Surah Anam 37) 


In fact, During war, anarchy in Sam areas, non Muslims being ''Newly Muslim'(belief-Iman on route Islam but gradually adapting full text)'' through appropriate knowledge of Islam, they will establish Islam within them(non Muslims) as they will be their sects' leader with enough capabilities, strength where Muslims will assist them behind the scene standing beside brotherhood of Din Islam as an assistor as according to Quran creator's rotation system of governance plan as Muslims have successfully trained non Muslims  over governance with knowledge performing duties. In fact, they have already carried out enough within them, now they have to do more reform. (Hadith Ibn Majah)


Moreover, Muslims engaged in internecine wars will suddenly unite and Allah will unite the Muslim Ummah(Muslims & Ahle Kitab Muslims) in the hands of one person before the Hour. He will be the Caliph of Allah, Imam Muhammad ibn Abd Allah al-Mahdi alaihis salam. "People will emerge from the east and they will help establish the power of the Mahdi." [Sunan Ibn Majah; Kitabul Fitan] According to Ahle Sunnah, Imam Mahdi is the last Mujaddid. In contrast, to the Shiites, the Mahdi is the 'unseen Imam' (the 12th Imam), who will appear before the Hour. That is why the Shias call him 'Muhammad Al Muntazar'. 

"You say, all things belong to Allah." [Surah Al-Imran: 154] "Allah will send the son of Mary (Jesus) as a righteous ruler. Then all envy, hatred, enmity will be removed from among people. People will be called to receive wealth, but (since it will be available to all) no one will receive it." [Sahih Muslim; Kitabul Iman]Masjid Umayyad (Umayyad Mosque) is intended by the Mosque of Damascus that is built by Umayyad Caliph Abdul Malik which has a white minaret on the east side(simile Qasar shorter halal norm worships). Jesus Descend during Fajr prayer ''treated Qasr Fard 2 Raqah prayer treated Qasr norm worships for entire Ahle Kitab Muslims for more virtue with less practice Sufism strategy'' [ Sahih Muslim]. After the prayer, the leadership of the Muslims will leave hands of Jesus(Sufi Muslims,  Christians or QuranSunnah knowledge Elham guidances simile will establish QuranSunnah in nonMuslims). "How will it be on the Day when Jesus Ibn Maryam descends, and the Imam will be one of you ''treated guide book will be written-gifted from Muslims." [Muttafakun Alaihi]. One Mashiah(Christ/Salvour) will together entire Baniisrael nations(nonMuslims ie. prophet Mohammad led all prophets unity Baitul Mukaddas norm) under right path that is Quran Sunnah Abrahamism. Small symptoms of Kiyamat will happen again again for caution to mankind towards Allah's worships with fearness reliance. Therefore, it is clear many reformist, Mujaddid, scholars will arrive era to era, century to call to Islam even within small sect, group of sects and entire mankind's unity and goodwill under time period righteousness, development, salvation, encourage, peace.( Forecasting Hadiths for only assume-sign guidances)


A(QuranSunnah worships including Sufism) practices reach B(Muslims&Ahle Kitab Muslims Sects' Sufism worships) that establishes Mahkame Ibrahim D(Abrahamism) with consensus single country world with many autonomic states with common prosperity like strong 'institution' UN within entire mankind A+B=D=BD(appropriate routes of worships). It is mentioned that 4 objectives of UN Charter are also included from holy Quran ie. one earth world country with many autonomic provinces-countries like Commonwealth prosperity phenomena unity putting common budget allocation with AI(Artificial intelligence) Robot auto drive Car plane train, Hybrid high productive crops & foods including grass made meat, supersonic high speed scientific planes, Hyperloop, bullet trains, flying cars vehicles like Rocket Spacecraft adding advanced Radar surveillance system like China to Europe-USA within half hours or 5-20 minutes future adopting advanced science & technology with safety showing Quran-Hadith's scientific blessings including nuclear energy  with high welfare state facilities & Universe like planet Mars homes & agriculture industrial zones but Islamic Modern Caliphate of the United Nations as a supreme guardian body must ensure appropriate religious guiding under Human Rights Charter , UDHR like creating new body UN World Religious Wing like WHO, [Surah Al Imran-103]. This [Qur'an] is enlightenment for mankind and guidance and mercy for a people who are certain [in faith]. [Surah Al-Jathiya 20]. But remember, trespassing full Muslims' worshipping places, sacred places are grievous sinful acts(Quran, Hadith). Islam(norms, elements) has already established average 50% within entire mankind(8 billions) in the earth on governance(Insaf, democracy, justice, peace, fairness, human rights, rule of law, liberty, righteousness, fairness & accountability, acceptance, etc) as well as worships(to be Muslims under Quran-Sunnah guidances). Now United Nations must focus on more appropriate spiritual worships for currently recognised non Muslims though they are already treated as a small Muslim but it is not enough for them comparing creator imposed time period worships as they have faith on one unique invisible almighty creator Allah with Prophet Mohammad as a Messenger as part of the Iman but they don't practice guidance of Quran-Sunnah worships that Allah has mentioned in Quran faith-Iman hasn't  been restored in soul-Nafs without Quran-Sunnah spiritual worshipping practice(at least 5 pillars). All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines that rights are for all people, regardless of their nationality, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, belief, or any other status. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights. It also states that people are endowed with reason and conscience, and should act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood. 


The UDHR was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948. It is the most translated document in the world, available in more than 360 languages. The UDHR is a foundation for a just and decent future for all, and a tool in the fight against oppression. 


The UDHR includes 30 rights and freedoms, such as: 

The right to be free from torture

The right to freedom of expression

The right to education

The right to seek asylum

The right to life, liberty, and privacy

The right to social security, health, and adequate housing. 


What is Article 1 of the European Convention on human rights ECHR?

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance what also Bill of Rights & Human Rights Act have been following as well as others.


It is noted that Nuke, ICBM, Mass destructive weapons non proliferation treaties, steps, UN laws, rules are fully appropriate norm as many more activities are religiously non sinful(halal-jaiz legitimate) but all aren't enacted as enforceable laws, rules for time period for governance e.g. death penalty is religiously non sinful(halal-jaiz legitimate) sentence in criminal offence as highest sentence where UN has setup life sentence for genocide, ethnic cleansing, murder, war crimes. Similarly, Nuke, Mass destructive weapons' procurement & possession for deterrent purposes under self defense with UN authority's monitoring control are religiously non sinful(halal-jaiz legitimate) with peacefulness for some countries with conditions for eradication it future as much as possible being protected but UN will continue its steps to eradicate these dangerous weapons for forever peace establishment process under its enacted laws, rules for governance that is enforceable and binding for all member states despite different exemption within religious faith under one of the degrees of necessity defense but procuring Nuke with rising danger for earth is haram(sinful) in Islam as all aren't enforceable laws, rules, regulations for governance norms despite religiously halal-jaiz(nonsinful legitimacy) e.g 4 wives marry at a time now a days isn't lawful(permissible) in many countries including marriage Act of Bangladesh for era's governance despite its religious legitimacy with non sinful act. Therefore, UN sanctions on member states for procuring nuke, mass destructive weapons is lawful as well as religiously legitimate and appropriate norm under safety of earth & universe norms where many things are lawful for governance necessity norms despite not fully religiously halal-jaiz legitimate norms. 


Are they waiting for Allah Himself to come to them under the shadow of the clouds with the angels? If he does, the matter will be settled once and for all. And all matters will return to Allah for judgment(Surah Baqarah 210). 

Allah provided holy book Quran and Prophet for whole mankind in

the earth to establish Islam in the earth complying his desire

doing worship and running life based on his prescribed

methods called rules, regulations and laws . Sura Al-Nisa-28:

Allah says in Quran towards mankind that I have set up soft

burden of rules as you, mankind, can lead easy life in the

earth because I have created mankind weak. 

O believers! Patiently endure, persevere, stand on guard,1 and be mindful of Allah, so you may be successful; and preach guidances to others with mature thinking, solution being like Aleem wise. (Surah al Imran187,191, 199, 200)


Though Quran introduces 25 Prophets messenger with 4/5 waliAwliyah where Ahle Kitab Books introduce more than 50 Prophets and Hadith informs about 124000 though Quran informs many more numbers where all Prophets are sinless sacred light(Nur status like Angels) despite even mistakes by especial pardon from Allah in their life including Dawood Zakaria Yunus Adam Moses where Prophet Mohammad was acknowledged as their leader by all prophets in Allah's conference room like Alame Arwah (in the spirit world) into Sky including Aksa mosque Meraj time in earth as well as all Nafs soul-Ruh of mankind towards almighty creator Allah. Thus We made them the people of the past and an example for the future, e.g. Salaf e Saleehin, books, 5 pillars of Islamic Spiritual worships has been gong on appropriately still now by Salaf e Saleehin(predecessor righteous people group chronology), (Surah Az-Zukhruf 56, At-Tawba 119, 100, Luqman-15)(Creator being Allah and chief leader Prophet Mohammad acknowledgement from entire mankind Ruh and Prophets: Surah Araf 172, Surah Al-Imran 81)(Surah Ahzab 72)[(Surah Al-Imran, verse : 159, 164, 184, 81,58) (Surah Ahzab, verse : 21) (Surah Araf, verse : 158) (Surah Ambiya, verse : 107) (Surah Kalam, verse : 4)(Surah Isra 89)].


In fact, Prophets' lessons, text, acts, guidances, orders, traditions, process, and era's reforms on some subject matters of these called Prophets' Sunnah(one of the degrees of obligatory performance orders) termed as Allah's order called also Arabic word Shariyat e.g. Quran is last & final divine reform of earlier holy lessons by Allah with his team like express Prophet & Angels termed all earlier Prophets' Sunnnah for new era since 610 AD where subsequent reform within spiritual worships and governance's laws, process, rules based on fundamental principles(avoiding Shirk Kufr, standard process, degrees, one unique almighty creator worshipping being, etc) called also Quran's Sunnah or Allah's Sunnah(order) as well as called Prophets' Sunnah what has been developed chronologically since Adam(A) to Mohammad(pbuh) including ongoing process to till Kiyamat based on era's necessities. It is noted that all activities aren't treated as Prophet Muhammad or Sahaba disciples Sunnah norms & Abrahamic Sunnah norms e.g. Prophet Muhammad married more wives including Sub wife, he didn't like to eat some Halal foods habitually, he prayed with thinking termed meditation in Hira Hill, he once mistakes telling Inshallah, he sleep on land floor beside mosque despite personally owned large wealth from wife and Allah for running Caliphate & life, he marries off his daughter to cousin Ali, Abu Bakr Fatema's sack wearing donating all wealth; similarly Caliphate Rashedin time Caliph's less security as Head of the State during praying or public gathering, Caliph Osman's reappointed own chosen entire administration, govornor's like Muwbiah revolt against Caliph for justice trial soon without giving time with soberness, decapitation enemy head in war by sword, One fifth percent wealth for Caliph or Prophet ownership. Similar norms for other Prophets e.g. Killing winner brother Abel Habil due to defeated Cain Qabil, Moses stayed in Tor Hill for night sleeping like tend & showing more talent with arrogance in earth than Khijir to Allah, Abraham sending wife to desert tree by first wife's quarrel & his dream step beloved human son for Qurbani, most of the Prophets' sheep, goat cow, cattle farming, Moses' angryness fight with Harun's beard due to his failure protecting people polytheism, Daud David's weapons making & selling even his wrong done like adopting his servant's wife conspiracy, Killing children like Khijir by the name of wrong doer future as Islam doesn't legitimate ethnic cleansing like killing child where Khidr incidents just for forecast knowledge showing oli power pietyness perspective for Moses instead judgment pre trial execution during that time, Lut's especial instruction not see behind during that danger of stone storm earthquake & allowing wife idols-polytheism worships, Adam-Hawa's mistake haram fruits eating heaven, Zakaria's mistakes not reliance on Allah during danger like Yunus, Yahia's living in Jangles, Isa's not arresting or taking protection conspirators of his killing within his disciples, Danial's living with lion, Going cemetery aliving purpose death people from  grave like Isa's aliving death people like Julkifal Hijkel, testing AlemUlamas for watching their piety miracle power by beauty girls like Yousuf attacked by brothers or attacking by fire or dangers like Ibrahim and Isa-Jesus by devil, living in grave like Uzair, Mohammad's 5 times Fard Salah was given Ibrahim to Isa within different prophets era to era  as Fard . Allah orders to follow their teaching and instructions with appropriate examples of  their life of knowledge as they were good, honest, piety, righteous, creator fear surrendered, characteristics God Allah blessed people of mankind as mankind usually do numerous mistakes in life and they will overcome also being sacred.  But what Prophets did for pietyness, worships to Allah, goodwill for mankind that is treated as Sunnah piety norms. Therefore, people will never willingly practice holy messenger prophets' shortcomings as part of the Sunnah worshipping of piety norm. Taking knowledge Prophets worshipping life and their instructions called Sunnah-Hadith people can adapt worships and other life activities being hold good characteristic piety person e.g. people aren't allowed to make Hill for worships where it is suggested by research thinking Meditation in suitable rooms, Etekaf-confinement high concentration worships with researching alone or with team, Hajj Mina hill tend but people can Nafl prayer in Hira Hill as part of the visiting place like Jerusalem Aqsa mosque, people can marry sub wives during more girls in society, people can marry divorce wife, visiting Tor hill as visiting place allowed with Nafl Salah of Moses life remembrance like Hira hill, researching with understanding deeply like Moses remembering Khijir like now books is Moses Sunnah, Isa Jesus Sinai hill visiting with Nafl 2 Rakat Salah and Aksa mosque Nafal prayer, Madina Constitutional values principles freedom of religions goodness&fairness Insaf-justice-equity Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad like most of the countries constitutional values human rights, Shiv Angel Jibrael&Lut's instruction on halal sexual activities with soberness is his & maiden John the Baptist Yahia's Sunnah, Loving caring affection with young girls Isa Sunnah& proposing girls for halal marriage Mohammad sunnah as well as parents or others via including by bride girls to Mohammad Moses Ibrahim sunnah  what details discussed fully in  full books especially Prophet Mohammad's more marital reasons perspectives unique ordered only for him by Allah what later developing circumstances finally set up fixed details marriage rules for people like highest 4 wives with prohibition of blood relatives like aunts and Sub wives or shorter marriage with conditional grounds of countries' societies like even burden Mahar Kabin legal document registration or consensus non registered marriages like civil partner norm for avoiding divorce cases disputes; Countries Societies to societies Kiyaz-Ejma reform adaption like Quran-Sunnah preached by 8 tribal languages by Angel Jibrael & Mohammad trainings methods Sunnah, PM, Head of the State's justified Salary allowance Palace Prophet Mohammad's Sunnah, procuring protection weapons is Daoud Sunnah guidance if necessary where state proved secure is automatically for entire people performed instead individual's procurement,  researching for correctness and appropriate adaption is Uzair sunnah, Using stick by Imam is Moses Shoaib Isa Mohammad sunnah, many weapons used in wars under modern era's norm, visiting earth universe is Quranic order with remembrance of Allah's power, guiding rulers again & again is Nuh Mohammad Yusuf Daniel Zakaria's sunnah, Allah's Elham experts Mujaddid Eras' reform Yusuf Daniel's sunnah, Donation including foods all Prophets sunnah,  washing feets poor with Olive oil like taking care disciples-Sahaba as a mashiah is Isa-Jesus Mahammad Sunnah, Swimming- bathing with remembrance of Isa-Jesus Nabuyat coronation by angel Jibrael with Zakaria can be practiced as  Isa-Jesus sunnah like Oju, guiding Allah's orders & looking after like a doctor giving treatment by even Dowa prayer despite risk of danger is Isa - Marium's  Sunnah like also Mohammad, Ayyiub-Rahima, donating milk or foods Saleh Moses Isa Ali Fatema Abu Bakr Mohammad  sunnah, Singing praising Allah Dawud Ali sunnah, praising  Allah& his guidances by writing literature, books, poems& research knowledge sunnah of Ali- Mohammad, Dowud& Edrish,  preaching with traveling is all Prophets sunnah, establishing Islam with fighting rulers Isa-Jesus Mohammad David Zulkarnaine Sunnah including Dowa to Allah's miracle, protest, Hizrat with team, Zakaria's looking after Marium like orphan Sunnah, taking care newly Muslims is Isa Moses Mohammad Sunnah, soberness in war Mohammad Usa Nun Hizkel Moses Sunnah, looking after Muslims & Oli Awlias Imam scholars traveling is Daniel's sunnah, visiting worshipping places for scrutiny is Isa-Jesus Sunnah, Pond bathing  Isa-Jesus Oju & Taumum soil stand Oju and water Oju despite wife's sexual intercourse Sunnah-Hadith piety, Belal's Oju &Rakat Salah, justice for mankind Daud Samuel Suleiman Mohammad's Sunnah & Jinn-Allen's Islamic corrections, Moses snake Stick and Ibrahim's destruction of idols from their sects Temples for his own sect spiritual correction where Muslims can only preaching knowledge instead of forcing to other faithful sects worshipping places spiritually correction like Pope Canterbury led Christs' unitedly can start Quran practice forcefully within their subordinate worshiping places Churches under corrections rights including Hinduism by sangkaracharja&Buddhism by Monks under guidances of  individual testing soul-Nafs by Allah, Isa Turban also Mohammad Isa-Jesus Sunnah & Marium white Nun dress, Beard panjabi, Donation Sunnah, Boat travel Noah-Nuh Isa Zulkarnaine remember sunnah horse racing sword marsal art Mohammad's  sunnah, Grape juice& fruits date fish bread Olive oil Isa-Mariam Sunnah& playing with wife&drinking Kalogira-black cumin milk Honey Mohammad's Sunnah, Fard Salah with Sunnah salah with others prayers norm Mohammad's Sunnah, many dowa prayers Isa-Jesus Mohammad's sunnah, preaching girls women Suleiman Moses Yahia Soleiman Isa-Jesus Mohammad sunnah , 100 Rakat Nafl salah  Dawud Mohammad's Sunnah, Reform liberal with appropriateness fairness equitable justice Insaf middle way Isa-Jesus Mohammad's sunnah , giving exam of knowledge & judging pietyness appointment Mohammad Al Elisha Zulkifal's Sunnah, preaching rulers Nuh Abraham Moses Suleiman David Isa Yahia Mohammad's Sunnah, mosque building Ismail Ibrahim David Suleiman Mohammad's Sunnah, taking leadership for righteousness David Mohammad Yahia Jacob's Sunnah,  giving treatments patients & making public speeches Isa Mohammad sunnah, guiding children Ishak Adam Nuh Ibrahim Mohammad Lukman Hakim Sunnah, Loving parents Isa Yahia Mohammad's Sunnah, eating keeping plants on cloth sitting floor Muhammad Sunnah like recognized as like eating with need and clean as not wasting foods, looking after animals dog cat, environment  mankind, creatures & producing halal animals all Prophets Sunnah,  Qurbani & Eid Hajj Abraham Isa Adam Mohammad sunnah, Imam-leader including worships for nonMuslims mosques by Muslims is Mohammad's Surah, memories Quran Mariam Uzair David Mohammad Yahia Ali sunnah, Long-inch-full remove hair cut Hug & hands shake Salam Muhammad Sunnah, Muslims Imam & Muslim general people and Muslims Imam jointly with nonMuslims Imam & nonMuslims general people leadership Sunnah of Mohammad, Nafl fast weekly monthly like Monday Thursday Daud Zulkifal Isa Mariam Mohammad's sunnah, Praying mercy light-Hedayh for mankind Mohammad's Sunnah including Isa Moses Nuh Yunus Abraham Wisekarni, Reform capabilities including worships all Prophets Sunnah including Mohammad Isa Yahia Eliyas Uzair Edrish Adam Nuh Abraham, Meetings with different faithful Imams in mosques Mohammad's Sunnah, Guide books of Kitab like reform Kiyaz are treated as Hadith-Sunnah under individual's willing beliefs reliance on it as reference to Allah like Bible, many experts' written Kitab where Muslim Caliphs once brought these gold price value giving priority with honour. [(Surah Al-Ahzab, verse: 21, Surah al-An'am, verse 38) (Surah al-Hajj, verse 75) (Surah ar-Rad, verse 7) (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 285) (Surah al-Ahzab, verse 40) (Surah al-A'raf, Verse 158)Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 2)Surah Al-Fatiha, verse: 5, Surah at-Tawbah, verse: 31, Surah (21) Ambiya: 25 verses, Surah (42) Shura: verses 13,  Nahal:  verse 36, (Surah Syura: 15) (Ghafir 5, Baqarah: 136) ]


