Tuesday 10 September 2024

বাংলাদেশ বন্ধনা ?


                   বাংলাদেশ বন্ধনা 

বাংলাদেশ বাংলাদেশ, আমার প্রাণের বাংলাদেশ 
বাংলাদেশ বাংলাদেশ, আমার ভালোবাসার বাংলাদেশ। 
জনগোষ্ঠীর চির অসীম কৃতজ্ঞতা 
সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির 
হে মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা 
কি যে ভালোবাসার দয়ার মায়ার সাগরে ভাসিয়েছো আমাদের 
হে মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা 
কত যে ভালোবাসি তোমায়, হে বাংলাদেশ 
এগিয়ে চল দেশ মাগো তুমি বিশ্ববাসীর সেবায় 
বিশ্ববাসীর চির স্নেহ পরম ভালোবাসায়, দেশ মাগো তুমি 
 সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির।  

 ''এই জনগোষ্ঠীর এখন থেকে ৫ হাজার বছরের সংগ্রাম, উৎপাদন, জলবায়ু পরিবেশ মোকাবেলা, সঠিক উপাসনা,  স্বাধীনতা, যুদ্ধ, বিদ্রোহ, আন্দোলন, বিপ্লব, বিশ্ব শান্তি মিশন ও অর্থনৈতিক সমবায় ক্ষুদ্র ঋণ, সুশাসন, গৌরবময় বিশ্ব গ্রহণযোগ্যতা ও সমর্থন মাথা উঁচু ইতিহাস স্মরণ ও মহান সর্বশক্তিমান সৃষ্টিকর্তা কৃতজ্ঞতা প্রকাশ  এবং সদা সর্বদা জাগ্রত চির উন্নত মম শির অথাৎ মাথা উঁচু গৌরব অব্যাহত রাখার প্রত্যাশা বন্ধনা প্রার্থনা যা জাতীয় ঐক্য''। 

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Advise on learning languages like English for School and College's students for scoring higher in higher education.


      Advise on learning languages like English for School and College's students for scoring higher in higher education.  

Learning more languages express people's dynamic skill where English is vital one as most of the people's sects understand it exchanging views as a communication method. Therefore, students must try to practice learning at least international language English from one to twelve class complying IELTS methodology such as application of language like Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing. If students practice English IELTS standard within 10 years during academic school, college background that will fulfill the lacking during university academic life as well as scoring higher easier on English language tests like IELTS, TOEFL, Pearson test with saving time and even most of the books of higher education are English across the world including online research contents, books. Languages are always express people's views, understanding, thinking where arts is also try to express similar thing.  
ART : paragraph 
Art is a creative work of human being. A person can express his caliber being an artist, and creating valuable on different subjects for society which will reflect positive messages in whole 
World indicates prosperity for human being .There are various types of art such as drawing, painting, photography, performance of art, dance ,music, poetry and theatre. 

On the other hand, the type of art are divided various ways such as plastics arts, performing arts, pure arts, and practical arts and so on .The plastics arts is a art , where something beautiful is 
made or appealing to the emotions by visual means i.e. drawing , painting ,printmaking, sculpture and etc. Besides, literature is a significant plastics art such as poetry and creative 

In addition, where something is done by humans action, it is defined as performance of arts i.e. drama, dance, acting, singing, music etc. Furthermore, practical arts are recognized as done for a practical purpose such as cooking, video games, fashion, filming, photography, architecture etc. However, history of art is very vibrant and dynamic. Since long era, Art is recognized in world. The Upper Paleolithic era is recognized as cave painting, sculpture, and rocking. All of the great civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome or Arabia had works and different styles of art .In the Middle Ages, most of the art in Europe showed people from Bible in painting, stained glass windows, and mosaic tile floors and walls. Gradually changing civilization, Artists have been creating arts on different matters such as religious, culture, war and etc. Therefore, there is both negative and positive impact of art in the world. 

One of the positive side is economic that reflects the society nowadays because people are now 
taking art is as profession. For example, Leonardo Vinci created Mona Lisa; still it is having excellent business market all over the World. 

On the other hand, strong message for world is the another positive side .For example, Shilpacharjo Gounul Abedin , a prominent Artist of Bangladesh , created few arts on famine of 
Bangladesh and massacre and genocide of Bangladesh liberation war ,which reflected all over the world , and the International society got opportunity to know  about these issues. 

However, there are also some negative impacts of creating art). For example, recently in France, a artist had created a art on prophet Mohammad (PBUH) picture which is totally 
prohibited according to Islam. For this reasons the whole Muslims world protested this art and against artist, where artist created it to humiliate intentionally Islam and Prophet. 

Finally , it can say a art always express a person’s caliber but  if it is created with good intention to do better for society , it will make the world beautiful .So we should create art to make  the 
world beautiful . 

                  ''Students, Write even everyday on any issue' as Bangladeshi manpower will work in international markets competing with international standard meeting up the challenges for 2050 migrating abroad including citizenship with trillion remittance like 15 million for India, 15 million for China, 15 million for Europe-USA, 10 million for Middle East-Korea-Malaysia Singapore-Thailand,  7 million for Russia,  5 million for Africa, 5 million for Afghanistan-Iran-Turkistan-Turkmenistan -Krisgijtasn-Uzbekistan, 1million for North Korea, 10 million Canada-Australia-New Zealand, 60 million for Myanmar on numerous skills areas medical doctors, nursing, agricultures, Vocational areas like Gingira like electrical -mobile AC Fans Cars mechanicals, constructions, garments, consultancy, teaching(unlimited areas like President to swiper post trainers), business, lawyer, beauty parlors with also Laser & marriage event-contact Gatak managements, restaurants Chef, climate&environment, managerial HR, Religious trainers, Media & Artists cultural like Drama, Security, and so on as well as Bangladesh has to build numerous universities, Colleges, Vocational Diploma Grammar Schools as Iran has built 2200 universities for half of population of Bangladesh where Bangladesh has only 170 universities with few Degree colleges. '' 
As world challenges, migrants and receiver countries must be prepared opening door for world population management.