It is noted that people have confusion on Sunnah on11 wives and Sub-wives marriage of Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) as all people don't have enough knowledge of Quran and hadith where it states '' sinful adultery slave, alive child graving, Sud Riba'' pervertness were going on what Prophet was ordered by Allah to overcome these difficulties developing society with discussing people. For this reason, Prophet had to show example of two halal marriage like fixed Mahar and nonMahar subwife for more liked wife marriage with purification as they can't share their sub wives to others until release. Second, due to Riba, many girls were slaved for adultery damaging family honour that creates alive killing girls child where Prophet showed them to marry child age Ayesha(R) with giving Mahar gifts regular basis with looking after and later applicable of marriage for physically wife during starting puberty treating poor child management with dignity and honour with purification avoiding sins from barbaric cruel Arab society. Finally, more wives management in family life is difficult with equal treating created chaos and soberness, equity, understanding, divorce, ruling, earning, fan, etc have been given and one wife within highest 4 is setup final jurisdiction after examining the circumstances informing society making them understand properly with practically to develop the society gradually. Thirdly, many women came to Muslims being Muslims and detainee from wars without mature prison management for rehabilitation centre, they provided them to Sahabas families for teaching Quran Sunnah living within family as Subwife as marriage has been setup by highest 4 numbers and Mutah shorter marriage for poor people having halal marriage avoiding adultery-Jena, poor marriage by even fixing pieces of date fruit as Mahar for family life. Some marriage were forced to Prophet as her husband was died in war and she widow wants to marry Prophet, arbitrations with war enemies Sects marrying their girls, widow, Christian King's requested gifted girls for peace, etc and training few talent woman as wife on family matters perspectives and so on. Messengers are mostly trainer to establish rules, regulations, laws teaching people in society what everything was done by order, consent of Allah when it has to stop or adopt new process of strategies, Allah has guided by Angel Jibrael or direct Ohi order. So criticism should not be expected as sinful act without knowledge as all Prophets are sacred, honoured  and best idol trainers of code of human life era to era development. Within his 23 years prophecy, he had to develop a mature party, society, country as a statesman being religious teacher, Head of the State, General, lawyer, justice, parents, husband, friends, leader Imam, preacher, commander, politician, trustee, donate, General manager, huge Nafl Salah prayers for Prophecy special obligation, etc, he had no enough time for entertainment. [Quran- Sunnah] [Surah al Imran 159]


Allah orders believer, Say: We believe in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants and what was given to Moses, Jesus and other prophets from their Lord. I do not differentiate between any of them. For this reason, many similarities including reformed order grasping latest Kitab are still alive within all religious books and practices with Quran-Sunnah. (Surah Baqarah: 136, 24,53, 111, 121, 129)(Surah Nisa: 136)

Just as We have sent among you a messenger(Mohammad with Quran-Sunnah guidance lessons engaged all prophets unitedly Meraj)  from yourselves reciting to you Our verses and purifying you(mankind, Jinns) and teaching you the Book and wisdom and teaching you that which you did not know.  Indeed, those who conceal what We sent down of clear proofs and guidance after We made it clear for the people in the Scripture - those are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse, (Surah Baqarah:151,146,159).

Indeed, those who believe(Iman) and do righteous deeds(Spiritual Worships & Justice, equitable-Insaf governance of life with society) - for them are the Gardens of Pleasure.[(Surah Luqman 8) (Surah Baqarah-177) (Surah Hajj-75,67, Surah al-Maida -3, 66,68,65, 48, 69, Surah Baqarah:151,132, Al-Ambia-107, Saba 28, Al Furqan 1, Al Araf 158, al Imran 31,68, 23, Al Muminun 52,74)]

That is because Allah is the Truth, and what they call other than Him is illusion, falsehood, and Allah, He is the Most High, the Sublime. Jews Christians of UK, USA, Europe has brought faith oprophet Mohammad's training under Fard e Kifaye but they are training lesser(Musafir) standard worships engaging purifying nonMuslims under Sufism where Hinduism-Buddhism are also bringing gradually faith-Iman towards Allah and Prophet Mohammad's worships trainings; (Sura Baqarah -62, 63), Nisa-101-103. As 

Prophet Mohammad's worships trainings are completely more virtueable under complete books with full standard for this prescribed time period till Kiyamat for entire mankind and where part of the Kitab books were given earlier ancient descendants or Muslims. (Al Imran-23, al Isra-Baniisrael 107-109)Surah Al-A'raf: Verse-194

Say, 'Believe in the Qur'an or disbelieve, when the Qur'an is recited to those who(earlier ancient descendants -Ahle Kitab Muslims) have been given knowledge before, they prostrate themselves.'

And they say, 'Our Lord is great, holy; Our Lord's promise must be fulfilled.

They fall down in prostration weeping and it increases their modesty and humility.[(Al Imran-23,19, 85, 33,34, 7,4,3,20; al Isra-Baniisrael 107-109)]

These people who were, have passed away, you will not be asked about their earnings for them and your earnings for you and what they used to do.(Surah Baqarah-139, 149-160,183, 140-143, 186, 195, 184,185)


Allah says mankind, He will [then] amend(reform) for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. And he will done it through Mohammad(pbuh) and his Chief of Staff of Angels Jibrael(A), [Surah Ahzab 71]. Creator Allah has repealed rules, regulations of Kitab holy divine  books with reform enacting new  one after one chronologically till complete holy divine book Quran as people were gone far away from appropriate lessons, righteousness believed people were ordered to establish appropriate worships within society, mankind where creator's order now is to establish Quran-Sunnah. Quran-Sunnah contains Tawrat, Zabur, Injil and all earlier prophets' many lessons and training simultaneously. Those whose scale (of righteous deeds) will be heavy will be successful. It is He who created for your ears, eyes and hearts; You(mankind) give little thanks contrary over blessings . And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims."  

(Surah Nisa: 50,51,54, 47, 44, Al Imran-26, 21, 191; Al Muminun 22-32,78,102,68,73,88,117)(As Sajdah-Fussilat 

33), (As Saf 8-9, Tawbah-32). People must have efforts & faith to adapt full lessons of Muslim despite less practices, (Surah Al Imran-102)(Surah Ahzab-7, 72, Ar Rum 30). And (this messenger was sent) also for others who have not yet joined them (but they will come in the future). Allah is the Mighty, the Omniscient. Prophet Mohammad will save nonMuslims who will practice Islam now to till Kiyamt, (Surah Ar Rum 30, Jumah-3)(Surah Al Araf-158, Saba-28, Al Anbiya-107, (Surah Baqarah-177, 183, 106-107, Surah Hujurat-13, Al Imran 199) (Sura Aklas :1-4, Hasar-7, Nahal-89, Anam-38, Maida-3)

As part of the reform of Quran-Sunnah enactment, Allah has Haram-repealed some earlier rules, giving Equivalent with reform one and awarded full new development(New Extension/standard).(Surah Baqarah-106); Hadith mention, in Quran, Tawrat develops and reforms by Surah Baqarah to Tawbah with 7 Surah, Zabur develops and reforms by Surah Yunus to Qasas and Injil Ankabut to Hujurat, Kaf to Mufassal fully new with more small Surah(Tabiron, Hares : 8003; Musname Ahmad, Hares: 1703)(Musnaam Ahmad: 16984;  Surah al Maida 5:15)(Surah An Kabut 14-15, Hujrat 9,10, Nahal 44, Nisa 80,Surah Baqarah-177, 183, 106-107)(Surah Zukhruf, Verses 3-4)

Prophet Adam(A) Shariyat lessons gradually develops to Nuh(A) and passed it to Ibrahim (A) where gradually it developed to Shoiab(A) to Musa(A) Shariyat lessons to Isa-Jesus(A).[Quran-Hadith, Surah Maidah 5, Al Imran19,85]


Although the classification of all Islamic rules is not clearly mentioned in the description of the Qur'an-Hadith, the Ummah's jurisprudents and jurists researched the Qur'an-Sunnah and shaped the rules into different levels and organized them. There are various types of injunctions and regulations of Shariat according to the level. Injunctions such as Farj, Wajib, Sunnat and Mustahab etc. And prohibitions such as Haram and Makruh etc. And there are some things which are not enjoined at all, but merely fall into the realm of legality. This matter is well-informed in the words of the Holy Qur'an, Sunnah, Hadith and Companions. Allah Almighty says, 'I have sent it down in the Arabic language as the Qur'an, so that you may understand. With me it is preserved in the Ummul Kitab (Laohe Mahfuj), and it is full of knowledge of the highest status.' (Surah Zukhruf, verses 3-4)

The Holy Quran has a total of 30 Paras or Chapters. The 114 Surahs are divided into these verses. 

► 610 AD and the month of Ramadan in the month of Qadr, the first Quran was revealed in the cave of Mount Hera. There are four names of angels. The word Satan occurs 85 times, Iblis occurs 11 times. Jinj-Alien nations is mentioned 32 times.

Among them Makki Surah (narrated before Hijrah) 92, Madani Surah (narrated after Hijrah) 22.

► There are a total of 540 Ruku-bows and 14  Sejda prostration in the Qur'an.


► According to the popular opinion, the total number of verses of the Qur'an is six thousand 6666. But according to researchers, a total of 6,236 as Verse ''Bismillah'' is counted as one verse within 114 Surahs that reduces verse numbers. 


► Types of verses of the Qur'an - 1000 commanding verses, 1000 prohibitive verses, 1000 glad tidings, 1000 warning verses, 1000 narrative verses, 1000 illustrative verses, 250 halal verses, 250 haram verses, 100 verses of prayer-Dowa, dhikr and tasbih.


In fact, The arrangement of revelation of verses: The serial arrangement of verses and surahs in the Qur'an was not revealed one after the other; Rather, according to the context and need, Almighty Allah revealed the relevant verses on His servant and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). During his 23-year long prophetic life in Makkah and Madinah, he was trained by Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S.) from Allah's order where he recited  and trained all 114 surahs & verses to people and disciples. Later, in 632 AD he formed 40-82 Hafez team for the serial arrangement of verses and surahs in the Qur'an for complete compiled book. Later, in 633 AD, it was compiled as a book by Caliph Abu Bakr led Zayed Ibn Sabet team according to Prophet's instructions, Sahabah Keram Lawhe prepared this copy of the Qur'an that is in front of us by combining it with the original Qur'an of Mahfuz, then passed it to Caliph Omar to Caliph Osman and world provinces Hafez to Caliph Ali to others Caliph as well as numerous Hafez across the world where Prophet Mohammad and his many Sahab disciples were Hafez, memorised Quran.


 What was the first verse revealed in the Quran?

As has been explained above, the earliest Revelation to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) consisted of the first five verses of Surah Al-Alaq, in which it had been Said: "Read-Iqra' (O Prophet), in the name of your Lord, Who created: created man from a clot of congealed blood. 

Last verse of Quran before Prophet's death : Surah Baqarah 281, mindful of the Day when you will ˹all˺ be returned to Allah, then every soul will be paid in full for what it has done, and none will be wronged. Hedayh must be tried to understand over sacredness and appropriateness as much as possible where Allah will give blessing anytime anyway.(Surah Al Isra 1, 11, 12, 20, Al Ambia 37, An Nahl 1, Taha 114)


And [recall, O People of the Scripture], when Allah took the covenant of the prophets, [saying], "Whatever I give you of the Scripture and wisdom and then there comes to you a messenger confirming what is with you, you [must] believe in him and support him." [Allah] said, "Have you acknowledged and taken upon that My commitment?" They said, "We have acknowledged it." He said, "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses." (Surah al Imran 81, As Saffat 180-182)


Hazrat Gabriel (A.S.), the chief of the angels, had the important responsibility of conveying the holy words of Almighty Allah to His Habibs, Messengers or Prophets. The title of Gabriel (as) is Ruhul Amin, meaning the Faithful Spirit. He is the Ameen of the sky. The Amin of the Land is the World Prophet (PBUH). Ameen of the sky Jibraeel (A.S.) used to bring Oahi to the Ameen of the earth. At some point, he would leave unnoticed by everyone. Sometimes he would come in human form. He often came in the form of Sahabi Mr Dahiyatul Kalbi (RA). Once Jibraeel (a.s.) appeared in the court of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) disguised in white clothes and with jet black hair. (Surah Tawba, verse 29) Surah (2) Baqarah: 136, Surah (3) Al-Imran: 84 verses, Surah (5) Maida: 12, 14-15 verses, Surah (3) Al-Imran verses 78-79, Surah (87) A'la: Verses 18-19, Sura (53) Najm: 36-37, Sura (87) A'la: Verses 18-19, Sura (53) Nazm: 36-37.


 O believers! If you surrender to a group of those who were given part of the Scripture, they will turn you away from faith to disbelief.[Surah al Imran 100, 92, 93, 95, 102, 103, 104, 109, 113-114]

In Islamic terminology, Islamic principles or way of life are called Shariat. In other words, Islamic laws or regulations are collectively called Shariat. In other words, the commandments and prohibitions and guidance given by Almighty Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) to people to lead their lives are called Shariah. Allah Ta'ala says about Shari'ah:


Meaning: “Then I established you on the Shariah. So you follow him(guidances). And do not follow the whims of the ignorant.” (Surah Al-Jasiyya, verse 18) Content and Scope of the Shari'ah

The content and scope of Shariat is very wide. It is the holistic and complete way of life for mankind. It contains the rules and guidelines for all aspects of human life. (Surah Maida 3)(Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 85)Meaning: "I have made the Qur'an easy in your language, so that they may take advice." (Surah Ad-Dukhan, verse 58) (Surah Bani Israel, verse 89) (Surah An-Nahl, verse 89) (Surah Bani Israel, verse 106)(Surah al-Hijr, verse 9)(Surah Al-Qiyamah, verses 16-17); Meaning: "Surely I have made the Qur'an easy for the admonition, so is there any admonition taker?" (Surah Al-Qamar, verse 22)"Recite the Qur'an slowly and clearly." (Surat Al-Mujammil, Verse 4); Meaning: "And We have sent down the Qur'an to you, to make clear to people(entire mankind) what has been sent down to them." (Surah An-Nahl, Verse 44)(Surah An-Nazm, Verses 3-4)(Surah Al-Hashr, verse 7)(Surah Baqarah 223, 214)


And We did not send any messenger except to be obeyed by permission of Allah. And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful.  And Allah also says in another verse, Allah and Prophet Mohammad always with you mankind connected by remembering worshipping Allah and praying Durood on Prophet Mohammad including all Prophets where now people have to want Dowa from loving shadow prophets Aleem religious scholars.(Surah Nisa 64,69, Ahzab 56)

Charity is for the needy who are so devoted(Musafir)  to the cause of Allah( with blessed and wised by Allah e.g. OliAwlia termed as Angel standard status) that they cannot move about the country for work. Those unfamiliar with their situation will think they do not need charity because they do not beg. You can recognize them by their looks. They don't beg people endlessly. Whatever you give in charity is well known to Allah, and he can award mercy sins and pray for fulfillment of Mannat vow working favour of Allah for favour of followers.(Surah Baqarah 273, 245, 247,253,254,257, 265,269-271,189,160). People ask you, what will they spend? Say, whatever you spend in good deeds, your parents and relatives, orphans and needy travelers-Musafir deserve it. Whatever righteous deeds you do, Allah is well aware of them e.g. Researchers spending time for society, Aleem(MaulanaUlama, Saint, Pope, Christ, Moong, OliPir, etc) spending time will receive Hadiya(donation-gift) from riches for livelihood and love affection on deep training study, Darse, advices, Dowa, Tawba salvation, Zakat, donation  etc despite serving freely to poor but following & practicing worships of knowledge of Islam don't need money to be Muslims. (Surah Baqarah-215, An Nisa-36, Tawba 103, Hasar-7, Jumua-10, atTagabun-17, at Talaq-3)(Surah An-Naziyat, verses 40-41)Surah: Baqarah, verse: 271 (Surah: Fatir, verse: 29, Surah: Rad, verse: 22)(Adabul Mufrad, Hadith: 597)(Adabul Mufarad, Hadith: 156)(Surah: Ar Rum, verse: 21, Surah Insan 3,8,9)

O you who have believed, when you [wish to] privately consult the Messenger, present before your consultation a charity. That is better for you and purer. But if you find not [the means] - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Even working for Islam like mosques Imam prayers, waz mahfil, trainings, preaching, researching Islam  including spiritual worshipping and governance parts treated as jihad by Quran affording Islam establishment Niyat-oaths can receive donation, salaries including trusteeship-Amanat for distribution assets with different protocols posts e.g. rulership/ Head of the state, Chief religious Imam or religious minister or secretary as high ranked Nayabe Rassul but group of educated classes will act different different posts' duties under good state management processes avoiding bribery,  extortional sinfulness where trustees can own shares of the assets trust, duty&responsibility is one's legitimate kingdom.  (Surah Al-Mujadila 12)(Ya-Sin 21, Surah Al-Furqan: 57, As Sura 23, An Am 90, Hud 51)(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 271) (Surah: Fatir, verse: 29)(Bukhari: 2585)(Bukhari, Hadith: 2568)(Surah Furqan-52, al Imran 3:104, Tawbah-41, 103,111,122, Saf 10-13, Nisa 95-96,71,58, 159, Isra 34, Ahzab 72, Anfal 27, Muminun 8-11, Mahrij 92, Surah: Baqarah, verse: 265-269, 257, 242-258)

On the authority of Zuhayr ibn Harb and Muhammad ibn Musanna (RA)…Umar Ibn al-Khattab (RA). He said, I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying that the best among the Tabi'een is the one known as Yameni Oli Saint Mr WaizKarni Ibn Amar(R). He has a single mother and had leukaemia. You will ask Him to make dua for your forgiveness. (Muslim Sharif, Hadith No- 6260, 6261 Ifa), (Muslim Sharif, Hadith No- 6259 Ifa).


In fact, Quran is supreme law-rules source where Prophet's training, application is called Sunnah-Hadith as well as his details interpretational contents are also called Hadith. Considering something Quran is the highest priority reference authority of appropriateness, then Hadith will be 2ndly prioritized taking solution or worships knowledge. For examples, Salah is mandatory-Fard, sometimes it can be exempted under Hadith rules as part of the application based on situation. Despite primary & Secondary source, Prophet Mahammad's training, application for Spiritual worships is called Fard Sunnah e.g. Salah Rakahs, 30 Fast Ramadan, Hajj, 2 Eid, Qurbani, Azan, Ekamat, etc but you can differ Miraj Hadith contents of miracle stories of  knowledge, even also Salah hands binding belly or chest, etc. Sometimes, some rules are reformed complying era's demand necessity complying fundamental principles of Islam under Ejma, Kiyaz. (Surah Baqarah-184,185, 45, 153)(Surah Nazam: 18)


(Sent the messengers of the past) with clear proofs and the Book; And now I am sending down the Qur'an to you to make clear to people what has been revealed to them and so that they may reflect, (Surah Nahal 44, Hasar 7, Najam 3-4, Azab 21, Anfal 46, Hujrat 1).


Therefore, If we mankind unitedly train all sects dividing works across the world that will eradicate Kufr sin from mankind e.g. non Muslims mosques recite half Quran in Salah, Muslims recite half Quran in Surah in everyday that will recite entre Quran within mankind across the world under common consensus prayer establishing Islam unitedly despite someone(sects) don't practice entre Qur'anic verses under gradually adaption rule exemption with training methodology as mankind are divided higher lesser pietyness. ( Al- Imran 10, 105,103-104, 110, Al-An'am 159, Surah (6) Anam: 153 verses, Sura Rom: 30-32)At-Tawba 122,6,10, Surah Yunus: 59, Nisa-101-102)[Sura Al-Isra: 57; Sura Al-Baqarah: 165, 21,137, 171, At-Tawba 122,11,18,19, Al- Imran 102,104, Surah Al-Mu'minun: 51, Surah Al-Maydah: 3] 

And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious. There is a time for every news and soon you will know (it). (Surah An'am: 65-67)


Even Muslims in every  country sacrifices animals Qurbani where others  will give party invitation, gifts with meats treated collective  responsibility sacrificing Qurbani due to unavailable of animals and environmental, wild animals, ecological  protections grounds e.g. chickens will be also lower degree of seized animals for halal Jayez legitimate Qurbani under circumstances but congregational Eid Salah-prayer must be performed by both Muslims&Ahle Kitab Muslims.


(O Nabi!) You adopt the principle of forgiveness. Enjoin the righteous and avoid the fools.' (Surah A'raf: Verse 119) Allah Ta'ala will take account of all the deeds of people in the Hereafter. On that day he will look at the intention or purpose of all human actions. If a person does something with a good intention, he will get his reward. Meaning: “Indeed all actions (results of) are dependent on Niyat-intentions e.g. less standard practicing from full text of Shariat under Sufism hoping future full adaption treated as good bona fide intention as student mankind will try to get pass to outstanding mark from full text where teacher only have full knowledge on full lessons. (Surah Al-Muzzammil 20, 1-10, Taha 114)(Bukhari)(Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 114) (Surah: Ale Imran, verse: 133) (Surah: Taha, verse: 84, 114)

And hold firmly to the rope(orders) of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided. (Surah al Imran 103, 31, 85)(Surah Nisa: 149); ; Others have admitted their wrongdoing: they have mixed good with evil.  It is right to hope that Allah will have mercy on them. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah At Tawbah 102, 104)[Surat al-A'raf, verse: 42](Surah Noor, verse: 62)


It is noted  prophet Mohammad's time period Salah prayers are designed by Angel Jbrael A mostly Fard(mandatory obligation treated Allah's orders) and Sunnah-hadith(strong and less obligatory from Fard over prophet’s suggestions, orders, acts of duty treated Allah's orders) where Wajib(nearer mandatory obligation), Mustahab(often similar norm voluntary performance for virtue), Nafl(voluntary performance for virtue), Sunnah te Mukkadah(nearer obligatory to Sunnah), Mandub are just degrees of Fard and Sunnah duty obligations of worships' performance,   (Sunan al-Daraqutni, 986-987, Angel Jibrail Salah prayers Imam-leadership), (Meshqat: 583; Abu Dawud: 416). For example, 2 Rakat Fard&2 Rakat Sunnah for Fajr prayer, it needs mostly 10-15 minutes, so who will pray only Surah recitation like reformed Christian standings Salah, one must try to recite more surah or long Surah with Surah Fatiha maintaining the standard and also even Dowa, Hymn songs Zikir especially all Christian Jews Hinduism Buddhism Shinto Confucius Etc Churches of Sects when you have enough time as you are not always Musafir-busy. Similarly, Zuhr 4 Rakat Sunnah, 4 Rakat Fard, 2Rakat Sunnah&2 Nafl; Asr 4Rakat Sunnah&4Rakat Fard; Maghrib 3 rakat Fard, 2 rakat Sunnah&2Rakat Nafal; Isha 4 Rakahs Sunnah, 4Fard, 2sunnah , 2 nafl Rakahs; Witr-Bitor Wajib Salat 1-3 or more Rak'ahs, 2 rakahs Nafl. Jumu'ah 4 Rakahs Sunnah, 2 Rakahs Fard, 4 Sunnah, 2 Nafl.  Nafl Sallah Salatul Duha Chaste prayer-Ishraq  2/8/12 Rakahs Hajj measured virtues(Hadith Tirmidhi Sunan 461/586, Bukhari Muslim Mishkat Sahih 1309, 1178).  Eid Salah-prayer 2 Rakahs with extra Takbeers. Nafl  Mercy Estiqfar, Thankfulness Shukrana, Solar Eclipses Al Ayaat, Rain Salah-prayer Istisqaa 2 Rakahs, Awwabin Chaste Salah 2 -6-12 Rakahs, Tahiyatul entering mosque 2 rakats and 2 Rakats for any good news consideration Shukria Salah prayer. He directed us and said, "Pray as you have seen me pray." Quran indicates 4 Rakahs Fard Salah-prayer by 2 Rakahs Musafir- shorter Salah under grounds where even 20-48km travelling is treated one of the Musafir(busyness/vulnerable) circumstances including walking Salah prayer. (Bukhari-631, Ifa-603, Modern-595)(Surah Baqarah: Verses 127-128, 238-239) (Surah Ibrahim: Verses 40-41) (Surah Nisa 101-102 ,159 )   

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (R.A.) said, "Allah Ta'ala made four rak'ats of prayer obligatory on the face of your Prophet in the state of residence and two rak'ats in the state of travel." (Muslim, Hadith: 687)


The term "Sunnatullah" consists of two words, "sunnah," which means customs or laws, and "Allah," which refers to the One God in Islamic belief. Sunnah: tradition, habitual practice, customary procedure, pathway, consistency & order.

Sunnat Allah means the sunnat of Allah , the practice of Allah . The practice of Allah never changes and never stops . The Quran is the Hadith and Sunnah of Allah . Allah wants mankind to follow only his Hadith and Sunnah , The Quran, the systematic order that Allah SWT created to govern the movement of His creation and make everything function in a consistent and organized way.

Mankind’s life and all his activities; economic, political, cultural, etc. are subjugated to the laws of Allah.


What do you mean by evidence?

a. : an outward sign : indication. b. : something that furnishes proof : testimony. specifically : something legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter.

Evidence is anything that can be used to prove something — like the evidence presented in a trial, or the trail of bread crumbs that is evidence of the path Hansel took through the woods.

There are four main types of evidence that are used in court: real evidence, documentary evidence, demonstrative evidence, and testimonial evidence. Evidence is information that you can use to support an argument, which is the main claim you are making in your paper. There are four Rules of Evidence; Validity, Sufficiency, Authenticity and Currency. The Rules of Evidence are very closely related to the Principles of Assessment and highlight the important factors around evidence collection. Rationale, aims and objectives: Four pillars of evidence underpin evidence-based behavioural practice: research evidence, practice evidence, patient evidence and contextual evidence. Rationale, aims and objectives: Four pillars of evidence underpin evidence-based behavioural practice: research evidence, practice evidence, patient evidence and contextual evidence, direct evidence and circumstantial evidence, different sources: Scientific research, Clinical expertise, Patient values and circumstances, hearsay, Digital evidence, Mathematica Policy like anecdotal, descriptive, correlational, and causal, Characteristics of Good Supporting Evidence like Trust, Accuracy,Precision.Relevance. Sufficiency, etc. Evidence is published across a variety of sources, including scientific or academic journals, books, conference proceedings, websites, and news reports. The good text evidence is Textual Evidence: Support From Other Writing, Direct quotations from a book or other text source, Accurate summaries of what happened or was said in the text. These five rules are—admissible, authentic, complete, reliable, and believable.


How do you find evidence in a book?

Finding Evidence in a Reading Passage: Strategies & Examples ...

No matter what kind of text you are examining, follow these important steps as strategies:

Read and understand the question or claim.

Closely read the text to find the answer.

Note inferences and quotations from the passage that support the answer or claim.

Analyze the evidence for Islam like Quran and Hadith, aim and circumstances the Surah, verses where supporting and countering arguments, summary and synopsis, Ejma Kiyaz, experts opinions and even also earlier holy books.

Reading holy books increases the knowledge of students, improves their intellect, makes students aware of the various societies, and civilizations across the globe. Moreover, reading books enhances imagination and creativity in the student's mind.


What are the qualities of an evidence source?

It is important to be able to identify which sources are credible. This ability requires an understanding of depth, objectivity, currency, authority, and purpose. Whether or not your source is peer-reviewed, it is still a good idea to evaluate it based on these five factors.Remember, the best way to collect unbiased evidence is to gather evidence from each of the four categories: people, physical, paper and recordings. The six most common types of claim are: fact, definition, value, cause, comparison, and policy. Being able to identify these types of claim in other people's arguments can help students better craft their own. There are many ways to present your evidence. Often, your evidence will be included as text in the body of your paper, as a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sometimes you might include graphs, charts, or tables; excerpts from an interview; or photographs or illustrations with accompanying captions. This evidence, composed of facts and the reasoning that connects them, aims to convince your audience to accept your conclusions about the literary work. Textual evidence uses information from an originating source or other texts to support an argument. Think of textual evidence as the driving force behind debates. Debates take a position and then use facts as supporting evidence. Good evidence needs to be reliable. It is representative, not just an isolated case, and it is information upon which an institution can take action to improve. It is relevant, verifiable, representative, and actionable. This information is called textual evidence, and it usually takes the forms of facts, statistics, anecdotes, examples or illustrations, expert testimony, and graphical evidence like charts or tables.


What is evidence in reading?

Finding Evidence in a Reading Passage: Strategies & Examples ...

A claim or argument about any idea in the text should have supporting evidence. Evidence is proof that's essential to an author creating a strong argument or claim. All texts, or reading passages, contain evidence.

What is the author's evidence?

Authors back up their points with good reasons telling why their ideas might be true. Authors support each reason with evidence, or facts and examples that explain more. Good reasons and evidence are what make the authors' points convincing. 


How to analyze text evidence?

 When you analyze a text, you break it down, picking out the author's main idea, the reasons that support the main idea, and the evidence that supports the reasons. Then you usually offer your own opinion about whether the text is convincing and does what the author intends it to do.


In fact, Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(pnuh) read Quranic verses as well as quoting earlier holy scriptures verses to people that was related truthfully to all religious Aleem scholars. Secondly he showed Majeja miracles like dividing moon, Miraj, curing patients, increasing foods for eating many people, increasing strength of sword, demonstrating Baitul Mukaddas, earth and universes, creator & his reign governance, science and technologies of Quran and Hadith narrations. After his death in 632 AD, Caliphate Rashidun run 661 AD but Sahabas disciples was alive still 730-743 AD like Mr Abu Tufayl(R), Hasan(R) and many more. They were practicing with general people as well as Hafez Aleem scholars across the world treated as eye witness real evidence & testimony.  Abu Hanifa[a] (Arabic: أَبُو حَنِيفَة, romanized: Abū Ḥanīfa; born September 689–767AD) was a Sunni Muslim scholar, jurist, theologian, ascetic, and eponym of the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence, which remains the most widely practiced to this day where he wrote Bukhari Sharif Kitab of Hadith Book discussing with many Sahabs directly like 4 notable as well as directly observing spiritual worshipping practices treated eyewitness and recording the eyewitness evidences of Hadith. Later, he taught many more Aleems and they also recorded Hadith from authentic sources like Aleems, ongoing practicing followers treated as Testimony evidence. In hearsay evidence, Law. testimony based on what a witness has heard from another person rather than on direct personal knowledge or experience. Thus, the four “hearsay dangers” are insincerity, faulty perception, deficiencies in memory, and errors in narration but admissible on business records, statements against interest, past recollection recorded, and spontaneous utterances. Testimonial evidence is a type of evidence that comes from a person's testimony or statement. It is used to support a claim or argument where real evidences is consistent like Quran and ongoing practices and consistency with Hadith full content or part of the contents treated as strong valid evidences especially for identifying subject matter of text that is similar with Ahle Kitab earlier holy divine scriptures' investigation the appropriate contents though oath testimony with Oral or written is generally used in religions with miracle Majeja expression for all Prophets era to era through Ohi(divine messages/directions). 

The literal meaning of revelation is: to hint quickly in secret. The law that was sent down to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) through Jibraeel (A.S.) is called revelation.


Ohi comes to Prophets and other people like Moses Mother, Mayram, Mohammad(pbuh)'s mother&Grandfather, and general people dream direction. 1. By dreaming, 2. Through Ilham:, 3. Like a bell 4. Angel human shape 5. Angels in their own shape: 6. Direct conversation with Allah (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith : 3) (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith : 4) (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith : 2) Sahih Al-Jami, Hadith: 2085 (Surah Nisa, Verse: 164)(Surah Nahl 68, As Shura 50-52, Nisa 163)


There are two types of revelation. First type: direct revelation; Which is called 'Kitabullah' or 'Al-Qur'an'. Both its expression and language belong to Almighty Allah. Rasulullah SAW. He expressed it exactly. Second type: Indirect revelation called Sunnah or Hadith. God's idea, but the Prophet. He expressed it through his own language, his own words, his own actions and consent.

We inspired the mother of Moses: "Nurse him, but when you fear for him, throw him into the river, and do not fear or grieve. We will certainly bring him back to you and include him among the Messengers."(Surah Qasa 7); General people like South African Christian priest Ibrahim Richmond will Elham directions till Kiyamat for Hedayat or others goodwill from creator. (Quran-Hadith)(Surah Jinn 23-28)(Surah As Shura 51)

Regarding revelation, Islamic scholar Shafi Usmani says in the preface to the Great Quran, "Mankind receives education from Allah Ta'ala through three means - men's sense, the faculty of reason, and revelation(Ohi). General people's dream three types such as firstly come from Allah for directions, come from own imagination and come from devils for misguidance where explanation will decide what is positive for life as devil will never persuade you grasping almighty creator order. And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives and complete His favor upon you and upon the family of Jacob, as He completed it upon your fathers before, Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise." (Surah Yusuf 6)


Jurist scholar Ja'far al-Sadiq, a descendant of Muhammad was one of the teachers of Abu Hanifah and Malik ibn Anas who in turn was a teacher of Al-Shafi‘i,  who, in turn, was a teacher of Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Thus all of the four great Imams of Sunni Fiqhs are connected to Ja'far directly and indirectly.  Hanafi usul recognises the Quran, hadith, consensus (ijma), legal analogy (qiyas), juristic preference (istihsan) and normative customs (urf) as sources of the Sharia. Abu Hanifa is regarded by modern scholars as the first to formally adopt and institute qiyas as a method to derive Islamic law when the Quran and hadiths are silent or ambiguous in their guidance; and is noted for his general reliance on personal opinion (ra'y). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanafi_school#:~:text=The%20Hanafi%20school%20is%20the,parts%20of%20Russia%20and%20China.]


The original teacher is Allah himself. So the angels said, 'O Allah, you are holy! We have no knowledge except what you have taught; Surely you are wise and cunning. ' (Sura-2 Baqarah, verse: 32). Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salam was the first teacher of all times in the world and last teacher is Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) mostly taught divine lessons from Allah. Arabic madrasah literally means "place of study" and refers to any school, religious or secular(other knowledge lessons). Qawm means nation, tribe, community, group and people. The Arabic word ''Qawmi'' means national. Madrasa means place of study, training, educational&research institution, academy. Religious and cultural institutions of higher learning for Muslims(M-Muslims, AKM-Ahle Kitab Muslims) are called madrasas. Darul Uloom, an Arabic word literally meaning "house of knowledge". What is taught in Qaumi Madrasa?

At the Takmeel or Dawarae Hadith level in their syllabus, students are taught in detail mainly on Hadith related topics. And apart from the Qur'an hadith seen at various levels from elementary, multiple languages, mathematics, science, economics, Sharia laws, political science and reasoning are included in their syllabus. There are now developed numerous types of educational institutions from divined knowledge including religious, non-religious knowledge for different different sectors manpower's training like School to university over spiritual worshipping lessons and governance text lessons including Oxbridge, Harvard. Who is the greatest teacher in the world?

But only the most beloved Prophet of Allah Almighty prepared Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) verbally through Angel Jibril (PBUH) as the greatest teacher of the world as complete divined lessons have been revealed and trained by him to mankind  where Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) started his Madrasa teaching on Safa hill and later in Zayed Ibn Abil Arkam home..


It is noted people who have surrendered to almighty creator-Allah treated Muslims but his faith has deficiencies on Islamic law(Aqidah-Manhaj) of worships and he is practicing less worships called small or full Fasiq, Jalem, Jahel treated as sinfulness weak Muslims e.g. Don't believe on congregational Salah-prayer or don't perform Fard 5 times Salah prayers without reasons, don't perform or faith-Iman on Sunnah-Nafl Salah-prayers, not faith on Qurbani-Hajj-Akigah, beard, Halal foods,  etc.(Surah As Sajdah-18, Nur-55)(Surah Ibrahim 42-45)(Surah Nisa-103,110,111)(Surah Araf 23, Nahal-118, Qasas 16)

 Those who believe and do righteous deeds, I do not burden anyone beyond what he is capable of. They are the inhabitants of Paradise. They will remain in it forever. -[Surat al-A'raf, verse: 42](Surah Noor, verse: 62)


Allah gradually sends Imam, scholars, Mujaddid-reformist and NabiRassul with own chosen one to guide mankind to improve their virtue standard leaving wrong done as he doesn't want to punish mankind believer nations what is setup automatically in his Rabbani Empire governance fixed mechanism like fixed lifespan of everyone like one or two times in year for mankind's sins despite awarding his mercy for many sins as we mankind do many sins habitually and Mumin piety scholar are responsible to surveillances the mankind's conduct how much sinful they are and how it can be overcome to move forward Allah's Din religion e.g. having deepest reliance and fearness towards Allah treated Muttaki Taqwah righteousness Salah prayer building instead of building architectural concrete mosque in places or Hill? And father of creator surrendered nation Prophet Abraham prayed to Allah to give always righteousness leaders-Imam(Imam Mahdi) within my children to guide my descendants that is entire mankind where Allah sends them resolving disputes by Scriptures knowledge era to era, century to century e.g. praying Salah prayer by entire mankind in mosque al Aksa together under Quran. But lifespan of everyone can be changed by praying and goods to Allah. Mujaddids may also include prominent scholars, Islamic rulers, and military commanders. (Surah At Tawbah 105, 111-113, 108-109, 124-129)(Surah: Nahl, verse: 61)(Surah: Yunus, verse: 56)(Surah: Hadid, verse: 16)(Surah: Najiyat, Verses: 40-42)(Surah Hajj 40-41, Al Maida 105, Ahzab 71, Al Imran 110)[Sahih Hadith Mishkatul Masabih 247, Abu Dawood 4291]


 (115)And Allah would not let a people stray after He has guided them until He makes clear to them what they should avoid. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of all things. Do they not see that once or twice every year they are judged? 1 Yet they do not repent and learn. (Surah At Tawbah-126)

 Whenever a Surah is revealed, some of them mockingly ask, "Which of you has it increased in faith?" For the believers, it increased their faith and they rejoiced. (At Tawba 124)(Surah-103 Asr, verses: 1-3)(Surah Ambiya: verse 73, Surah Baqarah: verse 247)

 Your Lord is not unjust to His servants. ’ - Surah Hamim Sijda: 46

 Though Allah also tests people giving diseases, natural disasters, etc difficulties to reach people towards Allah.(Surah Baqarah 155, As shura 57, Yunus 80, Nisa 78, Dukhan 12)(Surah-103 Asr, verses: 1-3)By the ˹passage of˺ time! Surely humanity is in ˹grave˺ loss, except those who have faith, do good, and urge each other to the truth, and urge each other to perseverance.

Prophet hazrat Muhammad(pbuh)says forecasting that Fetnah Fasad, shortcomings, chaos, pervertness, difficulties, etc will have been going on since his death to till Jeus Isa(A) arrival before Kiyamat where people will seek mercy Tawbah again & again with prayers.(Sahih Hadith)


Appropriate worships' performance from mankind and Jinn(Alien) nations will move forward automatically earth and universe's lifespan and it is creator's order to automatically increase earth and universe's lifespan doing worship(Quran). Even if one people does Quran Sunnah worship, he(Creator) will never destroy the earth&universe(Hadith).  (32)They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. (33)It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.[Surah At-Tawba 32-33][Surah As-Saff 8] Creator almighty Allah clearly expresses that he wants to run the earth for longer period for his own desire and necessary where he has created mankind and Jinn nation to assist him on his vision. “And surely Allah will help those who help Allah, surely Allah is Mighty and Mighty. Those whom We establish on the earth establish prayer, pay zakat, enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds. And for Allah the outcome of all actions is determined.” (Surah Al-Hajj: 40-41) And Allah has clearly expressed how mankind and Jinn nations will assist Allah, doing only worship based on his desire, guidances. It has been said, 'And the horn will be blown, so that all the heavens and the earth will faint, except those whom Allah wills. Then the horn will be blown again, then they will stand and look.' (Surah Jumar, verse: 68) Allah has also clearly expressed demolition of earth including showing symptoms of Kiyamat like Isa Mashi arrival is the only Creator's own jurisdiction instead of mankind or any creature. So doing anything for Kiyamat arrival or its symptoms' arrival are fully grievous sinful act treated trying to destroy creator's Din(earth&universe running orders) as it is like a production industry(Ebadat-virtue growing) of Creator. He will fulfill his duty as soon as he receives the command of Allah. Everything will be destroyed by his blow. In the Holy Qur'an, it is stated, "Except for the existence of Allah, everything will perish." (Surah Qasas: 88) Allah Ta'ala says: ﴿إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ﴾ “Surely I have sent down the Qur’an, and I am responsible for its custody” (Surah Hijr, verse 9). Almighty Allah Rabbul Alamin said, 'The matter of Qiyaamat is like the twinkling of an eye or more than that, it is only a matter of a moment. Indeed, Allah has power over all things.' (Surah Nahl: 77) Mankind and Jinn nations must take preparation doing worship for their hereafter instead of trying to reach Kiyamat(demolition of earth) soon. [Sahih: Muslim 243-(155), Abu Dawud 10409, Abu Ya'la 6584, Surah Al-Imran 3 verse 26]


Prophet on 628AD wrote letter of Islamic call(full Muslim faith or heaven seeking route having minimum Muslim stage i.e. common word between us and you non-infidelness faith-QuranSunnah, Tawrat, Injil) to all world leaders with their reign existency assurance like Rome emperor Heraclius ( Christian King), Persian Kisrah(polytheist, fire worshipper), Egypt MokaiKis(Christian King), Bahrain King, Oman King, Syrian King, Abyssinian-Ethiopian King Negus(Christian King) stating that I am Prophet Mohammad(pbuh), messenger of Allah, urging to accept Islam as an earlier people of the books of Islam(Ahle Kitab Muslim ), otherwise, you(Guardian of people-King) will be liable for general people's sinful acts of wrong worship. Some of them accepted Islam, defer for further query with sufficient time, Persian emperor angary but all provided gifts especially Egyptian King acknowledging envoy of Creator where King Negus worked as a Sahabi-companion standard granting Asylum-Hizrat to refugees from cruel polytheistic ruler Mr Abuzahel controlled Mecca though many Vatican Pope from 1200, 1500, 2007AD(20,000 Mufti & Pope with 200 Saint) acknowledge this common word consistency practice of Islamic Quran publicly where Hindu-Buddhist scholars also acknowledge it as part of the holiness divine envoy Quran-Sunnah & Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) they aren't starting to practice Quran-Sunnah yet despite 1400 years have passed ie. disaster for their hereafter life where now earth's lifespan must be extended doing proper worship under Quran-Sunnah. [Al Imran 3:64] It is noted that now a day, leaders aren't directly liable as people are free to accept any religion freedom of religion, liberty rights well as available knowledge where leaders are only responsible to reach appropriate knowledge to people with persuasion and with all positive initiatives for preaching. Thousands of world religious scholars will discuss and reach an agreement to lunch Quran within their places of worship for entire mankind that needs only couple of months under UN or other Kings, Presidents' initiative despite individual initiatives.


As a sign of peace and order, happiness-prosperity, unity-harmony, equality-friendship and brotherhood in the society, people should have social qualities such as love-compassion, respect, sympathy, patience-tolerance, honesty, trustworthiness, sensitivity etc. There cannot be any kind of strife, strife, tumult, tumult, strife, strife, violence, violence, enmity, ill omens and inauspicious signs. Islam completely prohibits activities that cause havoc in human society. The prohibition is declared in the Holy Qur'an, "After establishing peace in the earth, do not cause mischief in it." (Surah Al-A'raf, verse: 56)(Surah Nisa, verse: 92-93)(Surat al-Maida 32)

It says: And if they refrain, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Qur'an 2:192) It is stated: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but transgress not, for Allah does not like the transgressors. (Qur'an 2:190) (Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 9) (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 191) 'Do not cause mischief in the world, surely Allah does not like mischief-makers.'(Surah Al-Qasas, verse : 77), Leaders of world now have to establish peace and stability for long run as peace has been establish under UN global express treaty consensus with other peace treaties where self correction are now compulsory vision under Quran Sunnah guidances instead of armed war. No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking means to the approval of Allah - then We are going to give him a great reward. (Surah An Nisa-114)


A ruler(ruling classes of state)  who governs with justice has a special reward in the Hereafter. On the Day of Resurrection, when everyone wanders in different directions, Allah Ta'ala will shelter him including seven groups under the shadow of the Throne(Arash).[Bukhari, Hadith: 1423; Muslim, Hadith: 1031; Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2391; Nasa'i, Hadith: 5380, Ahmad, Hadith: Muatta Malik, Hadith: 1777]


Hazrat Anas Radiyallahu Anhu said, It has rarely happened that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave a speech but did not say in it - 'He who does not have faith in him does not have faith. And whoever does not have the discipline(dedication) to keep his promises, he does not have religion. (Musnad Ahmad, 3/135)


Moreover, not having a trusteeship(oath with promises) is a sign of a hypocrite. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, once described the signs of a hypocrite and said that one of the signs is that when a trust is kept with him, he betrays it. [(Bukhari, Hadith, 33; Muslim, Hadith, 59), Tirmidhi, Hadith: 1379, Surah Al-Imran 3 verse 26, Surah Nisa: Verse: 58]


Abuse of power in discharge of duty: Willful neglect of duty is abuse of power. Everyone must be accountable to Allah for neglecting their duties. On the authority of Ibn Umar (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Each of you is responsible; And each of you will be asked about his responsibility.' [(Bukhari, Hadith: 853; Muslim, Hadith: 4828), Surah Ibrahim: Verse 22]


It is noted that mankind made promise to creator in hereafter(Barzak life as fetus souls) as they will establish Islam in the earth life like leaders making promises towards general people in state governance life, both are trusteeship( not breach of contracts) for mankind. Every even person is powerful in the earth with free choice, liberty rights whether one will perform worships or not, so if one breach his duty abandoning worships is also betrayal to Allah. No scheming was spared to create obstacles in the way of the establishment of Islam, for which reason Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made his destruction inevitable, "May the hands of Abu Lahab be destroyed and may he be destroyed" [Surah Al-Masad: 1].


Oppressions to own self & others both are treated as Oppressions(Julum) in Quran e.g. breaching worships like fasting everyday a year being sick is also oppression towards own self having sins of extravagance. Regarding oppression, the Qur'an also says, "And do not lean on the wrongdoers, do not be partners with the wrongdoers, then the fire (of hell) will touch you." (Surah Hud: 113)  

Almighty Allah says, "O People of the Book, do not exaggerate between yourselves." (Surah Nisa, verse 171)On the authority of Ibn Abbas (R.A.), the Prophet (S.A.W.) said, "Avoid excesses(extremisms) between the two." Because those before you were destroyed because of their transgressions in matters of religion.' (Nasa'i, Hadith: 3057), Surah and Rum: 41


Indeed, Islam is the simplest, liberal , appropriate way(Siratul Mustaqim), there is no doubt. [Suarh Al-Fatiha verses 6-7, Surah Al-An'am 153] 

In fact, performing fully prescribed Islamic duty & responsibilities like Prophets with his companions-Sahabas are so tough for mankind in real life but setting up more easier rules, duty & responsibilities beyond prescribed this threshold are violation of Islam that is breach of duty of trusteeship. Therefore, we general people of mankind must perform spiritual worships & good governance with Tawbah repentance despite it is tougher to us as there is no alternative way. 


Almighty Allah says, 'And some other people have confessed their guilt(Tawbah mercy plea), they have mixed a good deed with another bad deed. May Allah forgive them. Surely Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah Tawbah, verse 102)

Rasulullah Mohamamd (SAW) said, 'Every human being errs, the best errer is the one who repents (and asks for forgiveness). (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith: 2499)

When a person repents of his wrongdoings, it is the order of Islam to forgive him. Almighty Allah says, 'Those who spend in wealth and in poverty and those who restrain anger and are forgiving of people. Allah loves the righteous, [(Surah Ale Imran, verse 134), Surah Nisa verse: 110, Surah Ash Shura-5].The Prophet Mohammad(PBUH) used to ask for forgiveness 100 times a day (for minor indiscretions). he said, "My heart stopped for a moment forgetting Allah. And I seek forgiveness from Allah 100 times a day.'' [Sahih Muslim: 7033]


Being Muslim(Pious Muslim, less pious Muslims-Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims with surrendered towards Allah), habitual personal life isn't affected under state liberalism laws and orders with keep preaching halal-haram rules(e.g. Alcohol or harmful addiction of body is haram: 2.6 million died in every year for alcohol consumption according to WHO's report/cigarettes causes Cancer) for personal piousness with personal duty instead of state as a whole. Halal -Haram legitimacy-prohibition rules depend on people, culture, state holders consensus that is called democracy(Caliphate) with intellectual civil society leadership joint consensus governance with general people's participation, views. Enactment of governance laws and orders can be liberal based on piousness and less piousness as Newly non-Muslims including Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims can also consume wine alcohol as they will gradually change their haram habits developing their worships regular basis under exemptions of applying strict law & order of state including even pig meat legitimacy unless availability of halal foods within  sufficient time under self defense with mercy plea including death animals but it reserves sins rather than virtue of piousness when it has no effort for halal another foods productions within  sufficient time(Sahih Hadith); as part of the strategy adopting Islamic rules, first of all, nonMuslims will just start practice five pillars of worships with Khatnah, Eid, Qurbani under Quran Sunnah instead of  Halal-Haram fully like dress code, eating habits, non formal marriage with non-registration, cultural habits(musical concerts with loud instrumental music, fun programs like Pahela Boishak-Nairud-Mela), Sea beach Joyful bathing, daily life habitual practices, etc under exemptions of laws and orders with Tawbah,[Surah Al-Ma'ida 3]. People will do wrong again and again, will plead mercy over wrongdoing(sinful Haram-illegitimate acts, breach of worships) as people will be given correction time for amendment, [Surah An Nisa 04:110, Sahih Muslim 673, 7033]. It is noted that sect of religious scholars as well as classes of people have designed their financial income sources within also religious groups e.g. drinking alcohol is religious sacred red win having wine halal phenomena where more than thousand trillion dollar business across the world as well as scholars, shrine-Mannat, etc are taking as part of the act of donation from people for their livelihood ie. halal-legitimate act. Whatever it is phenomena, mankind must adopt appropriate religious worshipping despite running some shortcoming business or phenomena(Millatmahfil with Hadiyah-gift) for earth life as large number of world population 9 billion aren't living full just, righteousness(full Insaf within world) management under competitive capitalist free market system instead of large fund for welfare as reforms must adopt gradually maintaining good management where prophet also trained people gradually showing small Muslims with less worships as life of people aren't badly affected instant e.g. idols makers must be given different employment with compensation leaving idols-polytheism(grievous Shrik-Kufr ie. perpetual hellfire conviction) as large number of people aren't getting even three times meals as well as experiences large scale refugees in the world. 


It is noted that there are two count of rules avoiding sins for entire mankind, first, bring faith with burden of worships' performance, then 2nd, perform over faith of worships. If one doesn't bring faith on Shariyat(confined worships of time period that is now prophet Mohammad-QuranSunnah) as well as non-performance that is treated as two count of offences of sin where people must bring faith on Shariyat(QuranSunnah), then perform what ever they can with repentance-Tawbah for non performance of worships towards an almighty creator Allah. 

Dai ilallah(Calling towards supreme being creator almighty Allah): And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims," [Surah Ha Mim As Sajdah Fussilat-33]. All countries must add this Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims route of worship alongside Muslims' route into school syllabus world universal religious books as well as code of conducts of mankind chapters as child especially nonMuslims children can grow up with appropriate lessons as there are only two routes of worships in the current earth for entire mankind for heavens. 


Hereafter life: People will answer these questions in Arabic language in hereafter where who has earned enough heavens standard virtue in earth life, one can automatically answer rightly these questions. Barzak of Grave Questions by Angels selecting them for semi heavens of grave-Barzak life Ellin or Semi hellfire of grave-Barzak life Sijjin till final judgment: Four questions will be asked on graves life.


1st Question - Maan Rabbuka (Who is your Lord? Answer: Supreme being Allah) 


2nd Question – Wa Man Dinuka (What is your religion? Answer: Islam)


3rd question - The figure of the Prophet (PBUH) will be shown and said - Man Hazar Rajul (Who is this person? Answer: Prophet Mohammad pbuh for entire mankind snice 610 AD being followers of his guidances called Ummat )


4. But the believer(pious) will be asked one more question: And that is: How do you know?


He will answer, I have learned from the book of Allah(Kitabs: prescribed holy Quran-Sunnah for current time period) and I have believed in it in my heart and soul. [Surah-48 Al-Fath, verse: 28, Surah al-Ahzab: 40, Surah Saba: 28, Al Baqarah, verse: 129, Surah: Tawba, verse: 33]. Allah says, 'Establish prayer, give Zakat and obey the Messenger(practicing his teaching), hopefully you will be awarded mercy(heavens) as being greatest, highest nation.' - [Surah An Noor: 56, Surah Ale Imran, Ayah: 110,103] 'And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and violates His boundaries, he will enter him in hell. There he will be forever. And for that there is an abusive punishment ”(sura Nisa 1/14).


If mankind since 610AD follows directly supreme knowledge leader(Bai'at) Quran & Sunnah[Surah Ale Imran, Ayah: 110,103] or equivalent standard worships even calling also other Prophets but they will also be succeeded earning virtue for both perpetual heavens as well as being successful in grave(Barzak) life till Akhirat-hereafter trial day of judgement(Hashar Maydan) where it will award two rewards perpetual heavens(8) or hellfire(7) life as hereafter has two life though life of hereafter is started from death time either heavens standard happiness or hellfire standard punishment based on virtue. In fact, following Quran-Sunnah means now following and obeying automatically Allah with empowered Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) alongside all earlier empowered Prophets, even any book like Bibles&others incorporates the Quran Sunnah contents that is also treated as Quran Sunnah, [Al Quran, Surah Ale Imran, Ayah: 103]. Even final & last empowered Prophet Hazrat Mohammad(pbuh) informed that all earlier Prophets like Isa-Moses still alive now, they will also follow his guidance of worships under final holy book al Quran & Sunnah as there are no discriminations among them where all Prophets are responsible from Allah for specific time period with unity.[Both Quran & Hadith(knowledge guidances) adoption: Surah Ahzab 34 ] And accept what the Messenger(Mohammad) gives(his prescribed lessons with love & faith all Prophets having also highest honoured stage of Prophet Mohammad like Ibrahim A) you and refrain from what he forbids you being piousness-Mumeen. [Surah Hashar 7, Surah Ale Imran 31, Surah Nisa 65, 59, 80, Surah As-Saffat 180-182; Surah: Ash-Sharah, verse: 4, Bani Israel, verse: 79, Surah Baqarah, verse: 253, Surah Baqarah, verse: 285]. And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds. He is the representative of Allah: Allah Almighty says, 'O Muhammad, proclaim, O mankind, I am the Messenger(guide/teacher) of Allah Almighty to all of you(entire mankind since 610AD)', [(Surah A'raf: 158), Surah Al-Anbiya - Verse No. - 107].  He is a good example: It is said, "Surely there is a good example for you in the life of the Messenger of Allah" , (Surah Ahzab: 21). All earlier Prophets forecasted about final Prophet hazrat Mohammad's arrival guiding to follow his teaching for pietyness with instance bowing down on soil acknowledgement though it has been already also proven observing earlier holy contents of Scriptures like Tawrat-Injil, [Surah As-Saf: 6, Surah Araf-157, Surah Ali-Imran 113]. And indeed, among the People of the Scripture are those who believe in Allah and what was revealed to you and what was revealed to them, [being] humbly submissive to Allah. They do not exchange the verses of Allah for a small price. Those will have their reward with their Lord. Indeed, Allah is swift in account.[Surah Ali-Imran 199, 78, 85-86]. As Quran & Sunnah is the complete scripture stating full code of conduct of life guide elements where all earlier holy scriptures were part of the Syllabus of Din-religion(Islam) being treated as part the Quran-Sunnah that has been gradually fulfilled by Allah as he has the sovereign authority to amend the scriptures without any superior accountable being where all people entire mankind for this reason have to adopt the deficiencies by Quran-Sunnah lessons and earlier knowledged people accept acknowledging Quran Sunnah easily  for earning heavens' virtue including highest muttaki OliAwliya standard Taqwa with humbleness of heart, love, affection towards Allah-God. [Surah Baqarah-2, Sura maidah-3, Sura Imran 23,19, 31, Sura Bani Israel-107-111, Sura Baqarah-43, 48, sura Araf-40]. Quran must recite fully literally enactment without changing single word for virtue but it must be practiced with taking guidances, examples, advises, instructions complying also application of Hadith(Sunnah) as many verses are application of laws that are amendable contents based on era's demand under ''mature secularism(stakeholder must have vision on appropriate religion establishment also especially Spiritual worships instead of atheism)'' what has been already implemented within most countries including Muslims where styles of worships are non amendable content e.g. Fard fast is always in Ramadan month, performing Fard 30 fast in other months is Bidat. [Surah: Nahl, Verse: 89, Surah: Anam, Verse: 38].


In fact, applying laws of Quranic punishment sentences directly like death penalty for murder, stick beating for adultery, cutting hands for stealing was given only for considering the situation in the society of Ayamezahelia era, very cruel, anarchic, fanatic, barbaric, revenge society since even from Moses Torah Scripture era. For this reason, Allah also gave very strict sentence to control the society based on ear's situation e.g. Arab Mecca's  chief leader Abdul Muttalib was very good and piety person within them, he made promise to Allah Mannat sacrificing his son killing Qurbani for water management of a hole where killing people were very common practice for any nominal matter in revengeful society, Prophet Mohammad always award mercy tawbah sentence with educating them for development like only 2-3 stealing punishment execution despite this and home correction living under sahabas families. Later, Caliphate Rashidun Caliph started jail home  imprisonment with lesser sentences under mercy what has reached in current time development. For example, UNHCR-UDHR sentence measurement is appropriate standard of Quran-Sunnah based on modern era's human and societies' development under Quran and Prophet mostly practice mercy initiatives in every cases under Tawbah-repentance even during that time Ayamezahelia. Even Arab Iran have also developed their sentencing gradually society's development. Even most of countries death penalty are reduced gradually including abolishment under global  development complying Qur'an Sunnah-Hadith order of knowledge where there powerful lefts resigning like antisemitism Islamophobia shocking soft mind attacks due to high moral values; cruelness of current era's murderers aren't similar standard cruel like earlier era's murders. (Surah Al Imran: 159)


The time mentioned in Hadith is now treated as Brother Era(brotherhood avoiding revenge) meaning mankind will do wrong much again and again, show mercy with Tawbah-repentance as mankind is an  Ashraful Muklukat(highest modesty characteristics & wisdom).(Surah Jumar-5, Mumin-3, Hijar-49, Al Imran-138, muminun-118)(Sunan Abi Dawood Sahih Hadith 4807)


As a Doctor of the Church, the Catholic Church's greatest theologians and philosophers Saint Thomas Aquinas's Natural Law Theory contains four different types of law: (1) eternal law; (2) natural law; (3) human law; and (4) divine law. There are seven of these basic goods. They are: (1) life, (2) knowledge, (3) sociability or friendship, (4) role play(The Law of Role-playing: People tend to wear the mask that shows them in the best possible light. They hide their true personality), (5) aesthetic experience, (6) practical reasonableness, and (7) religion. The characteristics of natural law, in philosophy, system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society, or positive law. Law is an ordinance of reason because it must be reasonable or based in reason and not merely in the will of the legislator. Notable Jurist like Austin, Hart and Kelsen theory of law must be equitable-Insaf and reasonable or based in reasons that are similar under Islamic practices of Prophet Mohammad, Kiyaz, Ejma, other Prophets. A faqīh ( pl. : fuqahā, Arabic: فقيه; pl. : فقهاء ) is an Islamic jurist, an expert in fiqh, or Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic Law. Fiqh deals with the observance of rituals, morals and social legislation in Islam as well as economic and political system where currently British Barristers are now well recognised Faqih globally. For understanding for general people similey definted Bar at laws is similar texts degree for different different countries practice with different modified sentences, remedies for sect cultural nations laws rules like even same Quran Sunnah worships with rules for different different Mazhab sects for different different countries areas people of cultural mankind where Quran was enacted for 7 tribals for 7 languages treated all are Muslims. 


Numerous law rules regulations are needed for numerous offences and discipline , command and controls governance where few literal meaning sharia laws can't cover current all necessities under Statutory interpretation Rules. Civil & Criminal laws will be changed based on situation of society era to eras necessity where Quran has given highest degree of sentence with mercy Tawbah lower degree sentences as part of the training example for mankind over middle way soft kinds approaches. Allah says, learn knowledge from Quran and Prophet's Training Sunnah as an examples, idol, for further applications e.g. there are thousands, numerus offences, crime are now arisen like Cyber crimes, universe armouring offence, Airlines offences, etc . Common law contains Cases of Prophets' application of Cases on facts of Hadiths from Prophets including Mohammad & Salaf e Saleehin as well as current judicial judge made judgements for law enactment bodies like lawyer, experts, parliament. So Europe, USA, UK, UN laws are now amended Hadiths of laws for governance from Prophet Mohammad to Tawrat-Injil Hadiths examples of knowledge by Muslims&nonMuslims united teams. Prophets including Mohammad & Salaf e Saleehin laws for governance Hadiths and Quranic literal verses rules for some subject matters and amended some rules by Caliphate governance period and by current School of thoughts Sunni-Shia from these called mostly Islamic Sharia law termed firstly enacted statutes and later first amendment of rules where ''second amendment'' has arisen under equitable-Insaf  set of justified justified norms from those considering  circumstance, necessity grounds for boarder approach under ''secularism school of thought of Islam or reformed or secularism Sharia laws'' is used 99% world countries' current judicial system as currently evidences and witnesses are well developed with other modern investigative bodies that has done easier trial process for correction with reasonable sentences for modern era's circumstances having less sentences norm with rehabilitation supports(prison is treated rehabilitation centre like Caliph Omar R period of Jail) where Prophet to Caliphate Rashidin Sahabas period also awarded mostly mercy for correction, rehabilitation of offenders and they only awarded 4 or 9 offenders death penalty and hand cutting sentences within 53 years despite large number of offenders. 


Ethical principles, With the aim and objective of "letting ten guilty persons go free without one innocent person being punished", Lord Macaulay formed an Indian Law Commission in 1833 and drafted the "Penal Code". This is no more than the application of the equitable principle, and well-known aphorism, that "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done",  which in turn is related to the equitable maxims, "Equity sees that as done what ought to be done" and "Equity abhors a forfeiture". Magna Carta of 1215, clause 40 of which reads, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice." In 1617, upon being elevated to Lord Chancellor of England, Francis Bacon said that "Swift justice is the sweetest."[C] Another 17th-century version of the phrase is attributed to William Penn in the form "to delay Justice is Injustice". Martin Luther King Jr., used the phrase in the form "justice too long delayed is justice denied" in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail", smuggled out of prison in 1963, ascribing it to "one of our distinguished jurists". 


Many secondly amended( treated also Islamic  laws/Sharia laws ) by Muslims & nonMuslims united team currently recognized secularism laws are Intellectual Property Law, Treason(Arabic word Murtad) law, Environmental Law, Immigration Law, Family and Juvenile Law, Islamic Law, Labour Law, Civil Rights, Corporate Law, Criminal Law, Education Law, Tort Law, International Law Tax Law, Divorce Law, Property and Real Estate Law, Sports Law Patent Law, Media Law, Cyber Law, Merger and Acquisition Law Constitutional Law, Healthcare Law, Admiralty Law/Maritime Law European Law, Business and Commercial Law, Banking, Finance and Accounting Law, Bankruptcy Law, International Trade Law, Animal Law, Entertainment Law, Immigration Law, Military Law(included Coup Arabic word Murtad), Administrative Law, Amendment Law, Human Rights Law, Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Labour and Employment Law, UDHR, UNHCR, and so on. However, these laws don't destroy original verses of laws of Quran Sunnah rather these reformed laws have developed society with Era consistency under one of the Quran Sunnah norms where Quranic literal meaning original laws of sentences are just suspended  treated not Kufr(disbelief) but recitation of full Quran literally originally are Fard for virtue as part of the spiritual worships where one(institution/bodies) needs many supplementary books, guide books using Quran sunnah application in practical life including Hadith knowledge especially applying Sharia laws what is responsible to judiciary as an institution. For this reason, using reformed laws of governance by 99% countries aren't doing Kufr(disbelief) on Quran Sunnah norm due to non enforceability of Quranic literal laws sentencing of governance or judicial trials where verses not come from Allah of denial(disbelief) is treated Kufr(disbelief) sin under Islamic norm where spiritual worships(Iman, Salah, Fast, Zakat, Hajj, Khutnah, Aqigah, Jumah, Eid, Qurbani) rules, regulations, laws are mostly non changeable though slightly is allowed to reform based on fundamental principles. In short, naskh means abrogating and mansukh means abrogated. Naskh (نسخ) is an Arabic word usually translated as "abrogation". In tafsir, or Islamic legal exegesis, naskh recognizes that one rule might not always be suitable for every situation. And mansukh means An abrogated text or ruling is called mansūkh, and the text or ruling which abrogates it is called nāsikh. Therefore, entire mankind believe Quran is holy divine book from creator and Mohammad(pbuh) is messenger from creator despite not practicing full Quran Sunnah spiritual worships treated also one of the Iman-faithful generally average instead of absolutely(anti creator) Kufr-Kafir norm(anti creator) e.g. Arab countries, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, African many Muslim countries governance laws are different different despite Muslims treated both are full faithful Iman where near future gulf Arab countries with constitutional monarchy also will gradually follow governance, judicial laws like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Europe, UK, USA, Moroco, Malysia under era's reform treated reformed sharia laws as Gulf countries have huge wealth comparing its population where people aren't generally doing offences. Therefore, they don't need to apply literal or strict laws like cutting hands for stealing(5-7-10y or 20 years with fine damages), decapitation for murder(14-20-30 years to full life sentences for alive or hang for extreme offences like genocide-ethnic cleansing with mass murder), etc rather humanitarian sober norms will uphold Islamic dignity and honour across the world though strict laws won't reduce offense always, solutions or preventions will reduce offenses e.g. marriages reduce sexual offences where laws name can be ''Sharia laws'' that won't violate the Quran Sunnah jurisdictions being Taghut rather uphold Islamic honour & dignity on humanitarian grounds and era's consistency  modernization of reform as sentences will depend on every society's circumstances.  Sharia law quotes, the state enforces the law on its citizens with force, but as we know, there is no coercion in Islam (Baqarah 256, Kafirun 6, Ash-Shura 15, etc.)


Enactment comes from the verb enact, which has long been used to mean "establish as law." This legal terminology has "act" at its center, meaning both "to do" and "written proof of something that's been said, done, or agreed to set of justified jurisdiction." Legitimizing this kind of act as law is where enactment comes in. The Principle of Enactment implies it's fine to start change with baby steps; to try on new behaviors and test them out to see what works and what doesn't. It means bringing new ideas and behaviors into your way of being and doing.


Secularism means separation of religion from political, economic, social and cultural aspects of life, religion being treated as a purely personal matter seeking to conduct human affairs based on naturalistic considerations avoiding riot-chaos(Julm, Fetna Fasad) as 100% people aren't similar standard religious. It emphasized dissociation of the state from religion and full freedom to all religions and tolerance of all religions. Secularism a worldview or political principle safeguards freedom of religion or belief and ensures that the government does not favour any particular religion or impose religion on its citizens. In order to engage entire community, it interprets governance laws, rules with own morality, equitable  logically justified, liberalism compromising over absolute religious rules of knowledge under mature Secularism with Kiyaz norm under necessity Insaf grounds where ''governance'' is for all despite different religious faith of Sects of practice. Secularism norm is also one of the religious interpretational norms under Kiyaz Rule as mankind learns everything from religious rules, norms under Kiyaz for national, International Laws where development will experience gradually. But Head of the State led state religious bodies must try to develop religious appropriateness jointly with stakeholders taking initiatives like debate, preaching, financing with state assistance. [(Surah Nisa: 58, 113,135, 171) (Surah Maidah: 8), Surah Hud 24, Al-Baqara 18, 171, 256), (dire efforts for amendment one of the Jihad: Baqarah 2/193); Madinah Constitutional treaty]. Protecting Islam is Fard-mandatory in state having highest priority that is mostly comply freedom of religion. Due to being surrounded by enemy forces in the Battle of Khandak, the prayers of the Prophet (PBUH) and his Companions were interrupted several times. They perform that prayer running at night. [(Sahih Bukhari: 1/83; Sahih Muslim: 1/226), (Surah Nisa, verse: 103)]. Under numerous Jihad rules, Jihad the way it should be carried out that means preaching, counseling type initiatives sacrificing wealth of  knowledge giving Hedayah-lightened guidances; loving, taking care parents is also the best Jihad. Jihad isn't treated always armed battle dire effort war without counter attack of wars, (Surah Al Furqan 25:52) (Baqarah 2/193). Finally Quran-Sunnah with 103 holy religious books is the constitutional knowledge within written or unwritten constitution for mankind where Quran is the latest, complete, final and appropriate reformed holy divine book for entire mankind till Keyamat. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, Gabriel (A.S.) urged me so much about the rights of the neighbor that it seemed to me that the neighbor would be made a sharer of the inheritance. Allah Ta'ala said: "And do good to your parents, relatives, orphans, needy, near neighbors and distant neighbors ie. entire mankind." (Bukhari 6014)(Muslim 185, 183)(Musnad Abu Yala 2699, Musnad Ahmad 6566; Sura An-Nisa, verso: 36)


The religion of Islam with the Prophet (peace be upon him) and Islam with other Prophets is one where few Sunnah rules were different e.g. books, Rakat of Salah, quantity of Fast, etc.  Allah says, "He has prescribed for you the rules of religion which He commanded Noah and which We have sent down to you by revelation. And whom I have commanded Ibrahim, Musa, and Jesus peace be upon him. I ordered that you establish the religion and do not divide among yourselves in this matter. "O Muhammad! Say, O mankind, I have come as the Messenger of Allah to all of you.” “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men. But he is the messenger of Allah and the last prophet. And Allah is All-Knowing. [(Surah Ahzaab: 40),(Surah Shura: 13) (Surat al-Mu'minun: 51-52), (Surat al-Maida: 111)(Surat Yunus: 84)(Surat Baqarah: 131)(Namal: 44)(Surat al-Araf: 158)(Surat Saba: 28)(Surat Anbiya: 107)]


Earlier holy contents of Books, Ahle Kitab(Tawrat-Injil): BIBLES, Gospel of Buddha, others forecasted about Prophet Hazrat

Mohammad's arrival from creator with Quran with new,

updated, extended rules for mankind. Jesus said Jews-Christian

GOSPEL (JOHN 14:15-17), (JOHN 16:7), (JOHN 16:12-

14), MATTHEW 21:43; This prophecy has been fulfilled

In the person of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Founder of Islam. In the first place, he came

From among the descendants of Ismail (A.S.),

Israel's brother; Hence God's promise

Ishmael (as) on being fulfilled: “I am blessed

Him… and I will make of him a great nation.”

(GENESIS 17:20); 




JUJOVED 29/26, 30/37, KALKIPURAN-1/2/15-BIRTH OF

MUHAMMAD, KALKI ADATAR PROPHET PAGE 65-68- Prophet's conquest of Mecca, etc. A spiritual reformer will come from a foreign land (outside India) along with his disciples (companions). His name will be Muhammad (Muhammad). He will live in the desert. (Prophecy 3:5-8). 


Sikhism GURUGRANTH accepts Prophet Mohammad(SA-pbuh) including Musa-Moses(A-pbuh), Isa-Jesus(A-pbuh) and one, unique, invisible, almighty creator Allah calling different name WaheGuru. 


BUDDHISM - CHIKRABARTI SINGHARAJ SUKANTA D-119176, (SECRET BOOK STAY IN 35 VOLUMES 225 PAGE, 11 VOLUME 36 PAGE & 97 PAGE), Gospel of Buddha by Carus pg. 217 and 218, Sacred Books of the East volume 11 pg. 97 Maha-Parinibbana Sutta Chapter 5 verse 36, Gospel of Buddha by Carus pg. 214, GOSPEL OF BUDDHA 217-218 CHAPTER, ETC states "Prophecy of Gautama Buddha about the coming of Prophet Muhammad and Islam which Buddha Muhammad and he will adopt the distinctive concept as an enlightened religion called Islam. DDHA and Mr ANAS will also protect Prophet Muhammad from enemies like Mr Ananda, Prophet Muhammad will preach the complete code of conduct of life and all mankind. , Arabic 'mercy' for the creation, he will be sent to bless.[https://invitationtotruth.wordpress.com/2007/12/14/buddha-maitreya-prophet-muhammad/]


BIBLES of Confucius Books: Folk religion Confucius faith with Taoism-Shinto-Caodaism is also monotheistic religion like Buddhism like Tiyan,  Soul-Nafs(Nafs in Owahidatin), Lord of heaven, a supreme being of Arash that is indirectly creator Allah faith-Iman since hereditary ancestor David(Dawood-Suleman A) Hang Royal family religious practices being a follower of Baitul Mukaddas Mosque al Aksa reign under Abrahamic Torah, Injil, Zabur as Allah creates us from his Nafs in Owahidatin, Soul of Allah. Confucius, also known as Kong Qiu or K'ung Fu-tzu was a Chinese philosopher, teacher and political figure in (551—479 B.C.E.) who mostly learned from Prophet Jesus-Isa(A)'s philosophical guidances through his disciples over Torah(Tawrat), Injil holy books. Islam and Confucianism both believe self-examination is the key to understand morality(piousness) and achieve it(pious worships with good deeds -Taqwa). With moral, human beings will be guided in building a correct relation with others and with society. They are the basic understanding to help dealing with the relation with nature under Sufism phenomena.


JUDAISM following Bibles, Genesis 21:14, 20-21, Isaiah 60:2-8, (Isaiah 29:12), (4:157-158), Deuteronomy 33:2, The only likeness between Moses and Jesus was that both belonged to the Children of Israel&Prophet, like all other Israelite prophets such as Solomon, David, Isaiah, Daniel, Joshua, Zechariah, John and many others. Further, the well-known Deuteronomy 18:18, widely accepted as an unequivocal reference to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is further clarified by the following verse: “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19). Isa-Jesus & Moses are Jewish and they forecasted about Prophet Mohammad-Ahmed (Jerusalem Talmud Sukkah 55b, and Babylonian Talmud  Sukkah 52b).


It is noted Book of Ephesians Chapter. 5 V. 18, Bible-Book of

Isaiah chap-65 V. 2-5, Deuteronomy chap-14 V-8, Leviticus

chap 11 V. 7-8, etc mention Prophet hazrat Isa(A)-Jesus

orders don't eat pig and don't drink wine/alcohol stating

both are haram-illegitimate for Bani Israel that is a similar content of Quran Sunnah. Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) is the teacher: Allah Ta'ala says, 'I have sent to you a Messenger from among yourselves, who recites to you My verses and purifies your lives, teaches you the Book (Qur'an) and wisdom, and informs you of what you do not know. (Surah Baqarah: 151)


Current mankind all Bani Israel Baitul Mukaddas mosque al Aksa descendants where The Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (peace be upon him), Father of the Muslim Nations, bequeathed to his children: Do not die unless you are Muslims if you want to get Heaven avoiding Hells fire. (Surah al-Baqarah, 132); Same recommendation comes from all Prophets as well as known named RamKrisna, Bisshokarma, Narayon, Jagonnath Baba, Goutham Buddha,  Luknath Baba, Bama Kapa, Baijith Busthami, Bramma, Jesus, etc. Though Muslim standard practice has been going on from first human and Prophet Hazrt Adam (A) to last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad(pbuh) where all big Scriptures came into Prophet Ibrahim's descendants including last Prophet with Quran. What's why he is called Father of Muslim where he prayed to Allah to be officially recognised Islamic followers as a ''Muslim'' word to differentiate with perverted practices Mushrik, others. Worldwide percentage of adherents by religion as of 2020 within 8.1 Billion population 2024:

Christianity (31.1%), Islam (24.9%), Irreligion with positive atheists and agnostics worldwide-low faith about creator (15.6%), Hinduism (15.2%), Buddhism (6.6%), Folk religions (5.6%), Other religions (1%). There are an estimated 10,000/4200 distinct religions worldwide, though nearly all of them have regionally based, relatively small followings. World all of these religions(100%) are included Sunni Muslims and Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims' worshipping routes under Islam, the only religion in the earth where now 70% Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims and 30% Sunni Muslims including Ahmadiya-Shia where both groups can seek Jannatul Ferdaus heavens under this guidance of book Inshaallah having self restrain avoiding sins and earning virtue with worships though all(100%) are always freely fully welcomed into Sunni Muslim spiritual worshipping route under full Salfe Salehin Caliphate Rashedin(610-661AD) spiritual worshipping norm and furthers including Golden era of Muslims with educations, science & technology. 


As part of the interpretation, it is noted that guidance of the book has been rightly designed absolutely based on worshipping & religious cultural with cultural norms avoiding Bidat(Ultra Vires) e.g. if people perform regularly on same day World Ijtema(Bissho Ijtema), washing foot of sinful prisoners by Pope teaching humanity love mankind or celebrating Prophets & Imam Hasan-Hossain's birthday death anniversary with food distribution good deeds that will earn virtue but these aren't religious directly prescribed worshipping norm rather it is treated as religious cultural norms though people claim it as religious worships but it is not Bidat(sinful acts by the name of religions) where eating foods Coffee hanging out with friends in parks is a cultural norm though it has also piousness looking after, love, affection towards society, neighbour as well as taking rest but distributing foods poor people on every Friday in Parks is treated as religious cultural, [Surah At-Tawba 112, 115]. Prophet said, who has enacted something good in religion, he has done good pious act and who has done sinful Bidat, he will also get part of the sin of Bidat, [Hadith, Surah An Nisa-85, sura Al-An'am 160]. Mankind must follow both Quran and Hadith(Sunnah) like Prophet teaching during spiritual worships where Hadith(Sunnah) have less obligatory norms on issues like application of rule of law, future forecasts, etc as well as many Hadiths(Sunnah) can be also reformed complying fundamental principles of Quran-Sunnah based on circumstances, situational consistency necessity to era to era till Kiyamat under Ejma-Kiyas norm e.g. current democratic system with enactment of man made liberal laws, mandatory Tarabi Salah, forming charitable organizations like orphan homes, NGO, WHO, etc.


Some of Judaism's own made faith by the name of Tawrat scripture on Masih Dajjal(Bidat-Ultra Vires awarded hellfire) as a sacred Christ Mashiah who will come during the time for mankind's mercy & salvation under full Quran and Hadith(Sunnah) standard that is Prophet Isa(A) Jesus Masih with miracle power instead of devil Dajjal deceit Masih though Dajjal will impersonate as a sacred Jesus IsaA Masih where most of the people including Jews will be perverted leaving Islamic worships during that time. So Judaism now must amend the faith regarding Dajjal adopting correct Masiah Isa A Jesus during that time. Using idols, pictures for worships is also own made norm treated as Bidat-Ultra Vires awarded hellfire under Shirk-Kufr rules as most of the Ahle earlier holy books Kitabs are written,  preserved wrongly despite some appropriateness norms. Therefore, appropriate reform must bring amending Ahle kitabs anyway soon. It is noted that Haikal e Suleimani was a Salah-prayer mosque that was recognised as Unani-Suriani Hebrew word Temple, even mosque al Aqsa also was destroyed several times. Building another mosque nearer to al Aqsa is sinful in Islam as both Muslims&Ahle kitab Muslims including identity of Jews will pray Salah unitedly Jamayat under Quran-Sunnah where entire areas like Saudi Arabia to Jerusalem, Sam area, Palestine, Jerusalem, Israel are blessed, (Surah Al Isra 1, 20). People who don't have faith on Isa-Jesus Mashiah&Mohammad under Quran-Sunnah will be affected by Dajjal including perverted practiced Muslims during that time. Even messenger Isa-Jesus reformed Jews Baniisrael's worships in mosque al Aqsa. It is noted that Red cow(Nafs Qurbani-sacrifice method) means simile British Anglican Christian styles of Sufism worships for entire non Muslims(Baniisrael) being Oli Awliya-Saint with lessons treated Mashiah Salvador under Quran,Taurat-Injil having Isa-Jesus Mashish in faith of arrival future. According to mythological doctrine of interpretation and investigation, Lessons simile personality of Sufism directs as Qurbani Ash means non-greediness sacrificing devil soul acts of life remembering God and Burning Bone means burning devil strength of sinful mind and life for purifications that will coronate the Furqan what is right or wrong grasping to own mind with inner lab of mind that is treated ''Red Cow Qurbani sacrifice for justice, righteousness method for young busy working life grounds'' ''highly devoted surrender to Allah with remembrance & fearness treated as strength strategical part of full text of worshipping'' escaping absolute worshipping rules under Sufism ideology(Liberal-middle way approach Ohi-lesson called 'Water' during Jesus-Isa A and The Red Cow is now transformed as simile Kaaba Black cloth cover Black Cow treated Surah Baqarah means The Cow) treated Quran Sufism lessons of appropriateness by more Allah reliance with fearness Tawqa instead strict rules like Christian Priest's black dress means humanity with Sufism humbleness under QuranSunnah treated Jesus Isa(A) duty unitedly with Muslims as a director for entire mankind. Red Cow simile Yellow Cow of Surah Baqarah presented by scholar Christs in holy book for simile direction of reformed name of numerous code guidances characteristics for nation. [(Surah Al Baqarah 259), Surah Al Anam 162,130,126, Baqarah-67-73, 143, Isra 7-8, Maida 3, Al Imran 19,23,187, Quran-Hadith, Elham direction(Surah Jinn 23-28)(Sura Maida 12)(Sura Saffat: verse 100) (Surah Ale Imran 38, Ibrahim 37)(Surah: Baqarah, verse: 127, 129)(Nisa 82-83, Rad 11)] "Admonish, for admonition benefits the believers" (Az-Zariat: 55).O children of Adam, have I not commanded you? Do not worship the devil, surely he is your open enemy and worship Me, that is the straight path. (Surah Yasin verses 60-61, Al-Fatiha verses 6-7).Surely this Qur'an guides to that which is easiest and gives glad tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds, surely for them is a great reward( Surah Al-Isra, 17/9. Surah Al-Imran, 3/101). Show us the straight path. The path of those on whom You have favored, on whom Your wrath has not fallen and who are not astray. Al-Fatiha, 1/6-7Then those who believe in Allah and hold fast to Him, He will certainly admit them to mercy and grace from Him and guide them to Him. (Surah An-Nisa, 4/175,Al-Hajj, 22/54)Allah says, And surely We guide only those who obey Allah and the Messenger, then they will be with those upon whom Allah has bestowed favor, (they are) from among the prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the righteous; And how good they are as companions! That is Allah's grace and Allah's knowledge is sufficient. An-Nisa, 4/68-70; Doing righteousness something with bona fide intention efforts despite remained less capabilities is also treated righteousness pious personality.(Al-Mulk verse 22, An-Nahl, 16/76)(Surah At Tawbah 108)[Sahih Hadith Mishkatul Masabih 247, Abu Dawood 4291]


And indeed, Jesus-Isa(A) will be [a sign for] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me. This is a straight path.[ Surah Az-Zukhruf 61-64][Jesus said], "And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path."And Allah will teach him writing and wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel, [Surah Maryam 36]

That was a community(ancient prophets' followers or deniers) that had already gone before. For them is what they earned and for you is what you have earned. And you will not be accountable(trial) for what they have done(610AD to Kyamat time period ordinances i.e. only two routes of worships).[Surah Baqarah 141][Surah al Imran 48-64,44, 41-43](Surah Fatir: 43)O believers! If you surrender to a group of those who were given part of the Book, they will turn you away from faith to disbelief and preaching inspiring honest deeds, prohibition of wrongful acts will sacred one.[Surah al Imran 92, 93, 95, 85, 102, 103, 104, 109, 113-114]


People of the world will be sacred blessed doing creator's worships avoiding Shirk Kufr grievous sins that will bring happiness, prosperity in the world with hereafter heavens where once they will be perverted reduced earth's lifespan based on creator's preplanned divine empire chronological process where deceit Mshiah Mr Dajjjal's Fetnah Fasad dire wrong done sins offences consequences will experience within mankind and Jinn nations, later righteousness leaders(Imam Mahdi) like final Imam Mr Mahdi bin Abdullah and Hazrat Jesus Isa(A) will come as Mishiah to overcome the circumstances. Even rightness anyone will receive Elham direction from Allah before Kiyamat like Oli Saint Christ Maryam despite not Prophet like Prophet Zakaria(A), [Surah al Imran 41-43](Surah Fatir: 43).These are the signs of Allah that we recite to you, O Prophet. And Allah does not want any injustice towards His creation.[Surah al Imran 159, 108, 102]


"Allah does not change the state of a nation until they change their own state". (Surah Ra'd: 11) As the inner condition of people changes, Allah changes their outer condition. When people improve their inner condition, Allah also improves their outer condition. Entire mankind's(Muslims&Ahle Kitab Muslims) united common congregational 2 rakahs Nafl Salah prayer will be launched under full Muslim style Imam for sacredness as well as individuals prayer from traveling from distance areas as well as donation for goodwill charitable trust for research of knowledge, preaching named ''World Abrahamic Alliance Trust''. Dajjal Mukti Dua prayer Meaning: O Allah, I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave, the punishment of Hell, the trial of life and death and the trial of the Dajjal. Asked to memorize the first 10 verses of Surah Kahf. (Bukhari, Hadith: 1377)"Surely the patient will be fully rewarded." (Surah Jumar: 10)Acquiring correct knowledge of religion is the only way to get rid of fitnah. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Allah gives knowledge of religion to whom He wills."(Surah Baqarah), As for those who later repent and correct their ways, then surely Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.(Surah Al Imran 89) "So preach widely what you have been commanded(two routes) and turn away from the polytheists." (Surah Hijr, 95); Allah Ta'ala says, "Invite yourselves to the way of your Lord, with wisdom and good advice." (Sura-16 Nahl, verse: 125, Baqarah 255, 185, 143, Hajj 78, Al Imran 110, Al Inshikak 6, Bayinah 8, Najm 39).


Meaning: Abraham prays, O my Lord! Make this city a safe city, and provide sustenance from its fruits to those among its inhabitants who believe in Allah and the Hereafter.... (Surah: Baqarah, verse: 126)(Surah: Ibrahim, Verses: 35-38)(Surah: Ibrahim, Verses: 40-41)(Surah: Baqarah, verses: 127, 125) (Surah: Hajj, verses: 26-29, 78). His name is mentioned 69 times in 25 Surahs in the Holy Quran. Almighty Allah tested Ibrahim (AS) in 30 incidents. There are 10 incidents in Surah Tawba, 10 in Ahzab and 10 in Muminun.


It is noted ''Spiritual 5 pillar of worships like Iman, Salah, Zakat, Fast, Hajj, Khutbah, Juma, Eid, Qurbani, Halal-Haram, circumcision-khutnah, funeral, good deeds, 'Fard Sunnah Nafl'' are almost similar and common within entire mankind sects till Kiyamat, there will not be any religious chaos or wars and difficulties but numerous unjust (chaos, riot, revolution, war, anarchy, deceit)( Fetnah, Fasad, perverted stray), difficulties will be arisen entire mankind's sects Ummat(both Muslims&Ahle Kitab Muslims) before Kiyamat for political, governance power and economic dire rivalness including 73 groups political parties and shortcoming management consequences natural disasters, pandemic, earthquake, hunger, famine, wildfire, knowledge lapse since Prophet hazrat Mohammad's death including 4 Sahaba Caliph assassination what Imam Mahdi and Jesus will resolve cutting persecuted stray taxation Ziziyah. Simile phrase '' people of entire mankind will pray at same line(Qatar) in spiritual worshipping places with brotherhood unity though they will righteousness , just lawful fight, differentiate, protest, agitation, dispute, debate, movement, revolution for political governance development, peace, justice and rights in the political field''. [Kiyamat forecast Sahih Hadiths, Quran] 


Muslims are responsible to establish Quran and Sunnah within entire mankind under their duty and right to interpret this appropriately to entire mankind that is treated highest priority to believe to people where Muslim can preach full standard of the lessons and  suitable less standard of the lessons for others weak worshippers like newly Muslims or Ahle Kitab followers. Secondly general initially people will believe also Ahle Kitab Aleem scholars as secondary priority taking into account the trust faith-Iman of worshipping following the Imam-leader but later all Imam will be full practicing Muslim despite training Qasr worships as well as different different expert opinion Kiyaz for groups of students-followers e.g. some Imam suggest Sha e Bharat, some suggest ignorance Shab E Bharat, some will suggest touching Alcohol sinful, some suggest less ingredient Alcohol halal with Tawbah, etc but all are Muslim confession despite even own Sect identity that will sustain Iman-faith towards time period worships Quran-Sunnah lessons despite less practice where religious scholars are equal dignity and honour e.g. Qasr or full Imam can be even without beard with wearing Shirt Genji Pant like Malaysia-Egypt Mosque Imam alongside beard Punjabi Sunnah Imam, even if Imam is doing wrong in Salah, worshippers prayers will be valid including less worships practicing Imam e.g. ongoing religious scholars will continue their jobs just memorizing 3-5 Surah or few worshipping rules or guide reading books directly without any hesitation and disrespect rather they will be higher virtueable and honoured developing their worships with Quran Sunnah.  Finally, people will individually examine the knowledge of guidances learning self knowledge.(Surah An Najm 23-30, 1-10, 17-18, 11-16)(Surah Al Imran 199-200); Scholars can be gradually perverted(Jalim) but Kitab holy knowledge won't be perverted(Jalim) where it can be cured any time examining its truth, false consequences in research lab where Quran Sunnah is the supreme knowledge holy divine guidances,(Surah Baqarah 124,253, Al Maida 48, Nisa 94,83,87,164, As Shura 51, An Nahl-105, 76, Hujrat 6, 12, AtTwbah 119, 128)(Surah Kaf 27, Baqarah 76, 36, Tawbah 6, Ahzab 104). Oli Awliya, AleemUlama, scholars are treated Nayabe Rassul, Shadow messenger, Orasatul Ambia, some one treated Angel standard by desire of Allah. (Surah (5) Maida: 12, 14-15 verses)


Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger(Imam Mahdi/righteousness leader). And when We intend to destroy a city, We command its affluent(WISE&WEALTHY) but they defiantly disobey therein; so the word comes into effect upon it, and We destroy it with [complete] destruction. And how many have We destroyed from the generations after Noah. And sufficient is your Lord, concerning the sins of His servants, as Acquainted and Seeing. Entire nonMuslims are Baniisrael nations based on Scriptures  following, so they have to practice Quran Sunnah worships avoiding Allah's curse [Surah Al Isra(Baniisrael) 15-17, AtTawbah-115]

Your Lord is not unjust to His servants. ’ - (Surah Hamim Sijda: 46)


The believers(Mumin) are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts become fearful(Taqwa), and when His verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely(Taqwah) - (Surah Al-Anfal 2, Surah Ar-Rad: 28, Surah Muhammad 17, Surah Fath 4)(Surah Baqarah 177, 201, 3, 285)(Surah Nisa 136, Hajj 41, Al Maida 9)(Al Imran 57, 179)


Who believe in the unseen(Gayeb), establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them, (Surah Baqarah 3, Mulk 12); Oath of time! Surely people are at a loss; But not those who believe, do good deeds, advise one another to the truth and advise patience treated caring mankind including atheist like Doctor & patients through Quran Sunnah worships, guidance, knowledge.' (Surah-103 Asr, verses: 1-3)

What are Jews according to Islam?

Muslims commonly refer to Jews and Christians(including fellow Sects of Hinduism &Buddhism, etc) treated as Baniisrael as fellow "People of the Book": people who follow the same general teachings(now Quran-Sunnah) in relation to the worship of the one God worshipped by Abraham. And many Baniisrael across the world are now Muslims where Jerusalem promised land for Baniisrael is now for all Muslims and nonMuslims what has created brotherhood within mankind. Brotherhood will resolve and overcome all Fitna Fasad chaos, war, riot, difficulties of Qayamat symptoms forecast till Jesus Isa(A).


Righteousness(piousness) is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the piety(Muttaki-Mumeen Taqwa) awarded heavens. [Surab Baqara 177, (Surah al-Ambia, verse 107) Surah al-Araf, verse 158 (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 285), Surah Al-Hadid: 12, Surah Al-Ambia: 103]. Almighty Allah says, "Know! There is no fear, nor shall they be troubled, of the friends(Oli-Awliya) of Allah, who believe(Mumin-Iman) and practice piety(Taqwa: worships&good deeds)) including Quran research, recitation, good governance running, serving mankind-creatures, donation, Tawbha repentance & patience soberness, etc refrained from evil deeds having creator's hellfire fearness.” [Surah Yunus: 62-63, Surah Al-Mu'minun 1-12 , Surah An-Nazi'at, Verses 40-41 ].This is the Book-Quran about which there is no doubt, a guidance(Hidayah light piety) for those conscious(Mumin- believer) of Allah. [Surah Baqarah- 2 ]


It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, "If you give thanks(praising creator Allah), I will certainly increase you(wealth&virtue)." And if you are ungrateful, then remember, My punishment is severe.' (Surah: Ibrahim, verse: 7) always say Bismillah for good acts, In the Name of Allah (SWT) the Merciful, the Compassionate or [ ﷽ ] Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem or Bismillahir (Arabic: 'بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ) is an Arabic phrase meaning "in the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. In the Holy Qur'an, Almighty Allah stated, 'And if the inhabitants of the towns had believed and adopted piety, I would have opened upon them blessings(wealth&virtue) from the heavens and the earth; But they refused. Then I seized them because of what they used to achieve.' (Surah: Araf, verse: 96). "Surely Allah is the Sustainer and the Mighty and the Mighty." - Surah Az-Zariat: 58


Allah will test mankind both surrendered people and non surrendered people towards him where he sometimes gives huge wealth even non piety persons. So there are no criteria judging people piety or not based on assets or vulnerable-ness. It has been said, 'The disbelievers have been driven mad over the worldly life(ignoring virtue for hereafter). And they laugh at the righteous. On the other hand, those who are righteous will be in a higher position on the Day of Judgment than the disbelievers. And Allah gives unlimited sustenance to whomever He wills', - [Surah Al Baqarah: 212]. And We will surely test you(pious, non-pious both) with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, [Surah Al-Baqarah-155,  Surah Bani Israel verse 30]. He selects for His mercy(friend) whom He wills. And Allah is the possessor of great bounty. [Al Imran 74]


 O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination, [Surah Luqman 17]. In this context, it is said in verse 110 of Surah Al-I-Imran of the Holy Qur'an, "You are the best group, you have risen for the sake of mankind." Enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah. It is said in verse 104 of the same Surah, 'There should be a group among you who call (people) to what is right and forbid what is wrong, And these people will be successful.

 Believers! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and see that you do not die save in the state of submission((Muslim-Mumin-Muttaki-OliAwliya such as Quran mentions Muslim(5), Mumin (30), Muttaki(45) further superior 15 and Tasawwuf muhsinin-Oli Awliya(50) further superior 5 total 50 good characters Taqwa-piousness within different different verses of Sura-chapters comparing small pious Oli with highest pious Oli)) to Allah. Say, "Allah has told the truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, inclining toward truth(hold Muslim phenomena through above two routes); and he was not of the polytheists", (Surah Al Imran 3:102, 95, Surah Nisa 131, Sura Mayeda 55)(Surah Al Fath 1-5,4). And hold firmly to the rope(follow creator's guidance sincerely) of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you(entire mankind children of Abraham-Ibrahim A) became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided(3:103). [O Muhammad], inform My servants that it is I who am the Forgiving, the Merciful. [Surah Al Hijr-49, Surah Nahl -18, Surah Maidah -98,74,39, Surah Al Imran-31, Surah Furqan-70]


It is noted that Wali is an Arabic word meaning guardian, custodian, protector, advisor or helper, ancestor's legacy. In English, it most often means a Muslim saint or holy person. It has sometimes been extended to mean the tomb or shrine of such a man. Wali or WALI may also refer to: Wali (Islamic legal guardian). Wali plural word Awliya' is an Arabic word that refers to those who are obedient to Allah and perform good deeds to bring themselves closer to Him. 







[Nasiyat-Ekamat('Islamic Call of Sufism' slightly different from full text style like Ekamat to Azan) for entire mankind(Muslims & Ahle Kitab Muslims by full text & less text piousness worshipping based on voluntary capacity) from full faith Muslim of follower of prophet hzarat Mohammad(pbuh)&his guidance Quran-Sunnah(Supreme knowledge guide book). It is noted that Imam-faith on Ahle Kitab Muslims has been established under Fard e Kifaya favour all nonMuslims by written book though it was completed by Pope led Priests & Prince led Muftis Imam, now they will just practice Quran & Sunnahs((Prophet Mohammad's guidances,  Sahabas Ali-Belal-Fatema-Marium-King Negus-Hatem Tai -Abu Bakr -Osman -Omar (R) & other Prophets' spiritual life styles norms like Isa-Ibrahim A (that is Tawrat-Injil norm) as well as their follower Imams, scholars' guidances)) with bringing individual faith on it earning virtue.]



 [Preacher's Guidance: Every Muslim must preach even what he knows single word/sentence of Islam as a religious teacher under religious duty as Muslims are bound to learn Quran-Sunnah where writer has preached both routes Muslim for Muslims and nonMuslims as well as an alternative route for only nonMuslims with research guidances including my books. Religious scholars here have jurisdiction where Muslim scholars can preach both routes to nonMuslims and Sunni nonMuslims scholars(Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims) will preach only alternative route(Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims) to only nonMuslims sects like Christians, Jews, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Santo, Confuciusm, Mandai, etc instead of Muslims(Shia-Sunni) that is appropriate norm- Akkidhah of preaching religions for piousness under religious preaching duty but working as a professional experts like professor, guide as part of the professional jobs that is different issue as anyone can do any job under free job market under legal jobs' rules with code of conducts e.g. many nonMuslim professors are working in Islamic universities as part of the proper professional expertise standard like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oxbridge, Harvard, etc(British Christians were the principal of Islamic school Madrasa with Islamic knowledge) under mature secularism like Prophet Mohammad's appointment sect chief governor, generals, govt. administrations by nonMuslims including Jews, polytheist, Christians with constitutional obedientness.  I am mostly Sunni with Ahle Hadith-Quran phenomena spiritual worshipping(with UN endorsed man made state laws with Ahle Hadith-Quran Ijtihād norms instead of literal Sharia laws as democratic global citizen phenomena) faithful practiced Muslim professionally writer, lawyer, legal advisor, researcher(200 Journal Articles alongside two books on numerous issues since 2016), educationist instead of religious scholar(Imam, Saint, Pope, Moong) but a preacher(interpreter/member of pressure groups being Muslim arised locus standi) for earning virtue as a Muslim, religious teacher by born like all other Muslims though I have expressed my personal piousness in my book like Wali standard(Angel standard sacredness due to receiving Elham guidances under Hadith reference with Islamic philosophical word;Tafseer Ibn Kasir: 3/53, Bayhaqi, Shuabul Iman: 1/174) to make understand the reader of general people that is only my personal virtue with my spiritual benefits from an almighty creator Allah but any person prays for others ie. different issue where parents, a poor, an orphan's pray is highly recognised to Allah like also Musafir((devoted only for hereafter)(the religious traveler Sufi, Saint, Pope, Pir-Fakir, Sufi-Wali Awliya-Darbash, Imam, Priest, Sufi, etc)) where I like doctor am mostly praying for entire mankind's hedayet-lightening guidance surrendering towards Allah with appropriateness(QuranSunnah) as my guidances will assist mankind where every person must expect Jannatul Ferdous, first heaven from Allah being earning highest Wali-Oli(Caretaker/ Guardian) holy piousness virtue doing more worships with Nafl, May Allah also grant us peaceful and prosperous mankind nation alongside Jinn nations where I am giving Baiat entire mankind including worldwide 20 millions Sufi Imam-trainers and Jinn nations that will be enforced through reading book and preaching automatically where I am personally confession of 'Baiat of an almighty Allah, Prophet Mohammad led all other prophets, Angels, Quran Sunnah and its practices knowledge since Prophet life to Caliphate Rashidun to contemporary time and further eras' reforms based on fundamental principles of Islam' called Arabic word norm of Sunni(appropriateness ways) but I am not suggesting to only join ongoing Sunni Sect party rather also advising to form your own parties Sect by any name as I am teaching only Sunni(appropriate route of ways) text of lessons for entire mankind like UN instead of any party and it isn't binding on anyone rather free own decision, free choice but it will be enforceable within bindingness after consensus within people & scholars, member states. Even both Muslim and Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims scholars can receive donation from people as part of the labour effort under professionalism like Imam, Pope, Monk, Saint, Sufi, Prarohit, etc as a person's labor is worth a lot in the world skills market under current time where I am not taking any donation(Hadiyah/Salary) over my preaching as I am not a general religious scholar rather professionally a legal expert as well as a reformist social activist(like Raja RamMohan Roy, Essharchandra Bidyasagar, Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, Hanbali, Abd al-Wahhab, Nelson Mandela, Martin Lothar king) being earthly  founding Imam(Advisor/preacher/Peacekeeper/ Peace Campaigner)-father of Prithibian nation, united single country World-Prithibi though Ibrahim(A) is the religiously founding father of Muslims' nation. ]



[https://www.academia.edu/106695265/Kitab_al_Ejm_Ummat&nav_from=a29f6769-971b-4950-b230-16eab3bded53&rw_pos=0][https://www.academia.edu/106694017/Creators_Guidance_for_Mankind_2023] [https://shariftrue.blogspot.com/2024/03/the-right-thinking-24-universal.html]



     Specimen Picture: Worshipping homes called Churches(waiting for Isa-A truth Mashih) will be sacred like this for Sunni Ahle Kitab Muslims like Muslim Mosque standard calligraphy without Shirk-Kufr idols, pictures though mosque is a common place with equal rights for all Muslims worshippers but it needs to be proper management with styles, number of worships people(Shia-Sunni, etc) avoiding chaos(Fetna-Fasad), undisciplineness for peace.





                     Picture : Quran-Sunnah led (Quran, Tawrat-Injil & many Sunnah);  'Muslims', and 'Non Muslims called Ahle Kitab being appropriate Ahle Kitab Muslim' both will follow Quran-Sunnah for pietyness Inshallah above mentioned ways'' treated as protected with salvation like Mr. Noah Nuh(A). Note: Sunni Salafi Saudi Arabia Muslims will lead Kaaba Cabla Mecca with two holy mosques of Madinah- Akqsa and Spiritual worships of Quran sunnah for Muslims due to their appropriateness with others countries' Sects where Europe USA nonMuslims joint scholars' team including Muslim scholar assistor will enact spiritual worships for nonMuslims called appropriate Ahle Kitab Muslims' Sects based on their necessity like Pope, Canterbury, Iskcon, Reverend Father, Patron Saint Judaism, Buddha Monks consensus to avoid ''dire shortcoming like 'Shirk-Kufr being not prima facie guilty Infidel Kafir being at least minimum Muslim Spiritual worshipping route adaption accordance holy Scriptures guidances'' what I have already done an example of text of book as a voluntary reformist Muslim writer and governance has been going on under UN leadership as usual until further consensus any new reform. ''A tree is known by its fruit'' Though two have difference on standard of faith-Iman though Quran, Taurat-Injil route is lower virtue Iman-faithful route but strategic elemental practice will grow more virtue than enough facilities heaven to lead 75% large world population purification adaption Inshallah . ''


         [ Hazrat Isa(A) Era since 2021

: The Book like Bible(Sahifa) enacted in 2021 dedicating entire mankind especially for entire nonMuslims treated as Isa era that is worshipping through full, Qasr equivalents, small Muslims’ routes with one unique almighty creator faithful for virtue earning under common fundamental holy Quran Sunnah for entire mankind norm]


                                            [Voluntary Advisor for mankind, 'RSSS-Sharif Righteousness Salvation Solution' according to Quran-Sunnah, Holy books, Angels, Prophets & Allah under Kiyaz].  (msharifislamlawyer@gmail.com)




''One United UN Prithibi Country with Universe'' Simile Picture:  Enter mankind's guidance with common interest for getting reward hereafter heavens with earthly blessings Green colour sign and Red sign colour hard efforts with own soul for performance(Full-Qasr) learning from  Guide/trainers/Imam/leader/Murshid/Mashiah/PirFakir/Saint/ Cardinal/Pope/AleemUlama/Mentor//Baron Baroness/Rabbi/Priest/Acharjo Purohit/Buddha/books/Experts/Authorities/etc/oneself.